Documentation for Administrators


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The Categories screen is used to set up the categories of fees for student billing. Categories can be set up for the district as a whole or for individual schools.

Adding a New Category

1. In the Billing menu, click Categories.

Categories - Google Chrome

2. In the blank row next to the plus sign, enter the Category Title.

Categories - Google Chrome

3. If the category will be available to all schools in the district, select the district option at the top of the School pull-down (this option is only available to district users). If the category will only be available to a specific school, select the school.

Categories - Google Chrome

4. Deselect the Enabled check box if the category will not be available for use at this time.

Categories - Google Chrome

5. Select District Lock to prevent the category from being edited or deleted by school-based users.

The District Lock option is only available for selection by district users.

Categories - Google Chrome

6. Click Save to add the category.

Categories - Google Chrome
Editing a Category

School-based users are only able to view categories that are set up specifically for their school. Categories set with "District Lock" cannot be edited or deleted by school-based users.

1. In the Billing menu, click Categories.

Categories - Google Chrome

2. Click the District Lock, Enabled, or Category Title field on the category to enable it for editing.

The School field cannot be edited.

Categories - Google Chrome

3. After making your changes, click Save.

Categories - Google Chrome
Deleting a Category

School-based users are only able to view categories that are set up specifically for their school. Categories set with "District Lock" cannot be edited or deleted by school-based users.

1. In the Billing menu, click Categories.

Categories - Google Chrome

2. Click the minus sign next to the category to delete.

Categories - Google Chrome

3. In the confirmation message, click OK.

Categories - Google Chrome
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