Documentation for Administrators

Scheduled Section Hours Errors

Updated on

The Scheduled Section Hours Errors report displays all sections that do not have enough scheduled hours to meet the course hours. Clicking on the course or section links on the report opens the course or section in Courses & Sections. View and Edit profile permissions must be enabled for the appropriate profiles to access the report.

The Scheduled Section Hours Errors Report

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Scheduled Section Hours Errors.

Scheduled Section Hours Errors

The report displays all sections that do not have enough scheduled hours to meet the course hours starting with the Course #, Course name, Section #, Start Date, End Date, Meeting Days, Daily Hours, Scheduled Hours, and Course Hours.

Scheduled Section Hours Errors

2. Click the the Course #, Course, or the Section # link to open Courses & Sections at the Section level so changes can be made, as needed.

3. Click the Vocational/WDIS tab to view the error and correct the daily hours/class duration.

Courses & Sections

When creating or modifying a section in Courses & Sections, the system calculates the number of hours on the section based on the daily class hours, meeting days, and the active calendar days of the section, and displays an error in the Vocational/WDIS or Details tabs if course hours cannot be completed in the time scheduled for the section.

Additional Features

Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.


a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.

For more information, see the Filters document.

You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Scheduled Section Hours Errors
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