The Cost Tier Setup screen allows users to define additional tiers so students are not limited to the three Cost Tiers (Resident, Non-resident and Free/Reduced Lunch, based on system preferences).
1. From the Billing menu, click Cost Tier Setup.

Existing quires created for cost tier requirements display. To add a new query for a requirement, enter the applicable data here.
2. Enter the Title of the requirement in the provided text box. Then, press the Enter key to save the requirement and add a query.

3. To add the query to the requirement, click Edit.

4. In the query pop-up window, enter your query. Note: Before pasting it here, you will want to test your query via RunQuery or another query tool.
5. Once your query is entered, click Test to ensure your query works correctly.
If there are any errors in your query, a pop-up window displays the issue that need to be corrected. If there aren't any issue, a pop-up window displays: Query test passed!
The Test button provides quick feedback about whether the query is valid. If you choose not to test the query first, the query will be validated when you attempt to save. The query passing testing means the query works and can be used to determine a student’s cost tier.
6. When finished, click Done. To close the pop-up window, click the X at any time.
7. To save the requirement query, click the Save button.

Once saved, the requirement displays in the Requirements pull-down in the Cost Tiers section.
8. To delete a requirement query, click the delete button (red minus sign).

1. From the Billing menu, click Cost Tier Setup.

The Cost Tier Setup screen displays existing Cost Tiers and existing Requirement Queries.
Cost tiers require a Priority number, Title, and can have 0, 1, or multiple query Requirements.
2. To add a cost tier, enter the applicable data in the first row of the Cost Tiers section.

3. Enter the Priority number in the applicable text box.
Students will always be placed in the highest priority cost tier for which they meet all requirements. Note: Normally, the higher priority/more preferred ones will be assigned lower prices, but that depends what the user gives them when managing fees.
4. Enter the cost tier Title in the applicable text box.
5. Select the Requirements from the corresponding pull-down. Query Requirements must first be created in the corresponding section. See Adding Requirement Queries for more information.
If there are no requirements set up, all students can qualify.
6. If vouchers are enabled then you have the ability to flag cost tiers to ensure they are not applied in combination with a voucher by selecting the Do Not Apply w/ Voucher check box. When flagged, students in this cost tier will drop to the next priority tier for which they qualify that allows the combination of a voucher.

You can enable Use Student Vouchers via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Billing.
If the days of a voucher overlap the days of a fee, then the voucher is applicable for the amount of overlapped days only. During the time it applies, the student cannot qualify for any cost tiers that have the Do Not Apply w/ Voucher check box selected. For the remaining days of the fee, no voucher amount is used, and the student can qualify for cost tiers that do not apply with vouchers. The price before voucher for the fee will be the combination of the price they get charged before voucher on days the voucher applied x the amount of days, plus the amount charged on the remaining days x that amount of days.
7. When all cost tier information has been entered, press the Enter key to save the cost tier.
All new data and changes display in yellow until saved.
Once created, the cost tiers display in a Cost Tier pull-down on the following screens: Manage Fee Templates, Manage District Fee Templates, Manage Limited Fees, Manage Individual Fees, Fee Report, and Quote Course.