The Transcripts screen allows users to generate and print transcripts for a select subset of student defined in the Student Search module. Depending on profile permissions, users also have the ability to customize transcripts in deciding what information to display, such as letter grades, course numbers, teachers, and more.
1. In the Grades menu, click Transcripts.

This navigates to the Transcripts screen, where a Student Search module will display in addition to More Search Options.
2. If searching for specific students by name or student number, type the information directly into the Student Search text box.
To generate report cards for all students, leave the Student Search text box empty.
3. For a more advanced search and the ability to define a specific subset of students, click More Search Options. In the example shown, Gradelevel 11 has been selected; therefore, report cards will be generated only for students in 11th grade.

Apply as many search options, as needed.
See Searching for Students for details about conducting and saving student searches.
4. To run the parameters against a Student Group, select the applicable group from the corresponding pull-down.
5. Select the Include Inactive check box to include students who do not have an active enrollment record at the selected school or all schools (if Search All Schools is selected).
6. Select the Previous Years check box to include previous year of inactive data in your search, when Include Inactive is enabled.
7. Select the Use Most Recent Enrollment check box to use the most recent enrollment records when conducting a search with Include Inactive enabled.

Depending on the school and/or the type of transcripts, such as K-12 or CTE, different options will display in the Include on Transcripts section. Note: What displays here is controlled by System Preferences (Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Grading tab) for K-12, CTE, etc.
Options displayed (active and inactive) may vary from user to user depending on profile permissions (Users > Profiles > Grades tab). Some profiles may have View and Edit rights, while others may only have View rights; therefore options may be predetermined via the district's ability to Save Settings as Default.
8. Select the desired Letterhead Template from the pull-down. This is very important to choose correctly before printing, as it will impact the display of the transcript. If this is an official printed transcript that is being sent to another academic institution, typically it will be sent on an official letterhead that has been established. This letterhead contains required state demographic fields, and should always be used when printing Transcripts. Note: Letterhead Templates are set up by the district (Setup > Letterhead Templates).
9. In the Include on Transcripts section, you can select everything that needs to be included on the transcript before generating. There are six different sections, which includes the Transcript Options section as shown in the image. Options here include Letter Grade, School, Test History, which includes Post Secondary Test History and Interdistrict Test History, GPA, Weighted GPA, etc.
a. Select the Letter Grade check box to display letter grades for applicable courses on the transcripts.
b. Select the Percent check box to display percentages for applicable courses in the transcripts.
c. Select the Comments check box to display comments for applicable courses in the transcripts.
d. Select the Teacher check box to display teachers' names for applicable courses in the transcripts.
e. Select the School check box to display the name of the school for each applicable course in the transcripts.
f. Select the Grade Level check box to display the students' grade levels that applies to the applicable courses in the transcripts.
g. Select the Credits Attempted check box to display the number of credits attempted for applicable courses in the transcripts.
h. Select the Credits Earned check box to display the number of credits earned for applicable courses in the transcripts.
i. Select the Subject check box to display the subject applicable to the courses in the transcripts.
j. Select the Course Number check box to display the course number applicable to the courses in the transcripts.
k. Select the Test History check box to include students' test history records in the transcripts.
i. Select the Post Secondary Test History check box to test history to applies to post secondary students.
ii. Select the Interdistrict Test History check box to include test history records from other districts in the transcripts.
iii. Select the All Test History check box to include all test history in the transcripts regardless of the district or school.
iv. Select the Test Grade Level check box to include the students' grade levels that's applicable to each test history record.
l. Select the Courses In Progress check box to include information pertaining to courses currently in progress in the transcripts.
i. Select the Grades in Progress check box to include working grades for courses that are currently in progress in the transcripts.
m. Select the GPA, Weighted GPA, Cumulative GPA, and/or Cumulative Weighted GPA check boxes to display the different types of grade point averages on the students' transcripts.
n. Select the Credits and/or Cumulative Credits check boxes to include the different types of credits applicable to courses included in the transcripts.
o. Select the Average Percent Grade check box to include a percentage that represents the students' average grade in the transcripts.
p. Select the Graduation Requirements Report check box to include information regarding the students' graduation requirements based on their assigned graduation plan.
q. Select the Graduation Requirements Report Credits/GPA Header check box to display the student's GPA, Class Rank, Credits, and Cohort Year in the Graduation Requirements header section of the Transcript.
r. Select the Exclude Second School check box to exclude courses/grades linked to a second school identified in the students' Enrollment record.
s. Select the Year and Term check box to include the school year and school term for each applicable course in the transcripts.
t. Select the Course Flags check box to include any flags entered on all applicable courses.
u. Select the Industry Certifications check box to include any earned certifications on the transcripts.
5. Make the appropriate selections from the Additional Options section, which includes specific course flags, WDIS Instructional Hours (CTE courses), industry certification information (CTE courses), etc.
Selecting the Course Flags check box in the Transcripts Options section combines the 4 course flag columns into 1 column that concatenates all the flags.
Select the Industry Certifications check box in the Transcript Options section and CTE Grouping to include a column on CTE transcripts for industry certifications, which displays any passed certifications for the program on the transcript. Note: If the certification is tied to a course on either the student’s schedule or the industry certification table, the certification displays on the row with the appropriate course. If the passed certification is on the table and not tied to a course, then it will display on a row with a course in that school year.

10. Select the check box for the marking periods you want to see included on the student(s) transcript from the Marking Period section. More than one marking period can be selected for display; for example, if printing K-8 transcripts, there may be Course History records and non-course history Full Year grades. Notice that this is a required section, and a selection must be made.
a. Select the Sort by Course Number check box to sort lists of courses by course number in the Course Number column starting with the lowest course number first.
Selecting Course History will include all courses on the Transcript where the Course History flag on the section is set to Y. Choosing any of the other options will populate the Transcript with courses designated for those specific marking periods.
11. The Grouping (Required) section gives you the ability to choose how the transcript grades are sorted, via Year and Course, Grad Subject, Marking Period, or on 1-page. Notice that this is a required section, and a selection must be made.

Year and Course Grouping: Select Year and Course in order to see the output display organized by the school year and the courses taken during that year.
Grad Subject Grouping: Select Grad Subject in order to see the output organized based upon the graduation subjects defined in Graduation Requirements.
Marking Period Grouping: Select Marking Period in order to see the output organized based on marking periods.
1-page: If selected, the selections to follow will differ. You will, instead, have the option to Combine Semesters, select the number of Course Rows Per Page (Select how many course rows will be printed in each column before a page break is created), or to group By Marking Period.

Selecting 1-page will affect the Transcript Options section as well making several options obsolete.
12. You must also choose how the grades and selected information are displayed using the Display (Required) section. Options include One Column, Multiple Columns, or Two-Sided Printing.

The next section contains various options and is explained per item below.

9. Select the Only Secondary Courses check box to include secondary courses only on the transcripts. When selected, the generated transcripts include courses taken by the student(s) in High School only.
10. Select the Abbreviate Column Names check box to Abbreviate Marking Periods or to Abbreviate Other Columns by selecting the additional check boxes.
a. Select the Show Abbreviation Legend check box to display the legend of abbreviations on the transcripts.
11. Select the Reduce Page Breaks check box to display information on the transcripts as continuous and reduce the number of printed pages.
12. Select the Use Simple PDF Format (For Digital Processing Only) check box to generate transcripts in an encoding format that will be readable by third-party services, such as Xello.
13. Select the font size that should be used when printing transcripts from the Course Table Font Size pull-down.
The Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank screen uses the same font when transcripts are printed if you click Save Settings as Default to save the font size used.
14. Click Save Setting as Default to save the settings and have them available each time transcripts are printed. Note: The Letterhead Template selected determines where default settings saved are being stored. For example, Secondary Transcript has been selected; therefore, the default settings saved will apply to that transcript only.

Save Settings as Default is an important tool when it comes to users who have View only permissions because what is set here by the district will determine what displays on transcripts generated by other users.
If your district has enabled transcript printing by students and parents, a Letterhead Template must first be setup for them via Setup > Letterhead Templates. Then, you must select default settings and save them here in order to determine what data displays on parent and/or student transcripts printed via Student/Parent Portal > My Information/My Child > Final Grades & GPA.
15.Click Continue.
Clicking Continue navigates to a new Transcripts screen where you can choose to generate transcripts for selected students.

1. Select the students for whom you need transcripts by selecting the check box next to each student. As students are selected, the number of selections made will display next to the number of students pulled originally.

If you want to generate transcripts for all students displayed, select the check box in the header.

2. Click Preview to preview a version of the transcripts before generating to print.
a. A preview displays. Click Return to Focus to close the preview.

3. Click Generate Transcripts.
a. Clicking Generate Transcripts generates all of the selected students’ transcripts in a print preview screen. From this screen you have several options. Click the printer icon to print the transcripts. Click the down arrow icon to download the transcripts to your computer. When finished, click Return To Focus.
Printed Transcripts display the local_id in the header when the transcript is more than one page and the student_id field if the student doesn’t have a local_id.
Click the floppy disk icon to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet.

You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.
If looking for specific information housed within the resulting students, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.