Documentation for Administrators

Grade Breakdown

Updated on

The Grade Breakdown screen is used to view how many and what percent of each letter grade has been assigned by the teacher or is currently in the Gradebook.

Viewing the Grade Breakdown Report

1. In the Grades menu, click Grade Breakdown.

2. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the teacher or group of teachers and click Search.

See Navigating & Searching for detailed instructions on the various ways to search for users.

The teachers returned in the search are listed on the report.  

3. To change the marking period of the report, select the marking period in the pull-down.

Selecting a marking period displays posted grades for that marking period, while selecting a marking period with Gradebook in parentheses displays Gradebook grades for that marking period.

The Teacher tab displays the number and percentage of each letter grade given by the teacher for all of the teacher's courses.

4. Click the Teacher & Course tab to view the number and percentage of each letter grade given by the teacher broken down by course.

5. Click the Section tab to view the number and percentage of each letter grade given by the teacher broken down by section.

6. To customize the columns displayed on the report, click Customize Columns.

7. In the pop-up window, click the columns you do not want to view on the report.

The column name is struck out.

8. Click Save.

9. In the pop-up message, click OK to refresh the report.

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