Documentation for Administrators


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Attendance Administration screen allows users to review and evaluate attendance records by one or more attendance codes and make any changes. This report can be used by select users to view and edit attendance for students, as well as add comments after making calls to parents; in addition, users can view and/or upload excuse notes, when applicable.

The Attendance Administration Report

1. From the Attendance menu, click Administration.


The Attendance Administration Report can also be accessed via the Portal page. Click the absence alert in the Alerts section to navigate to the Administration screen. Note: The portal alert displays the number of daily absences; therefore, a different number of absences may display in the report based on the attendance code filters used.


2. On the Administration screen, start by setting an effective date by clicking the month, day, and year pull-downs or by clicking the calendar icon. Note: The effective date defaults to the current date.


3. Select the applicable attendance code from the pull-down. To specify multiple attendance codes, click the black plus sign to add another code. You can also select All from the pull-down to pull in all attendance codes used. Note: The report defaults to students with any NP (Not Present) code in at least one period.


4. Once the effective date has been set and the attendance code(s) selected, click Update to generate the attendance Administration report.

Only students marked with the selected codes appear, along with their absences in each of the periods that are set to take attendance.


The Used for Attendance column determines the periods that display here via Setup >  Periods.

6. From this screen, you also have the ability to enter a Comment.


7. If a parent, teacher, or another user has uploaded an Excuse Note, you can view the excuse note by clicking the Title of the note or by clicking Download. Click the X to Delete the note.


a. To add excuse note(s) for a student, hover over the Excuse Note field, then click Scan to scan the file from your scanner into Focus.

i. Select the Scanner from the pull-down, set additional settings, then click Scan.


b. Click Upload if the file is already saved on your computer.

i. Search for the file, click the file, then click Open. Note: You cannot upload Word documents. However, you can save a Word document as a PDF, then upload it.


c. Click Take Photo to take a picture of the note with your computer camera.

i. Once the note is in view of the camera, click Take Photo.


Click the expansion arrows to view the Excuse Note field in a pop-up window where you can drag files for uploading, view uploaded files, and take photos, as needed.

If Excuse Notes have been disabled by the district, then you will not see the Excuse Note column. The Disable Excuse Notes for All Users setting determine whether the Excuse Note column displays, which can be enabled/disabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Attendance.

Note: Administrative users can also Disable Excuse Notes for Parents via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Attendance, which hides the Excuse Note column for all applicable attendance screens prohibiting parents from uploading excuse notes.

8. If needed, select an attendance code from the Fill All Periods pull-down to populate all periods with the selected code.


9. Click the period fields to adjust individual attendance periods, such as 01, 02, etc. Once enabled, select the applicable attendance code from the pull-down.


When checking in or out using the kiosk or the Late Check In/Early Release screen, the Time In and Time Out columns in the Administration screen are updated. Updating the Time In and Time Out columns in the Administration screen will update the corresponding Entry and Release columns on the Late Check In/Early Release screen. Note: The setting Track Time In/Time Out on Daily Attendance must be enabled for the Time In and Time Out columns to display on the Administration screen via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Attendance tab.


10. To save entered or selected data, click the Update button.


11. Hover over the phone icon for the student's Contact Information.


12. Click the Student name to open a concentrated view of the Administration report for the specified student.


If you previously had a student open, you will see Current Student displayed in the top right. Click Current Student to view Administration breakdown for that student.

a. From the student's Administration breakdown, you have the ability to edit the Attendance Code fields and Comments made by clicking the underlined data. If changes are made, click Update to save data.


b. To close the student's Administration and return to the main screen, click the red X by the student's name.

Additional Features

Click the floppy disk icon to export the students and attendance data to an Excel spreadsheet.


Click Filters to further breakdown data.


a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

For more information, see Filters.

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting data, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.


To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.


You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

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