Documentation for Administrators

Workflow Triggers

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Workflow triggers are used to generate letters, send emails, or create Portal alerts when certain events occur. These events are: Attendance Day Updated, Online Application Finalized, Online Application Saved, Period Attendance Updated, or Student Originated. Workflow triggers based on specific student fields are set up in Setup > Edit Rules & Workflow.

Adding a Workflow Trigger

1. In the Students menu, click Workflow Triggers.

2. Click Add Trigger.

3. Select the Event.

Based on the event selected, additional setup options are displayed.

Attendance Day Updated - This event concerns the student's daily attendance. For example, you can set up a trigger that will send a letter to the letter queue when a student has 2 absences month to date.

  • Select the Period of time to consider (Year to Date, Semester to Date, Quarter to Date, Month to Date, Last 30 days, Last 60 days, or Last 90 days).
  • Select the One letter per period timeframe check box to only send one letter during the selected timeframe, instead of generating a letter each time the trigger criteria is met during the timeframe.
  • Select the Count (number of present codes or absent codes to consider).
  • Select the Codes to consider (Absent or Present).
  • Select the specific Absent or Present codes to consider.

Online Application Finalized - This event concerns when an online application is submitted.

  • Select the Form that will trigger the action.

Online Application Saved - This event concerns when an online application is saved.

  • Select the Form that will trigger the action.

Period Attendance Updated - This event concerns the student's period attendance. For example, you can set up a trigger that will send a letter to the letter queue when a student is tardy to any period two times month to date.

  • Select the Range of time to consider (Year to Date, Semester to Date, Quarter to Date, Month to Date, Last 30 days, Last 60 days, or Last 90 days).
  • Select One letter per period timeframe to only send one letter during the selected timeframe, instead of generating a letter each time the trigger criteria is met during the timeframe.
  • Select the period attendance codes to consider.
  • Select which period to consider. If Any Period is selected, the trigger will only count one period attendance record per day.
  • Enter the number of days to consider in the For this many days text box. This is a required field.

Student Originated - This event concerns when a student is originated (for post-secondary).

4. Select the Action. One or multiple can be selected.

Based on the action selected, additional setup options are displayed.

Add a letter to the letter queue - This will generate a letter and send it to Students > Letter Queue for printing.

  • Select the Letter Template. Letters are set up in Print Letters & Send Email.
  • To modify the selected letter template, click Modify Templates. In the pop-up window, make the necessary edits and click Save & Close.

Send an Email - This will send an email to the student, parents, a specific user, or a custom e-mail address.

  • Select whether to send the email to the student, parents, user (select the user from the list), or a custom e-email address (enter the email address). One or multiple options can be selected.
  • Select the Letter Template. Letters are set up in Print Letters & Send Email.
  • To modify the selected letter template, click Modify Templates. In the pop-up window, make the necessary edits and click Save & Close.

Emails are automatically logged in the students Letter Log via Students > Student Info when sent from workflow triggers.

Create portal alert - This will display a Portal alert for the selected recipient.

  • Select whether to create the Portal alert for the student, parents, user (select the user from the list), or the reporter (for discipline referrals).
  • Enter the Alert Title.

If you have access to all schools, all applicable users appear in the Action User selection area.

5. Select All schools trigger to make this trigger available for all schools in the district.

When "All schools trigger" is selected, all the users in the district are available in the users list for the "Send an Email" and "Create portal alert" actions. When this option is not selected, only users at the school currently selected at the top-right of the screen are available in the list.

6. Leave the Trigger Enabled check box selected if the trigger should be immediately active upon adding the trigger. If you do not want the trigger to be active, deselect the check box.

7. Click Add Trigger.

The workflow trigger is added to the list at the bottom of the screen.

Editing a Workflow Trigger

1. Click Edit next to the workflow trigger.

2. Modify any of the options at the top of the screen.

3. Click Update Trigger.

Deleting a Workflow Trigger

1. Select the check box next to each workflow trigger to delete.

2. Click Deleted Selected at the top of the screen.

3. In the confirmation pop-up, click OK.

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