Documentation for Administrators

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

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The Lesson Planning Teacher Completion report allows users to determine the teachers who have not submitted a lesson for any day during the week as displayed on the Not Submitted tab. Note: The school selected from the School pull-down located in the header determines the teachers displayed in the report.

The Not Reviewed tab displays lesson plans that have not been marked as Reviewed whenever new lessons are added to a lesson plan. From here, users can click the View (eye icon) to review the Lesson Plan and leave Feedback, then click the button Mark reviewed. Once reviewed, the Lesson Plan displays on the Reviewed tab. Users can edit and add information to the Lesson Plan while viewing it in the pop-up window. Feedback left on lesson plans displays as an Alert on the Teacher Portal.

The lesson plans reviewed here are created by teachers via My Information > Lesson Planning and/or My Information > Web Pages.

In order to view the report, you must have the Lesson Planning Teacher Completion permission enabled via Users > Profiles > Grades tab. In order to view detailed information on the selected teacher web pages, you must have the Teacher Lesson Plans permission enabled via Users > Profiles > Grades tab.

Lesson Plans Not Submitted

The Not Submitted tab allows users to determine the teachers who have not submitted a lesson for any day during the week as displayed on the Not Submitted tab. The lesson plans reviewed here are created by teachers via My Information > Lesson Planning and/or My Information > Web Pages.

1. In the Grades menu, click Lesson Planning Teacher Completion.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

2. Select the applicable school from the School pull-down located in the header.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

3. Select the week that needs to be reviewed for lesson plans created by teachers from the Review week pull-down.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

4. Select the Include Co-Teachers check box to include co-teachers' lesson plans in the report, as well.

5. The Lesson Planning Teacher Completion report defaults to the Not Submitted tab.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

The report displays the Teacher and the number of lessons created for each day of the selected week.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

If the teacher hasn't entered content in the lesson plan created, the lesson doesn't display in the report.

6. Click the eye icon to view the lesson plan to view the missing days as well as the lesson plans already created.

The Lesson Planning pop-up window displays the teacher's lesson plans for the selected week. Many tasks can be accomplished from the Lesson Planner; see Viewing Lesson Plans for more information.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

7. Click Feedback to add comments on the lesson plan for the week selected, which will be viewable by the teacher.

a. Type the feedback in the provided text box.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

b. Click Save to add the comment to the lesson plan. You also have the option to click Close to close the feedback text box without adding comments.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

c. To add additional feedback or edit the feedback saved, click Feedback again.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

8. Click the white X to close the pop-up window and return to the report.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

Feedback displays as a Portal Alert for teachers.


Feedback also displays in the form of a message on the Lesson Planning screen.

Lesson Planning
Lesson Plans Not Reviewed

The Not Reviewed tab displays lesson plans that have not been marked as Reviewed whenever new lessons are added to a lesson plan. From here, users can click the View (eye icon) to review the Lesson Plan and leave Feedback, then click the button Mark reviewed. Once reviewed, the Lesson Plan displays on the Reviewed tab. The lesson plans reviewed here are created by teachers via My Information > Lesson Planning and/or My Information > Web Pages.

1. In the Grades menu, click Lesson Planning Teacher Completion.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

2. Select the applicable school from the School pull-down located in the header.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

3. Select the week that needs to be reviewed for lesson plans created by teachers from the Review week pull-down.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

4. Click the Not Reviewed tab.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

5. Click the eye icon to review the lesson plan.

The Lesson Planning pop-up window displays the teacher's lesson plans for the selected week. Many tasks can be accomplished from the Lesson Planner; see Viewing Lesson Plans for more information.

6. Click Feedback to add comments on the lesson plan for the week selected, which will be viewable by the teacher.

a. Type the feedback in the provided text box.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

b. Click Save to add the comment to the lesson plan. You also have the option to click Close to close the feedback text box without adding comments.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

c. To add additional feedback or edit the feedback saved, click Feedback again.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

7. Click the white X to close the pop-up window and return to the report.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

Feedback displays as a Portal Alert for teachers.

Feedback also displays in the form of a message on the Lesson Planning screen.

Lesson Planning

8. When you feel you review of the lesson plan for the week is complete, click Mark reviewed.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

Once marked as reviewed, the lesson plan moves from the Not Reviewed tab to the Reviewed tab. See Lesson Plans Reviewed for more information.

Lesson Plans Reviewed

1. In the Grades menu, click Lesson Planning Teacher Completion.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

2. Select the applicable school from the School pull-down located in the header.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

3. Select the week that needs to be reviewed for lesson plans created by teachers from the Review week pull-down.

4. Click the Reviewed tab.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

5. Click the eye icon to view the lesson plan.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

The Lesson Planning pop-up window displays the teacher's lesson plans for the selected week. Many tasks can be accomplished from the Lesson Planner; see Viewing Lesson Plans for more information.

6. Click Feedback to add comments on the lesson plan for the week selected, which will be viewable by the teacher.

a. Type the feedback in the provided text box.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

b. Click Save to add the comment to the lesson plan. You also have the option to click Close to close the feedback text box without adding comments.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

c. To add additional feedback or edit the feedback saved, click Feedback again.

7. Click the white X to close the pop-up window and return to the report.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

Feedback displays as a Portal Alert for teachers.


Feedback also displays in the form of a message on the Lesson Planning screen.

8. If you feel that your review of the lesson plan is not complete, click Mark not reviewed to move the lesson plan back to the Not Reviewed tab.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

If lesson plans are marked as not reviewed, the lesson plan moves from the Reviewed tab to the Not Reviewed tab. See Lesson Plans Not Reviewed for more information.

Viewing Lesson Plans

1. From any of the tabs, click the eye icon to view and/or lesson plans.

If the teacher hasn't created any units or lessons, you will not be able to navigate the Lesson Planner as shown here.

2. Click the calendar icon to select the date of lesson plans you want to view.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

3. Click the left and right arrow to navigate to the next or previous week.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

4. Click the Day, Week, Month, or Unit buttons to determine the lessons that display in the lesson planner.

Lesson Planning

Shown is an example of the Lesson Planner by Day.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

a. Click Today to view the Units and Lessons created for the current date. You can also click Today to create a Unit and/or Lesson for the current date.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

Shown is an example of the Lesson Planner by Week.

a. Click This Week to view the Units and Lessons created for the current week. You can also click This Week to create a Unit and/or Lesson for the current week.

Shown is an example of the Lesson Planner by Month.

Lesson Planning

a. Click This Month to view the Lessons created for the current month. You can also click This Month to create a Unit and/or Lesson for the current month.

Shown is an example of the Lesson Planner by Unit.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

5. Click the web page arrow to determine which units and lessons to include in the Lesson Planner.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

6. Click the web page selected to open and view the web page on a new screen.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

7. To remove included web pages, click the gray X next to the applicable web page.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

The Units and Lessons included in each selected web page display in the corresponding panel including the assigned dates for each Unit.

Lesson Planning

8. Click the folders to open and close the units and lessons. The closed folder indicates that there are linked lessons not displayed. The open folder indicates that all units and lessons are displayed.

Lesson Planning

9. Select or clear the selected open circles to publish or unpublish the applicable units/lessons. When a green check mark displays, the unit/lesson has been published on the parent/student Calendar.

Lesson Planning

10. Click the right arrow in the Units & Lessons panel to minimize the panel.

Lesson Planning

Click the left arrow to open the Units & Lessons panel.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

11. Click the content to open information pertaining to the lesson and/or unit.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

12. From the pop-up window, click the blue pencil icon to edit the lesson information.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

a. Edit the Title, Start Date, End Date, and the Published status, as needed.

b. Click Edit to apply changes.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

The pop-up window displays lesson information including the following tabs: About and Resources (if applicable).

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

a. Click the magnifying glass to preview the web page lesson.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

b. Click the circle to publish the lesson on the parent/student Calendar.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

If a check mark displays, click the check mark to unpublish the lesson.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

c. Click the trash can icon to delete the lesson.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

d. Click the About tab to display the lesson description.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion

e. Click the Resources tab (if applicable) to display any created resources, such as a link, file, folder, calendar event, etc.

Lesson Planning Teacher Completion
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