Documentation for Administrators

Dynamic Discipline Code Suggestions using AI

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In the new dynamic discipline code suggestion feature, Focus uses Artificial Intelligence via ChatGPT API to analyze the referral description entered by the referral reporter and suggest up to 3 relevant discipline codes. The user can click a suggestion and populate the Discipline Code field on the referral.

See Dynamic Discipline Code Suggestions Using AI for an overview video of this new feature.

Referral Field Setup

In order to use this feature, the referral field that is used for the referral description (such as custom_61) must have the "AI Accessible" toggle enabled in Discipline > Referral Fields. The "AI Accessible" toggle can be enabled on any "Long Text" field. Focus will use AI to suggest discipline codes based on the text entered in this field. Discipline codes are set up in Discipline > Referral Codes & Actions > Codes tab.

1. In the Discipline menu, click Referral Fields.

Referral Fields

2. Click the Fields tab.

Referral Fields

3. Locate the Long Text field that is used for the referral description, and click Edit Field next to the field.

Referral Fields

4. Select the AI Accessible toggle.

Referral Fields

5. Click Save.

Referral Fields
Adding a Referral and Selecting the Discipline Code

When a user adds a referral for a student and enters a description in the designated "AI accessible" field, up to 3 AI-generated suggestions will display above the Discipline Code field. Clicking a suggestion will populate the Discipline Code field.

This functionality is also available for teachers when both the Discipline Code and "AI accessible" description fields are included on the Add Referral screen for teachers, and teachers have permissions to edit these fields.

1. In the Discipline menu, click Add Referral.

Add Referral

2. On the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student, and click Search.

See Searching for Students for more information on the various ways to search for students.

Add Referral

3. In the search results, click the appropriate student.

Add Referral

4. Enter the referral description in the designated "AI accessible" description field.

Add Referral

5. When you pause typing, up to 3 discipline code suggestions will display above the Discipline Code field on the referral. Click the desired discipline code.

Add Referral

The code will populate the Discipline Code field.

Add Referral

6. Complete the rest of the referral and click Save.

Reviewing a Submitted Referral and Selecting the Discipline Code

When an administrator reviews a submitted referral, up to 3 AI-generated suggestions will display above the Discipline Code field based on the description entered in the designated"AI accessible" field by the reporter.

1. In the Discipline menu, click Referrals.


2. On the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student, and click Search.

See Searching for Students for more information on the various ways to search for students.


3. Click the referral to view.


4. Up to 3 discipline code suggestions will display above the Discipline Code field on the referral, based on the description entered by the reporter. Click the desired discipline code.


The code will populate the Discipline Code field.


5. Complete the referral as needed, including adding an action record and marking the referral as reviewed. Click Save when finished.

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