Any student checked in or out in the attendance mode or the logging field mode through the kiosk or mobile app will display on the Late Check In/Early Release screen. Students can also be manually checked in or out from this screen.
When checking in or out using the kiosk or the Late Check In/Early Release screen, the Time In and Time Out columns on the Absence Summary and Administration screens are updated. Updating the Time In and Time Out columns on the Absence Summary or Administration screens will update the corresponding Entry and Release columns on the Late Check In/Early Release screen. Note: The system preference “Track Time In/Time Out on Daily Attendance” must be enabled for the Time In and Time Out columns to display on the Absence Summary and Administration screens.
1. In the Attendance menu, click Late Check In / Early Release.
The report date defaults to today's date.
2. To change the date of the report, select the date from the pull-downs or from the calendar icon.
3. Select the Show Alert Icons check box to display students' alert icons in the report.
The students who have checked in or out in the attendance mode or logging field mode are displayed. The Kiosk column displays "Attendance" if the student was checked in or out of school in the attendance mode, or displays the name of the logging field if the student was checked in or out in the logging field mode.

The Course and Section number for the respective entry is displayed. The Code column displays the attendance code, which is editable if your profile has edit rights to this screen. If the student was checked in and out within the same period, the latest code will display. If the section does not take attendance, the Code will be blank and not editable.
4. Edit the Code, as needed.
5. If there is a recorded check in time, but no check out time, the Change to Check Out button displays in the Check In/Out Update Control column allowing you to change the record. If there is a recorded check out time, but no check in time, the Change to Check In button displays allowing you to change the record.
The Change to Check In or Change to Check Out buttons do not display if you select values for Following Periods from the corresponding pull-down. The buttons do not appear if there are check in and check out entries for a record.
If the student was checked in, the time will display in the Entry column, and the Prior Periods column will be active. This allows you to update the prior periods' attendance from this screen. For example, if the student checks in to school late in period 4, the period 4 attendance code will be the tardy code, but the prior periods 1-3 can be updated here with the appropriate absence code.
6. Edit the Entry time by clicking the field.

7. Select the Prior Periods, as needed.

If the student was checked out, the time will display in the Release column, and the Following Periods column will be active. This allows you to update the remaining periods' attendance. For example, if the student checks out during period 4, the period 4 attendance code will be the early release code, but the remaining periods can be updated here with the appropriate absence code.

8. Edit the Release time by clicking the field.

9. Select the Following Periods, as needed.

If custodial contacts are available for the student, they will appear in the Parent/Contact pull-down. Selecting who picked up or dropped off the student is optional.

10. Select a Parent/Contact, as needed.

When a parent/contact is selected, hovering over the phone icon will display the contact details.

11. Enter a Reason, as needed. If the district has set up reason codes, you can select from the Reason pull-down or enter a reason in the text box.

Reason codes are set up via Attendance > Attendance Setup > Reasons tab.
The Reason text box/pull-down only displays if the late check in or early release record contains an attendane Code.
12. If a parent, teacher, or another user has uploaded an Excuse Note, you can view the excuse note by clicking the Title of the note or by clicking Download.

Click the red X to Delete the excuse note.

Hover over the attached excuse note with the mouse to view additional information.

a. To add excuse note(s) for a student, hover over the Excuse Note field, then click Scan to scan the file from your scanner into Focus.
i. Select the Scanner from the pull-down, set additional settings, then click Scan.

b. Click Upload if the file is already saved on your computer.
i. Search for the file, click the file, then click Open. Note: You cannot upload Word documents. However, you can save a Word document as a PDF, then upload it.

c. Click Take Photo to take a picture of the note with your computer camera.
i. Once the note is in view of the camera, click Take Photo.

Click the expansion arrows to view the Excuse Note field in a pop-up window where you can drag files for uploading, view uploaded files, and take photos, as needed.

If Excuse Notes have been disabled by the district, then you will not see the Excuse Note column. The Disable Excuse Notes for All Users setting determine whether the Excuse Note column displays, which can be enabled/disabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Attendance.
Note: Administrative users can also Disable Excuse Notes for Parents via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Attendance, which hides the Excuse Note column for all applicable attendance screens prohibiting parents from uploading excuse notes.
13. If an excuse note has been uploaded by teachers or parents, and you have permission to Approve Excuse Notes, you can select the Note Status of the excuse note from the corresponding pull-down. The status defaults to Pending. Select Approved once the note has been reviewed and deemed acceptable. Select Denied, if the uploaded note isn't acceptable.
14. To add a Note Status message viewable by parents and teachers, click Set Message.
a. Enter the message in the pop-up and click Save Message.
b. To edit a saved message, click Edit Message.

15. Click Save after making any changes.
16. Click the Student name or Student ID link to open the Absence Summary for the student.
Students can be manually checked in or out in the attendance mode or logging field mode from the Late Check In/Early Release screen. Students can be checked in or out for the current day, past days, or future days. The student's pass can be printed from the kiosk by clicking Reprint Pass in the attendance mode or logging field mode.
Students can be checked out without having been first checked in for a kiosk logging field. For example, this might be used when documenting late parent pick ups after school.
1. In the Attendance menu, click Late Check In/Early Release.
2. At the top of the screen, select the date from the pull-downs or calendar icon and click Check In/Out.
3. In the pop-up window, select the Student.

4. Enter the Time.
5. Select the Kiosk mode.
6. Click Check-In or Check-Out.

7. Click Check-In & Scan Note to check in the student, then scan an excuse note, which will upload to the Excuse Note field.

a. Select the Scanner from the pull-down, set additional settings, then click Scan.

If Excuse Notes have been disabled by the district, then you will not see the Check-In & Scan Note button. The Disable Excuse Notes for All Users setting determine whether the button displays, which can be enabled/disabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Attendance.