Documentation for Administrators

Category Totals

Updated on

The Category Totals report displays the total amount of fees before voids, the amount of voids, the total amount of fees after voids, the amount paid for fees, and the amount due for fees for each district or school category.

Viewing Category Totals

1. In the Billing menu, click Category Totals.

Category Totals - Google Chrome

2. At the top of the screen, edit the Report Timeframe using the pull-downs or calendar icons.

3. Click Go to refresh the report.

Category Totals - Google Chrome

4. Click on a category to view the fees belonging to that category.

Category Totals - Google Chrome

The fees from that category are displayed, with the student name, publish date, due date, description, fee amount, and amount due for each fee.

Category Totals - Google Chrome

5. Click a student to view the fee in the Fees & Payments screen.

Category Totals - Google Chrome
Fees & Payments - Google Chrome
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