Documentation for Administrators

Classes for Sale

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Classes for Sale allows district users to post classes on the Student/Parent portal for purchase. The Classes for Sale screen includes options for setting the class start and class end date, as well as the dates the class is available for purchase by students and parents.

Classes for Sale Set Up

1. The Store Setup must be configured in order to allow classes to be added to the shopping cart. In the Billing menu, click Store Setup.

Store Setup

2. Type the name of the category into the Category Name text box. Then, press the Enter key to save the data. The name entered here will be visible to customers; therefore, it is helpful to use a descriptive name.

Store Setup

See Store Setup for more information.

3. Add the desired classes via Scheduling > Courses & Sections. Start by creating the Program by clicking the addition icon (black plus sign).

Add all program information, such as the Title, Short Name, Vocational Program Number, Total Hours for Program, and the Required Percentage of Hours Attended. Click Save.

Courses & Sections

The Program Title and Program Number will also have to be added to Billing > Modify Programs. Note: Modify Programs is also accessible from the Scheduling menu.

Modify Programs

4. Create the Course(s) that will be available within the selected/created Program by clicking the addition icon (black plus sign).

Courses & Sections

5. Add all course information, such as the Course Number, Title, WDIS OCP Hours, etc. Click Save.

Courses & Sections

If the district has enabled Allow the sale of Courses via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Billing tab, you can sell courses as opposed to selling only sections of a course.

If enabled, the Store Category pull-down is added to the Course set up via Scheduling > Courses & Sections.

Courses & Sections

If a store category is assigned at the section level, Focus will not let the Store Category be set at the course level and vise versa. If a Store Category is set at the Course level, the student will be scheduled into the section with the most open seats. The Classes for Sale screen is not used when selling courses.

6. Create the Section(s) by clicking the addition icon (black plus sign) for each course with the following fields included:

Teacher: This will allow teachers to take attendance for the course.

Meeting Days: Required for attendance purpose. This field will also display in the shopping cart.

Seats: This is the per class seat total.

Room: Enter or select the room where the class will be held. If rooms have been set up in Setup > Resource Scheduler/Rooms, select the room from the pull-down. If the Homeroom Number field is set in the Teachers tab of the user's record (User Info), the room number will auto-populate in the Room field on the section when the Teacher is selected.

Period: Select the period the section will meet. If the system preference Enable Ending Period is turned on in Setup > System Preferences > Scheduling tab, select the beginning period in the Beg field and the ending period in the End field.

Calendar: Select the calendar the section will follow (if there is more than one calendar set up for the school).

Store Category: Select the category created in the Store Setup, such as Community Education.

Store Internal: Select this check box if the section will only be offered to currently enrolled students at the specified school.

Takes Attendance: Select this check box in order to allow attendance to be taken.

Grade Level(s): Select grade levels to restrict enrollment in the section to specific grade levels. Only students (or parents of students) enrolled in the specified grade levels will see the section available for purchase on the Student/Parent portal. Note: This setting is optional.

Exclude from FTE: On the Florida tab, select the check box to exclude the section from state reporting.

Post Secondary Start & End Times: Be sure the correct Post Secondary Start Time and Post Secondary End Time have been entered via the Vocational/WDIS tab.

Courses & Sections

Students and parents are able to purchase class sections online via Purchase & Pay until the Start Time of the class.

Class Daily Hours: Enter the total daily hours of the class on the Vocational/WDIS tab.

See Courses & Sections for more information.

7. In setting up for Classes for Sale, the next step is to set up one-time or annual fees via the Manage District Fee Templates module or the Manage Limited Fees module. Depending on the need of the fee, these can be set up as once per term, annual fees, one-time fees, or once per program. Note: One-time fees are not required. You and your district can decide whether or not one-time fees are required.

Adding one-time fees is helpful if the community school students need to pay an ID fee or insurance for the classes they take.

8. To manage fees, select the desired module from the Billing menu.

a. In the examples shown here, the Manage Individual Fees module was selected. To manage fees for sections, start by selecting the Section Fees tab.

Manage Individual Fees

b. Use the provided pull-downs to search for a specific section. Select a Program from the Filter by Program pull-down. Select a Course from the pull-down. You also have the option to Select a Section from the provided pull-down before clicking the Search button to Find Fees.

c. Clicking the Search button will generate a Manage Fees section.

d. Enter all applicable information and press the Enter key to save the line of data. When the data has been saved the line will turn blue and a delete button (red minus sign) displays.

Fees can also be set up using the Manage Fee Templates or Manage District Fee Templates depending on your district's preference.

Classes for Sale

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Classes for Sale.

On the Classes for Sale screen, the Section/Class pull-down populates with available classes to select. The pull-down populates from the sections entered in the Courses & Sections screen that were given a Store Category during setup.

2. Select the desired class from the Section/Class pull-down.

Classes for Sale

Once a Section/Class is selected from the pull-down, the Start Time and End Time automatically populate with the times that were entered during the section setup, as described in Classes for Sale Set Up.

3. Enter the Start Date and End Date for the class. For example, if the class runs for four weeks, enter the first day of the class in the Start Date text box and the last day of the class in the End Date text box.

Classes for Sale

4. Enter the Total Seats allowed for the class.

Classes for Sale

The permission Edit Seat Caps must be enabled via Users > Profiles to enter and edit the Total Seats field.

5. Select the Require Schedule check box to hide the class for from Purchase & Pay for students and their parents if the student does not have a schedule record for the related course period, or if the students related schedule record has an end date in the past.

Classes for Sale

The Require Schedule check box displays if the setting, Allow the use of "Require Schedule" on Classes for Sale, is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Scheduling tab.

6. Enter a Publish Start Date and a Publish End Date to specify a start and/or end date to be displayed on the Purchase & Pay screen via the Student/Parent Portals. If a start or end date is specified here, the Start Date entered will determine when the class displays for purchase.


When a section is marked as Store Internal via Scheduling > Courses and Sections, only students with current active enrollment records at that school (or parents of those students) are able to see the associated service periods posted out on the Purchase & Pay screen. However, if a section is published on the Classes for Sale screen for a future date, students (and their parents) who have a future enrollment record that meet that future class date at that school will be able to view and purchase the class in the Purchase & Pay screen on the Parent/Student Portal.

The System Preference, Allow the use of ‘Publish Dates’ on Classes for Sale must be enabled for these columns to display (Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Scheduling).

Clases are removed from Purchase & Pay including the Shopping Cart once the class Publish End Date has passed.

7. Once all information has been entered, press Enter to commit the line of data. You will know the data has saved when it turn blue or gray, as shown below. A delete button may also display (red minus sign) depending on your profile permissions.

Once the class is entered on the Classes for Sale screen, it will be available to purchase through the Student and Parent Portal (as of the Publish Start Date).

Filled Seats display for each class once all information has been entered. A seat is considered filled if a schedule record exists for that course period containing a date range equivalent to or within the date range of the class for sale.

If you do not have editing permission to the Total Seats field, the number automatically populates along with the number of Filled Seats.

Classes for Sale

8. Completing these steps will push the class to the shopping cart and make it available for students and parents to purchase via Billing > Purchase & Pay.

9. Select the Include Inactive Classes check box to display inactive classes for the school year.

Classes for Sale
Optional Add-Ons

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Classes for Sale.

2. On the Classes for Sale screen, click the Optional Add-Ons tab.

Classes for Sale

Permission must be given via Users > Profiles in order to  View and Edit Optional Add-Ons. If you have View only permission, you will not be able to edit this screen.

3. Select the Fee / Product from the pull-down.

Classes for Sale

Optional Add-Ons must first be set up via Billing > Product List or ERP > Accounts Receivable > Internal Account Product List. Items must be marked as Active as well as Service to display in the Fee / Product pull-down.

Note: The Facility set will restrict the options that display here since this is set up by school. Facility is established via Setup > School Information > General Information tab. The items linked to said facility will display for the school selected from the pull-down in the header.

4. Enter the Minimum per Parent Item in the provided text box to set the number of items that is required to be purchased as an add-on when the parent item is added to the cart via Purchase & Pay. Enter a numeric value, such as 1, to make the optional add-on item a mandatory purchase. When students/parents add the parent course/section to their cart via Purchase & Pay, the Optional Add-On item will automatically be added to the cart as well. Note: If the number 2 is entered in the field, the student or parent will be required to purchase two of the specified item.

5. Enter the Max per Parent Item in the provided text box to set the maximum number of the select add-on to be purchased per parent via Purchase & Pay.

If the Max per Parent Item is set to 1 (one), the optional add-on displays as a check box to parents and students upon checking out via Purchase & Pay.

6. Select vouchers that should apply to optional add-ons from the Voucher Sources pull-down for students when purchasing courses from Purchase & Pay. Note: You must assign the vouchers to applicable students via Students > Student Info > Vouchers tab.

Classes for Sale

7. Select the applicable Attached Subject(s) from the pull-down to establish where the item is to be sold as an add-on.

Classes for Sale

8. Select the applicable Attached Course(s) from the pull-down to establish where the item is to be sold as an add-on.

9. Select the applicable Attached Section(s) from the pull-down to establish where the item is to be sold as an add-on.

10. Once all information has been entered, press the Enter key to save the data. Once saved, the line turns blue and the delete button displays.

Classes for Sale

Once Optional Add-Ons have been setup, they can be purchased by parents and students via Purchase & Pay.


For the next steps once Add-Ons have been purchased, see Purchased Add-Ons.

Additional Features

To export the listed classes to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.

Classes for Sale

Classes can be imported using a CSV file. Prepare a CSV file that includes a column for Section/Class, the Start Date, the End Date, Publish Start Date, and Publish End Date, and click Import.

Classes for Sale

a. A browser will display so you can search and upload the CSV file. Locate the file and click Open.

b. The system will try to match the columns with the correct headers. For those that are missing, select the header from the pull-down. When complete, click the Import CSV button to proceed.

Classes for Sale

Click Filters to further breakdown data.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

For more information, see Filters.

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