The Gradebook Grades (Teacher Programs) module allows administrators to gain a bird’s eye view of any student’s scores on categories of assignments and a detailed, comprehensive record of each student’s performance via select teachers' gradebooks. Administrators can also edit grades, create assignments, and make any other changes as needed.
1. To conduct a user search in order to view a teacher's gradebook, from the Users menu, click Gradebook Grades under the Teacher Programs submenu.

This will lead you to a Find a Teacher user search module where you can begin setting criteria for a search. The Search Screen module includes a search bar, the More Search Options feature, and options to Search All Schools, Include Parents, and Include Inactive Users.
2. Enter the user's name or ID in the User text box.

Click the User List tab for a complete list of users without conducting a search. You can also simply click the Search button and leave the User text box empty to pull all active users.
The search bar is not case sensitive, and full or partial entries can be in either a first last or last, first format. The comma is necessary in the last, first format. A full user name or ID number can also be entered into the search bar. Searching for "ma" will pull every user whose first or last name begins with "ma" into the search results.
3. Click More Search Options to search for groups of users with similar information in any number of user fields and/or user data.

4. Click Search.
To clear search parameters and start over, click the Reset button.
5. All resulting users will display in the User List. When you find the correct user, click on the user's name to open the user's record.

6. Clicking the user's name navigates to the user's gradebook screen. The user's name is displayed in the top right corner. Click the small red X next to the user's name to close the user and search for another one.
To open the selected user's User Info record, click on the user's name displayed in the header (next to the red x).
Selecting a user from the User List navigates to the teacher's Gradebook screen where there are various options available.
1. Use the section pull-down to change gradebooks for the teacher to a different section.

2. Along the top of the screen, you can select how grade are to be entered via the Enter grade by pull-down. Options include Points, Percent, Questions Correct, Questions Incorrect, or Letter Grade.

To see how these options affect grade entry, here's an example where the assignment has 10 questions and is worth 100 points and the student missed two questions. If you select Points, enter the number of points the student earned. Since the student earned 80 points, enter 80 in the points text box. The letter grade and percentage (if applicable) are automatically calculated.
If you select Percent, enter the percent of questions answered correctly. Since the student answered 80% of the questions correctly, enter 80 in the points text box.

If you select Questions Correct, enter the number of questions the student answered correctly. Since the student correctly answered eight questions, enter 8 in the points text box. The 8 automatically calculates to a percentage out of 100.
Entering the number of Questions Correct will translate to the correct number of points if the assignment is set up with a specified number of Questions.

If you select Questions Incorrect, enter the number of questions the student answered incorrectly. Since the student missed two questions, enter 2 in the points text box.
Entering the number of Questions Correct will translate to the correct number of points if the assignment is set up with a specified number of Questions.

If you select Letter Grade, enter the letter grade. Since the student received an 80, enter the letter B. Note: Depending on the set up of letter grades and the corresponding percentages, the percentage calculated may vary. In the example shown, 85 is the corresponding percentage to the letter B.
For A: Enter 100
For B-D: Enter the average value, such as 85 for B.
For F: Enter 58 or 59.
Note: This is based on Grading Scale Setup and varies from district to district.
3. Start entering grades by entering the percent, letter grade, etc. into the provided grade text box.

If starting at the top and working your way through down through the entire list of students, you can press the down arrow key to move to the next student and continue entering grades. To navigate through the gradebook, you can also use the Enter key, the up, left, down, and right arrow keys.
4. Once a grade is entered, it saves automatically. You can also click the Save button to apply changes.

As long as the Save button remains red, the grades entered have not saved.
Scroll to the bottom of the screen for grade averages; the first average is the class average, and the additional averages are per assignment.
Selecting a user from the User List navigates to the teacher's Gradebook screen where there are various options available.
1. Use the section pull-down to change gradebooks for the teacher to a different section.

2. In order to enter grades one student at a time, click the Student name to open assignments and grades for the student.

The student's Current grade in the class is listed at the top; in the example shown, the student has an 92% A.

3. Enter a grade in the Points column. Note: An 85 was entered as a grade because the Enter grade by has been set to Percent.
4. You also have the option to add Comments. Click the Comments fields to open a new text box where information can be noted in various formats. Enter your comments, then click the Ok button, or Cancel to exit the screen. Note: The Comments field may also be a pull-down--this is dependent upon district settings.
5. When all grades and comments have been entered, click the Save button.
If you want to enter/edit grades student by student, click the blue arrows to navigate through the list of students. Click the left arrow to navigate towards the beginning of the list; click the right arrow to navigate towards the end of the list. Note: If you are either at the beginning or the end of the list, only one arrow will display.

6. To exit the student gradebook and navigate back to Gradebook, you can utilize the Student pull-down to select a different Gradebook view.

7. To close the selected student and return to the Gradebook, click the red X next to the student's name listed in the header. You can also select All Assignments from the pull-down shown in step 8.

Selecting a user from the User List navigates to the teacher's Gradebook screen where there are various options available.
1. Click the section pull-down to change gradebooks for the teacher to a different section.

2. Next, you have the option to Include Inactive Students by selecting the corresponding check box. This option is helpful if needing to input grades for students who have already been withdrawal from the class.

When inactive students are added to the list, they will appear in gray so you know which students listed are active and inactive.
Selecting a user from the User List navigates to the teacher's Gradebook screen where there are various options available.
1. Click the section pull-down to change gradebooks for the teacher to a different section.

2. Click on the All Assignments pull-down to choose which assignments you want to view in the gradebook. The default is to show All Assignments, which displays all assignments in all categories.

Selecting to see one assignment versus All Assignments will change the display of the Gradebook screen. Selecting one assignment will break the screen up into the following columns: Grade (student name), Student ID, Points, Grade (letter grade), and Comment.
3. Select a specific category from the pull-down, such as Assessments/Projects/Writing to display all assignments housed with the selected category.
4. Select Totals from the pull-down to see average points/percentages per category for each student, as well as the Total Points, and the student's Weighted Grade.
Selecting a user from the User List navigates to the teacher's Gradebook screen where there are various options available.
1. Click the section pull-down to change gradebooks for the teacher to a different section.

2. Hover over the asterisk for information on customized grades that may be found in the gradebook. In the example shown, X is an example of a customized grade.
Selecting a user from the User List navigates to the teacher's Gradebook screen where there are various options available.
1. Click the section pull-down to change gradebooks for the teacher to a different section.

2. To add an assignment directly from your Gradebook, click the Add Assignment link.

Clicking the Add Assignment link opens an Add An Assignment pop-up screen to quickly create a new assignment without having to navigate to the Gradebook Assignments (Teacher Programs) screen.
3. Enter the Title of the assignment into the text box.
4. Enter the number of Points possible in the text box. If this is left blank, then the assignment will be taken out of 0 points and will count as extra credit.
5. Enter the number of Questions in the text box. This is not required and is typically used when entering scores based upon questions correct/incorrect.
6. To fill in points for all students, type in the number of points in the Auto-Fill Points text box. If Auto-Fill Points is added after the assignment is created, it will only auto-fill empty cells for that assignment.
7. Select an Assignment Category from the pull-down. Note: The Assignment Category must be set up via Grades > Gradebook Categories & Assignments for teacher or Users > Gradebook Assignments (Teacher Programs) for administrators before creating assignments but after combining gradebooks (if applicable).
8. If Third Party Systems has been set up by the district, you will see an additional pull-down called Third Party System. Select your current LMS (Learning Management System) from the pull-down, such as ALL In Learning. For more information, see the section titled, Utilizing Third Party Systems.
9. Select the check boxes to the course sections that will receive this assignment. Selecting Check All will populate this assignment for all sections.

Notice that some of the courses cannot be selected or cleared; the course and check box are inactive (grayed out). To edit data for an inactive course, select the course from your section pull-down located in the header; the course will become active once selected.

10. Select the Hide from Excluded check box to create an exclusive assignment for a student or group of students. Students with an asterisk (*) will not see the assignment on the student or parent portal. This is helpful when a transfer student comes into the class or make-up work has been assigned.

11. Select the Assigned and the Due date using the Month, Day, and Year pull-downs or click the calendar icon. Here you can also set a specific time of assignment or a specific time the assignment is due on the date selected.

12. Select a Publish date to determine when the assignment is visible to parents and students in the Parent/Student Portal. Note: The assignment will not be visible to parents/students until the Publish date has passed.

13. Enter a Description of the assignment. This description will be available when hovering over the assignment within the gradebook. Note: Depending on district settings, the Description field may not display.
14. Add files by dragging and dropping them directly from the computer to the files section. You can also click Select to upload a file. Files can also be scanned via Dynamsoft, a one-time download that allows the attachment of files directly from the scanner; click the Scanner icon to utilize this function.

15. Select the check box to Allow student uploads as a way for students to submit assignments via LMS. Note: If you are not using LMS, this check box can remain cleared. Note: Be sure the Due date and time is correct because the students will not be able to upload documents past the set deadline.

a. If Allow student uploads is enabled, you will also have the option to select the Don't allow late submissions check box.
16. Select the Exclude from Average check box to ensure the assignment doesn’t count for or against the students’ averages.

17. You can select another assignment that must be completed before the student is able to submit this assignment from the Requires Completion Of pull-down. This feature works in conjunction to LMS; if the district has not enable LMS, this feature will remain disabled.
18. Select the Standards related to the assignment by clicking on the appropriate check box. This feature is available if standards are loaded and attached to courses.

a. Standards are listed by subject. Click on a subject to display the available standards and select the standard(s) that are applicable to the assignment. Note: More than one standard can be selected. You can also hover over the standard with your mouse to display the description entered by the district during standard setup.

b. Once the assignment has been created and the standards have been attached, standard information is accessible via the grade field. Double click the student's grade field to open standard data. You can also click the gray arrow to expand the section that contains standard data. Note: If a grade has already been entered, the points will default to the student's overall grade for the assignment.

c. Standard grades can be edited as needed from the pop-up window shown above. Once modified, click OK. The overall grade for the assignment will display as the average of the two standard scores entered.

19. Assign Test allows you to assign students pre-made tests to take online. You can assign a pin (Test Login Pin) and Restrict To Times, if desired. As well as enter the number of days acceptable for a Test Review Delay. The Test feature works in conjunction to LMS; if this feature has not been enabled, the Test feature will not display.

20. When all data has been entered, click the Save button to officially add the assignment.

Custom Grade are set up by the teacher via Grades > Gradebook Configuration > Custom Grades section or can be set up by admin via Users > Gradebook Configuration (Teacher Programs).

If an assignment has been set up linked to a third party system as explained in Creating Assignments from the Gradebook, an icon (set up by the district) will display next to the assignment title in the header.
The icon shown will vary from district to district as it can be customized to display any image desired.
Once linked to the LMS, anything updated in your Gradebook, as it pertains to the linked assignment, will also populate in your LMS, and vice versa. Therefore, you can enter grades for students using your Gradebook and the same grade will display in your LMS. The same applies to updates made to the assignment itself. Note: Two way synching must be set up in order for this to take place.
To open the LMS, such as ALL In Learning, click the icon.
Notice the assignments that were created in Focus are noted as Imported: Focus Assignment under Description.
Selecting a user from the User List navigates to the teacher's Gradebook screen where there are various options available.
1. Click the section pull-down to change gradebooks for the teacher to a different section.

2. To edit an assignment directly from the gradebook, click on the i in the right corner of the listed assignment.

a. You can also hover over the i for assignment information, such as Title, total Points, Assigned date, etc., as shown in the image below.

3. Clicking the i opens an Edit An Assignment pop-up screen to edit the corresponding assignment without having to navigate to the Gradebook Assignments (Teacher Programs) screen.
4. Edit the Title of the assignment by clicking the text box.
5. Edit the number of Points possible in the text box. If this is left blank, then the assignment will be taken out of 0 points and will count as extra credit.
Editing the Points will impact students' grades already entered.
6. Edit the number of Questions entered in the text box. This is not required and is typically used when entering scores based upon questions correct/incorrect.
7. To fill in points for all students, type in the number of points in the Auto-Fill Points text box. If Auto-Fill Points is added after the assignment is created, it will only auto-fill empty cells for that assignment.
8. Edit the selected Assignment Category by selecting another from the pull-down.
9. Select the check boxes to the course sections that will receive this assignment. Selecting Check All will populate this assignment for all sections.

If the assignment was already created for another course and is selected again here, the assignment will be duplicated.
10. Select the Hide from Excluded check box to create an exclusive assignment for a student or group of students. Students with an asterisk (*) will not see the assignment on the student or parent portal. This is helpful when a transfer student comes into the class or make-up work has been assigned.

11. Select the Exclude from Average check box to ensure the assignment doesn’t count for or against the students’ averages.

12. Edit the Assigned and the Due date using the Month, Day, and Year pull-downs or click the calendar icon. Here you can also set a specific time of assignment or a specific time the assignment is due on the date selected.

13. Select a Publish date to determine when the assignment is visible to parents and students in the Parent/Student Portal. Note: The assignment will not be visible to parents/students until the Publish date has passed.

14. Edit the Description of the assignment. This description will be available when hovering over the assignment within the gradebook. Note: Depending on district settings, the Description field may not display.
15. Add files by dragging and dropping them directly from the computer to the files section. You can also click Select to upload a file. Files can also be scanned via Dynamsoft, a one-time download that allows the attachment of files directly from the scanner; click the Scanner icon to utilize this function.

16. Select the check box to Allow student uploads as a way fro students to submit assignments via LMS. Note: If you are not using LMS, this check box can remain cleared. Note: Be sure the Due date and time is correct because the students will not be able to upload documents past the set deadline.

17. You can select another assignment that must be completed before the student is able to submit this assignment from the Requires Completion Of pull-down. This feature works in conjunction to LMS; if the district has not enable LMS, this feature will remain disabled.
18. Select the Standards related to the assignment by clicking on the appropriate check box. This feature is available if standards are loaded and attached to courses.

a. Standards are listed by subject. Click on a subject to display the available standards and select the standard(s) that are applicable to the assignment. Note: More than one standard can be selected. You can also hover over the standard with your mouse to display the description entered by the district during standard setup.

b. Once the assignment has been created and the standards have been attached, standard information is accessable via the grade field. Double click the student's grade field to open standard data. You can also click the gray arrow to expand the section that contains standard data. Note: If a grade has already been entered, the points will default to the student's overall grade for the assignment.

c. Standard grades can be edited as needed from the pop-up window shown above. Once modified, click OK. The overall grade for the assignment will display as the average of the two standard scores entered.

19. Assign Test allows you to assign students pre-made tests to take online. You can assign a pin (Test Login Pin) and Restrict To Times, if desired. As well as enter the number of days acceptable for a Test Review Delay. The Test feature works in conjunction to LMS; if this feature has not been enabled, the Test feature will not display.
20. When all data has been edited, click the Save button.

Selecting a user from the User List navigates to the teacher's Gradebook screen where there are various options available.
1. Click the section pull-down to change gradebooks for the teacher to a different section.

2. To edit an assignment directly from the gardebook, click on the i in the right corner of the listed assignment.

a. You can also hover over the i for assignment information, such as Title, total Points, Assigned date, etc., as shown in the image below.

Clicking the i opens an Edit An Assignment pop-up screen to edit the corresponding assignment without having to navigate to the Gradebook Categories & Assignments screen.
3. To delete the assignment, click the Delete Assignment button.

If you delete an assignment, the assignment will be removed from all sections.
Once deleted, teachers can access the Deleted Assignments report via Grades > Gradebook Reports.
Scores can be imported into the gradebook using a CSV file. First, create the assignment. Then, prepare a CSV file that includes a column for Student IDs (student_id) or Local IDs (custom_53) and a column for student scores/grades. The scores can be entered as points or as percentages.
Selecting a user from the User List navigates to the teacher's Gradebook screen where there are various options available.
1. Click the section pull-down to change gradebooks for the teacher to a different section.

2. To import scores once the assignment as been created and the CSV file prepared, click the i in the right corner of the listed assignment to edit and import.

a. You can also hover over the i for assignment information, such as Title, total Points, Assigned date, etc., as shown in the image below.

Clicking the i opens an Edit An Assignment pop-up screen to edit the corresponding assignment without having to navigate to the Gradebook Assignments (Teacher Programs) screen.
3. Click the Import CSV File button to upload and import grades.

Importing grades must be done by section; importing cannot take place for multiple sections at once.
4. In the pop-up window, click Choose File and select the CSV file from your computer.

5. Select the type of score values included in the file, Points or Percent.
6. From the Student ID Column pull-down, select which column in the file contains the Student IDs. The student IDs must match what is in Focus or the import will not work.
7. From the Score Column pull-down, select which column in the file contains the scores.
8. When all information has been entered and the file selected, click Upload.
9. Once uploaded, the scores are imported to the Gradebook and will be listed for the selected assignment.
Selecting a user from the User List navigates to the teacher's Gradebook screen where there are various options available.
1. Click the section pull-down to change gradebooks for the teacher to a different section.

2. The Gradebook module offers numerous reports; to access them, click the Reports button directly below the Save button in the upper-right corner of the screen. A list of different reports will display. Click the report to generate the chosen report.

For information about each of the listed report, see the article titled, Gradebook Reports (Teacher Programs).
3. If a report is generated via Gradebook, when finished viewing the report, click Back To Gradebook.