The Course Catalog provides a comprehensive list of all the courses available to a district. District administrators in accordance with state regulations can select which courses are active, modify course numbers, define start and end dates, and designate a number of other criteria. The catalog is populated via import tools during the initial development of the SIS for a specific district, and is updated annually.
Once the Course Catalog is imported, it must be enabled for use in Setup > System Preferences.
1. In the Setup menu, click System Preferences.

2. To enable the Course Catalog for all district schools, click the Default School Preferences tab. To enable the Course Catalog for the school you are currently logged into, click the School Preferences tab.

Check the school and school year pull-downs at the top-right corner of the screen to ensure you are enabling the catalog for the correct school and school year.
3. Once you are within the Default School Preferences or School Preferences tabs, click the Scheduling tab.

4. Select the Use Course Catalog check box.
5. Click Save at the top-right corner of the screen.
The Course Catalog contains all the course details that have been imported for the district, including course numbers, short and long course titles, and state reporting fields.
1. In the Scheduling menu, click Course Catalog.

2. Review the Course Catalog fields. The Course Catalog fields are (with indications if it is a Florida or Texas-specific field):
Field |
Description |
Course Number |
This is the course number as defined by the DOE. |
Course Title |
This is the abbreviated course title as defined by the DOE. |
Date Added |
This is the date the course was added to the Course Catalog. This field auto-populates when a course is added to the Course Catalog, and cannot be edited. |
Active |
Active courses can be added to Courses & Sections for a school and can be used in scheduling students, while inactive courses cannot. |
Long Title |
This is the full course title as defined by the DOE. |
Transcript Title |
This is the title of the course as it will display on transcripts. If no Transcript Title is defined, the Course Title will display on transcripts. |
Graduation Subject Area, Graduation Subject Area 2, Graduation Subject Area 3 |
These are the graduation subject areas for the course. Graduation subjects are set up in Grades > Graduation Requirements > Graduation Subjects tab. Up to three graduation subject areas can be defined for a course. This is used by the Graduation Requirements Report to determine if a student has met the graduation requirements for his/her assigned graduation program. When a student passes a course, the system will check the first Graduation Subject Area. If the student has already met the graduation requirements for the first Graduation Subject Area, the system will check the Graduation Subject Area 2, and so on. If the student has met the graduation requirements for all the subject areas, the course will count as an elective. |
Allow Teachers to Request This Course | This designates whether teachers are allowed to request this course for students. Teachers are only allowed to request courses within their grad subject area, unless Requests Subjects are set on the course. See below. |
Requests Subject | This allows teachers to request a course outside of their grad subject area. Select one or multiple grad subjects from the pull-down. Teachers of the selected grad subjects are allowed to request the course. |
Grading Scale |
This is the grading scale used to post grades for the course. Grading scales are set up in Grades > Grading Scales & Comments. |
Standards Grading Scale |
This is the grading scale used to post standards grades for standards assigned to the course. Grading scales are set up in Grades > Grading Scales & Comments. |
Start Date, End Date (Florida) |
The Start Date and End Date range limits when a school can offer a course. |
Gender Restriction (Florida) |
This designates whether the course is restricted to male or female students. |
Credits per CH Term |
This designates the number of credits students earn per course history term. |
Total Credit | This designates the total number of credits earned for the course. Entering a value here will override the value from the Course Code Directory (Florida) or the CO22 (Texas). |
Credits per Course (Florida) |
This is a non-editable field and is populated from the Course Code Directory from the DOE. |
Fee |
This defines the course fee. |
Low Grade, High Grade |
This designates the grade level range for the course. |
Grade Posting Scheme |
This designates how semester and full year grades are calculated for course. Grade posting schemes are set up in Setup > Grading Posting Averaging. |
Course History Term |
This designates when grades are sent to Course History (e.g. at the end of each quarter, at the end of each semester, or at the end of the school year). Note: When “N/A” is selected for a course in the Course Catalog, the Course History Term field can be edited by schools in Courses & Sections and the Master Schedule Report. When “None” is selected for a course in the Course Catalog, the Course History Term field cannot be edited by schools in Courses & Sections and the Master Schedule Report. |
Course Level (Florida) |
This is the course level as defined by the DOE. |
Affects GPA |
This designates that the course will affect GPA. |
Does Grades |
This designates that the course is graded. |
Default Max Seats |
This is the default maximum number of seats for sections of this course. |
CCD Certification Reqs (Florida) |
These are the certifications required for teachers of the course to be considered in-field. If there are no certifications entered here, the teacher will automatically be considered in-field. |
Schools |
This restricts which schools are allowed to offer the course. If no schools are selected, then all schools can offer the course. |
Prerequisites 1, Prerequisites 2, Prerequisites 3 | If students must successfully complete other courses before enrolling in this course, select the prerequisites in the pull-downs. Selecting multiple courses in one pull-down represents an “OR” relationship. Selecting a course in each pull-down represents an “AND” relationship. |
Exclude from Schedule Warning | This option is used to disable the warning message that displays when this course is added to the student’s schedule and the student already has this course in their Course History, but with no credits awarded. The warning message states “The student has already taken this course, please verify the reason for the retake before rescheduling this class." |
Default Store Category | This is used to set the default store category when creating new sections that are available to students/parents for purchase. Categories are set up in Billing > Store Setup. |
Course Description (Florida & Texas only) |
The description entered here will display in a pop-up when the user hovers the mouse over the i icon next to the course title in Courses & Sections. |
Internal Notes (Florida & Texas only) |
This field is used to provide notes to school administrators. |
Reading (Florida) |
This field is used by the automated Highly Qualified and In/Out of Field processes. This field designates whether the teacher of the course must have the Reading endorsement/cert 1046. Note: If the course is for 6th grade students only, the automation requires cert 1013 with an appropriate level of K or 3. |
ESE Type (Florida) |
This field is used by the automated Highly Qualified and In/Out of Field processes. This field designates the ESE type for the course. Note: This automation does not require an ESE student to be scheduled within the course. The options and their associated certification requirements are:
ELL (Florida) |
This field is used by the automated Highly Qualified and In/Out of Field processes. If the automation logic should look at the ELL requirements for additional courses (not ELA/Reading/English), set the ELL field to Yes. If the course is in Appendix DD, the teacher will require certification 1016/172 or an ELL certification status greater than 60 hours. All other courses will require the teacher to hold an ELL certification status greater than 18 hours. |
AP |
This designates the course as an Advanced Placement course. |
IB |
This designates the course as an International Baccalaureate course. |
AICE (Florida) |
This designates the course as an Advanced International Certificate of Education course. |
Distance Learning (Florida) | This designates whether or not the section requires students to attend in class, or if the class can be held via internet, video conference, or by other means. This field is used for post-secondary education. This field should not be used for K-12 since the Online Course field in Grades > Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank is available. |
AGE Online Course Delivery Indicator (Florida) | This designates whether the course is an adult general education asynchronous online course. |
Online Course (Florida) | This designates whether this is an online course. This is used for K-12 courses to designate whether a student meets the online course requirement. This field cannot be edited on the schedule. |
Online Req. Like Courses | This designates the “like courses” for the course when considering whether a student met the online course requirement for the Graduation Requirements Report. |
Dual Enrollment Indicator (Florida) |
This designates the type of dual enrollment for the course (for eligible secondary students or home education students in post-secondary courses creditable toward high school completion, career certificate, or associate or baccalaureate degree). All courses with a U or C school of instruction require a Dual Enrollment Indicator of A. Depending on the technical articulation agreement, adult technical courses may be B or C. If the Dual Enrollment Indicator is used, the FEFP code for K-12 must be 103. |
Dual Enrollment Student Type (Florida) |
This designates the dual enrollment student type. |
Dual Enrollment Institution Type (Florida) |
This designates the dual enrollment institution type. |
CTE Dual Enrollment Course Location (Florida) | This designates the location for CTE dual enrollment courses. |
Exclude from FTE (Florida) |
This designates whether the course is excluded from FTE, for example, homeroom and study hall classes. |
Core for Class Size (Florida) |
This designates the course as a core course that should be considered for class size. These courses are included in the Class Size Report in the Florida Reports menu. |
Core for Highly Qualified (Florida) |
This field is used by the automated Highly Qualified and In/Out of Field processes. This field designates whether the course is considered a core academic course for the highly qualified determination. If the Core for Highly Qualified field is set to null or No in the Course Catalog, the Highly Qualified field on sections of this course in Courses & Sections will display as “Z - Course is not a core academic subject.” |
FEFP (Florida) |
This is the FEFP number for the course. This will filter down to the student schedules as students are enrolled in sections of the course. FEFP numbers can be modified on the student schedules as needed. |
Course Flag 1, Course Flag 2, Course Flag 3, Course Flag 4 (Florida) |
Course flags are defined at the state and district level. For the automated Highly Qualified and In/Out of Field processes, set the course flag to G - Gifted to require the teacher to have certification 1062/206 if a gifted student is scheduled into the course. |
Vocational Program Number (Florida) |
This is the Vocational Program Number the course belongs to as defined by the DOE. |
Course Length (Florida) |
This is the length of the course, e.g. full year, semesters, or quarters. |
WDIS OCP Hours (Florida) |
This is the number of hours required for the course as defined by the DOE. |
EOC Exam Required (Florida) |
This designates whether an end of course exam is required for the course. |
Industry Certification ID, 2nd Industry Certification ID, 3rd Industry Certification ID (Florida) |
These are the industry certifications the student will earn upon completion of the course. |
Daily Class Hours (Florida) |
These are the total daily hours the student is expected to be in class for this course. |
CAPE (Florida) |
This is the CAPE (Career and Professional Education Act) ID of the course. |
ELL Instructional Model (Florida) |
This is the English Language Learners instructional model. |
Local EOC [Test - Part (Subject Code)] (Florida) |
This designates the local EOC exam that is required for the course. Local EOC exams are set up in Florida Reports > Florida Reports Setup > Local EOC tab. |
Cost Reporting Code (Florida) |
This is the cost reporting code of the program the course belongs to. |
Functioning Level (Florida) | This designates the functioning level required for the course. |
Basic Skills (Florida) | This designates whether students are required to take a basic skills exam as part of enrolling in this course. |
Adult Fee Status 1, Adult Fee Status 2 (Florida) | This designates the fee status for the course. |
IET Program Number (Florida) | This designates the Integrated Education and Training program number for the adult education course. |
Career Pathways (Florida) | This designates if the course is part of the Career Pathways program. |
VSA Code (Florida) | This designates the VSA code for the course. |
Credit Hours | This reflects the Credit Hours assigned to the course, which is used to determine the "Credit Hours Attempted" and "Credit Hours Earned” when students are scheduled into the course. Note: The system preference “Use Credit Hours” must be enabled for the post-secondary school in Setup > System Preferences > Scheduling to enable this functionality. |
Include in UIL Report (Texas) | This indicates if the course is included on the UIL report. |
PEIMS Course Number (Texas) | This is the course number as designated in PEIMS. |
Population Served (Texas) | This is the type of students being served in the class. |
Special Explanation Code, Special Explanation Code 2, Special Explanation Code 3 (Texas) | Special explanation codes are defined at the state and district level. A district can define up to 3 special explanations on a course. |
CTE Hours/State Weight (Texas) | This designates the contact hour multiplier that is used to calculate funding. |
Pre-AP (Texas) | This designates that the course is a Pre-AP course. |
Dual Credit (Texas) | This designates that this is a college-level course taken by high school students for both high school and college credit. |
College Credit Hours (Texas) | This is the number of college credit hours if the course has an articulation agreement where the student can earn college credit. |
ATC Indicator (Texas) | This indicates if it is a high school school for which college credit may be awarded by a post-secondary institution under the conditions of a local articulation agreement or statewide Advanced Technical Credit program agreement. |
Honors (Texas) | This designates that the course is an Honors course. |
Course Sequence (Texas) | This designates the sequence in which the course is taught. |
Self Paced (Texas) | This designates the course is part of a self-paced instructional program. |
Partial Credit (Texas) | This designates whether partial credit can be given for the course. |
UIL Eligibility (Texas) | This designates that the course is used to determine a student’s eligibility in the University Interscholastic League. |
Academic Acheivement Record (AAR) Use (Texas) | This designates the category of the course for the AAR. |
Instructional Setting (Texas) | This designates the instructional setting of the course, such as Homebound, Hospital class, Mainstream, etc. |
Class Type (Texas) | This designates the type of class that is reported at the section level. |
Non-Campus Based Instruction (Texas) | This designates whether a course is taught off-campus. This is not pulled on the 305 format. |
CTE Clusters (Texas) | This designates the CTE clusters the course belongs to. |
Advanced Course (Texas) | This designates whether the course is considered an advanced course. |
T-STEM Indicator (Texas) | This designates whether the course is a T-STEM (Texas Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) course. |
PK Curricula (Texas) | This designates the curricula used for Pre-K courses. |
High Quality PK Program (Texas) | This designates whether the course is part of the High Quality Prekindergarten program. |
Program Evaluation Type (Texas) | This designates the program evaluation type. |
Student Instruction Type (Texas) | For Pre-K sections, this designates the length of the instructional day. |
OnRamps Dual Enrollment Indicator (Texas) | This designates whether the course is part of the OnRamps dual enrollment program. |
District administrators can modify the Course Catalog as needed in accordance with state regulations.
1. Click the field you want to modify to enable it for editing.
2. Modify the field as needed.
The modified field will turn blue and the Save button will turn red to indicate changes have been made.
3. Click Save.
4. (Optional) In the pop-up box, select which areas of Focus you want to copy the changes to.

Values can be exported from the Course Catalog to other areas of Focus as a later time. See Exporting Values from the Course Catalog below.
See Florida Course Catalog for where the values are updated in Focus when specific columns are updated, saved, and pushed down/exported.
5. Click Save.

Changes can be made to courses en masse using the Mass Update feature.
Updates will be made to all the courses displayed on the screen. To apply an update to all courses in the catalog, click Show All before running the mass update.
1. Click Mass Update above the catalog table.
2. Select the field to update from the pull-down.
3. Depending on the field selected, a text box or pull-down will display. Define the information to mass assign to all courses.
4. Click Run Mass Update.
The fields will update for all courses displayed on the screen. In order to preserve the changes, you must click Save.
5. Click Save.
Values in the Course Catalog can be exported to Courses & Sections, Grades, Student Schedules, and the Master Schedule Builder in order to apply changes made in the Course Catalog to these modules.
See Florida Course Catalog for where the values are updated in Focus when specific columns are updated, saved, and pushed down/exported.
1. At the top-right corner of the screen, click Export Values.
2. In the pop-up window, select where to export in the values in the first pull-down. The options include Courses And Sections, Grades, Student Schedules, and the Master Schedule Builder. One or multiple options can be selected.
3. Select the fields to export in the second pull-down. One or multiple fields can be selected.
4. Click Export.

5. In the confirmation message, click OK.

A message will display indicating the export is complete.
6. Click OK.

This table explains where values are updated in Focus when a value is set in the Course Catalog, is saved, and then is pushed down/exported.
Column |
Title | Exports to... | Mapping |
SHORT_NAME | Course Number | Courses & Sections (locked), Grades (locked) |
Array([courses] => short_name [student_report_card_grades] => course_num [student_standards_grades] => course_num) |
TITLE | Course Title | Courses & Sections (locked), Grades (locked) |
Array([student_report_card_grades] => course_title [student_standards_grades] => course_title) |
GRAD_SUBJECT_AREA | Graduation Subject Area | Courses & Sections (locked), Grades (can edit) |
Array( [courses]=> grad_sub_id, [student_report_card_grades]=> grad_sib_id, grad_sub_short_name) |
Graduation Subject Area 2 |
Courses & Sections (locked) |
Array( [courses]=> grad_sub_id2 ) |
Graduation Subject Area 3 |
Courses & Sections (locked) |
Array( [courses]=> grad_sub_id3 ) |
TEACHER_REQUESTABLE | Allow Teachers to Request This Course | Courses & Sections (locked) | Array([courses] =>teacher_requestable) |
REQUESTS_SUBJECT | Requests Subject | Courses & Sections (locked) | Array([courses] =>Request_subject) |
GRADING_SCALE | Grading Scale | Courses & Sections (locked), Grades (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods]=> grade_scale_id [student_report_card_grades] =>grade_scale_id, gps_points, weighted_gpa_points) |
STANDARDS_GRADING_SCALE | Standards Grading Scale | Courses & Sections (locked), Grades (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods]=> standards_grade_scale_id [student_report_card_grades] =>grade_scale_id) |
GENDER_RESTRICTION | Gender Restriction | Courses & Sections (locked) | |
CREDITS | Credits Per CH Term | Courses & Sections (locked), Grades (can edit) |
COURSE_CREDITS | Credits per Course | Does not push down | |
FEE | Fee | Does not push down | |
GRADE_POSTING_SCHEME | Grade Posting Scheme | Courses & Sections (locked) | Array( [course_periods]=> grade_posting_scheme_id ) |
COURSE_HISTORY_TERM | Course History Term | Courses & Sections (locked) | |
COURSE_LEVEL | Course Level | Does not push down | |
AFFECTS_GPA | Affects GPA | Courses & Sections (locked), Grades (can edit), |
DOES_GRADES | Does Grades | Courses & Sections (locked) |
DEFAULT_MAX_SEATS | Default Max Seats | Courses & Sections (locked) | Array( [course_periods]=> total_seats) |
PREREQUISITES | Prerequisites 1 | Courses & Sections (locked) | Array([courses] =>Prerequisites) |
Prerequisites 2 |
Courses & Sections (locked) |
Array([courses] =>Prerequisites2) |
Prerequisites 3 |
Courses & Sections (locked) |
Array([courses] =>Prerequisites3) |
READING | Reading | Does not push down | |
ESE | ESE Type | Does not push down | |
ELL | ELL | Does not push down | |
AP | AP | Does not push down | |
IB | IB | Does not push down |
CUSTOM_FIELD_2 | AICE | Does not push down | |
DISTANCE_LEARNING | Distance Learning | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit), Grades (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => CUSTOM_23 [schedule] => CUSTOM_62 [student_report_card_grades] => CUSTOM_15) |
AGE_ONLINE_COURSE | AGE Online Course Delivery Indicator | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => AGE_ONLINE_COURSE [schedule] => AGE_ONLINE_COURSE) |
ONLINE_COURSE | Online Course | No longer used | Array( [course_periods] => ONLINE_COURSE [schedule] => ONLINE_COURSE [student_report_card_grades] => ONLINE_COURSE) |
CUSTOM_FIELD_13 | Dual Enrollment Indicator | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => CUSTOM_31 [schedule] => CUSTOM_8) |
DE_STUDENT_TYPE | Dual Enrollment Student Type | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => DE_STUDENT_TYPE [schedule] => DE_STUDENT_TYPE) |
DE_INST_TYPE | Dual Enrollment Institution Type | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit), Grades (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => DE_INST_TYPE [schedule] => DE_INST_TYPE [student_report_card_grades] => DE_INST_TYPE) |
CTE_DE_LOCATION | CTE Dual Enrollment Course Location | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => CTE_DE_LOCATION [schedule] => CTE_DE_LOCATION) |
CUSTOM_FIELD_1 | Exclude from FTE | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => CP_CHECKBOX_SETTING_5 [schedule] => CUSTOM_87) |
Core for Class Size | Does not push down |
Core for Highly Qualified | No longer used | |
FEFP | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => CUSTOM_2 [schedule] => CUSTOM_5) |
Course Flag 1 | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit), Grades (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => CUSTOM_12 [student_report_card_grades] => CUSTOM_1 [schedule] => CUSTOM_1) |
Course Flag 2 |
Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit), Grades (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => CUSTOM_13 [student_report_card_grades] => CUSTOM_2 [schedule] => CUSTOM_2) |
Course Flag 3 |
Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit), Grades (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => CUSTOM_14 [student_report_card_grades] => CUSTOM_3 [schedule] => CUSTOM_3) |
Course Flag 4 |
Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit), Grades (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => CUSTOM_15 [student_report_card_grades] => CUSTOM_4 [schedule] => CUSTOM_4) |
Vocational Program Number | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit), Grades (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => CUSTOM_29 [schedule] => CUSTOM_9 [student_report_card_grades] => CUSTOM_18) |
Course Length | Courses & Sections (locked) | |
WDIS OCP Hours | Courses & Sections (locked), Grades (can edit) | Array( [courses] => CUSTOM_2 [student_report_card_grades] => CUSTOM_30) |
EOC Exam Required | Does not push down |
Industry Certification ID | Student Schedule (can edit), Grades (can edit) |
Array( [schedule] => CUSTOM_23 [student_report_card_grades] => CUSTOM_13) |
2nd Industry Certification ID | Student Schedule (can edit), Grades (can edit) |
Array( [schedule] => CUSTOM_63 [student_report_card_grades] => CUSTOM_16) |
Daily Class Hours | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => CUSTOM_19 [schedule] => CUSTOM_56) |
3rd Industry Certification ID | Student Schedule (can edit), Grades (can edit) |
Array( [schedule] => CUSTOM_71 [student_report_card_grades] => CUSTOM_33) |
CAPE | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit) |
Array( [courses] => CUSTOM_10 [schedule] => CUSTOM_73) |
ELL_INSTRUCT_MODEL | ELL Instructional Model | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => ELL_INSTRUCT_MODEL [schedule] => CUSTOM_6) |
LOCAL_EOC_ID | Local EOC [Test - Part (Subject Code)] | Does not push down | |
COST_REPORTING_CODE | Cost Reporting Code | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => CUSTOM_16 [schedule] => CUSTOM_32) |
FUNCTION_LEVEL | Functioning Level | Courses & Sections (locked) |
Array( [course_periods] => FUNCTION_LEVEL) |
BASIC_SKILLS | Basic Skills | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => CUSTOM_22 [schedule] => CUSTOM_31) |
ADULT_TEST | Adult Test Name | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => ADULT_TEST [schedule] => ADULT_TEST) |
ADULT_FEE_STATUS_1 | Adult Fee Status 1 | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => CUSTOM_21 [schedule] => CUSTOM_30) |
Adult Fee Status 2 |
Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit) |
Array( [course_periods] => CUSTOM_38 [schedule] => CUSTOM_88) |
IET_PROGRAM_NUMBER | IET Program Number | Courses & Sections (locked), Student Schedule (can edit), Grades (can edit) |
Array( [schedule] => IET_PROGRAM_NUMBER [course_periods] => IET_PROGRAM_NUMBER [courses] => IET_PROGRAM_NUMBER [student_report_card_grades] => IET_PROGRAM_NUMBER) |
CAREER_PATHWAY | Career Pathway | Does not push down |