Documentation for Administrators

Print Student Schedules

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The Print Student Schedules screen is used to print one or more student schedules. The effective date, marking period, format, school periods, and other options can be defined.  

The schedules are generated in PDF format; the schedules cannot be exported to Excel.

Printing Student Schedules

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Print Student Schedules.

2. At the top of the screen, enter search criteria to locate the student or group of students.

Print Student Schedules

3. Select Show Schedules from All Schools to print the student's schedule from all of the schools in which the student is enrolled onto one schedule.

4. Select Include Future Active Classes to include classes with a start date in the future. This is especially useful for students with a term override.

5. Select the Effective Date to display schedule records active as of the selected date.

Schedule records with a dropped date that is before the selected Effective Date will not display on the schedule. For example, if a semester 1 course has a dropped date of December 22, and you select December 23 as the Effective Date, the semester 1 course will not display on the schedule.

To generate an inactive student's schedule, select the option to "Include Inactive." Only schedule records active as of the Effective Date will display. If the schedule records have a dropped date, be sure to select an Effective Date that is before the dropped date to include those records on the schedule.

6. Select the Marking Period for which to print schedules.

7. Select the Format, Course List or Weekly Planner.

Course List Example:

Weekly Planner Example:

8. Select the Periods in the School Day to include on schedules.

When "Show Schedules From All Schools" is selected, periods from all of the district's schools are listed for selection.

9. In the Sort Schedule Sheets pull-down, select an option to sort the printed schedule sheets.

If a period teacher option is selected, the option Display this Teacher on Each Schedule Sheet is displayed. Select the check box to print the period teacher on each schedule sheet for easier distribution of the schedules.

The Effective Date for Teacher Sorting option is also available. This option is useful if you want the effective date used to sort the schedules by teacher to be different than the effective date used to generate the schedules (such as when printing semester 2 schedules but you want the semester 1 teacher to be used for sorting).  

Additionally, schools using a rotation schedule will see a pull-down to choose the rotation day to use for teacher sorting.

Print Student Schedules

10. To print the schedules on district or school letterhead, select the Letterhead Template.

11. Select Print Multiple Copies for Custodial Contacts at Separate Addresses, if needed.

12. Select Hide Teacher Names to hide the Teacher column on the schedule.

13. Select Hide Periods to hide the Period column on the schedule.

14. Select Include Course Number to include the course number on the student schedules.

15. Select Include Section Number to include the section number on the student schedules.

16. To only print sections with specific scheduling methods, select the Scheduling Methods.

17. Select Include Inclusion to include inclusion sections on the student schedules for students scheduled into inclusion.

When inclusion sections are included on the schedule, the included section is displayed beneath the regular section and has "Inclusion" displayed in parentheses next to the course title.

Print Student Schedules

18. When finished setting the print options, click Download Schedules at the top of the screen.

Print Student Schedules

A pdf preview of the schedules is displayed, which can be saved to your computer or printed.

19. Click Return to Focus to go back to the Print Student Schedules screen.

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