The Application Editor screen is used to set up enrollment forms for new students to enroll in the district, for existing students to update their information in Focus, and for inactive students to reapply to the district. Forms can also be built around any student field listed on a Form Record.
The Online Application tab in System Preferences houses the system preferences that are relevant to the online application.
1. In the Setup menu, click System Preferences.

2. Click the Default School Preferences tab.
3. Click the Online Application tab.
4. Set the desired system preferences.
Preference | Description |
Allow New Applications to be Started | Select the check box to display the Application for New Students tab of the online application and allow new applications to be started. |
All In-progess Applicants to Continue their Applications | Select this check box to display the Continue Application tab of the online application and allow in-progress applicants to continue their applications. Note: If Email Validation is used on any application forms on the Application Editor screen, then this must be enabled for new applicants to validate their email. |
Application tracker |
Select the check box to enable the ability for the applicant to track the application by entering their email address and a password for the application. When both the “Applicant tracker” and the “Require Email Address” preferences are enabled, the applicant must fill out the Email Address and Password fields. When the “Applicant tracker” preference is enabled but the “Require Email Address” preference is disabled, the option "Would you like to track the application status?” is displayed. Selecting Yes allows the applicant to enter the Email Address and Password fields to track the application. |
Make Required Re-Enrollment Forms Student Specific |
Select the check box to allow parents who have multiple students to access the Portal for the student whose required re-enrollment form was completed. Parents cannot access the Portal for other students who didn’t have their required re-enrollment forms completed. When this preference is unselected, parents must complete all required re-enrollment forms for all of their students before having access to any student data. |
Enrollment Year for Application Courses |
Select the year that will be used when determining the courses that a student can request in an application. Selecting N/A will use the currently selected syear. |
Create Students Using Negative Student IDs |
Select this option to assign a negative student ID to students who applied via the online application. This is used when districts do not want to create a valid student ID for student until they are enrolled at a school in the district. The student ID changes to a positive number once the student is dropped from the Applicants school and enrolled in a district school. |
Default Student Profile for Online Application |
Select the default student profile that is assigned to the student once the online application is completed. Note: A specific profile can set up for applicant students in Users > Profiles to limit the student's access in Focus until they are enrolled at a school in the district. |
Automatically link students created by parent profiles |
Select one or multiple parent profiles from the pull-down. When a parent with a selected parent profile completes an online application for multiple students, those students will automatically be recognized as siblings and will be linked in the Linked Students section of the Addresses & Contacts category in Student Info. |
Process Edit Rules on Student Creation |
Select the check box to enforce the edit rules set up in Setup > Edit Rules & Workflow on the online application as the student table is updated for new students. Note: For "Process Edit Rules on Student Creation" to work as expected, both the "Enabled" and "New Student" check boxes must be selected for the rule in Edit Rules & Workflow > Execute SQL. The Execute SQL will be executed upon the creation of the student record in the application school and not when the application is submitted. |
Process Edit Rules on Student Updates |
Select the check box to enforce the edit rules set up in Setup > Edit Rules & Workflow on the online application as the student table is updated for returning students. |
Contact Required - If an address block is shown then require student to add a contact | Select the check box to require applicants to add at least one contact when the Address block (in the System category) is included on the application and is marked as required in the Application Editor. Note that this preference does not need to be enabled when using the System Addresses and System Contacts fields in the Application Editor, as the individual fields can be marked as required. |
Allow School Selection - Allow the user to select their desired school from a drop-down. |
Select “Required” from the pull-down to display the “Desired School” pull-down on the /apply page. The applicant will be required to select a school. This system preference is intended for post-secondary use for the voluntary re-enrollment functionality. Schools that have the school field “Available on the Online App” selected in School Information will be available for selection by applicants. Select “Optional” from the pull-down to display the “Desired School” pull-down on the /apply page and have the selection of the school be optional. Select “None” to hide the “Desired School” pull-down. |
Allow Enrolling in Future Year |
Select the check box to allow the applicant to select the next school year as the year of enrollment. When the student field “Application School Year” is included on an enrollment or re-enrollment form, the applicant can select the Current School Year or Next School Year option. In the Unprocessed Applications tab and Unprocessed Forms tab of the Online Enrollments screen, the Requested Enrollment Year column will display the applicant’s selection. When clicking Process to enroll the applicant in the Unprocessed Applications tab, the requested enrollment year will default as the enrollment year. This preference is enabled by default. When this preference is disabled, the applicant will not be able to select the Next School Year option in the Application School Year field. |
Allow Course Selection - Allow the user to select their desired course section from a drop-down (Requires “Require School Selection” to be enabled.) | Select the check box to display “Program,” “Course,” and “Section” drop-downs on the /apply page, which are populated based on the desired school selected. The applicant is not required to select a Program, Course, and Section. This system preference is intended for post-secondary use for the voluntary re-enrollment functionality. |
Require Email Address - Require the user to provide an email address to begin the application process. | Select the check box to make the Email and Password fields required on the /apply page. When the preference is disabled, the Email and Password fields are optional. If the applicant chooses not to track the application, then they will not be able to save and return to the application, as that button is removed. If this preference is disabled and the district uses email validation for the application, then if the applicant enters an email, they will receive the validation email. If the applicant does not choose to track the application, there is no validation email and the applicant can continue to the application. |
Prevent Duplicate SSN |
When this system preference is enabled, an error message will display if the parent or student enters a social security number that already exists in the database: “This SSN is already in use. If you have already applied or have attended this institution in the past, please try logging in with your existing account.” The parent or student will be prevented from completing the application. |
Prevent Duplicate Students | When this system preference is enabled, the online application will run a script to check if a duplicate student is currently enrolled in the school district with the same (case insensitive) first name, last name and birthdate. If a match is present, a customized pop-up message appears providing the applicant with additional information. |
Prevent Inactive Students |
When this system preference is enabled, the online application will run a script to check if an inactive student exists in the system with the same (case insensitive) first name, last name, and birthdate. The duplicate message will display to the applicant. |
Prevent Duplicate In-Progress Applications | When this system preference is enabled, the online application will run a script to check if a duplicate student is currently enrolled in the Applicants school with an application status of in progress with the same (case insensitive) first name, last name, and birthdate. If a match is present, a customized pop-up message appears providing the applicant with additional information. |
Prevent Duplicate Applications in the Applicants School for the Past __ days | When a number is entered in this preference, the online application will run a script to check if a duplicate student has been enrolled in the Applicants school with a start date in the prior X days that has the same (case insensitive) first name, last name, and birthdate. If a match is present, a customized pop-up message appears providing the applicant with additional information. |
Alert User the email address entered is already associated with another user in /apply |
When this system preference is enabled, the user will receive a message when attempting to begin a new application on /apply using an email address that is already in the system. The warning states “The email address you entered is already associated with a user in this system. Please select the Continue Application tab to login to an existing application.” |
Prevent Direct Access via "/apply" URL | When enabled, the online application will only be available for access via the Parent Portal or Parent Registration Portal. |
Duplicate Override Code | If a value is entered in this system preference, when the pop-up message displays to the end-user telling them there is a match, they can enter this override code, provided to them by the district, to allow them to continue with completing the online application. |
Display Parent Portal Alert for In-Progress Applications |
When enabled, an alert displays on the Parent Portal when the parent has a linked student who is currently enrolled (default school) in the district’s applicants school and whose application.status = ‘in_progress'. The alert says “Click HERE to complete {STUDENT_NAME}’s application,” and includes a link to complete the application. |
Log Students in to Focus after completing the Online Application |
This preference is enabled by default. When disabled, student applicants will not be automatically logged into Focus upon completing the online application. |
Define Grade Levels on Application Courses |
This preference is used for postsecondary. When this preference is enabled, grade levels can be set for courses in the Application Courses tab of the Application Editor. Additionally, the Current Grade Level field is added to the application. When the applicant selects a grade level, the available courses will display depending on the grade level selected. |
Duplicate Message Text | The message entered here will display in the pop-up to the end-user if the script returns a “match”. This CK editor box allows the district to customize the match message that is displayed to the applicant. |
Welcome Screen Text | Using the text editor, customize the text that will display on the welcome screen of the online application. |
Require that pending applications be processed before users can apply for a job. |
Select the check box to require that a user’s application be approved before they can apply for a job. The message “Your application is being reviewed. You will receive an email when your application is approved and you can return here to apply for job openings” will display in red font on the Job Postings screen until the user’s application is approved. |
Days before archiving Processed User Applications |
Enter the number of days before a processed user application is moved to the Archived tab in ERP > Human Resources > Online Applications. |
Days before archiving Unprocessed User Applications |
Enter the number of days before an unprocessed user application is moved to the Archived tab in ERP > Human Resources > Online Applications. |
Days before archiving Unsubmitted User Applications |
Enter the number of days before an unsubmitted user application is moved to the Archived tab in ERP > Human Resources > Online Applications. |
Archive User Applications for Hired Applicants |
Select the check box to move user applications for hired applicants to the Archived tab in ERP > Human Resources > Online Applications. |
5. Click Save.
The Application Editor allows the district to customize forms used for new student enrollment and re-enrollment of current or inactive students. Forms are built using labels, groups, page breaks, and student fields. Forms can be published online for applicants and students to access, or in Focus for current parents and students to access. Multiple forms can be created, as needed.
1. In the Setup menu, click Application Editor.

The Form Setup tab is opened by default.
2. Click the + icon at the top of the screen.
3. In the Create Form pop-up window, enter the Form Title. In the Form Type pull-down, keep Student Enrollment selected. Click Create Form.

4. If you have a different form currently loaded on the screen, click Yes in the next pop-up window to switch to the new form.

The new form is loaded. The form setup options are displayed at the top of the screen. The Application Layout on the bottom-right of the screen is where the form layout will be built. The bottom-left side of the screen contains the items that are used to build the form, including labels, groups, page breaks, and student fields.
5. Select a Header Color for the form.
6. To upload a Header Image for the form, click the pencil icon.
7. In the pop-up window, drag an image into the designated area, click the blue Choose a file bar and select an image from your computer, or click the camera icon to take a photo with your webcam. Click Save when finished.

8. If an email will be sent to the applicant upon form completion, select the whether the email will be sent to the student's email stored in students.custom_200000012 or the email provided on the application ( in the Completion Email Address pull-down.
9. On the right side of the screen in the Completion Email Subject field, enter the subject of the email that will be sent to applicants upon form completion.
10. In the Completion Email Template pull-down, select the email template to use for the completion email sent to the applicant.
The template contains the body of the email that will be sent. Email templates are set up in Students > Print Letters & Send Email or Students > Communication. Templates that are attached to "Online App" will be available for selection in the Application Editor.
If a Completion Email Address is selected, you must enter a Completion Email Subject and select a Completion Email Template.
11. On the left side of the screen, select Validate Email Addresses to enable email validation.
When this option is selected, applicants will be prompted to enter their email address. Once they receive the validation email and validate their email address, applicants will be able to log into the enrollment form using their email address as their username. If this option is not enabled, applicants may be prompted to enter their email address if the "Application Tracking" system preference is enabled, but they can continue to the enrollment form without validating their email address.
12. On the right side of the screen In the Validation Email Subject field, enter the subject of the email that will be sent to applicants to validate their email address.
13. In the Validation Email Template pull-down, select the email template to use for the validation email sent to the applicant.
The template contains the body of the email that will be sent. Email templates are set up in Students > Print Letters & Send Email or Students > Communication. Templates that are attached to "Online App" will be available for selection in the Application Editor.
If Validate Email Address is selected, you must enter a Validation Email Subject and select a Validation Email Template.
14. To send a reminder email to the applicant when the application is saved but not completed, enter a Continuation Email Subject for the reminder email.
15. Select the Continuation Email Template.
The template contains the body of the email that will be sent. Email templates are set up in Students > Print Letters & Send Email or Students > Communication. Templates that are attached to "Online App" will be available for selection in the Application Editor.
16. Select Show Zoned School to display the applicant's zoned school on the application, based on the Address Catalog.
Additionally, when "Show Zoned School" is enabled, users with the Edit permission to the Unprocessed Applications tab of the Online Enrollments screen will receive the Portal alert “X Online New Enrollment(s) are awaiting approval” when applicants submit an online application and the applicant is zoned for the user's school. Clicking the alert will navigate the user to the Unprocessed Applications tab of the Online Enrollments screen.
The "Show Zoned School" function is only supported on new enrollment (Online Application) forms; it is not supported on re-enrollment forms.
The Applicant Gradelevel field (alias applicant_gradelevel) must be included on the application, as well as the System Addresses fields within the Address Group. The Applicant Gradelevel field should be on a separate page of the application, before the page with the address input.
17. To customize the text that displays on the "Application Completed" page of the application on /apply, click Customize Last Page.
18. In the pop-up window, enter and format the text and click Save.
19. If the system preference "Enable Form Fees" is enabled in Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Billing tab, and fees will be collected when completing the form, select the District Fee(s) from the pull-down.
District fees are set up in ERP in the Product List as services. The facility on the accounting strip must be the district facility.
In addition, fee templates can also be linked to forms.
When the user comes to the end of the form, the payment screen is displayed and must be completed. This will include both district fees and fee template fees. Payments work with both and TouchNet. Transactions are viewable in the Transaction History tab of the Point of Sale screen.
20. To limit access to the application or form based on the student's age, enter or select from the calendar the applicable birth dates in the Birthdate On or After and/or Birthdate On or Before fields.
If the Student’s Birthdate entered on the first page of the online application screen does not meet the criteria set on the application, the student or parent cannot start the application.
21. In the Profiles Allowed to Assign pull-down, select the administrator profiles that are allowed to assign this form to individual students in Students > Student Info > Re-enrollment tab. This pull-down also limits the profiles that are allowed to view the form in Students > Online Enrollments.
If this pull-down is left blank, all administrator profiles can assign this form to individual students in Student Info and view this form in Online Enrollments.
This pull-down does not affect the assignment of this form to students in the Student Re-Enrollment Setup tab in the Application Editor.
22. After making changes to settings, click Save Form Settings and/or Save Layout.
When working on the Application Layout, it may be useful to hide the form settings at the top of the screen to provide more space in which to work. Click Hide and Show to hide or show the form settings.
23. To add an item to the layout, click and drag from the left side of the screen over to the Application Layout.
Labels can be used anywhere in the form to include information or descriptions, such as headings or directions. There is no character limit. The label can be created using plain text or rich text.
a. To create a label using plain text, enter the text in the Label Text box.

b. To create a label using the rich text editor, select the Use HTML check box.

c. Enter the text in the Label Text box, using text formatting, images, tables, etc.
When using the Insert A Field function in the label, the field will display the value from the student's record if available.

When a page break is used, items that are below the page break in the layout will appear on the next page of the form. When applicants/students fill out the form online, they will use the Next Page and Previous Page buttons to navigate throughout the form.

On the right side of the screen, student fields are organized by category (the dark blue blocks). Click a category to view the fields that can be added to the form. The field names, field IDs, and field types are displayed on the block. If local fields will be used on the form, they have to be set up first in Students > Student Fields.
Any field added to a form, regardless of the permission given to the parent, can be edited by the parent. If a field needs to be displayed on the form but be only viewable and not editable by the parent, a computed field will need to be used.
a. Click the gray right arrow on the field in the fields list to add the field to the layout, or click and drag the field into the layout.

Once the field is added, it is grayed out in the fields list and cannot be added again to the layout.
b. Click the gray left arrow on the field in the fields list to remove the field from the layout.

c. Once a field is added to the layout, enter Alternate Text, if desired. The alternate text will display on the form instead of the field name.
d. Select the Required check box to make the field required on the form.
Applicants/students will not be able to continue onto the next page of the form or submit the form without filling out required fields.
e. Select Hidden on the field to hide the field from view on the form.
This allows you to create a grouping condition based on the value of a field that you do not want students/parents to see and edit on the form. For example, if you would like to set up a grouping condition to display a group of fields based on the value in the Primary Home Language field, but you do not want students/parents to view and edit the Primary Home Language field on the form, the Primary Home Language field can be added to the form and marked as Hidden. This feature is intended to work for districts using the form for returning students. The Hidden feature does not work for new students since the new student does not have any data in student fields in Focus to reference.
See Groups for more information on using groups.

Groups are used to organize fields on the form. Groups can be set up to only display when certain conditions are met, referencing fields included on the forms. Groups can contain labels, fields, and other groups.
a. Enter the Group Name.
b. To display the group name on the form, select Display Group name.

c. To add labels, fields, and groups to the group, click and drag the items into the group.
d. To only display or hide the group when certain conditions are met, select Show when... or Hide when... in the pull-down.

e. In the text box, enter the rule using the applicable field ID.

The field IDs are noted in parentheses on the field blocks for reference.

The following can be used to create the group rule:
!= | does not equal |
= | equals |
> | greater than |
< | less than |
>= | greater than or equal to |
<= | less than or equal to |
Text must be placed in quotes. Use spaces between symbols and text. Use "and" to include multiple conditions. Use "or" for either/or conditions. The constraint "contains" may be used with select multiple fields. Use nested expressions in parentheses for complex conditions. Nested conditions will be tested before the remainder of the expression outside of the parentheses.
Example condition: field65 = "Medical" OR (field546 != "Medial" AND field132 = "Speech")
Using the Address Group and System Addresses fields on the form provides a more user-friendly method of entering address information compared to using the Address block. Individual address fields can be added to the application, which allows each field to have its own required, hidden, and alternate text settings. It is recommended to have the Address Group on its own page of the application.
Either the Address Group/System Addresses feature or the original Address block should be used; both should not be used at the same time.
a. Click and drag the Address Group into the layout.
b. Select Allow Additional Addresses to allow users to enter multiple addresses.
When "Allow Additional Addresses" is selected, enter the maximum number of addresses the applicant can add in the application in the Group Count field. Leaving the Group Count field blank will allow the applicant to add an unlimited number of addresses.

c. Click the System Addresses category.
Each of the individual address fields are listed.
d. Click and drag the desired system address fields into the Address Group or click the gray arrow next to the field.
Clicking the gray arrow next to a system address field will automatically add the field into the Address Group. System address fields cannot be dragged outside of the Address Group.
Adding the Phone Number system address field to the layout adds the Phone Number Group within the Address Group. Only contact detail flags set as "For Phone Number" and "Include on Enrollment Forms" in Students > Address Fields > Contact Detail Flags will be available for inclusion on the form.

It is recommended to add the "Is this the Primary Residence? (fieldprimary_residence)" to the Address Group on the application, as it is required that students have a primary residence in Focus.
e. On each system address field, set the Alternate Text, Required, and Hidden options as needed. See Student Fields for more information on these options.
f. If desired, add a Label to the Address Group to provide instructions or additional information. No other fields beside system address fields or labels can be added to an Address Group.

Using the Contact Group and System Contacts fields on the form provides a more user-friendly method of entering contact information compared to using the Address block. Individual contact fields can be added to the application, which allows each field to have its own required, hidden, and alternate text settings. It is recommended to have the Contact Group on its own page of the application, and have it after the Address Group page.
If the Priority field is not included on the application, or if the Priority is not defined by the applicant when entering a contact on the application, a default Priority value will be set on the contact using the next available value.
a. Click and drag the Contact Group into the layout.
b. Select Allow Additional Contacts to allow users to enter multiple contacts.
When "Allow Additional Contacts" is selected, enter the maximum number of contacts the applicant can add in the application in the Group Count field. Leaving the Group Count field blank will allow the applicant to add an unlimited number of contacts.

c. Click the System Contacts category.
Each of the individual contact fields are listed.
Only contact detail flags and contact flags set as "Include on Enrollment Forms" in Students > Address Fields > Contact Detail Flags and Contact Flags will be available for inclusion on the form.

d. Click and drag the desired contact fields into the Contact Group or click the gray arrow next to the field.
Clicking the gray arrow next to the system contact field will automatically add the field into the Contact Group. System contact fields cannot be dragged outside of the Contact Group.
Adding the Phone & Contact Details system contact field to the layout adds the Contact Detail Group within the Contact Group.

e. On each system contact field, set the Alternate Text, Required, and Hidden options as needed. See Student Fields for more information on these options.
f. If desired, add a Label to the Contact Group to provide instructions or additional information. No other fields beside system contact fields or labels can be added to a Contact Group.

The Contact Address select one field allows the user to select a saved address to associate with the contact that is being added. The pull-down will be populated with the currently saved addresses for the student. If there are unsaved addresses (in the case of re-enrollment forms that require approval), then the addresses are displayed beneath the pull-down in a list, noting to the user that “These addresses require approval.” When an address is selected and the contact is saved, that contact's record in students_join_people is updated with the corresponding address_id. Note: Ensure the Contact Group displays after the Address Group on the application. Otherwise, there will be no addresses to select from when adding the contact.
24. To rearrange items in the layout, click the up or down arrows on a block.

25. To remove an item from the layout, click the delete icon on the block.

26. At the top of the screen, click Save Layout to save the changes to the form layout.
27. Select Enabled to make the form available for use.
Users must have the profile permission to the Online Application to access the enrollment form in the Forms menu in Focus.
28. In the Publish Options pull-down, select a publishing option.
Forms published on /apply are available at the district's Focus URL with /apply appended to the end of the URL. Forms published on /auth are available at the district's Focus URL with /auth appended to the end of the URL.
Select Unavailable if the form should not be available.
Select Default Application if the form should be available on /apply, and should be selected by default in the Form Type pull-down. If multiple forms are set as the default application, the form that comes first in alphabetical order will be selected by default in the Form Type pull-down.
Select Default Catalog if this form will be the form applicants use when accessing the application from /catalog.
Publish on /apply if the form should be available on /apply in the Form Type pull-down.
Publish on /auth if the form should be available on /auth in the Form Type pull-down.
Publish on Both if the form should be available on both /apply and /auth.
29. Click Save Layout to save your changes.
This procedure is only applicable for districts on versions prior to 12.0.55. For districts on version 12.0.55 or later, the Language pull-down is no longer available on the Application Editor screen, as translations are made via the Translations (New) screen.
A form can be created in multiple languages. When the applicant accesses the form, he or she can choose which language version to use.
1. In the Form pull-down at the top of the screen, select the form to translate.
2. Select the Language version to create.
The layout is loaded. Since no translations have yet been made for this language, the English version of the layout is loaded.
3. Manually make the translations that are needed by editing the labels, alternate text for fields, and group titles.

4. At the top of the screen, enter and select the Completion Email Subject, Completion Email Template, Validation Email Subject, Validation Email Template, Continuation Email Subject, and Continuation Email Template as needed. Click Customize Last Page and modify the text as needed. Optionally, select Show Zoned School.
5. Select Enabled to make the form available for use.
Users must have the profile permission to the Online Application to access the enrollment form in the Forms menu in Focus.
6. In the Publish Options pull-down, select a publishing option.
Forms published on /apply are available at the district's Focus URL with /apply appended to the end of the URL. Forms published on /auth are available at the district's Focus URL with /auth appended to the end of the URL.
Select Unavailable if the form should not be available.
Select Default Application if the form should be available on /apply, and should be selected by default in the Form Type pull-down. If multiple forms are set as the default application, the form that comes first in alphabetical order will be selected by default in the Form Type pull-down.
Select Default Catalog if this form will be the form applicants use when accessing the application from /catalog.
Publish on /apply if the form should be available on /apply in the Form Type pull-down.
Publish on /auth if the form should be available on /auth in the Form Type pull-down.
Publish on Both if the form should be available on both /apply and /auth.
7. Click Save Layout to save your changes.
Instead of creating a new form from scratch, you can copy the layout from an existing form into the new form. First, you must create the new form. Then, you can copy the layout from an existing form.
1. Click the + icon at the top of the screen.
2. In the Create Form pop-up window, enter the Form Title, ensure Student Enrollment is selected as the Form Type, and click Create Form.

3. If you have a different form currently loaded on the screen, click Yes in the next pop-up window to switch to the new form.

The new form is loaded on the screen with a blank layout.
4. Select the form you want to copy the layout from in the Form pull-down.
5. Click Copy Layout.
6. Select the Enrollment Form that will receive the copied layout (i.e. the new form created in step 1).
7. Click Copy Layout.

8. In the confirmation message, click Yes.

9. In the next pop-up window, click Yes to switch to the copied layout.

The new form is populated with the copied layout.
10. Make any updates as needed and click Save Form Settings and/or Save Layout.
The Student Re-Enrollment Setup tab is used to set the options for required and optional student re-enrollment forms.
For required forms, parents or students will not be able to use the Portal until the re-enrollment forms are completed. Optional forms can be used for inactive students to reapply to the district (primarily for Post-Secondary). Districts can also push other optional re-enrollment or non-enrollment forms to parents and students.
For both required and optional re-enrollment forms, forms can be assigned to specific schools, specific grade levels, active parents, active students, parents of inactive students, inactive students, and specific parent or student profiles. Re-enrollment information can be viewed, approved, or denied in Students > Online Enrollments, unless "Do Not Require Approval" is set on the form.
Required or optional forms can be assigned on an individual basis in Students > Student Info > Re-enrollment tab. You can also mark that an individual student's form does not require approval.
Additionally, required or optional forms can be mass assigned to students in Mass Add Log Records in both the By Student and By Group tabs. Select the "Re-enrollment" option in the Logging Field pull-down and set the form options. Assigning forms to students in Mass Add Log Records will also update the Re-enrollment logging field in Students > Student Info > Re-enrollment tab.
The system preference "Inactive Student Login" in Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > General tab allows inactive students to log in to Focus (students without an active enrollment record or students without any enrollment record).
1. Click the Student Re-Enrollment Setup tab.
2. Select the Form to assign in the blank row.
3. Select the Publish Date and Publish Time (when the form will be available on the Portal).
4. If desired, select the End Date and End Time (when the form will no longer be available on the Portal).
5. Select a School Year option. This determines the schools that will receive the Portal alert for a form that needs processing and can review and approve the form.
Current - The form will be visible in the student's currently enrolled school only.
Future Year - The form will be visible in the student's next year enrollment school only.
All Years - The form will be visible in both the student's current and next year enrollment schools.
When the field is set to null, it will be considered as All Years.
When All Years or null is selected, and one school processes a student's form, the form will be removed from the other's schools Unprocessed Forms tab on the Online Enrollments screen.
6. Select the School(s). One or more can be selected.
7. Select the Grade Level(s). One or more can be selected.
If you are setting up re-enrollment for inactive students, it is recommended to select all the grade levels, as the inactive student may have withdrawn at any of the grade levels.
8. Select Optional Form if this is an optional form that will be available for parents or students to complete.
9. The Re-Enroll Student option is used when setting up re-enrollment for inactive students. This option must be selected to enroll the student into the Applicants school as an active student.
If the student has a previous enrollment record for the Applicants school that does not have a drop date, Focus will set the drop date for the enrollment record before adding a new enrollment record for the Applicants school.
10. Select Parent Portal or Student Portal to dictate where the re-enrollment form will be available. These options are used for re-enrollment forms for active students.
Students with a future start date are considered as active for re-enrollment forms.
11. To assign the form to inactive students, select Parent Portal of Inactive Students or Inactive Student Portal to dictate whether the re-enrollment form will be available for inactive students on the Parent Portal or Student Portal.
The profile permission "Show Previous Year Inactive Students" for parents must be enabled in Users > Profiles in order for parents to be able to see their previous year inactive students in the Parent Portal.
12. Select Require Custody along with the “Parent Portal” check box to only provide the linked user that has a contact record flagged as "Custody" access to the form.
13. If the form should only be accessible by specific parent or student profiles, select the Student Profiles or Parent Profiles.
14. Select Publish on Apply to make the form available on /apply when the student logs in on the Continue Application/Returning Students tab.
15. Select Do Not Require Approval to automatically approve any changes the student submits to their information. The student's information in Focus is immediately updated each time a page of the form is submitted. Do not select this option if changes should require approval in Students > Online Enrollments > Unprocessed Forms. The student's form will display in the Processed tab on the Online Enrollment screen.
16. Press Enter to add the row.
17. Click Save.
1. Enter your district's Focus URL with /apply appended to the end.

The online application screen is displayed.

2. At the top of the screen, click the desired language.

3. In the Application for New Students tab, enter the Student's First Name, Student's Last Name, and Student's Birthdate.
4. In the Form Type pull-down, select the applicable form.
5. Enter the contact email address in the Email Address and Confirm Email Address fields.
6. Enter a password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.
If the system preferences "Application tracker" and "Require Email Address" are enabled, then the applicant must enter the Email Address and Password. If the "Application tracker" preference is enabled and the "Require Email Address" preference is disabled, then the message "Would you like to track the application status?" is displayed above the Email Address and Password fields. If the applicant selects Yes, then the Email Address and Password fields are displayed and the applicant can enter the information. If the applicant selects No, then the Email Address and Password fields are hidden. If the "Application tracker" preference is disabled, no Email Address and Password fields will display.
7. Click Begin Application.

If email validation is not enabled for the form in the Application Editor, the applicant can proceed with the form. If email validation is enabled for the form, a message is displayed indicating that the applicant will receive an email to validate his/her email address. Once the applicant clicks the validation link in the email, the online application is opened and prompts the applicant to enter the email address and password and proceed with the form.

1. Enter your district's Focus URL with /apply appended to the end.

The online application screen is displayed.

2. Click the Continue Application tab.
If there is a form marked "Publish on Apply" in Setup > Application Editor > Re-Enrollment Setup > Available forms, then the tab displays as "Continue Application / Returning Students." If there are no forms marked "Publish on Apply," then the tab displays as "Continue Application."

3. Enter your Username and Password.
4. Click Log In.

5. Click Resume Saved Form.

Once a required re-enrollment form is published to parents or students according to the settings in the Student Re-Enrollment Setup tab of the Application Editor, the form is available to parents/students once they log into Focus. The parent/student will not be able to access other screens in the Portal until the form is completed. If a parent has multiple students and there are required forms for each student, then all the forms must be completed before the parent can access the rest of the Portal. However, if the system preference "Make Required Re-Enrollment Forms Student Specific" is enabled in Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Online Application tab, parents who have multiple students can access the Portal for the student whose required re-enrollment form was completed. Parents cannot access the Portal for other students who didn’t have their required re-enrollment forms completed.
To complete a form in a different language, the parent or student can click the link at the top of the screen to update their desired language in the Preferences screen.
1. If the form contains multiple pages, click the Next Page and Previous Page buttons to navigate through the form.

2. Fill in all required fields. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.

You will not be able to proceed to the next page or submit the form without filling in the required fields. If you attempt to do so, a warning message will display.
Existing students will have fields populated from information in their student record in Focus. Changes can be made as needed.
3. To save the form to complete at a later time, click Save and Continue Later.

The progress is saved and you are logged out of the online application.
4. When you are ready to submit the form, click Submit and Finish.

For applicant students, the student ID and confirmation code is displayed.

New students who have applied through the online application are enrolled in the Applicants school. Inactive students who have completed a re-enrollment form with the "Re-Enroll Student" option enabled in Re-Enrollment Setup are also enrolled in the Applicants school. Log into the Applicants school to view their student records.
If the student has a previous enrollment record for the Applicants school that does not have a drop date, Focus will set the drop date for the enrollment record before adding a new enrollment record for the Applicants school.
1. At the top of the screen, select the Applicants school from the school pull-down.

2. In the Students menu, click Student Info.

3. On the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search, or to return all students in the Applicants school, do not enter any search criteria and click Search.
See Searching for Students for detailed instructions on the various ways to search for students.
4. In the search results, click the appropriate student.

The student's record is displayed, populated with information entered on the application.
Please see Enrolling a Student from the Applicants School.
The Application Editor can be used to create other types of forms besides enrollment forms. Forms in the Application Editor can be created based on existing student field categories that are set up as form records in Student Fields.
1. In the Setup menu, click Application Editor.

2. In the Form pull-down, select the form record category. These are listed under the heading Student Custom Fields Forms.
Only student field categories that were designated as form records in Student Fields are available for selection.

If this form has not been previously set up, the Application Layout on the bottom-right side of the screen will be blank. The bottom-left side of the screen contains the items that are used to build the form, including labels, groups, page breaks, and student fields. Only the System fields, System Addresses, System Contacts, and the fields in the applicable student field category are available for use.
When working on the Application Layout, it may be useful to hide the form settings at the top of the screen to provide more space in which to work. Click Hide and Show to hide or show the form settings.
3. To add an item to the Application Layout, click and drag it into the layout.
4. Add labels, groups, page breaks, student fields, address groups/system addresses fields, and contact groups/system contacts fields as needed.
5. To rearrange items in the layout, click the up or down arrows on a block.

6. To remove an item from the layout, click the delete icon on the block.

7. At the top of the screen, select Enabled to make the form available for use.
Users will the profile permission to the form will be able to access the form in the Forms menu in Focus.
8. Click Save Layout.
Users with the profile permission "Application Courses" for the Application Editor have access to the Application Courses tab. This functionality is for postsecondary schools. The Application Courses tab is used to define the courses that applicants are able to apply to on the online application. Applicants will select and prioritize the courses they want to apply to.
The Application Courses field in the System category must be added to the application layout in order for applicants to be able to select courses on the application.

The information for the applicant's selected courses will populate the following student fields within the Application Courses student category once the application is submitted:
- Application Courses Selected Course 1
- Application Courses Selected Course 2
- Application Courses Selected Course 3
- Application Courses Selected Program 1
- Application Courses Selected Program 2
- Application Courses Selected Program 3
- Application Courses Selected School 1
- Application Courses Selected School 2
- Application Courses Selected School 3
- Application Courses Selected Start Time 1
- Application Courses Selected Start Time 2
- Application Courses Selected Start Time 3
- Application Courses Selected End Time 1
- Application Courses Selected End Time 2
- Application Courses Selected End Time 3
The appropriate users must be given view permissions to these fields. These fields can be included in the Advanced Report and in Print Letters & Send Email.
1. Click the Application Courses tab.
2. In the top row, select the Program.
All programs that have a short name are available in the pull-down.
3. Select the Courses that will be available for applicants to select from. One or multiple courses within the program can be selected.
All active sections for the selected course(s) will display for applicants to choose from.
When the system preference "Define Grade Levels on Application Courses" is enabled, the Grade Levels column is available on the Application Courses screen. Select the applicable grade levels for the course(s). On the application, the applicant will select a grade level in the Current Grade Level field. The available courses will display based on the grade level selected.
4. Press Enter to add the row.
5. Continue selecting programs and courses as needed.
6. Click Save.
If the system preference "Define Grade Levels on Application Courses" is enabled, the applicant will first select their grade level in the Current Grade Level pull-down on the application. Only the courses for that grade level will be available in the Course List.

The applicant will click a program in the Course List, and then click Apply on the desired course.

The first course the applicant clicks Apply on will only have Priority 1 as an option. Subsequent courses will have all the priority options available.

When finished, courses can be dragged and dropped to rearrange the priority, or can be removed.

The applicant's choices will be displayed in the fields within the Applicant Courses student field category.

The first five numbers in student Social Security numbers are masked with asterisks. The profile permission View Full SSN, enabled via Users > Profiles > Students tab, allows users to view the full Social Security number for students.
Required or optional forms can be mass assigned to students in Mass Add Log Records in both the By Student and By Group tabs. Select the "Re-enrollment" option in the Logging Field pull-down and set the form options. Assigning forms to students in Mass Add Log Records will also update the Re-enrollment logging field in Students > Student Info > Re-enrollment tab.