The Mass Requests screen is used to mass add course requests to a group of students. You can search for students using a variety of criteria. For example, you can search for students who were scheduled into English 1 Honors last year and add a request for English 2 Honors.
Course requests can also be mass added to student using Automatic Course Requests.
1. In the Scheduling menu, click Mass Requests.

Be sure the school year selected at the top-right corner of the screen is the year that you are scheduling requests, i.e. the next school year.
2. On the Search Screen, click More Search Options to search for the group of students.
3. Click a category in the pull-down, and then click the field to search by.
In this example, the Scheduling category was clicked, followed by the Scheduled into Course(s) field.
To quickly find a field to search by, enter the field name in the Search text box at the top of the More Search Options pull-down. Click the desired field in the search results.
4. Once the search field is added, set the search criteria.
In this example, the search will look for students scheduled into English 1 Honors last year.
5. Continue adding additional search criteria as needed.
If you have a spreadsheet that includes student IDs, the student IDs can be copied from the spreadsheet and pasted into the Student Search field.
For more information about searching for students, including searching using student groups, saving a student search, and more, see Searching for Students.
6. When finished entering the search criteria, click Search.
7. At the top of the screen, click the Choose Course link.
8. In the pop-up window, click the subject and course to request.

The selected course is displayed next to Request(s) to Add at the top of the screen.

9. Click the Choose more Courses link to add more course requests if needed.

For parent/child linked courses, only the parent course needs to be selected. Students will be scheduled into the parent and child sections once the Scheduler is run.
10. If the wrong course was selected, click the red X next to the course.

11. Select the Inclusion check box if all the students from the search criteria need to be scheduled into an inclusion section as well as the primary section of the course.

When the students are scheduled, the system will look for sections that were set up with an inclusion section in Courses & Sections, and will only schedule the students into the section that has an inclusion section attached. If there are no inclusion sections attached to primary sections, the students will not be scheduled into the course.
Be careful that you only select the students in the list that need both the inclusion section and the primary section of the course. You will need to do a separate search and mass request for students who do not need inclusion.
12. If applicable, enter the Elective Priority.
Entering a 1 ensures the elective is scheduled at the same level as core courses. Electives with a 2 or higher will only be scheduled if the course with an elective priority of 1 is not scheduled. Leaving the elective priority blank indicates the course is a core or non-elective course, but if this is left blank, then alternative requests will not be looked at.
13. If applicable, select teacher and period restrictions in the With and Without Teacher and Period pull-downs.

Restrictions can only be set if sections have already been created for the new school year.
14. Scroll down to the student list. Select the check box next to each student for which this request will be added. To select all students in the list, select the check box in the column header.
15. Click Add Request(s) to Selected Students at the top of the screen.
A green check mark and confirmation message is displayed, indicating the course request has been added to the selected students.
If you are adding a new request to replace the course request you are dropping for the group of students, be sure to add the new request first, and then drop the course request that is not needed. If you drop the course request first, you have lost the ability to search for the group of students using the Requested Course(s) search option.
1. In the Scheduling menu, click Mass Requests.

Be sure the school year selected at the top-right corner of the screen is the year that you are scheduling requests, i.e. the next school year.
2. On the Search Screen, click More Search Options to search for the group of students.
3. Click a category in the pull-down, and then click the field to search by.
In this example, the Scheduling category was clicked, followed by the Requested Course(s) field.
To quickly find a field to search by, enter the field name in the Search text box at the top of the More Search Options pull-down. Click the desired field in the search results.
4. Once the search field is added, set the search criteria.
For example, to drop the course request for English 2 Honors for students who have this course request, ENG HON 2 was selected as the course.
5. Continue adding additional search criteria as needed.
If you have a spreadsheet that includes student IDs, the student IDs can be copied from the spreadsheet and pasted into the Student Search field.
For more information about searching for students, including searching using student groups, saving a student search, and more, see Searching for Students.
6. When finished entering the search criteria, click Search.
7. At the top of the screen, click the Choose Course link.
8. In the pop-up window, click the subject and course to drop from the students' requests.

The selected course is displayed next to Request(s) to Add at the top of the screen.

9. Scroll down to the student list. Select the check box next to each student to drop this request. To select all students in the list, select the check box in the column header.
10. Click Drop Request(s) to Selected Students at the top of the screen.
A green check mark and confirmation message is displayed, indicating the course request has been dropped from the selected students.