Documentation for Administrators

Print ID Badges

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The Print ID Badges screen is used to customize and print student ID badges. The customized badge also displays for students logged into the mobile app in the Virtual ID Badge screen.

If the local ID student field has a value in it (student field with the alias local_id), the local ID and its corresponding bar code will display on the badge instead of the student ID.

Printing ID Badges for a Group of Students

1. In the Students menu, click Print ID Badges.

Print ID Badges

2. In the Student Search screen, enter search criteria to locate the group of students.

See Searching for Students for detailed instructions on the various ways to search for students.

3. To sort ID badges by teacher, select the period teacher in the Sort by Homeroom Teacher pull-down.

4. Click Search.

Print ID Badges

The students returned in the search are listed at the bottom of the next screen. If a period teacher option was selected in the Sort by Homeroom Teacher pull-down on the search screen, the students returned in the search are organized by the period teacher and the teacher name displays in the Homeroom Teacher column.

Print ID Badges

At the top of the screen are the badge settings.

Print ID Badges

Your profile must have the Edit permission for the Print ID Badges screen in order to change and save the badge settings. The settings will be grayed out if your user profile only has the View permission for this screen.

5. Select a Logo option.

Select None to have no logo.

Select District to use the district logo. This uses the logo that displays at the top-left of the Portal screen.

Select School to use the school logo. This uses the logo uploaded in the School Fields system field with the alias "school_logo." If this option is selected and there is no school logo uploaded, the district logo will be used.

When "None" is selected, the words "ID Badge" display on the badge in the place of the district or school logo.

6. Select an Orientation for the badge, Vertical or Horizontal.

7. Select a Color. The selected color will display behind the school or district name on the badge.

A separate color can be selected for each grade level. If a color is not set for a student's grade level, the Default color will be used.

8. Select a Layout, One-Sided or Two-Sided.

9. If Two-Sided was selected, click Edit and enter the text that will display on the back of the badge in the pop-up window.

The text you enter will display on the back side of the badge beneath the Issue Date of the badge (the date the badge was generated). To hide the issue date, select the "Suppress Issue Date on the back" setting in the Other Options section of the screen.

10. To include or remove the student ID from the badge, select or deselect Include ID on Badge.

11. Select Use nickname as first name on student badge to use the student's nickname instead of the first name on the badge.

12. Select Exclude Student Names on Badge to remove student names from the badge.

13. Select Show alert icons on student badge to display alert icons beneath the student's name on the badge.

Only alert icons with the "Show on ID badge" option enabled in Setup > Edit Rules & Workflow > Alert Icons will display on the badge.

14. Select Exclude Student Photos on Badge to remove student photos from the badge.

15. Select Use QR Code to display a QR code instead of the barcode on the badge.

16. Select Include both QR Code and Barcode to display both the QR code and barcode on the badge.

17. Select Suppress Issue Date on the back to hide the issue date on the back of the badge.

18. Select Use District Name instead of School to use the district name instead of the school name on the badge.

19. To include a student or school field on the badge, select the Custom Field.

Text, number, date, time, select one, select multiple, and computed field types are available for selection. The field will appear on the badge under the ID and above the barcode on the badge. There is a limit of 120 characters before it is cut off with ellipses.

In the Custom Field pull-down, click the School or Student filter tag to only display School or Student fields for selection.

Print ID Badges

20. Select Add School Year to add the school year on the front of the badge.

When using the vertical orientation, the school year will display vertically on the left side of the badge.  When using the horizontal orientation, the school year will display horizontally at the top-left of the badge.

21. Select Add Student Grade Level to add the student's grade level on the front of the badge.

When using the vertical orientation, the grade level will display vertically on the right side of the badge. When using the horizontal orientation, the grade level will display horizontally at the top-right of the badge.

22. Click Save Settings to save your selected settings. The next time you return to Print ID Badges, your settings will be automatically selected.

Print ID Badges

23. At the bottom of the screen, select the students to print. Select the check box in the column header to select all students in the list.

Print ID Badges

24. Click Create Badges.

Print ID Badges

A PDF of the badges is generated, which you can save to your computer or print.

25. Click the X when finished.

Print ID Badges
Printing an ID Badge for a Single Student from Student Info

A badge can be printed for a single student directly from the student's record in Student Info.

1. Search for and select the student. See Searching for Students for more information.

2. Once Student Info is displayed for the student, click the Primary Info category.

3. Click the badge icon.

Student Info

Only users with the profile permissions to Print ID Badges will be able to view and click on the badge icon.

The Print ID Badges screen is displayed, with the student automatically selected at the bottom of the screen.

Print ID Badges

4. If needed, adjust the settings at the top of the screen. If you have saved the settings previously on the Print ID Badges screen, your settings will be automatically selected.

Your profile must have the Edit permission for the Print ID Badges screen in order to change and save the badge settings. The settings will be grayed out if your user profile only has the View permission for this screen.

5. Click Create Badges.

Print ID Badges

6. After saving or printing the generated PDF, click the X.

Print ID Badges
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