Documentation for Administrators

New Student Schedule

Updated on

When the system preference "Do not use legacy schedule" is enabled in Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences or School Preferences > Scheduling tab, the new Student Schedule screen is available.

If any of the following system preferences are enabled for a school, the system will revert to using the legacy Student Schedule screen:

  • Sections can have multiple non-consecutive periods
  • Allow students to enroll themselves in classes
  • Sections can have different periods on different days in the rotation
  • School is Post Secondary

For a video overview of the new Student Schedule, click here.

Viewing the Student Schedule

The student's schedule can be viewed in a course list or weekly planner format, as of the selected effective date. In the Course List format, there are options to view blank rows for scheduling holes, view only gradelevel courses, view inactive schedule records, display state-specific fields, and display vocational/WDIS fields.

In order to use the weekly planner format, start times and end times must be populated in Setup > Periods.

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Student Schedule.

Student Schedule

2. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search.

See Searching for Students for detailed instructions on the various ways to search for students.

Student Schedule

3. In the search results, click the student's name.

The student schedule is displayed in the Course List format. The Effective Date defaults to today's date when viewing the schedule in the current school year, or the first day of school when viewing the schedule in a future school year. Any options that were selected in the Options pull-down when previously using the Student Schedule screen will remain selected upon your return.

Student Schedule

When viewing the student schedule in a future school year, the student's Prior Primary School is displayed above the schedule.

Student Schedule

4. To view the schedule as of a specific Effective Date, select a date from the pull-downs or calendar icon, and click Save to regenerate the schedule.

Student Schedule

5. Select one or multiple Options to change the schedule view.

Blank Rows for Schedule Holes - When this option is selected, rows are highlighted in red when the student does not have a course scheduled into that period.

Student Schedule

Only Gradelevel Courses - When this option is selected, only sections where the Grade Level(s) field is blank or contains the student's grade level will display.

Student Schedule

Inactive Schedule Records - When this option is selected, inactive (dropped) courses, are included on the schedule.

Student Schedule

Display (State) Fields - When this option is selected, the state-specific fields are included on the schedule.

Student Schedule

Display Vocational/WDIS Fields - When this option is selected, the vocational/WDIS fields are included on the student schedule.

Student Schedule

6. Click the i icon next to the Course column to view the course information in Courses & Sections in a new tab. Click the i icon next to the Section - Teacher column to view the section information in Courses & Sections in a new tab.

Student Schedule

7. Click the Expand View icon next to a schedule record to view the fields in a pop-up window.

Student Schedule

8. In the pop-up window, click the arrows to view the previous or next schedule record. Click Close to close the pop-up window.

Student Schedule

9. To customize the columns that display on the student schedule, click Toggle Columns.

Student Schedule

10. In the pop-up window, select or deselect the columns included on the Student Schedule. Click the X when finished.

Student Schedule

11. Click a column header to sort the Student Schedule by that column. Click once for ascending results. Click again for descending results.

Student Schedule

12. To filter the Student Schedule, click the Filter button so that it displays ON.

Student Schedule

13. Enter the filter text in the text box above the column.

Student Schedule

14. Click the down arrow to access additional filter options.


15. Click the + icon to add an additional filter text box to the column. Click the - icon to delete the filter text box.

Student Schedule

16. Click Clear All Filters to remove all filter criteria.

Student Schedule

17. To turn off filters, click the Filter button so that it displays OFF.

Student Schedule

18. Click the Planner icon to view the weekly planner format.

In order to use the weekly planner format, start times and end times must be populated in Setup > Periods.

Student Schedule

19. In the weekly planner format, click a section link to view the section information in Courses & Sections.

Student Schedule

20. Click the Course List icon to go back to the course list format.

Student Schedule
Exporting or Printing a Student Schedule

1. To export the schedule to Excel or CSV, click the Excel icon.

Student Schedule

2. Follow your computer's prompts to open or save the file.

3. To print the schedule, click Print Schedule at the top-right corner of the screen, or click the Printer icon above the table.

Student Schedule

4. Follow your printer's prompts to print the schedule.

Locking Sections on a Student Schedule

Once a student's schedule is set, sections on the schedule can be locked so that subsequent Scheduler runs will not affect the student's schedule. The lock option is not available after the first day of school.

Schedules can be locked for multiple students in Scheduling > Lock Schedules.

1. Select the Lock check box next to each section to lock on the schedule.

2. Click Save.

Student Schedule

You may also use the Mass Update functionality to lock all sections. See Mass Updating Sections on the Student Schedule for more information.

Manually Adding Sections to a Student Schedule

1. In the blank row at the bottom of the schedule, select the Period, Term, Subject, and/or Course. Selecting an option in one pull-down will filter the options available in the other pull-downs. In the Section - Teacher pull-down, select the desired section.

For example, selecting 01 in the Period pull-down will filter the Course and Section - Teacher pull-downs to only display options available in period 1.

2. Update any other schedule fields as needed, such as the meeting Days, Enrolled date, or state reporting fields.

3. Click Save.

Student Schedule

A warning message will display if there is a conflict with adding the section to the schedule, such as the section is already full or the student already has a section scheduled into that period. You can override the conflict and add the section to the schedule or you can cancel.

Alternatively, you may click the Expand View icon on the blank row. In the pop-up window, make your selections, and click Create.

Student Schedule
Manually Adding Sections to the Student Schedule Using Unscheduled Requests

The Unscheduled Requests section at the bottom of the Student Schedule screen displays the student's course requests that were not scheduled. You can manually add a section to a student's schedule using the unscheduled requests, overriding the conflict that prevented the Scheduler from scheduling the student into the section.

1. At the bottom of the screen in the Unscheduled Requests section, click a request link.

Student Schedule

2. In the Courses & Sections pop-up window, click the section to add to the student's schedule.


The section is added to the student's schedule at the top of the screen.

Student Schedule

A warning message will display if there is a conflict with adding the section to the schedule, such as the section is already full or the student already has a section scheduled into that period. You can override the conflict and add the section to the schedule or you can cancel.

Manually Adding Inclusion Sections to the Student Schedule

An inclusion section can be manually added to a student's schedule by selecting the Inclusion check box next to the primary section. For example, if a student needs an inclusion section for English 2, select the Inclusion check box next to the English 2 section on the student's schedule. If there is no inclusion section attached to that primary section, then the Inclusion check box will not be available on the student's schedule.

Ensure the "Display Florida Fields" option is selected in the Options pull-down.

1. Next to the primary section on the schedule, select the Inclusion check box.

After selecting the Inclusion check box, a second row will display beneath the primary section with the inclusion section's information.

Student Schedule

2. Click Save.

The inclusion section that was attached to the primary section in Courses & Sections is added to the student's schedule beneath the primary section. The inclusion section Class Minutes Weekly will pull from the setup in the Inclusion tab on the section in Courses & Sections.

  • If no minutes were added to the inclusion section in Courses & Sections, then the inclusion section will have 0 minutes on the schedule record and the S section will have its normal number of minutes.
  • If minutes were added to the inclusion section in Courses & Sections, then the minutes on the inclusion schedule record will display this number. The minutes on the associated S section will be the S weekly minutes minus the inclusion weekly minutes.
  • If the inclusion section is removed from the student or the student is dropped from the inclusion section, the minutes are added back to the S section.
Student Schedule

3. Edit the Class Weekly Minutes for the inclusion section on the student's schedule if needed. After clicking or tabbing out of the field, the Class Minutes Weekly on the S section will automatically adjust to match the total minutes defined in the course_periods table.

4. Click Save.

Student Schedule

5. To remove an inclusion section from a student's schedule, clear the Inclusion check box next to the parent section and click Save.

An inclusion section should only be removed in this manner if it was incorrectly added. Otherwise, the inclusion section should be dropped from the student's schedule by adding a Dropped date so that a record is kept.

Student Schedule

The inclusion section is removed from the student's schedule. The Class Minutes Weekly for the S section are adjusted automatically.

Auto-Scheduling a Student from the Student Schedule

The Auto-Schedule feature on the Student Schedule will attempt to schedule the student based on the student's unscheduled requests and available sections.

A student can also be auto-scheduled based on requests in Scheduling > Student Requests.

At the bottom of the screen in the Unscheduled Requests section, click Auto-Schedule this Student.

Student Schedule

After the process finishes running, the scheduled sections are displayed in the student's schedule at the top of the screen, and any unscheduled requests remain at the bottom of the screen in the Unscheduled Requests section. You may manually add unscheduled requests to the student's schedule, overriding the restrictions that prevented the requests from being scheduled, by clicking on the request link or by Manually Adding Sections to a Student Schedule.

Student Schedule
Deleting Courses from a Student Schedule Before the Term Begins

Before the term begins through the first day of the term, sections can be deleted from a student's schedule without needing to be dropped, since attendance and grade records do not exist yet for the section. Only users with the profile permission "Allow User to Delete Sections" enabled for the Student Schedule screen have the ability to delete sections from a student's schedule.

1. To delete an individual section, click the Delete icon (red minus sign) next to the section.

Student Schedule

2. In the confirmation message, click OK. says

The row is grayed out.

3. Click Save.

Student Schedule

The section is deleted from the student's schedule.

4. To delete all sections from the schedule that are eligible for deletion, click Delete All.

Student Schedule

5. In the confirmation message, click Yes.

Student Schedule

The rows are grayed out.

6. Click Save.

Student Schedule

The sections are deleted from the student's schedule.

The Delete icon and Delete All button will only be available for sections where the term has not yet begun. The ability to delete is also available on the first day of the term, as long as no attendance and grades have been entered for the section.

Dropping Courses from a Student Schedule After the Term Begins

After the term has begun, sections that have already started cannot be deleted because attendance and grade records have already been recorded. The section must be dropped.

1. Click the Dropped column next to the section, and select the final date the student attended the section using the pull-downs or calendar icon.

2. Click Save.

Student Schedule

The section is dropped from the student's schedule.

3. To drop all sections from a student's schedule, click Mass Update.

Student Schedule

4. In pop-up window, select Dropped in the Column pull-down.

5. In the Value field, select the final date the student attended the sections.

6. Click Update.

Student Schedule

The date will populate in the Dropped columns for all of the sections.

Student Schedule

7. Click Save.

Student Schedule

The sections are dropped from the student's schedule.

To view dropped sections on the schedule, select the Inactive Schedule Records option in the Options pull-down at the top of the screen.

Editing Sections on a Student Schedule Before the Term Begins

Before the term has begun, the schedule is editable on sections that have not yet started, including moving the student to a different section of the same course. Other fields such as the Meeting Days, Term, and state reporting fields can also be edited if needed.

1. To move a student to a different section of the same course, click the Period field on the schedule record and select Select One. This clears out the period that was selected.

Student Schedule

2. In the Section - Teacher pull-down, select the desired section of the course.

Student Schedule

3. Edit any other section fields as needed and click Save.

Student Schedule

Only fields with a dotted underline or that have a pull-down available can be edited. Some fields, like Room and Last Modified, are not editable because they auto-populate.

Editing Sections on a Student Schedule After the Term Begins

Some schedule fields, such as the Meeting Days, Term, and state reporting fields, can be edited on a section after the term has already begun. The Section-Teacher field cannot be edited.

1. Click a field and make any edits as needed.

Only fields with a dotted underline or that have a pull-down available can be edited. Some fields, like Room and Last Modified, are not editable because they auto-populate.

2. Click Save when finished.

Student Schedule
Mass Updating Sections on the Student Schedule

Some fields on the schedule can be mass updated, including the Days, Enrolled date, Dropped date, state reporting fields, and Vocational/WDIS fields.

1. Click Mass Update.

Student Schedule

2. In the pop-up window, select the Column to update.

3. Enter or select the Value to populate.

4. Click Update.

Student Schedule

The column is populated with the value for records that did not already have the value set.

5. Click Save.

Student Schedule
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