Documentation for Administrators

Analyze Test

Updated on

The Analyze Test screen provides a graph of the number of students who answered each question correctly.

Analyzing a Test

1. In the Assessment menu, click Analyze Test.

2. In the search screen, enter search criteria to locate a particular test. Enter the full or partial test name or test ID number.

Use More Test Search Options to search by additional criteria. Select to Include Inactive Tests, Include Other Users Tests, Include Teachers Tests (appears once Include Other Users Tests is selected), or Include Deleted Tests, as applicable. Click Search.

Alternatively, click the Test List tab to view a list of your active tests.

3. Click the appropriate test link.

4. In the student Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate a particular student or group of students.

5. Select Graph from Standards to view the number of students who answered questions correctly by standard.

Select Search All Schools or Include Inactive Students, if needed. Click Search.

Alternatively, click Simple List to view the graph with all students at the school who completed the test.

The graph displays the number of students who answered each question correctly. Hover your mouse over a bar in the graph to view the question information in a tool-tip.

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