The Hall Passes screen allows administrators to create hall passes for students, and track active, requested, upcoming, and inactive hall passes.
The Hall Pass screen automatically refreshes every 5 seconds to provide the most up-to-date information.
See Hall Passes on the Kiosk and Mobile App for information on using this functionality on the kiosk and mobile app.
Administrators with the profile permission "Create Hall Pass" for the Hall Passes screen can create hall passes for students.
1. In the Students menu, click Hall Passes.
2. Click Create.
The Create Hall Passes pop-up window is displayed.
3. Select the Student. One or multiple students can be selected. The pull-down contains all active students at the school.
Alternately, to assign passes to a student group, click the student group icon. Then select the student group from the pull-down. A hall pass will be created for each student in the student group.
When multiple students are selected, or when a student group is selected, the Departing From pull-down is removed from the screen.
4. If a hall pass is created for an individual student, the Departing From pull-down will populate with the room number from the student’s schedule at the time that the pass is being created for. Select a different room if needed.
5. Click the location category that represents the student's Destination.
If more than one location is associated with the location category, the available locations will display for selection (if only one location is associated with the location category, no locations will display for selection). If more than six locations are associated with the location category, the location options will display in a pull-down.
6. Click the Location, if applicable.
If a restriction is in place, as set up in Setup > Hall Pass Setup > Restrictions tab or Students > Student Info > Hall Passes tab, an icon will display in the Restrictions section of the screen. Hover over the icon to view the restriction information. For student restrictions and location restrictions, users with an administrator profile can choose to override the restriction and create the pass, or cancel the pass.
7. Select whether the pass will be created for Now (the current time), or will be Scheduled for a future date/time.
When Scheduled is clicked, select the Date and enter the Time for the hall pass.
8. The Total Time will populate with the number of minutes set in the Pass Length column for the location in Setup > Hall Pass Setup > Locations tab. Users with an admin or teacher profile type can adjust the total time of the hall pass as needed.
9. The Travel Time field will populate with the number of minutes set in the Travel Time column for the location in Setup > Hall Pass Setup > Locations tab, if defined. The travel time indicates the number of minutes in which a student is expected to check in to their destination. Users with an admin or teacher profile type can adjust the travel time of the hall pass as needed.
10. Enter any Notes, if desired. Notes entered by administrators and teachers are visible on the Hall Passes screen for all users, except for parents and students, who cannot view notes added to hall passes.
11. Click Create Hall Pass.
The hall pass is created for each selected student and is displayed in the Active tab if it was created for Now, or the Upcoming tab if created for a future date or time. Hall passes created by administrative users do not require approval.
If a hall pass was created for a student who has an attendance code (specified in Setup > Hall Pass Setup > Settings > Attendance Code(s)) at the time that the pass will be active, the hall pass will automatically be canceled by Focus and will display on the Inactive tab with a status of "Canceled - Attendance."
If a restriction is in place, as set up in Setup > Hall Pass Setup > Restrictions tab or Students > Student Info > Hall Passes tab, a message will display indicating the restriction type. For student restrictions and location restrictions, users with an administrator profile can choose to override the restriction and create the pass, or cancel the pass.
The Active tab lists students within the school who have an active hall pass. Several columns provide detailed insight into the whereabouts of students at any given time.
In the Students menu, click Hall Passes.
The Active tab is displayed by default. The following columns are included on the report:
Student - This column contains the student name and student ID for the student who has an active pass. Click the student name/ID to open Student Hall Pass Report for the given student.
You can also navigate to the Student Hall Pass Report for the student by clicking the Hall Passes tab at the top of the screen when viewing the student's record in Student Info.
The total number of passes the student has had for the current date is also displayed. Click the link to open a pop-up window where details for the current pass can be viewed.
This includes the pass status, time remaining on the active pass, destination, departing time/location, travel time (if defined), pass length, and the name of the individual who approved the pass.
Pass actions for extending the pass, adding a note, and ending the pass will display. Options to check in or check out the student will display if the location for which the pass was issued has been marked as "Require Students Check-In" on the Location tab in Hall Pass Setup.
If applicable, a history of the student’s prior passes for the current date will be displayed at the bottom of the window. This includes the date, time, minutes for which the pass was issued, and location of the previous pass(es).
Destination - The destination column will populate with the location category icon, location category title, and location title for which the pass was issued.
From - This column displays the room number for the student’s departing location at the time the pass became active.
Minutes Elapsed - This column displays the number of minutes elapsed since the pass became active (numerator), over the total number of minutes for the issued pass (denominator). A progress bar displays the amount of time remaining on the hall pass.
If a student exceeds the minutes set on the pass length, the Minutes Elapsed column will be highlighted in red. The number of minutes beyond the pass length will display as a negative number in the numerator, over the total number of minutes for the issued pass.
Start - This column displays the start time of the active pass.
Check-In - This column displays a check-in button that when clicked will display the time the student/teacher/administrator checked the student in for the current pass. Note that the check-in button will only display if the location for which the pass was issued has been marked as "Require Students Check-In" on the Location tab in Hall Pass Setup. This column will remain blank for passes that are not configured for check-in.
After checking in the student, the check-in time will display in the column.
Check-Out - This column displays a check-out button that when clicked will display the time that the student/teacher/administrator checked the student out for the current pass. Note that the check-out button will only display if the student has previously checked in for a location that has been marked as "Require Students Check-In" on the Location tab in Hall Pass Setup. This column will remain blank for passes that are not configured for check-in.
After checking out the student, the check-out time will display in the column.
If the student checked in or checked out using a kiosk, the kiosk location will be noted in the Check-In or Check-Out column. If the student checked in or out at a kiosk location that is not the location of their hall pass, the Check-In or Check-Out column will be highlighted in red, and the +Add button will be available in the Referral column for adding a discipline referral.
See Hall Passes on the Kiosk and Mobile App for more information on using the kiosk for hall passes.
End - The End column displays two buttons, Extend and End.
Extend - The Extend button allows you to extend the length of the hall pass.
After clicking Extend, enter the amount of minutes for which the pass should be extended and click Extend Pass.
Once confirmed, the amount of minutes is added to the overall pass length. A note is automatically populated in the Notes column containing the name of the user and the number of minutes the pass has been extended.
End - The End button allows you to end the hall pass. Upon ending a hall pass, the pass is removed from the Active tab and is displayed on the Inactive tab. The End column in the Inactive tab will display a timestamp for when the pass was ended.
Notes - This column displays any notes that were added to the hall pass by a teacher or administrative user.
Notes can be added to the hall pass by clicking the pencil icon in the Notes column.
Enter the note and click + Add Note.
To add an additional note to a hall pass that already has a note, click the Notes column.
The previous note is displayed, and a new note can be added.
Initiator - This column displays the name of the individual who initiated the request for the hall pass.
Referral - The referral column will display a +Add button for any hall pass in which the pass length or travel time for check in or check out is exceeded. Additionally, the button will display if a student checks in or out with a kiosk at a location that is not the location for their hall pass. Click the +Add button to open the Add Referral screen with the student name and reporter pre-populated at the top of the referral.
The Requested tab lists students within the school who have initiated a hall pass for a location not marked as auto-approve in Setup > Hall Pass Setup > Locations tab. By default, administrators see requested passes for students school-wide. Administrators with the profile permission for "Approve Hall Passes" can approve/deny hall passes directly from this report.
1. In the Students menu, click Hall Passes.
2. Click the Requested tab.
Student - This column contains the student name and student ID for the student who has a requested pass. Click the student name/ID to open Student Hall Pass Report for the given student.
You can also navigate to the Student Hall Pass Report for the student by clicking the Hall Passes tab at the top of the screen when viewing the student's record in Student Info.
The total number of passes the student has had for the day is also displayed. Click the link to open a pop-up window where details for the pass can be viewed.
This includes the student name and ID, pass destination, departing time/location, travel time (if defined), and pass length. Buttons to Approve or Deny the hall pass are available from this view for users with the profile permission to "Approve Hall Passes."
Beneath the requested pass details, a history of the student’s prior passes for the current date will be displayed, if applicable. This includes the date, time, minutes for which the pass was issued, and location of the previous pass(es).
Destination - The destination column will populate with the location category icon, location category title, and location title for which the pass is being requested.
From - This column displays the student’s departing location at the time that the pass will become active.
Minutes - This column displays the requested pass length.
Start - This column displays the date/time the pass is requested.
Approval - This column displays two buttons, Approve and Deny.
The Approve and Deny buttons will only be visible on the Requested tab for users with the profile permission to "Approve Hall Passes."
- Approve - Click the Approve button to approve the student’s requested pass. If the start date/time is for a date/time in the past, this action will trigger the pass to become active, and the pass will display in the Active tab. If the start date/time is in the future, this action will remove the pass from the Requested tab and the pass will display in the Upcoming tab.
- Deny - Click the Deny button to deny a student’s request for a hall pass. Denied passes will move to the Inactive tab and will be displayed with the status of Request Denied.
Notes - This column displays any notes that were added to the hall pass by a teacher or administrative user. Click the pencil icon to add a note to the hall pass.
Enter the note and click + Add Note.
If there is an existing note, you can add an additional note by clicking in the Note column.
Enter the new note and click + Add Note.
Initiator - This column displays the name of the individual who initiated the request for the hall pass.
The Upcoming tab lists students within the school who have a hall pass for a future date or future time on the current date. By default, administrators see upcoming passes for students school-wide. Passes created by teachers or administrators do not require approval and will automatically be displayed on the Upcoming tab of the Hall Passes screen.
1. In the Students menu, click Hall Passes.
2. Click the Upcoming tab.
Student - This column contains the student name and student ID for the student who has an upcoming hall pass. Click the student name/ID to open Student Hall Pass Report for the given student.
You can also navigate to the Student Hall Pass Report for the student by clicking the Hall Passes tab at the top of the screen when viewing the student's record in Student Info.
Destination - The destination column will populate with the location category icon, location category title, and location title for which the pass was created.
From - This column displays the student’s departing location at the time that the pass will become active.
Minutes - This column displays the upcoming pass length.
Start - This column displays the date/time for when the pass is expected to become active.
Cancel - Click the Cancel button to cancel the hall pass. The hall pass will be moved to the Inactive tab, and the Status will display as "Request Canceled."
Notes - This column displays any notes that were been added to the hall pass by a teacher or administrative user.
To add a note to a hall pass that does not have any notes, click the pencil icon.
Enter the note and click + Add Note.
If there is an existing note, you can add an additional note by clicking in the Note column.
Enter the new note and click + Add Note.
Initiator - This column displays the name of the individual who initiated the hall pass.
The Inactive tab lists students within the school who have a pass classified as inactive.
1. In the Students menu, click Hall Passes.
2. Click the Inactive tab.
By default, the inactive passes for the current date will be displayed when accessing this tab. You can filter the inactive tab by student and by start and end date.
3. To display inactive passes for specific students, use the Student pull-down to select one or multiple students.
4. Modify the Start Date and/or End Date as needed.
5. Click Search to filter the report.
Student - This column contains the student name and student ID for the student who has an inactive hall pass. Click the student name/ID to open Student Hall Pass Report for the given student.
You can also navigate to the Student Hall Pass Report for the student by clicking the Hall Passes tab at the top of the screen when viewing the student's record in Student Info.
Status - The status column will display the status of the inactive hall pass. The following pass statuses are classified as inactive passes.
- Expired - This will show if the student exceeded the time on the hall pass and Focus automatically expired the pass at the end of the day in which the pass was issued.
- Request Expired - This will show if no action was taken on a requested hall pass and Focus automatically expired the pass at the end of the period in which the pass was requested.
- Request Canceled - This will show if the student, teacher, or administrator canceled a requested or upcoming hall pass prior to the pass becoming active.
- Denied - This will show if the requested hall pass was denied by an administrator or teacher.
- Ended - This will show if the pass was ended by an administrator, student, or teacher.
- Canceled - Attendance - This will show if the pass was canceled by Focus due to the student having an attendance code (specified in Setup > Hall Pass Setup > Settings > Attendance Code(s)) at the time that the pass was scheduled to become active.
Destination - This column will populate with the location category icon, location category title, and location title for which the pass was issued.
From - This column displays the student’s departing location at the time that the pass became active.
Minutes Elapsed - This column displays the number of minutes that the pass was active (numerator), over the total number of minutes issued for the pass (denominator).
Passes where the student exceeded the pass length are highlighted in red. The number of minutes beyond the pass length will display as a negative number in the numerator, over the total number of minutes for the issued pass.
Start - This column displays the date/time for when the pass became active.
Check-In - This column displays the time the student/teacher/administrator checked the student in for the pass. Passes where the check-in time exceeds the travel time set on the pass will be displayed in red. For passes that are not configured for check-in/check-out, the column will remain blank.
Check-Out - This column displays the time the student/teacher/administrator checked the student out for the pass. Passes where the check-out time was never recorded, or the check-out time exceeded the length set on the pass will display in red. For passes that are not configured for check-in/check-out, the column will remain blank.
If the student checked in or checked out using a kiosk, the kiosk location will be noted in the Check-In or Check-Out column. If the student checked in or out at a kiosk location that is not the location of their hall pass, the Check-In or Check-Out column will be highlighted in red, and the +Add button will be available in the Referral column for adding a discipline referral.
See Hall Passes on the Kiosk and Mobile App for more information on using the kiosk for hall passes.
End - The End column displays the time that the pass was ended. Rows where the end time column is highlighted in red indicate that the pass was ended after the pass length was exceeded.
Notes - This column displays any notes that were added to the hall pass by a teacher or administrative user.
Notes can be added to the hall pass by clicking the pencil icon in the Notes column.
After entering the note, click + Add Note.
If there is an existing note, you can add an additional note by clicking in the Note column.
Enter the new note and click + Add Note.
Initiator - This column displays the name of the individual who initiated the hall pass.
Referral - The referral column displays an +Add button for any hall pass in which the pass length or travel time for check in or check out was exceeded. Additionally, the button will display if a student checks in or out with a kiosk at a location that is not the location for their hall pass. Click the +Add button to open the Add Referral pop-up window with the student name and reporter pre-populated at the top of the referral. For passes where a referral has been created, click the View button to open the View Referral pop-up window.