Documentation for Administrators

Teacher Lesson Plans

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The Teacher Lesson Plans screen provides school and district staff the ability to review and provide feedback on teacher lesson plans.

Reviewing Teacher Lesson Plans

1. In the Grades menu, select Teacher Lesson Plans.

2. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the teacher and click Search. To return a list of all teachers at the school, do not enter any search criteria and click Search. To return a list of all teachers in the district, select the Search All Schools check box and click Search.

3. The Course Plan list will display the teacher’s name, assigned schools, course plan title, the parent guide (this will display the curriculum guide name if one was imported to create the course plan), the number of units, and the date last updated.

4. Click the Preview link next to the course plan title to view the course plan contents in a new tab or window.

5. Click the Review link next to the course plan title to view the Unit List for the course plan.

6. The Unit List displays the unit names, number of lessons, the unit start and end date, date last updated, and standards associated with the unit.

7. Click the Preview link next to the unit title to view the unit content in another tab or window.

8. Select the Reviewed check box to indicate that the unit has been reviewed. Enter any notes in the Notes column.

9. Click Save Changes.

10. Click the Review link next to the unit title to view the Lesson List for the unit.

11. The lesson title, start date, and end date will be displayed. Click the Preview link next to the lesson title to view the lesson content in a separate tab or window. Enter any Notes and click Save Review Notes.

12. Use the Search, Course Plan List, or Unit List links at the top of the screen to navigate back to a previous screen.

13. Review notes will be visible on the relevant units/lessons when the teacher accesses the course plan in the Lesson Planner. The teacher can hover the mouse over the green speech bubble icon to view the note.

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