The Mass Delete Unpaid Invoices screen allows users to delete unpaid invoices en masse by school and product, as needed.
This screen is only available to districts with one or more of the following purchased modules: Shopping Cart, Before/After Care, and/or Adult/CTE.
This screen requires the Mass Delete Unpaid Invoices permission via Users > Profiles > Billing tab, which defaults to disabled.
1. In the Billing menu, click Mass Delete Unpaid Invoices.

2. Select the School from the pull-downfrom which the invoices have been issued.
3. Select the Product from the pull-down for which invoices have been generated.
4. Select the invoice Start Date and End Date. A Start Date is required but an End Date is optional.
5. Click Run Report.
The Unpaid Invoices section displays the Invoice Number, Facility, Due Date, Customer ID, Customer First Name, Customer Last Name, Product, and Amount.
6. Select the Select check box to determine which invoices to delete or click Select All to select all displayed invoices at once.

7. Click Delete Invoices.
a. In the confirmation window, click Yes.