Documentation for Administrators

Letter Queue

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The Letter Queue is tied directly to Workflow Triggers and Print Letters & Send Email. Letters that are created by a workflow trigger are stored in the queue until a designated user prints or sends the letters. Example: A workflow trigger is set up to create a letter if a user's name is changed. When a user's name is changed, the workflow trigger sends a letter to the queue in order to validate the change with the user in question. The designated user must then pull up the queue and print those letters.

Setting Search Criteria

1. In the Users menu, click Letter Queue.

The Search Screen tab is selected by default. This displays the Find a User module, which includes a search bar, the More Search Options feature, and options to search by User Group, Search All Schools, Include Parents, Include Inactive Users, and Only Show Most Recent Enrollment.

Letter Queue

2. Enter all applicable search criteria.

3. To run parameters against a User Group, select the applicable group from the corresponding pull-down.

Letter Queue

4. Select the Search All Schools check box to include students from all schools in your search.

a. Select the Include Parents check box to include users designated as parents.

b. Select the Include Inactive check box to include users who do not have an active user record at the selected school or all schools (if Search All Schools is selected).

c. Select the Only Show Most Recent Enrollment check box to use the most recent enrollment records when conducting a search with Include Inactive enabled.

4. If using a specific Letterhead Template for your letters, select the template from the corresponding pull-down. Note: Letterhead Templates are set up by the district via Setup > Letterhead Templates.

Letter Queue

5. Click Search.

Letter Queue

See Conducting a User Search for more information.

The Letter Queue

Conducting the user search yields specific results, as shown in the image below via a new Letter Queue screen where additional settings are available.

1. Set a Report Timeframe using the day, month, and year pull-downs or by clicking the calendar icons to select a date. The date selected here will pull users who meet the criteria set up in Workflow Triggers.

Letter Queue

2. Select the check box to Include Printed Letters in your Letter Queue; i.e. user letters that have been removed from the queue because they have been printed.

3. Once all parameters have been set, click the Update button.

Users who meet Workflow Triggers set up within the selected Report Timeframe and user search criteria are listed in the User List.

To return to the Search Screen to start again and conduct a different user search, click the corresponding tab.

Letter Queue

4. Select the Method of how the letters should be distributed, by print or email. Select Print Letters to print physical letter for select students. Select Send Emails to email the letter to select students.

Letter Queue

If you elect to Send Emails, the Recipient defaults to Email to User.

Letter Queue

5. Select the check boxes next to the Recipient name to print the letter.

Select the check box in the header to quickly select all recipients.

6. Once you have selected the appropriate recipients, select the desired action button; options include: Delete, Preview, Print Without Adding Log Entries or Email Without Adding Log Entries, and Print Letters & Add Log Entries or Email Letters & Add Log Entries.

a. Delete: Click the Delete button to delete selected users' letters from the queue.

b. Preview: Click the Preview button to review the letter before printing. When finished, click Return to Focus.

c1. Print Without Adding Log Entries: Click Print Without Adding Log Entries to open the letter in a PDF print preview where you can print the letter without the letter being logged via Users > User Info > Letter Logging tab. See an example of a Letter Log below.

User Info

i. From this screen you have several options including, Rotate clockwise (circular arrow), Download as a PDF (down arrow), Print (printer icon), Fit to page (small inner arrows), Zoom in (plus sign), and Zoom out (minus sign). When finished, click Return to Focus to return to the Letter Queue.

c2. Email Without Adding Log Entries: Click Email Without Adding Log Entries to open a preview of the email sent and view a confirmation message ensuring you that the emails have been sent without the letter being logged via Users > User Info > Letter Logging tab.

d1. Print Letters & Add Log Entries: Click Print Letters & Add Log Entries to open the letter in a PDF print preview where you can print the letter and record the letter history via Users > User Info > Letter Logging tab.

d2. Email Letters & Add Log Entries: Click Email Letters & Add Log Entries to open a preview of the email sent and view a confirmation message ensuring you that the emails have been sent. Once emailed, a record of the email(s) is stored via Users > User Info > Letter Logging tab.

You can only log entries via Letter Log if the field has been enabled by the district via User Fields. When enabled, the letter will display in the selected category (tab) as shown in the image below. Note: Permissions must be set in User Fields as well as Profiles > User Fields.

If the letter has been printed, the letter will be logged in User Info, as shown in the image below.

User Info

i. From the Letter Log, you can view and edit the Recipient, the Date, the Subject, the Sender, the Time, and the Recipient Email. To View/Edit the letter, click the corresponding button. To Print the letter, click the corresponding button. You can also download the letter as a PDF (Download File icon) or delete the file generated (Delete File icon). Hover over the (Save to Upload) fields for additional options: Scan, Upload, Take Photo, and expand.

The fields that display in the Letter Log tab, as well as the name of the tab, are all customizable; therefore, the fields displayed in the screenshots above may differ from your own. Tabs and fields are customizable via Users > User Fields.

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