Documentation for Administrators

Student Info: Re-enrollment Restrictions

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The Re-enrollment Restrictions category in Student Info is used to prevent a student from being re-enrolled in the district. The student cannot be enrolled from Add a Student or the Enrollment screen when there is an active re-enrollment restriction record in the Re-enrollment Restrictions tab for the student. Student withdrawal can also be restricted.

In Users > Profiles in the Student Fields permissions, permissions must be given to Create and Delete Re-Enrollment Restrictions form records and to View and Edit the fields.

Adding a Re-enrollment Restriction to a Student

See Searching for Students for detailed instructions on the various ways to search for students.

After searching for and selecting the student, the student's record is displayed.

1. Click the Re-enrollment Restrictions category.

Student Info

2. Enter a Start Date and/or End Date.

Either a Start Date or an End Date is required. The Start Date and End Date determine when the restriction is active.

3. Enter any Comments, if desired.

4. To exclude schools from the restriction, select the schools in the Allowed Schools for Enrollment/Withdrawal pull-down.

The student will be allowed to enroll in or withdraw from the schools selected in the pull-down.

5. Select Restrict Enrollment to prevent the student from being enrolled; select Restrict Withdrawal to prevent the student from being withdrawn.

6. Select a Re-enrollment Restriction Reason.

The custom message associated with this reason will display when a user attempts to enroll or withdraw the student. A default message will display if the Re-enrollment Restriction Reasons column is not in use.

Re-enrollment restriction reasons are set up in Students > Enrollment Codes > Re-enrollment Restriction Reasons tab.

Student Info

7. Press Enter to add the row.

The row turns yellow to indicate a record was added. A new, blank row is available to add another re-enrollment restriction, if needed.

8. Click Save.

When attempting to enroll a student with an active re-enrollment restriction record from Add a Student, the warning message will be displayed.

When attempting to add an enrollment record on the Enrollment screen for a student with an active re-enrollment restriction record, the record will not save, and the Enrollment Restriction error will display in the Errors column. Hovering over the error will display the warning message in a tool-tip.

When attempting to withdraw a student on the Enrollment screen for a student with an active withdrawal restriction record, the record will not save, and the Enrollment Restriction error will display in the Errors column. Hovering over the error will display the warning message in a tool-tip.

Student Info
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