FAS (Focus Assessment System) Tests houses all tests created and published by all users via Focus's LMS (Learning Management System) via the Grades menu (for teachers) or Assessment menu (for administrators). Using FAS Tests users are able to review and edit created tests all from one screen.
Users have the ability to control which tabs should be displayed for Admin and Teacher profiles via following permissions: Show Student Answers, Show Analyze Test, Show District Report, Show School Report, and Show Test Report enabled via Users > Profiles.

1. From the Assessment menu, click FAS Tests.

2. Click Find a Test.

3. Enter the Test name or part of the Test name in the provided text box. You also have the option of clicking More Test Search Options for additional filters.
4. Clicking More Test Search Options displays the General Test Info tab where you can enter a Test Title, Test ID, Creator name, and Number of Sections Between two section numbers.

5. To search all tests automatically (omitted additional options: Include Others Users Tests and Include Deleted Tests), you can click the Test List tab or click the Search button.
6. Select the corresponding check boxes to Include Others Users Tests, Include Teachers Tests, and/or Include Deleted Tests in your search.

7. When all search criteria has been entered, click Search. You can also click Reset to clear all entered criteria and start over.
1. In reviewing test Info, click the Delete Test button to delete the test.
2. To edit any of the fields, click the blue underlined fields or the text boxes. Clicking some of the fields, such as Test Options will display a list of items that can be selected by check boxes.
3. When all updates have been made, click the Save button.

4. To exit the selected test and review data from another test, click the red X next to Active Test and the test name located at the top of the screen. Clicking the red X will bring you back to the FAS Tests search screen. For more information on conducting a test search, see Search Criteria.

Test Info Field | Explanation |
Test Name | The name of the test given upon creation. Can be edited as needed. |
Test Options | Select the appropriate test options that apply to the selected test, such as whether the test is available to students online, if retakes are allowed, etc. Select the corresponding check boxes. |
Test Standard Subjects | Select the check boxes for the standards that apply to the test, such as Science, Mathematics, etc. |
Retake Refresh Time | Enter a time in minutes in the provided text box to require the student to wait the specificed amount of time to retake the test between test attempts (if retakes are allowed). |
Login Pin | Assign a Login Pin for students to access the test online, if desired. |
# of Sections | Multiple sections can be utilized in a test. Sections appear as tabs, such as Section 1 and Section 2. |
Test Time Windows | Set the dates the test will be available. |
Section Number | Multiple sections can be utilized in a test. Sections appear as tabs, such as Section 1 and Section 2. |
Section Title | Multiple sections can be utilized in a test. Sections appear as tabs, such as Section 1 and Section 2. |
Question Count | The number of questions on the test. |
Section Tools | To make specific tools available for a section of the test, select the approrpiate check boxes, such as Calculator, Scratchpad, etc. |
Questions | Each test question is lised along with the linked Standard (if applicable), Cognitive Complexity, Grade Level, Type, and Point Value. Click the i for question details, such as the test question and answer. |
The Assign tab allows users to modify the Start and End date and times en masse for all students or for an individual student.
1. To edit the test assignment, start by conducting a student search.
To search for all possible students, leave the Student text box empty and click Continue...
2. Once all criteria has been set, select a Student Group, and the check boxes to Search All Schools and Include Inactive Students, if applicable.
3. Click Continue...You also have the option of clicking Reset to reset all search criteria entered and start over. For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.
4. To exit the selected test and assign students to another test, click the red X next to Active Test and the test name located at the top of the screen. Clicking the red X will bring you back to the FAS Tests search screen. For more information on conducting a test search, see Search Criteria.

5. Once your search has been conducted, a new Assign tab screen displays; Starting with the Test Section Options section, begin by defining a Start Date and time, as well as an End Date and time. The dates and times set here are the test assignment dates for the student(s) to be selected.
6. To assign the test to a specific course, select the course from the During Course pull-down.

7. You can select the Restrict to between times check box to limit the test to the dates and times identified.

8. If a course is selected from the During Course pull-down, an additional check box displays: Override Grad Subject times. Each Graduation Subject is given set times; to override these times with the times entered here, select the check box.
Click the Search Screen tab at any point to conduct a new student search. The Simple List is selected by default, but you can also view the listed students in your Customized List set up via Users > My Preferences > Columns in Student Lists.
9. Click the check boxes next to the Student names for selection. Selecting the student(s) here determine which students should be assigned the Active Test at the newly identified dates and times.
Select the check box located in the header to select all students at once.

10. When the appropriate student(s) have been selected, click the Assign button. You can also click Cancel to refresh the screen.
11. A confirmation displays. Click Continue to return to the Search Screen.

The Modify Assignments tab allows users to make several modifications to an assigned Test after it has been published.
1. Enter student search criteria.

To search for all possible students, leave the Student text box empty and click Search.
To pull test assignments that pertain only to you and the selected school (located in the header), click the Assignment List tab and bypass the search.

2. Once all criteria has been set, select the check boxes to Search All Schools and Include Inactive Students, if applicable.
3. Click Search. You also have the option of clicking Reset to reset all search criteria entered and start over. For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.
4. To exit the selected test and modify assignments to another test, click the red X next to Active Test and the test name located at the top of the screen. Clicking the red X will bring you back to the FAS Tests search screen. For more information on conducting a test search, see Setting the Search Criteria for FAS Tests.

All existing tests will be listed starting with the Student name, Student ID, Assignment ID, Assigned Date, Assignee, whether the test was Completed or not, the Teacher, the Period, and the Course.
5. Click the delete button to delete the assignment all together.

a. In the deletion confirmation pop-up, click OK to delete the test assignment. Click Cancel to keep the test assignment.

6. To edit other assignments aspects, click the gray arrow next to the test to reveal more information.
7. In the displayed test assignment detail, you have the option to edit the assignment times. Click any of the fields underlined in blue to edit.
8. You can edit the Start Time, End Time, whether the test is Locked or not, and whether the assignment has been Restrict[ed] To Times.
9. To add an Assignment Time, begin entering data in the row starting with a black plus sign.
10. Once all edits have been made, click the Save button to apply changes. You also have the option to click Cancel in order to refresh the screen and start over.
Student Test Options allows users to search for and view the students who have been assigned a test and individually offer extra time, increase font size, allow speech to text, or enable testing resources (clock, scratchpad, or clock).
1. Before conducting a student search, you must determine if you intend to Add or Remove test options for students by click the corresponding tab. Click the Add tab to add test options to student test assignments.

2. To edit the test options, start by conducting a student search.

To search for all possible students, leave the Student text box empty and click Continue...
3. Once all criteria has been set, select a Student Group, and the check boxes to Search All Schools and Include Inactive Students, if applicable.
4. Click Continue...You also have the option of clicking Reset to reset all search criteria entered and start over. For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.
5. To exit the selected test and edit students test options for another test, click the red X next to Active Test and the test name located at the top of the screen. Clicking the red X will bring you back to the FAS Tests search screen. For more information on conducting a test search, see Search Criteria.

6. From the Test Section Options section, enter the amount in minutes of Extra Time in the provided text box you'd like to add to the selected students' test assignment.
7. To display the selected test with Large Print Font, select the check box. You also have the option to Allow Text to Speech in test, which would provide visual as well as auditory questions and answers.
8. Select the Calculator check box or the Scientific Calculator to allow students the use of a calculator while testing. You can also add a Scratchpad and a Clock by selecting the corresponding check boxes.
9. Once your Test Section Options have been made, click the check boxes next to the Student name to select the students in question.
To select all students at once, click the check box in the header.
10. Click Save to apply test options.
1. You must determine if you intend to Add or Remove test options for students by click the corresponding tab. Click the Remove tab to remove test options from student test assignments.

2. To exit the selected test and remove options from another test, click the red X next to Active Test and the test name located at the top of the screen. Clicking the red X will bring you back to the FAS Tests search screen. For more information on conducting a test search, see Search Criteria.

Any students that have test options already assigned to the Active Test will automatically be listed along with the students' Student ID, Student Name, the test Option, and Value, i.e. Y for yes--the test option is active.
3. To remove the test option, click the delete button (black minus sign) next to the Student ID.

Search for a student or select all students to view student responses to the selected test.
1. Enter student search criteria.

To search for all possible students, leave the Student text box empty and click Search.
To pull test assignments that pertain only to you and the selected school (located in the header), you can simply click the Assignment List tab and bypass the search.

2. Once all criteria has been set, select the check boxes to Search All Schools and Include Inactive Students, if applicable.
3. Click Search. You also have the option of clicking Reset to reset all search criteria entered and start over. For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.
4. To exit the selected test and view student answers from another test, click the red X next to Active Test and the test name located at the top of the screen. Clicking the red X will bring you back to the FAS Tests search screen. For more information on conducting a test search, see Search Criteria.

All completed student test assignments will display along with the Assign ID, Student ID, Last Name, First Name, Score, Bubble Sheet indicator, and the questions for each created section.
Only questions awarded points will be considered in the final score.
5. For each question, there are two icons displayed. Click the i for the question ID number, the Root ID number, Benchmarks, Cognitive Complexity, Grade Level, and the answer in a Test View pop-up.

6. Click the test icon for a preview of the test question as displayed in the test.

The number of questions answered incorrectly displays for each question via the Incorrect row.
The answer Key is also displayed in the last row.
7. The text boxes provided you with the opportunity to make changes. Click into the text boxes and make changes as needed.

8. When all changes have been made, click the Save button to apply changes. You also have the option to click Cancel to refresh the screen and begin again.
The Print Bubble Sheets tab allows users to print a bubble sheet for students who have been assigned a test. Check the box next to a student name to generate a PDF of the bubble sheet that students can use to record answers to the assessment. Bubble sheets are uploaded into Focus using the Scan Bubble Sheets screen.
1. Enter student search criteria.

To search for all possible students, leave the Student text box empty and click Search.
To pull test assignments that pertain only to you and the selected school (located in the header), you can simply click the Assignment List tab and bypass the search.

2. Once all criteria has been set, select the check boxes to Search All Schools and Include Inactive Students, if applicable.
3. Click Search. You also have the option of clicking Reset to reset all search criteria entered and start over. For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.
4. To exit the selected test and print bubble sheets from another test, click the red X next to Active Test and the test name located at the top of the screen. Clicking the red X will bring you back to the FAS Tests search screen. For more information on conducting a test search, see Search Criteria.

The Assignment List displays the Student, Student ID, Assignment ID, Assignee, whether the test was Completed or not, the Teacher, the Period, and the Course.
5. You can Print Large Format Bubble Sheet by selecting the check box, then the desired students.
6. Select the check box next to each Student for whom you'd like to print.

To select all students at once, select the check box in the header.
7. Click the Print button to print bubble sheets for the selected students.
a. A PDF print preview screen displays the bubble sheet for the test. From this screen you have several options including, Rotate clockwise (circular arrow), Download as a PDF (down arrow), Print (printer icon), Fit to page (small inner arrows), Zoom in (plus sign), and Zoom out (minus sign). When finished, click Return to Focus to return to the FAS Tests screen.
The Print Test tab allows users to generate a PDF of the test that can be printed for students or staff to reference.
The Active Test displays for printing automatically.
1. To exit the selected test and print another test, click the red X next to Active Test and the test name located at the top of the screen. Clicking the red X will bring you back to the FAS Tests search screen. For more information on conducting a test search, see Search Criteria.
2. Select the Show Answer Key check box in order to highlight the answers on the test before printing. This can be useful in providing a reference for students or staff.
3. Select the Show Question Info check box to display the applicable standard and standard description, as shown in the image below.
4. Click Print to print the test.
a. A PDF print preview screen displays the test. From this screen you have several options including, Rotate clockwise (circular arrow), Download as a PDF (down arrow), Print (printer icon), Fit to page (small inner arrows), Zoom in (plus sign), and Zoom out (minus sign). When finished, click Return to Focus to return to the FAS Tests screen.
The Preview Online Test tab allows users to navigate through the test from the perspective of the student when taking the test online.
The Active Test displays for previewing automatically.
1. To exit the selected test and preview another test, click the red X next to Active Test and the test name located at the top of the screen. Clicking the red X will bring you back to the FAS Tests search screen. For more information on conducting a test search, see Search Criteria.

2. In the example test shown, a Test Pin is required. To continue, enter the assigned Login Pin and click Start.

The test displays exactly as set up by the creator. This is an example of an answer key only test. The test questions can be printed as they display in a PDF print preview. The questions are listed on the left of the screen and the answer key is listed along the right.
From the print preview screen, you have several options including, Rotate clockwise (circular arrow), Download as a PDF (down arrow), Print (printer icon), Fit to page (small inner arrows), Zoom in (plus sign), and Zoom out (minus sign).
3. When students have completed the test, they will click Submit and Exit as displayed in the preview.
The Time Windows in effect for the Active Test display automatically.
1. To exit the selected test and review time windows for another test, click the red X next to Active Test and the test name located at the top of the screen. Clicking the red X will bring you back to the FAS Tests search screen. For more information on conducting a test search, see Search Criteria.

2. Any time test windows established, are listed. You have the ability edit any data underline in blue by clicking the field.
3. To add a new Time Window, add data in the row starting with the black plus sign.
4. When all edits and/or additions have been made, click the Save button.
The Analyze Test tab allows users to display a question by question analysis of the number of students who correctly answered each test question.
1. Enter student search criteria.

To search for all possible students, leave the Student text box empty and click Search.
2. Select whether you want to generate a Graph from Standards by selecting the check box.

3. Once all criteria has been set, select a Student Group, and the check boxes to Search All Schools and Include Inactive Students, if applicable.

4. Click Search. You also have the option of clicking Reset to reset all search criteria entered and start over. For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.
5. To exit the selected test and analyze another test, click the red X next to Active Test and the test name located at the top of the screen. Clicking the red X will bring you back to the FAS Tests search screen. For more information on conducting a test search, see Search Criteria.

Once your search has been conducted, a new Analyze tab screen displays the test graph. Each bar is broken down by section, then question.
6. Hover over each bar for detailed information.
Only questions awarded points will be considered in the final score.
The Incomplete Tests tab allows users to view tests that were started but not completed by students.
The Incomplete Tests present for the Active Test display automatically.
The Incomplete Tests tab displays the Student, the Assignment ID, the Test Title, the Creation Date, and the Assignee.
1. Although the icomplete tests display here, you have the option to mark them as complete by selecting the corresponding student test via the check box next to the student name.

To select all students listed all at once, select the check box in the header.

2. Once students have been selected, click the Complete Tests button.
The Test Report tab allows users to access how students have performed on any assignment or test that has been graded in Focus LMS.
1. Enter the student search criteria.

To search for all possible students, leave the Student text box empty and click Search.
To run the Test Report for students that pertain only to you and the selected school (located in the header), you can click the Assignment List tab and bypass the search.

2. Once all criteria has been set, select the check boxes to Search All Schools and Include Inactive Students, if applicable.
3. Click Search. You also have the option of clicking Reset to reset all search criteria entered and start over. For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.
4. To exit the selected test and run the test report for another test, click the red X next to Active Test and the test name located at the top of the screen. Clicking the red X will bring you back to the FAS Tests search screen. For more information on conducting a test search, see Search Criteria.

The Assignment List displays the Assign ID, Student ID, Last Name, Total questions correct out of Total questions on the test, and the Standard (if one has been set up for the test). The Test Report is broken down by Info and each Section.
Test data is displayed in a specific color for each student. View the color legend on the right of the screen for more information. For example, the third test shown is displayed in deep red, which indicates 0%.
The District Report tab allows users to access how students have performed on any assignment or test that has been graded in Focus LMS district-wide.
1. Enter student search criteria.
To search for all possible users, leave the User text box empty and click Search.
2. Select the Do not filter District Results check box to ensure the report is not filtered by district results.
3. Once all criteria has been set, select the check boxes to Search All Schools, Include Parents, and Include Inactive Users, if applicable.
4. Click Search. You also have the option of clicking Reset to reset all search criteria entered and start over. For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.
5. To exit the selected test and run the district report for another test, click the red X next to Active Test and the test name located at the top of the screen. Clicking the red X will bring you back to the FAS Tests search screen. For more information on conducting a test search, see Search Criteria.

The User List displays District and School-Wide Totals, Course, Teacher, and Section Totals, and Standards Tested and Items Aligned.
The Learners Proficient Report tab indicated is students are deemed proficient in standards based upon their performance on the test.
1. Enter the student search criteria.

To search for all possible students, leave the Student text box empty and click Search.
To pull test assignments that pertain only to you and the selected school (located in the header), you can simply click the Assignment List tab and bypass the search.

2. Once all criteria has been set, select the check boxes to Search All Schools and Include Inactive Students, if applicable.
3. Click Search. You also have the option of clicking Reset to reset all search criteria entered and start over. For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.
4. To exit the selected test and run the report for another test, click the red X next to Active Test and the test name located at the top of the screen. Clicking the red X will bring you back to the FAS Tests search screen. For more information on conducting a test search, see Setting the Search Criteria for FAS Tests.

The Assignment List displays the student ID, student name, and each standard linked to the test. The number of test questions linked to the standard are displayed in parentheses. An X will display if the student is not deemed proficient. A green check mark will display if the student is deemed proficient in the standard.
5. To change the percentage to be considered proficient, enter the percent in the Proficent Score text box and click Submit.
To export data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.

Click Filters to further breakdown data.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.
For more information, see Filters.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image shown, results have been sorted by clicking on Creator twice; therefore, the listed users start with W.
If looking for specific information housed within the resulting data, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.
To make the report full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.
Click the Filter button to add Filter Rules to the applicable screens. Start by adding one rule, such as Completed Contains no, as shown in the image. The first pull-down is the listed columns. The second pull-down is the rule, such as contains, equal, starts with, etc. Then enter the information you'd like to filter by in the text box. Once set, click Run Filter.
a. Click Add Rule to add an additional filter.
b. Click Clear Rules to clear are applied rules.
c. To remove just one rule/filter, click Remove next to each listed filter.
d. Select AND or OR from the pull-down to determine how the filter rules are applied when more than once filter rule is used.
Click the floppy disk icon to export data to an Excel spreadsheet.