The Portal Published Reports screen allows administrators to configure and manage reports that appear in the Reports tab on the Parent and Student Portals. This screen offers flexibility to define new report types, map them to students using identifiers, and control their availability. With this feature, districts can provide students and parents with easy access to important documents directly from the Portal.
1. In the Setup menu, click Portal Published Reports.
Existing report workflows are displayed including legacy workflows.
The system supports legacy workflows. Files uploaded via SFTP will continue to process as before, ensuring compatibility with existing setups. Legacy reports can also be uploaded directly through this screen, enabling centralized management. Reports configured on this page are immediately mapped and visible in the Portal once uploaded and processed. See Legacy Report Workflows for more details, if needed.
2. Enter the report Title in the provided text box, such as FSA Test Scores 2024-2025. This is the name of the report as it will appear on the Parent/Student Portal.
3. Enter the Sample Filename as a reference for the expected file naming convention for uploaded files, such as FL123456789_FSA.pdf.
4. Enter the Filename RegEx, which is a regular expression used to match uploaded files to the appropriate student records, such as /^(FL\d+)_FSA\.pdf$/i, which will capture files that include the FLEID followed by _FSA.
RegEx Functionality
- Regular Expressions (RegEx) are critical for parsing and identifying student identifiers (e.g., student_id, FLEID) from filenames.
- Use tools like for testing and validating your expressions.
- Example RegEx: regexCopy code/(\d+).*_SAT\.(?:pdf|zip)$/i
- Matches files like: 800018333_fall_2024-2025_SAT.pdf.
- Breakdown:
- (\d+): Captures all digits at the start (student_id).
- .*_SAT: Looks for _SAT, which uniquely identifies the report type.
- \.: Ensures a literal period (dot).
- (?:pdf|zip): Accepts only .pdf or .zip file formats.
- $: Marks the end of the filename.
See the Microsoft Regular Expression Language Quick Reference for more information.
5. Select the Student ID Format being used from the pull-down. This is the identifier used for mapping reports to students; options include Student ID, Florida Education Identifier (FLEID), or Florida Student Number. In the example used, FLEID should be selected.
6. Select the School Year that applies to the reports being published from the provided pull-down. In the example used, 2024-2025 should be selected.
7. Select the Published check box to ensure the report is published on the Student/Parent Portal.
8. Press the Enter/Return key to save the data and upload files.
9. Click Upload to upload files, either as individual PDFs or ZIP archives containing multiple PDFs. You can also drag and drop the file from your computer to the Files to Process field.
Ensure that the filenames adhere to the defined patterns (e.g., FL123456789_FSA.pdf for the FSA reports used in the example provided).
Once uploaded, click the Download icon to download the file to your computer. Click the Delete icon to remove the file.
10. Run the Generate Test Score Report records based on report Files scheduled job to process the uploaded files and link them to the corresponding students. See Scheduled Jobs for more information.
The uploaded files now display on the Student/Parent Portal on the Reports tab of the student section.
Click the report name to view the report information.
The system supports legacy workflows. Files uploaded via SFTP will continue to process as before, ensuring compatibility with existing setups.
Focus allows users to publish student's test score to the Student and/or Parent Portal via a link that displays in the Messages section of the portal. When the link is clicked, the posted test scores display in PDF format.
1. Students and Parents will see a file/link on the Reports tab of the Portal, similar to the message for downloading report cards.
Below is an example of downloaded Biology test scores.
2. In order for the files to find a student/parent match, the student needs to have a FLEID and the file names from Pearson need to contain the student's FLEID.
3. Both FSA and Pearson test score reports should be uploaded directly into the applicable FSA and Pearson folders.
4. In the configuration, the default upload folder is: $uploaded_assets_dir = '/var/www/html/uploaded-assets/'
If the upload folder has been customized for your county, folder and file names will differ than the examples displayed here.
5. The file name of the test score report is very specific and will not post to the Student/Parent Portal if it does not meet the following format exactly. This has been established to enhance security.
Example of file name: /uploaded-assets/test_score_reports/FSA/FAL17_16_0331_STUDENT-NAME_FL123412781234_AL1.pdf
FAL17 = Fall 2017: The Term the test was taken.
16 = District ID
0331 = School ID
STUDENT-NAME = Student's first, middle, and last name.
FL123412781234 = FLEID
AL1 = Algebra I: The subject tested.
Other subjects:
AL1 = Algebra 1
A1R = Algebra 1 Retake
AL2 = Algebra 2
GEO = Geometry
ELA = English Language Arts (ELA)
ELR = English Language Arts (ELA) Retake
G10R = English Language Arts (ELA) 10th Grade Retake
MAT = Mathematics
BIO1 = Biology 1
HIST = History
CIVI = Civics
SCI = Science
Math = Math
ALG1 = Algebra 1 EOC
A1 = Algebra 1 EOC
RETA = Algebra 1 EOC Retake
G = Geometry
G10 = English Language Arts (ELA) Grade 10
G3R = ELA Reading Grade 3
CIV = Civics EOC
BIO = Biology EOC
USH = US History EOC
The term abbreviation in the filename is case-sensitive.
Focus also supports extended filenames on the FSA/Pearson test score reports, such as
which can also be added as Spr17_16_0331_ABBOTT-ANDY-LEEANN_FL123412341234_AL1.pdf
6. Once you download the test score, the file begins with "(ISRpilot - pilot Individual PDF by Student)." This is visible when opening the PDF in your browser and hovering over the browser tab. Note: Pearson is responsible for the naming of the files and cannot be edited by Focus.
7. Create and run the Generate Test Score Report records based on report files job via Setup > Scheduled Jobs.
The Portal alerts are not limited by syear (school year) and do not have an expiration date. They will appear on the portal as long as there is a file for that student in the specified folder. When the district wants to remove the links for students and parents, they will have to remove those files from the folder.

Focus allows users to publish student's IEP Progress Reports to the Student and/or Parent Portal via a link that displays on the Reports tab of the portal. When the link is clicked, the posted progress report displays in PDF format.
1. Students and Parents will see a file/link on the Reports tab of the Portal, similar to the message for downloading report cards.

Below is an example of downloaded IEP Progress Report.
2. In order for the files to find a student/parent match, the student needs to have a FLEID set.
3. The following folder needs to be setup:
{path of $uploaded_assets_dir, set in}/test_score_reports/IEP_Progress_Report
4. Upload the file to the appropriate assets folder. Example filename: IEP Progress Report_Qtr4_FL123412341234.pdf
The FLEID in the filename must match the FLEID saved for the student via Students > Student Info.
5. Create and run the Generate Test Score Report records based on report files job via Setup > Scheduled Jobs.
To remove the IEP links, the files need to be removed from the folder and the scheduled job must be run again.
Focus allows users to publish student's IEP Progress Reports to the Student and/or Parent Portal via a link that displays in the Messages section of the portal. When the link is clicked, the posted progress report display in PDF format.
1. Students and Parents will see a file/link on the Reports tab of the Portal, similar to the message for downloading report cards.

2. Make sure the uploaded assets directory is properly set up (case sensitive):
The path to the $uploaded_assets_dir for a particular site is set in the
3. In the configuration, the default upload folder is: {$uploaded_assets_dir}/test_score_reports/academic_progress
5. The file name of the test score report is very specific and will not post to the Student/Parent Portal if it does not meet the following format exactly. This has been established to enhance security.
Example of file name: 0008800018333_Academic_Progress_Monitor_Datasheet.pdf
0008800018333 = Student's ID Number
Academic progress reports use the student's student_id in the filename, not the FLEID.
6. Create and run the Generate Test Score Report records based on report files job via Setup > Scheduled Jobs.
The Portal alerts are not limited by syear (school year) and do not have an expiration date. They will appear on the portal as long as there is a file for that student in the specified folder. When the district wants to remove the links for students and parents, they will have to remove those files from the folder.
To publish iReady report links on the Student/Parent Portal, districts simply upload report files and run the scheduled job, Generate Test Score Report. This job can be run manually to publish the report links right away, or automatically overnight (by default, this job runs nightly except for weekends). When users are ready to remove the report links from the Portal, they can remove the uploaded report files and then run the scheduled job again.
1. File Naming Convention: (not case-sensitive)
2. {SYEAR} = school year and not calendar year. This means that:
are all in the same syear = 2020. So even though the test was from March 2021 on the calendar, the filename needs to read 'Spring 2020' or else the link will not show up on the Portal properly.
3. Focus system administrators will need to add a new folder in the appropriate uploaded assets directory. The 'iReady' directory is case-sensitive.
(In the config, $uploaded_assets_dir = '/var/www/html/uploaded-assets/'
Ex: uploaded-assets/test_score_reports/iReady
4. Run the Generate Test Score Report records based on report files scheduled job after uploading/removing report files to/from the uploaded assets directory via Setup > Scheduled Jobs.
To publish APM report links on the Student/Parent Portal, districts simply upload report files and run the scheduled job, Generate Test Score Report. This job can be run manually to publish the report links right away, or automatically overnight (by default, this job runs nightly except for weekends). When users are ready to remove the report links from the Portal, they can remove the uploaded report files and then run the scheduled job again.

1. File Naming Convention: (not case-sensitive)
2. {SYEAR} = school year and not calendar year. This means that:
are all in the same syear = 2020. So even though the test was from March 2021 on the calendar, the filename needs to read 'Spring 2020' or else the link will not show up on the Portal properly.
3. Focus system administrators will need to add a new folder in the appropriate uploaded assets directory. The 'APM' directory is case-sensitive.
(In the config, $uploaded_assets_dir = '/var/www/html/uploaded-assets/' most of the time, but could be different for your particular test site)
Ex: uploaded-assets/test_score_reports/APM
4. Run the Generate Test Score Report records based on report files scheduled job after uploading/removing report files to/from the uploaded assets directory via Setup > Scheduled Jobs.
Focus allows users to publish student's Gifted Progress Reports to the Student and/or Parent Portal via a link that displays on the Reports tab of the portal. When the link is clicked, the posted progress report displays in PDF format.
1. Students and Parents will see a file/link on the Reports tab of the Portal.

2. In order for the files to find a student/parent match, the student needs to have a FLEID set.
3. The following folder needs to be setup:
4. Upload the PDF to the appropriate assets folder. Example filename: {student_id}.pdf or 9540001332.pdf
5. Create and run the Generate Test Score Report records based on report files job via Setup > Scheduled Jobs.
To remove the Gifted links, the files need to be removed from the folder and the scheduled job must be run again.
Focus allows users to publish student's FAST Test Score Reports to the Student and/or Parent Portal via a link that displays on the Reports tab of the portal. When the link is clicked, the posted report displays in PDF format.
FAST Test Score Reports are only applicable to Florida State Reporting clients.
1. Students and Parents will see a file/link on the Reports tab of the Portal, similar to the message for downloading report cards.

2. In order for the files to find a student/parent match, the student needs to have a FLEID and the file names from FAST need to contain the student's FLEID.
3. The FAST test score reports received from the test vendor should be uploaded directly into the applicable FAST folder.
4. Make sure the uploaded assets directory is properly set up (case sensitive) and the test files are uploaded into the proper test folder: test_score_reports/FAST.
If the upload folder has been customized for your county, folder and file names will differ than the examples displayed here.
5. The file name of the test score report is very specific and will not post to the Student/Parent Portal if it does not meet the following format exactly. This has been established to enhance security.
Original FAST file naming convention:
{FLEID}_PM22022-23_{TEST (e.g., FASTGrade5ELAReading)}{YEAR_RANGE}_StudentISRs_124237018 PM.pdf
{FLEID}_PM22022-23_{TEST}{YEAR_RANGE}_StudentISRs_124237018 PM.pdf
FL123412341234_AllTestReasons_FASTGrade5ELAReading2022-2023_StudentISRs_200902130 PM.pdf
FL123412341234_PM22022-23_FASTGrade3Mathematics2022-2023_StudentISRs_124236940 PM.pdf
FL123412341234_PM22022-23_FASTGrade10ELAReading2022-2023_StudentISRs_083446568 AM.pdf
Newly updated FAST file naming convention:
{FLEID}_PM22022-23_{TEST (e.g., Grade5FASTELAReading)}{YEAR_RANGE}_StudentISRs_124237018 PM.pdf
FL123412341234_PM22022-23_Grade5FASTELAReading2022-2023_StudentISRs_200902130 PM.pdf
FL123412341234_PM22022-23_Grade3FASTMathematics2022-2023_StudentISRs_124236940 PM.pdf
FL123412341234_PM22022-23_Grade10FASTELAReading2022-2023_StudentISRs_083446568 AM.pdf
6. Create and run the Generate Test Score Report records based on report files job via Setup > Scheduled Jobs.
The Portal alerts are not limited by syear (school year) and do not have an expiration date. They will appear on the portal as long as there is a file for that student in the specified folder. When the district wants to remove the links for students and parents, they will have to remove those files from the folder.
Focus allows users to publish student's B.E.S.T. score reports to the Student and/or Parent Portal via a link that displays on the Reports tab of the portal. When the link is clicked, the posted report displays in PDF format.
B.E.S.T. score reports are only applicable to Florida State Reporting clients.
1. Students and Parents will see a file/link on the Reports tab of the Portal, similar to the message for downloading report cards.

2. In order for the files to find a student/parent match, the student needs to have a FLEID and the file names from B.E.S.T. need to contain the student's FLEID.
3. The B.E.S.T score reports received from the test vendor should be uploaded directly into the applicable B.E.S.T. folder.
4. Make sure the uploaded assets directory is properly set up (case sensitive) and the test files are uploaded into the proper test folder: uploaded-assets/test_score_reports/BEST.
If the upload folder has been customized for your county, folder and file names will differ than the examples displayed here.
5. The file name of the test score report is very specific and will not post to the Student/Parent Portal if it does not meet the following format exactly. This has been established to enhance security.
Original FAST file naming convention:
{FLEID}_B.E.S.T.{TERM}2022-23_B.E.S.T.{TEST}{YEAR_RANGE}_StudentISRs_124237018 PM.pdf
FL123412341234_B.E.S.T.Spring2022-23_B.E.S.T.Algebra1EOC2022-2023_StudentISRs_145430350 PM.pdf
FL123412341234_B.E.S.T.Winter2022-23_B.E.S.T.GeometryEOC2022-2023_StudentISRs_145430350 AM.pdf
6. Create and run the Generate Test Score Report records based on report files job via Setup > Scheduled Jobs.
The Portal alerts are not limited by syear (school year) and do not have an expiration date. They will appear on the portal as long as there is a file for that student in the specified folder. When the district wants to remove the links for students and parents, they will have to remove those files from the folder.
Focus allows users to publish student's iReady test score reports to the Student and/or Parent Portal via a link that displays on the Reports tab of the portal. When the link is clicked, the posted report displays in PDF format.
1. Students and Parents will see a file/link on the Reports tab of the Portal, similar to the message for downloading report cards.

2. Make sure that the test score report filename follows the accepted format:
3. Make sure the uploaded assets directory is properly set up (case sensitive) and the test files are uploaded into the proper test folder: test_score_reports/iReady.
4. Create and run the Generate Test Score Report records based on report files job via Setup > Scheduled Jobs.
The Portal alerts are not limited by syear (school year) and do not have an expiration date. They will appear on the portal as long as there is a file for that student in the specified folder. When the district wants to remove the links for students and parents, they will have to remove those files from the folder.
The test score report download links are syear dependent, so reports from the 2023-2024 school year will only appear on the Student/Parent Portal when 2023 is selected in the top right.
Focus allows users to publish College Board test score reports to the Student and Parent Portal, where download links will display under the Reports tab.
1. Students and Parents will see a download link for each available College Board report, similar to report card downloads.
2. To ensure the report displays correctly for each student, the file name must follow the specified format exactly.
3. College Board test score reports should be uploaded directly to the following directory, which is case-sensitive:
4. File Naming Convention: The test score report file name must follow the exact format below, with each section representing specific details:
Example file names:
- 344177_fall_2023-2024_PSAT89.pdf
- 323930_fall_2023-2024_NMSQT.pdf
- 323930_fall_2023-2024_SAT.pdf
- STUDENT_ID: Unique student identifier
- TERM: Term of the test (e.g., fall, spring)
- YEAR_RANGE: School year range (e.g., 2023-2024)
- TEST_NAME: Test name abbreviation (e.g., PSAT89, NMSQT, SAT)
5. Ensure the test score report filename matches the format above before proceeding:
The YEAR_RANGE should correspond to the current school year on the site (e.g., "2022-2023").
6. After verifying the filename and directory, upload the file to the test_score_reports/College_Board folder.
7. Run the Test Score Reports scheduled job (TestScoreReportsCronJob) to publish the download links to the Student/Parent Portal via Scheduled Jobs.
Note that test score report links are school year dependent. For example, reports named "2023-2024" will only appear on the Student/Parent Portal when "2023" is selected from the pull-down at the top right.
Alerts for test score reports do not expire and remain visible on the portal as long as files are present in the specified folder. To remove report access, delete the files from the folder.
A column has been added to `test_score_reports` to store the hash of uploaded files. When a file is replaced, its hash is compared with the existing one. If they differ, the hash and the `updated_at` column are updated, ensuring the student portal accurately reflects the date of the most recent update. Previously, when a user updated or uploaded a new file/report, the change in date was not reflected in the Student/Parent Portals due to the lack of update in `test_score_reports` records.