The User Info screen allows you to search for users and view user records. From the User Info screen, there are two ways to search for users: the Search Screen and the User List. Once a user is selected, you can view the user’s record, add or edit user information, or log in as the user.
In order to customize User Info and identify the tabs that display via SIS > Users > User Info and/or ERP > Human Resources > Employee, navigate from the Users menu to User Fields.
See Permissions, for information on viewing, adding, deleting, and editing SIS and ERP profile permissions.
1. From the User Info screen, once a user is selected, click the user's name.

This displays the user's General Information including the user's First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Name Suffix, Username, E-mail Address, Password, and more.
If your district uses the UUID, the unique identifier utilized in Focus' Third Party Systems, and the field is enabled via Users > Profiles > User Fields, you can view and edit the UUID field here.
2. Click any of the fields to edit information.
3. Click Save to apply changes.
4. To hide the user's general information, click the user's name at the top-left corner of the screen again.
To print an ID badge for the user, click the badge icon next to the user's ID. The Print ID Badges screen will display with the student already selected.

All district sites come equipped with User Info; however, the tabs displayed here are all customizable, and, therefore, will vary for all districts. However, there are a few standard tabs that are built into the software and uneditable, such as Permissions and Teacher Schedule. Other tabs, such as W4, are built in but can be customized; therefore, the title of the tab may vary. For information on how to set up and customize the tabs, see the article titled, User Fields.
1. A selected tab has been selected to open by default. You can see all other tabs available for this user along the left side panel.
2. Use the Filter fields… text box to quickly find a tab.

3. Click the Expand/Shrink gray arrow to close/ shrink the panel of tabs and create more space on the main screen. Once closed, you can click the gray arrow again to expand the panel.
4. If any additions or alterations are made on any of the tabs, be sure to click the Save button before navigating away from the screen to ensure data is saved.
a. As shown in the image, any changed data will turn blue to indiciate the fields that have been changed and not yet saved.
SIS Tabs
Utilize the General tab by including the user’s E-mail Address, Florida Education Identifier, Phone Number, and more. The fields shown on this tab are important to complete as they tie into other fields in the software for reporting purposes, etc.
Note that only the following fields are built into the software; the rest of the fields shown were customized by the district: E-mail Address; Experience Length (Years); Florida Education Identifier; Florida Educators Certificate Number; Phone Number; Social Security Number; and Staff Number Identifier, Local.
The Permissions tab is a standard tab meaning the fields cannot be edited. All users have this tab displayed on the User Info page. Use this tab to assign profiles and permissions to specific users. If profiles are set up via Users > Profiles, but the user has not been assigned a profile from this tab, the user will note have access to anything set up.
If the same information is being entered for SIS and ERP Profiles, such as Start Date and the assigned Schools, you can set the SIS and ERP Profiles on the same line.
1. To set up a new permission, use the top blank row. Select the SIS Profiles from the pull-down. Select as many profiles as desired.
2. Select the ERP Profiles from the pull-down. Select as many profiles as desired.
While you can select SIS and ERP Profiles together for the same record, it may be more beneficial to create two separate records in case the two permissions have different start and/or end dates.
3. Select the Schools the user should have access to using the pull-down. Select as many schools as needed here.
4. Next, enter the Start Date. This is the date you need the user to begin using the selected profile(s) for the selected school(s).
5. The End Date is optional. If the user should only receive access to the selected profile(s) for the selected school(s) for a specific period of time, you can enter an Enter Date.
The End Date field should be complete when a user becomes inactive and no longer has access to the system. Otherwise, the user will still have access to the selected profile(s) and school(s).
6. If needed, you can enter a Comment for the permissions given.
7. When all fields have been completed, press Enter to commit the line of data. When the line has been committed, it will turn yellow and a delete button (red minus sign) along with a View button will appear.
Pressing Enter does not save the data. To save the committed line, click the Save button at the top of the screen.
8. Click Save. Once saved, the line will turn blue.
9. To view one specific permissions record, click the View button.

a. Once selected, click Return to Permissions to navigate back to the original Permissions tab.
You may also have access to delete a permissions record via the delete button (red minus sign); however, doing so is not recommended. Instead, you should utilize the End Date field as a way to end the permission originally given. If a permissions record is deleted, it could interfere with audit trails and approval flow permissions, as well as various other fields.
Click Mass Update to update all the fields in the selected column.
1. To set up a new permission, use the top blank row. Skip SIS Profiles and select the ERP Profiles from the pull-down. Select as many profiles as desired.
While you can select SIS and ERP Profiles together for the same record, it may be more beneficial to create two separate records in case the two permissions have different start and/or end dates.
2. Select the Schools the user should have access to using the pull-down. Select as many schools as needed here.
3. Next, enter the Start Date. This is the date you need the user to begin using the selected profile(s) for the selected school(s).
4. The End Date is optional. If the user should receive access to the selected profile(s) at the selected school(s) for a specific period of time, you can enter an Enter Date.
The End Date field should be complete when a user becomes inactive and no longer has access to the system. Otherwise, the user will still have access to the selected profile(s) and school(s).
5. If needed, you can enter a Comment for the permissions given.
6.When all fields have been completed, press Enter to commit the line of data. When the line has been committed, it will turn yellow and a delete button (red minus sign) along with a View button will appear.
Pressing Enter does not save the data. To save the committed line, click the Save button at the top of the screen.
7. Click Save.
Once saved, the line will turn blue.
8. To view one specific permissions record, click View.
a. Once selected, click Return to Permissions to navigate back to the original Permissions tab.
You may also have access to delete a permissions record via the delete button (red minus sign); however, doing so is not recommended. Instead, you should utilize the End Date field as a way to end the permission originally given. If a permissions record is deleted, it could interfere with audit trails and approval flow permissions, as well as various other fields.
Click Mass Update to update all the fields in the selected column.
1. To set up a new permission, use the top blank row. Select the SIS Profiles from the pull-down. Select as many profiles as desired.
2. Skip the ERP Profiles pull-down and continue to Schools. Select the Schools the user should have access to using the pull-down. Select as many schools as needed here.
While you can select SIS and ERP Profiles together for the same record, it may be more beneficial to create two separate records in case the two permissions have different start and/or end dates.
3. Enter the Start Date. This is the date you need the user to begin using the selected profile(s) for the selected school(s).
4. The End Date is optional. If the user should receive access to the selected profile(s) for the selected school(s) for a specific period of time, you can enter an Enter Date.
The End Date field should be complete when a user becomes inactive and no longer has access to the system. Otherwise, the user will still have access to the selected profile(s) and school(s).
5. If needed, you can enter a Comment for the permissions given.
6. When all fields have been completed, press Enter to commit the line of data. When the line has been committed, it will turn yellow and a delete button (red minus sign) along with a View button will appear.
Pressing Enter does not save the data. To save the committed line, click the Save button at the top of the screen.
7. Click Save.
a. Once saved, the line turns blue.
8. To view one specific permissions record, click View.

a. Once selected, click Return to Permissions to navigate back to the original Permissions tab.
You may also have access to delete a permissions record via the delete button (red minus sign); however, doing so is not recommended. Instead, you should utilize the End Date field as a way to end the permission originally given. If a permissions record is deleted, it could interfere with audit trails and approval flow permissions, as well as various other fields.
Click Mass Update to update all the fields in the selected column.
Utilize the Teachers tab by including the user’s certifications, Homeroom Number, and more. The fields shown on this tab are important to complete as they tie into other fields in the software for reporting purposes, etc.
Note that only the following fields are built into the software; the rest of the fields shown were customized by the district: Certification and Homeroom Number.
1. To add a Certification for the user, enter the Certification Number; select the Type, Certificate Level, Subject Area, Level, and Scope from the select pull-downs. Enter the Issue Date and the Expiration Date.
a. Level: The teacher’s certified Level. For levels 0-9 and A, B, C, D, H & K, all Grade Levels of the students scheduled into the teacher’s class must match the Level indicated in order for the Teacher to be In-Field for that Section.
b. Subject: The FLDOE defined Core Academic Subject or Endorsement Codes.
c. Type: The FLDOE defined certification Type.
d. Issue Date: The certification was awarded on this date. There needs to be a date populated in this Field in order for the logic to work as expected.
e. Expiration Date: Date the certification was expired. The expiration date Is taken into account when computing the Teacher’s I/o & HQ Licensure Status with Focus’ automated feature.
f. The Scope field is used to indicate the Type of Certification, Licensure, or Qualification Status applicable to the teacher’s position in the class being reported. The Scope field, if populated on a Teacher’s Cert, can drastically change the automation output for Data Element 108150 for Certification / Licensure / Qualification Status.
& TCHR MISSING CERT Element 108150 will be |
& TCHR HAS CERT Element 108150 will be |
[A] Adjunct |
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved |
[A] Instructional Staff Member holding an Adjunct Teaching Certificate |
[E] Exam |
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved |
[S] Certificated Instructional Staff member Teaching In-Field – Teacher Demonstrated Subject Area Expertise |
[G] Grandfathered |
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved |
[H] Certificated Instructional Staff in Core Subject Qualified for HOUSSE |
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved |
[H] Certificated Instructional Staff in Core Subject Qualified for HOUSSE |
[S] Substitute w/ RG Cert |
[B] Substitute |
[I] Instructional Staff Member Certified/ Licensed in the Field being Taught |
[O] Board Approved |
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved |
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved |
[P] Pending |
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved |
[I] Instructional Staff Member Certified/ Licensed in the Field being Taught |
[L] State License |
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved |
[I] Instructional Staff Member Certified/ Licensed in the Field being Taught |
[V] Virtual Teacher |
[I] Instructional Staff Member Certified/ Licensed in the Field being Taught |
[I] Instructional Staff Member Certified/ Licensed in the Field being Taught |
[Z] Substitute 6077 |
[B] Substitute |
[B] Substitute |
[N] |
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved |
[N] Non-Certified Instructional Staff Member possessing expert skill or knowledge of particular subject or talent appointed by the School Board |
[X] |
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved |
[V] Prekindergarten instructor qualified to teach Voluntary Prekindergarten Classes |
& TCHR MISSING CERT Element 131037 will be |
& TCHR HAS CERT Element 131037 will be |
[A], [E], [G], [H], [O], [P], [L] or [N] |
Course Level Based: [Z] Course not HQ Core (if Course Catalog is Null/ No) [C] Elementary Not Certified [D] Middle/ High School Not Certified [G] Other |
Course Level Based: [Y] Highly Qualified (If Course Catalog is Yes) [Z] Course not HQ Core (If Course Catalog is Null/No) [G] Other |
[S], [V] or [Z] |
[G] Other |
Course Level Based: [Y] Highly Qualified (If Course Catalog is Yes) [Z] Course not HQ Core (If Course Catalog is Null/No) [G] Other |
[X] |
[Z] Course not HQ Core |
Course Level Based: [Y] Highly Qualified (If Course Catalog is Yes) [Z] Course not HQ Core (If Course Catalog is Null/No) [G] Other |
2. If adding a new certification, use the top blank row to begin making selections.
3. When finished, press Enter to commit the line. The line of data will turn yellow and the delete button will display (red minus sign) when committed. Note: Pressing Enter does not save the data.
4. Click Save to save the data. The line will turn blue once saved.
The Teacher Schedule tab only displays for Teacher profiles or users tagged to a course.
If viewing an inactive teacher's information, select the user from the User List. When you open their User Info screen you will notice the Teacher Schedule does not appear because the teacher is inactive. To review the Teacher Schedule tab, select the user's active year from the year pull-down in the header.
Although none of the information displayed here can be edited, it is a great tool for gaining teacher profile information as all classes are listed, which includes Classes this teacher is teaching, Classes this teacher is co-teaching, and Inclusion Classes.
1. To view the teacher's classes in a planner format, click the Weekly Planner slider.
The Weekly Planner will not display correctly unless start and end times are defined in Periods setup.
2. You can click any of the courses shown via the Weekly Planner to open a new tab/window (depending on your browser settings) of the Courses & Sections screen for that specific course.
3. If more than one marking period apply to the teacher, i.e., if the teacher is scheduled to teach classes in several different marking periods, you can select a different one from the Marking Period pull-down.
4. If the teacher has been scheduled to teacher specific classes, as shown in the first section: Classes this teacher is teaching, you can click the Course link(s) to open the course.
a. Clicking the Course link will open a new tab/window (depending on your browser settings) of the Courses & Sections screen for the specific course.
If students have been linked to users via Student > Student Info > Addresses & Contacts > Linked Users, the students display on the Attached Students tab.
Once students have been linked to applicable users (usually parents), upon viewing the Attached Students tab, you will see the attached students’ Student ID, Last Name, First Name, an Enabled indicator, Enrolled School, and Enrolled Gradelevel.
Click the Student ID link to open Student Info for the corresponding student.
ERP Tabs
If your district is utilizing the Charter/Contracted Emp Info tab via ERP (Finance), the information will display here. Depending on permissions, you may also have the ability to edit the information displayed here. For more information specifically on this tab, see the article titled, Charter/Contracted Emp Info.
Utilize the Communications Log by tracking meetings and other correspondents by logging them here. You can log the Date, the person who conducted the meeting/contact (Contact Made By), Notes about the meeting, and supporting Files that need to be attached.
1. If you need to upload a file, hover over No Files to make the Scan, Upload, and the expansion arrow display.

a. To scan a document, click the Scan button, which will open Dynamsoft for downloading. Once downloaded, you can begin scanning documents directly into Focus from your scanner.

b. To upload a document, click the Upload button to browse your computer for files.

c. Click on the expansion arrow to drag and drop files directly into the pop-up box or click the Choose a file or drag it here button to browse and attach a file.

d. Once a file has been attached, you have the option to view the file, download the file, and delete the file, in that order. See the image for the icons.

2. To log a new entry, use the top blank row.
a. When all information has been entered, press Enter to add the line.
b. When finished, click the Save button or none of the data will be saved.
You can utilize the ELL tab to document ELL specifics that pertain to certifications, etc. for specific users, as shown in the image.

The certification data entered here will be utilized by the district's HR department; however, it is important that certifications be entered on the Teachers tab.
Click the Employee Summary tab to review the user's employee information, such as Full Name, Contact Info, Active Positions, Salary, etc.

This tab will only display for districts utilizing the ERP system, as this information pulls from and ties directly into the Human Resources/Payroll module.
Utilize the W4 Information tab by including the user’s W4 Status, Allowances, exemptions, etc. The fields shown on this tab are important to complete as they tie into other fields in the software.
IRS Lockout date range: When within the entered IRS Lockout date range, employees will not have access to enter W4 Information until after the IRS Lock End date.
Users with the profile permission "Allow Editing User Photo" for User Info can edit the user's photo directly in the User Info screen.
1. In the user's record, hover over the user's photo at the top-left corner of the screen.
A pencil icon is displayed.
2. Click the pencil icon.

The user's existing photo is displayed in the pop-up window. The existing photo must be deleted before a new photo can be added.
3. To delete the existing photo, click the red X beneath the photo.
4. In the confirmation message, click Yes.

5. To upload a file from your computer, drag the file into the provided area or click Choose a file and select a file from your computer.
The new photo is displayed in the window.
6. To use your computer's camera to take a photo, click Take Photo.
Your camera is activated.
7. Click Take Photo.
8. Click and drag the blue photo borders to crop the photo. Click and drag the photo itself to readjust the photo within the borders.
9. Enter the Height and Width at the bottom-right of the screen to adjust the photo dimensions.
10. Click Retake Photo to retake the photo, or click Upload to upload the photo.
The new photo is displayed in the window.
11. To download a user photo to your computer, click the download icon beneath the photo.
12. Click the red X at the top-left corner of the window when finished.
When the permission Allow Deleting Users is enabled via Users > Profiles > Users tab, a trash can icon displays on the corresponding screens, which allows you to delete users. Note: The trash can icon only displays when there is no data in the following tables:
- students_join_users: Parents logged via SIS > Students > Student Info > Addresses & Contacts tab > Linked Users section.
- course_periods: Teacher logged via SIS > Scheduling > Courses & Sections > Subject > Course > Section.
- gl_request: Users who submitted a form via ERP > Forms.
- gl_ap_request: Users who submitted a PO request via ERP > Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase/Request Orders or Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.
- user_enrollment: SIS > Users > User Info > Permissions tab and/or ERP > Human Resources > Employee > Permissions tab.
1. In the Users menu, click User Info.

2. Conduct your user search. See Navigating & Searching for more information.
3. Click the delete button (trash can icon) to delete the user.
4. From the pop-up window, click Yes to delete the user.

The user is deleted and Focus navigates back to the Search Screen.
Use the Filter text box located at the top of the pull-down for a quick search. Begin typing the name of the desired field.
Click the Check all visible and Clear selected links for quick selections. In the example shown, all Schools have been selected for the selected SIS and ERP Profiles.
Some of the tabs offer the Export section. To export data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

The export icon may differ depending on the screen; for example, the User List displays a floppy disk icon, which can be clicked to export data.

To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.

Click Filters to further breakdown data.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.
For more information see Filters.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image shown, results have been sorted by clicking on Expiration Date once; therefore, the listed dates start with the most current.
Click Send Messages to open the Batch Messenger pop-up window, which allows you to generate a batch message to select users.

a. Select the applicable users from the Send To: pull-down.
b. Enter the message in the provided text box and use the tools as needed, such as Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Insert Special Character, and Smiley.
c. Once the message is ready, click Send to send the message to the selected users. To cancel the message, click Cancel or click the X to close the window and return to the User List.

Fields with a question mark icon have a description. Hover the mouse over the icon to view the description. Fields with a link icon have a link to a website. Click the icon to open the website in a new tab or window. Field descriptions and links are set up in Users > User Fields.