Documentation for Administrators

Tours and Auditions

Updated on

The Tours and Auditions screen is used to enter and track the students who have completed tours and auditions that are mandatory to apply to a particular School Choice program. The required tours or auditions are assigned to the program in Setup > School Choice Setup > Programs tab. If a student does not have the required tour or audition completed, the student will not be deemed eligible for choice placement in the lottery process.

Entering a Tour or Audition for a Student

1. In the Setup menu, click Tours and Auditions.

2. In the blank row, select the Type of tour or audition.

These options are hard-coded by Focus. The options are Dual Language Test, High Audition, Low Audition, Neighborhood Audition, Prior Montessori, and School Tour.

3. Select the Student who completed the tour or audition.

4. Select the Program for which the tour or audition was completed.

5. Select the Date the tour or audition was completed.

Click the calendar icon in the Date field to select a date from the calendar.

6. Press Enter or click Add Tour/Audition to add the entry.

7. To edit an existing entry, edit the desired field as needed.

The changes will auto-save once you Tab or click out of the field.

Tours and Auditions

8. To delete an entry, click the Delete icon next to the record.

Tours and Auditions

9. In the confirmation message, click OK.

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