Documentation for Administrators

Match Students - Admin Panel

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District administrators can use the Match Students - Admin Panel to track schools as they match imported records with their own students records. Districts can also match any remaining students, then choose to store the file in the test history folder or delete it from the server.

Match Students

1. In the Setup menu, click Match Students - Admin Panel.

2. On the Match Students - Admin Panel screen, click More Details in the Action column in order to display all schools with mismatched data in the listed file (displayed in the File Name column).

Match Students - Admin Panel

Displayed in the file breakdown (via More Details) is the School column and the Percent Complete column, which updates as the schools manually pair their students to the remaining test scores.

3. To map unmatched students from the Admin Panel, click Map Remaining Students.

Match Students - Admin Panel

4. Click Select Student to open a student search in a pop-up window.

Match Students - Admin Panel

a. Conduct a student search. Once the student is found, select the student to add their name to their correct ID. For information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.

Match Students - School Panel

Once located and selected, the student's ID number displays in the Student ID column.

Match Students - Admin Panel

b. Click Submit once students are matched. A  matched filed will then automatically be stored on the server.

5. When every student is matched with their student ID, click Generate File to download one compiled file of matched students, which can be reimported into Focus.

Match Students - Admin Panel

6. Click Return to go back to the previous list of files on the Match Students - Admin Panel screen.

Match Students - Admin Panel

7. Click Remove File to permanently delete the matched test file from Focus.

Match Students - Admin Panel
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