Documentation for Administrators

Print Letters

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The Print Letters screen is used to email or print Pending Acceptance, Acceptance, Waitlisted, and Declined status notification letters. Each letter type must first be created on the Letterhead Templates screen and must use the Available Template Placeholders contained in the drop-down on the Print Letters screen.

Printed or emailed letters are logged in the Letter Logging tab in Student Info, and a time stamp is added to the database in the school_choice_application_status table in the letter_date column.

Viewing the Available Template Placeholders

The Available Template Placeholders on the Print Letters screen must be used in the letterhead template for School Choice letters created in the Letterhead Templates screen.

1. In the Setup menu, click Print Letters.

Print Letters - Google Chrome

2. Click Available Template Placeholders to view the list of placeholders available to use in letterhead templates.

Print Letters - Google Chrome

The list is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Print Letters - Google Chrome

3. Copy and paste the placeholder from this list into the body of the letter in Setup > Letterhead Templates.

These placeholders do not appear in the Insert A Field list in Letterhead Templates. They must be copied and pasted from the Available Template Placeholders list or manually typed.

Printing Letters

1. In the Setup menu, click Print Letters.

Print Letters - Google Chrome

2. In the General Options, select the Acceptance Year for which to print letters.

3. Select the Choice Type, Choice, Magnet, or SPA.

4. To print letters for specific programs instead of for all programs in that application type, select one or multiple programs in the Select Program(s) pull-down.

5. Select the Acceptance Template, Pending Acceptance Template, Waitlisted Template, and Declined Template.

  • Students who are accepted into a program will only receive an Acceptance letter. They will not receive a Declined letter.
  • Students who are waitlisted will receive a Waitlisted letter. They will not receive a Declined letter.
  • The only time a student will receive a Declined letter is if they have not been accepted or waitlisted in any of the programs to which they have applied.
Print Letters - Google Chrome

6. To print letters for statuses received in a certain time frame, select the check box Status date between (date) and (date) and enter the dates or select them from the calendar icons.

7. Define the First Day of School, Third Day of School, and Bus Stop Application Due if the letterhead template includes these placeholders.

8. When printing letters only, select the checkbox Split by (number) Students (print only) and select the quantity by which to split the letters.

9. When printing letters only, select Add an address page following each letter (print only) to add the student's primary or mailing address to the back of the printed letter for easier mailing.

Print Letters - Google Chrome

10. Click Generate Print Letters at the top of the screen.

A .zip file downloaded, containing separate files for accepted, pending acceptance, waitlisted, and declined letters.

Print Letters - Google Chrome
Sending Emails

When emailing letters, each letter type must be generated separately. PDF versions of the letters will be sent as email attachments.

1. In the Setup menu, click Print Letters.

Print Letters - Google Chrome

2. In the General Options, select the Acceptance Year for which to print letters.

3. Select the Choice Type, Choice, Magnet, or SPA.

4. To generate emails for specific programs instead of for all programs in that application type, select one or multiple programs in the Select Program(s) pull-down.

5. Select either the Acceptance Template, Pending Acceptance Template, Waitlisted Template, or Declined Template. Only one letter type should be generated at a time.

  • Students who are accepted into a program will only receive an Acceptance letter. They will not receive a Declined letter.
  • Students who are waitlisted will receive a Waitlisted letter. They will not receive a Declined letter.
  • The only time a student will receive a Declined letter is if they have not been accepted or waitlisted in any of the programs to which they have applied.
Print Letters - Google Chrome

6. To email letters for statuses received in a certain time frame, select the check box Status date between (date) and (date) and enter the dates or select them from the calendar icons.

7. Define the First Day of School, Third Day of School, and Bus Stop Application Due if the letterhead template includes these placeholders.

Print Letters - Google Chrome

8. In the Email Only Options on the right side of the screen, select who to send the email to in the Send to pull-down, Linked Users or Parent Contacts (parents with custody).

9. To send a copy of each email to an email address, enter the email address in the CC Email field. When entering more than one email address, use commas to separate each address.

10. Enter the Email Subject.

11. Select the Email Body Template.

Letterhead templates set up in Setup > Letterhead Templates are available for selection.

Print Letters - Google Chrome

12. Click Email Acceptance Letters, Email Pending Acceptance Letters, Email Waitlist Letters, or Email Declined Letters at the top of the screen.

Print Letters - Google Chrome

A confirmation message will display. The screen will automatically reload.  

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