The Perfect/Excessive Attendance report includes three Attendance Reports on one screen: the Perfect Attendance Report, the Excessive Absences Report, and the Skip Report.
1. From the Attendance menu, click Perfect/Excessive Attendance.

2. Click the Perfect Attendance tab.
The Perfect Attendance report identifies students with the best attendance records. This report also includes the Periods Tardy so that the school may consider tardies when determining perfect attendance.
3. Select a Threshold from the provided pull-down. To display students that have 0 daily absences, leave the defaulted selection. To change the data and display students that have a different number of daily absences, select the corresponding number of absences.

4. The Perfect Attendance report includes a Timeframe pull-down at the top of the report. Only Attendance data within this Timeframe will populate the report. You can select the entire School Year, the 2nd 9 Weeks, Month to date, Last 30-90 days, or create a Custom Timeframe.

a. Selecting Custom will display two additional text boxes where you can enter a beginning date and an end date for a Timeframe date range. You can enter a date into the provided text boxes or click the calendar icon to select a date.
5. To display a teacher for a specific period on the report, select the appropriate period from the Show Teacher pull-down.
6. You also have the option to Ignore Excused Absences by selecting the corresponding check box.
7. Select the Include Half-Day Absences to include half-day absences that are counted as whole days, updating the Days Absent column accordingly.
The Include Half Day Absences check box displays if your district/school leverages the Half day State Code which is set up via Setup > Attendance Setup > Codes tab > Attendance tab.
8. Click Go to generate the report.
The Perfect Attendance report displays the student's Photo, the name of the Student, the Student ID (if enabled in My Preferences > Student Listing), the student's Grade level, the selected Period (1) Teacher (if a period is selected from the Show Teacher pull-down), Days Absent (if a Threshold is set), Periods Absent, and and Periods Tardy.
The following columns display for Focus Post Secondary schools: Days Present, Attended Hours, and Scheduled Hours.
The system preference, Teachers enter hours present (recommended for some adult/vocational schools) must be enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Attendance tab.
9. Click the Student name to open the student's Absence Summary, as shown in the image below.
1. From the Attendance menu, click Perfect/Excessive Attendance.

2. Click the Excessive Absences tab.
3. Select a Threshold from the provided pull-down. To change the data and display students that have 1-10 daily absences, select the corresponding number of absences.

4. The Excessive Absences report includes a Timeframe pull-down at the top of the report. Only Attendance data within this Timeframe will populate the report. You can select the entire School Year, the 2nd 9 Weeks, Month to date, Last 30-90 days, or create a Custom Timeframe.

a. Selecting Custom will display two additional text boxes where you can enter a beginning date and an end date for a Timeframe date range. You can enter a date into the provided text boxes or click the calendar icon to select a date.
5. To display a teacher for a specific period on the report, select the appropriate period from the Show Teacher pull-down.
6. You also have the option to Ignore Excused Absences by selecting the corresponding check box.
7. Select the Include Half-Day Absences to include half-day absences that are counted as whole days, updating the Days Absent column accordingly.
The Include Half Day Absences check box displays if your district/school leverages the Half day State Code which is set up via Setup > Attendance Setup > Codes tab > Attendance tab.
8. Click Go to generate the report.
The Excessive Absences report displays the student's Photo, the name of the Student, the Student ID, the student's Grade level, the selected Period (1) Teacher (if a period is selected from the Show Teacher pull-down), the number of Days Absent (the Threshold selected), and the number of Periods Tardy.
The following columns display for Focus Post Secondary schools: Days Present, Attended Hours, and Scheduled Hours.
The system preference, Teachers enter hours present (recommended for some adult/vocational schools) must be enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Attendance tab.
9. Click the Student name to open the student's Absence Summary, as shown in the image below.
1. From the Attendance menu, click Perfect/Excessive Attendance.

2. Click the Skip Report tab.
The Skip Report identifies students who were marked absent in at least 1 period and present in another period on the same day.
The Skip Report does not utilize the Threshold pull-down like the Perfect Attendance and the Excessive Absences report.
3. The Skip Report includes a Timeframe pull-down at the top of the report. Only Attendance data within this Timeframe will populate the report. You can select the entire School Year, the 2nd 9 Weeks, Month to date, Last 30-90 days, or create a Custom Timeframe.

a. Selecting Custom will display two additional text boxes where you can enter a beginning date and an end date for a Timeframe date range. You can enter a date into the provided text boxes or click the calendar icon to select a date.

4. To display a teacher for a specific period on the report, select the appropriate period from the Show Teacher pull-down.

5. You also have the option to Ignore Excused Absences by selecting the corresponding check box.
6. Select the Include Half-Day Absences to include half-day absences that are counted as whole days, updating the Days Absent column accordingly.
The Include Half Day Absences check box displays if your district/school leverages the Half day State Code which is set up via Setup > Attendance Setup > Codes tab > Attendance tab.
7. Click Go to generate the report.
The Skip Report displays the student's Photo, the name of the Student, the Student ID, the student's Grade level, the selected Period (2) Teacher (if a period is selected from the Show Teacher pull-down), Skipped Period, Days Absent, and Skipped Days.
The following columns display for Focus Post Secondary schools: Days Present, Attended Hours, and Scheduled Hours.
The system preference, Teachers enter hours present (recommended for some adult/vocational schools) must be enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Attendance tab.
8. Click the Student name link to open the student's Absence Summary, as shown in the image below.
Click the floppy disk icon to export the students and attendance data to an Excel spreadsheet.

Click Filters to further breakdown data.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.
For more information, see Filters.
If looking for specific information housed within the resulting data, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.
To make the report full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.