The Add a Student screen allows users to enroll and transfer students. Focus will search for any student matches in the district database with the student’s name, birthdate, and local student number. If student matches are found, you can review the students’ records to see if the student being enrolled already exists in the database as an active or inactive student. If the student is actively enrolled in another school, the student must first be withdrawn from their current school before you can enroll the student into your school (unless you have permission to withdraw students from other schools). If no student matches are found, the new student can be enrolled into your school.
Specific users can also be set up with view only permissions in order to search for students and review student records for students that do not currently have an enrollment record for your school. This tool can be utilized by specific school staff who need to review the student's record, but do not have permission to enroll the student. To grant View only permissions to Add a Student, see Users > Profiles > Students tab.
The fields required while adding a new student are determined by the settings enabled via Setup > System Preferences > Enrollment tab.
The fields displayed in Add a Student depend on Students > Student Fields > Visible on Add a Student Search.
1. In the Students menu, click Add a Student.

2. Enter a combination of the student’s First Name, Last Name, Gender, and Birthdate or Birth Year. You can enter the full student’s name or enter a few letters of the first and last name. You can limit the search even further by utilizing the following additional fields: Middle Name, Suffix, Student ID, local student ID, Social Security number, Username, Password, and Profile.
You can switch between Birthdate and Birth Year. When Birthdate is selected, click Birth Year to make it an active filter and vice versa.
If the preference, Show Preferred Name fields on Add a Student is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences/School Preferences > Enrollment, the Preferred First Name and Preferred Last Name fields will be included in the search fields on the Add a Student screen.
You can search for students based on Student ID only, SSN only, First Name only, Last Name only, Birthdate or Birth Year only, or Username only, as well as any combinations of fields.
You can still search for students using the Username field even if you only have View permission to the student Username field set via Users > Profiles > Permission Type: Student Fields and when the settings “Show username/password fields on Add a Student” and “Hide fields from Add a Student from users that don't have edit permission” are enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Enrollment.
You can also search by Local ID, if the field is enabled by the district via Students > Student Fields. Note: The name of the local ID will vary for each district because it is customizable.
If you have view only rights to Local ID via Students > Student Fields and the setting, Hide fields from Add a Student from users that dont have edit permission is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Enrollment, users can search by Local ID but cannot save the Local ID upon adding a new student.
If your district uses the UUID, the unique identifier utilized in Focus' Third Party Systems, and the field is enabled via Users > Profiles > Student Fields, you can search for students using one or many UUIDs. Type the applicable UUID in the text box.
Resulting students maintain a current or future enrollment record.
3. Click Search.
Click Reset Fields to clear all the entered information, if needed.
When entering search criteria, enter as little information as possible to yield more results; entering less search criteria helps to ensure that the student isn't already enrolled in the school/district.
Focus will search the district database for students matching the entered criteria. The student matches are displayed at the bottom of the screen in Exact Matches and Partial Matches sections.
The student matches include the student's Photo, Relevance, Name and alert icons (if applicable), Username, Birthdate, Local ID, School, Enrollment Date, Enrollment Code, Drop Date, Drop Code, Grade Level, and Address.
The Relevance column displays for Partial Matches, which is based on weighted fields. Note: The Relevance column displays for Partial Matches only. If you search for students by Birth Year as opposed to Birthdate, only Exact Matches will display.
The weighted system is as follows:
5 points for an exact match on SSN, Local ID, Birthdate, Gender, Profile ID, and Student ID
3 points for an exact match on any other field
2 points for a partial match at the beginning of the string
1 point for a partial match mid-string
The Partial Matches section displays students based on matching first names and last names, and exact birthdate or birth year matches. The Exact Matches section displays students based on exact SSN, Local ID, or Student ID matches.
Up to 300 students will return in the search results; if more than 300 students match the search criteria, an error message will display prompting you to add more search criteria.
4. Click the View button next to the student to view the student’s record. This will navigate to the Student Info screen in a new tab or window.
5. Review the matching students’ information to determine if the student you need to add already exists in the database or if he/she is a brand new student to the district.
- If the student is a brand new student in the district (no matches exist in the system), please see Adding a New Student.
- If the student is currently enrolled in another school, you must contact the student’s school to withdraw the student. After the student is withdrawn from their current school, follow the procedure Transferring an Inactive Student.
- If the student completed the Online Application and exists in the Applicant school, please see Enrolling a Student from the Applicants School.
- If the student is currently enrolled in another school in the district and you have permissions to withdraw students from other schools, please see Transferring an Active Student.
If your profile permissions have been set with View only for the Add a Student module (Users > Profiles > Students tab), you have the ability to access the Add a Student screen and search for a student, but cannot enroll the student; therefore, the following steps will not be applicable.
1. If the student you are adding is not found in the database, click the green Enroll as New Student button. Note: This button will only become active once a search has been conducted. It is also important that the additional fields are completed before continuing.
It is important to enter the student's complete information, such as complete First Name, Last Name, Birthdate, etc. before clicking Enroll as New Student because the information entered in order to conduct the student search will save as the student's information. Note: Once the student has been enrolled, you can click the Go To Student link in order to edit the student's name, etc. as needed via the Student Info screen.
2. Begin by entering the student’s primary residence (Physical Address).
On the right side of the screen, the Primary Residence option is automatically selected, as are the Bus Pickup and Bus Dropoff options. Click the slider to disable them, if needed.
A student must have a primary residence to continue if the district requires an address at the time of registration.
The Bus Pickup and Bus Dropoff sliders are options based on a system preference on the Enrollment tab: Use Bus Addresses accessable via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Enrollment tab.
Hover over Primary Residence with the mouse for more information: Only one primary residence can be marked per student.
a. Complete the Mailing Address (if different than physical address) section to define a separate physical and mailing address. If this does not apply, click the slider to disable.
If the International Address - Add additional options for non-US addresses system preference is enabled, the Country pull-down is displayed on both the Physical Address and Mailing Address where the country can be selected. While the address card displays the full country name, the ISO 3166-1 country code is saved in the database. The State pull-down also updates to include the states/provinces/regions for that country for selection.
While entering the address, a small box with a loading ellipsis will appear if the Address Catalog is enabled; this is the Address Suggestion. Click on it to view the possible address matches. If the address is listed, select it instead of typing everything into the corresponding fields.
Additionally, districts with or without the Address Catalog enabled can receive address suggestions if the district has the USPS API integration enabled. To enable this feature, submit a Zendesk ticket to Focus including your organization's USPS API credentials. Credentials can be obtained by registering at
3. When you’ve completed typing in the address, Focus will validate the address (if address validation is enabled for your district). If the address is not in the address catalog or not zoned for the school, you must select an Override Reason at the top of the screen, and click Override.

The option to Override an address is available based on the profile permission: Allow overriding zoned address restrictions via Users > Profiles > Students tab.
4. If you have entered a valid address, the Zoned Schools section will populate with the student’s zoned schools.
5. Add a valid Phone Number, which is located between the Mailing Address and Zoned Schools section.

6. Add the Student’s contacts in the Contacts at this Address and Other Contacts sections. Click on either of the contact boxes to add a contact.

a. A New Contact pop-up will display. From here, you can enter all contact information starting with full name, relationship to the student (from the pull-down), Email, and Notes.

b. You can also set different Options for the contact. In the image shown, the contact has been flagged as having Custody of the student, is to be contacted in case of Emergency, and will be the one who is likely to Pick Up the student from school. You also have the choice of other, and alerting other users of the contact using the New Contact Flag indicator. If another contact has the same options set, you can use the Priority number to make one contact 1st priority and another 2nd priority.

The use of the word Custody can be replaced via the system preference: Text to replace "Custody" with via Setup > System Preferences > Enrollment tab.
The Custody option will default to on for the first contact saved, and off for any subsequent contacts.
c. Scroll down to the Phone & Contact Details section of the window, where you will enter the contact’s phone numbers and other contact details.
i. In the blank row, select a Contact Type. Options include Alternate Phone, Cell Phone, Home Phone, Other, Work Phone, or Workplace. When Other is selected, you can type in your own type in the Contact Type field. In the Phone Number/Value field, enter the phone number.
ii. Set a Detail Priority by clicking the plus and minus signs to set a number. In the example shown, Cell Phone has been set to priority 1 meaning that will be the first method of contact.
iii. When Alternate Phone, Cell Phone, Home Phone, or Work Phone is selected, the phone number Options become available for selection. These are set up in Students > Address Fields > Contact Detail Flags tab. Select Unlisted if the phone number is unlisted. Select Blocked if the phone number is blocked. Select Callout if the phone number can be called.
iv. Press Enter to add the row. The newly added row will turn yellow to indicate changes have been made. A new blank row is available where you can enter more contact details. Note: You do not have to press Enter if just adding one phone number. The number will save upon clicking the Save button when finished. In the example shown below, both phone numbers will save when the Save button is clicked.
d. At the bottom of the window in the Contact Address section, select the contact’s address from the existing addresses that were set up for the student. If the contact does not have an address set up, click the No Address block.

The Contact pop-up will default the contact to residing at the primary address.
e. When finished, you can click Cancel to cancel your contact entry and close the window or click the Save button to save the contact.
f. Once saved, you will see the added contact displayed.

i. The contact icons at the bottom of the Contact block or next to the contact in the Address block give a quick indication of whether the contact has custody, is the emergency contact, can pick up the student, and has notes.
The pink gavel indicates the contact has custody.
The yellow warning icon indicates the contact is an emergency contact.
The green car indicates the contact can pick up the student.
The red note icon indicates the contact has notes entered in the contact record.

To edit a contact previously added, click on the contact block and makes desired edits. Once the Edit Contact pop-up window is open, you also have the option to Delete the contact.

7. Scroll down to the Enrollment Options section. Required enrollment fields are marked with an asterisk. Fill in the required fields.
A validation check is in place to ensure the Enrollment Date entered is a day that school is in session per Setup > Attendance Calendar.
Along the right side of the screen, fields with Errors are listed. Either the information entered into these fields is not valid, or the fields are blank and they must be completed. Click a field in the list to be taken directly to that field in the form. Fields with errors are also highlighted in red on the form.
If there is a validation error on the enrollment step (2nd page) that can be resolved by a field on the "New Student Fields" step (3rd page), then you can to continue to the 3rd step (but not save) despite the error. You will need to check each validation error to see if it has criteria that references a field that is displayed on the 3rd page.
a. As you enter the student’s information, the fields will turn blue to indicate changes have been made.
8. Once you have correctly filled out all of the required information, the Continue button is enabled at the top-right corner of the screen. Click Continue to navigate to the next page of the form.
Clicking Continue takes you to additional required information.
9. Once the form requirements are completed, the Save button is enabled at the top-right corner of the screen. Click Save to add the student.
If needed, you have the option to Return To Search or go Back. However, if you return to the search screen, you will lose all entered data and will be starting from the beginning. Clicking Back will take you to the previous screen.
10. An Enrollment Complete pop-up box is displayed. Click Go to Student to view the student’s record via Student Info, or click Transfer/Enroll Another Student to go back to the Add a Student screen to transfer or enroll another student.
1. After reviewing the matching student's information and confirming the Drop Date and Drop Code, click the Enroll button next to the appropriate inactive student.
2. Review and update the student’s primary residence (Physical Address).
Update and review the Options, as well.
A student must have a primary residence to continue if the district requires an address at the time of registration.
The Bus Pickup and Bus Dropoff sliders are options based on a system preference on the Enrollment tab: Use Bus Addresses accessable via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Enrollment tab.
Hover over Primary Residence with the mouse for more information: Only one primary residence can be marked per student.
a. Complete the Mailing Address section to define a separate physical and mailing address. If this does not apply, click the slider to disable.
3. When you’ve completed typing in the address, Focus will validate the address (if address validation is enabled for your district). If the address is not in the address catalog, you must select an Override Reason at the top of the screen, and click Override.

The option to Override an address is available based on the profile permission: Allow overriding zoned address restrictions via Users > Profiles > Students tab.
4. If you have entered a valid address, the Zoned Schools section will populate with the student’s zoned schools.
5. Add or update the Phone Number, which is located between the Mailing Address and Zoned Schools section.

6. Update or Add the Student’s contacts in the Contacts at this Address and Other Contacts sections. Click on either of the contact boxes to add a contact.

a. To edit a contact previously added, click on the contact block and makes desired edits. Once the Edit Contact pop-up window is open, you also have the option to Delete the contact.

b. A New Contact pop-up will display. From here, you can enter all contact information starting with full name, relationship to the student (from the pull-down), Email, and Notes.

c. You can also set different Options for the contact. In the image shown, the contact has been flagged as having Custody of the student, is to be contacted in case of Emergency, and will be the one who is likely to Pick Up the student from school. You also have the choice of other, and alerting other users of the contact using the New Contact Flag indicator. If another contact has the same options set, you can use the Priority number to make one contact 1st priority and another 2nd priority.

The use of the word Custody can be replaced via the system preference: Text to replace "Custody" with via Setup > System Preferences > Enrollment tab.
The Custody option will default to on for the first contact saved, and off for any subsequent contacts.
d. Scroll down to the Phone & Contact Details section of the window, where you will enter the contact’s phone numbers and other contact details.
i. In the blank row, select a Contact Type. Options include Alternate Phone, Cell Phone, Home Phone, Other, Work Phone, or Workplace. When Other is selected, you can type in your own type in the Contact Type field. In the Phone Number/Value field, enter the phone number.
ii. Set a Detail Priority by clicking the plus and minus signs to set a number. In the example shown, Cell Phone has been set to priority 1 meaning that will be the first method of contact.
iii. When Alternate Phone, Cell Phone, Home Phone, or Work Phone is selected, the phone number Options become available for selection. These are set up in Students > Address Fields > Contact Detail Flags tab. Select Unlisted if the phone number is unlisted. Select Blocked if the phone number is blocked. Select Callout if the phone number can be called.
iv. Press Enter to add the row. The newly added row will turn yellow to indicate changes have been made. A new blank row is available where you can enter more contact details. Note: You do not have to press Enter if just adding one phone number. The number will save upon clicking the Save button when finished. In the example shown below, both phone numbers will save when the Save button is clicked.
e. At the bottom of the window in the Contact Address section, select the contact’s address from the existing addresses that were set up for the student. If the contact does not have an address set up, click the No Address block.

f. When finished, you can click Cancel to cancel your contact entry and close the window or click the Save button to save the contact.
g. Once saved, you will see the added contact displayed.

i. The contact icons at the bottom of the Contact block or next to the contact in the Address block give a quick indication of whether the contact has custody, is the emergency contact, can pick up the student, and has notes.
The pink gavel indicates the contact has custody.
The yellow warning icon indicates the contact is an emergency contact.
The green car indicates the contact can pick up the student.
The red note icon indicates the contact has notes entered in the contact record.

7. Scroll down to the Enrollment Options section. Required enrollment fields are marked with an asterisk. Fill in the required fields.
A validation check is in place to ensure the Enrollment Date entered is a day that school is in session per Setup > Attendance Calendar.
Along the right side of the screen, fields with Errors are listed. Either the information entered into these fields is not valid, or the fields are blank and they must be completed. Click a field in the list to be taken directly to that field in the form. Fields with errors are also highlighted in red on the form.

a. As you enter the student’s information, the fields will turn blue to indicate changes have been made.
8. Once the form requirements are completed, click Continue.
If needed, you have the option to Return To Search. However, if you return to the search screen, you will lose all entered data and will be starting from the beginning.
9. Complete any other required fields and click Save.
10. A Transfer Complete pop-up window is displayed. Click Go To Student to view the student’s record via Student Info, or click Transfer/Enroll Another Student to go back to the Add a Student screen to transfer or enroll another student.

1. Upon conducting a student search and following the steps to enroll the student as a new student, you will need to enter the student's address and contact information. Begin by entering the student’s primary residence (Physical Address).
2. When you’ve completed typing in the address, Focus will validate the address (if address validation is enabled for your district via System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Enrollment tab). If the address is not in the Address Catalog or not zoned for the school, the Enroll in Applicants button displays. Click the Enroll in Applicants button to enroll the student in the district's Applicants school.
a. You can also choose to select an Override Reason at the top of the screen, and click Override, if applicable.

In order for the Enroll in Applicants button to display, as well as the Override button, you must have profile permission to use these features, which is set up via Users > Profiles > Students tab.

3. Once the Enroll in Applicants button is clicked, a pop-up window displays confirming the student's enrollment. Click Go To Student to open Student Info in the Applicants school or click Transfer/Enroll Another Student to add or transfer a student via the Add a Student screen.
1. If you have access to multiple schools, be sure the correct school is selected via the school pull-down located in the header.
2. Students who have completed the Online Application are automatically enrolled into the Applicants school. To enroll the student into your school, click the Enroll button next to the appropriate student.
3. Review and update the student’s primary residence (Physical Address).
Update and review the Options, as well.
A student must have a primary residence to continue if the district requires an address at the time of registration.
The Bus Pickup and Bus Dropoff sliders are options based on a system preference on the Enrollment tab: Use Bus Addresses accessable via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Enrollment tab.
Hover over Primary Residence with the mouse for more information: Only one primary residence can be marked per student.
a. Complete the Mailing Address section to define a separate physical and mailing address. If this does not apply, click the slider to disable.

4. When you’ve completed typing in the address, Focus will validate the address (if address validation is enabled for your district). If the address is not in the address catalog, you must select an Override Reason at the top of the screen, and click Override.
The option to Override an address is available based on the profile permission: Allow overriding zoned address restrictions via Users > Profiles > Students tab.
5. If you have entered a valid address, the Zoned Schools section will populate with the student’s zoned schools.
6. Add or update the Phone Number, which is located between the Mailing Address and Zoned Schools section.

7. Update or Add the Student’s contacts in the Contacts at this Address and Other Contacts sections. Click on either of the contact boxes to add a contact.

a. To edit a contact previously added, click on the contact block and make desired edits. Once the Edit Contact pop-up window is open, you also have the option to Delete the contact.

b. A New Contact pop-up will display. From here, you can enter all contact information starting with full name, relationship to the student (from the pull-down), Email, and Notes.

c. You can also set different Options for the contact. In the image shown, the contact has been flagged as having Custody of the student, is to be contacted in case of Emergency, and will be the one who is likely to Pick Up the student from school. You also have the choice of other, and alerting other users of the contact using the New Contact Flag indicator. If another contact has the same options set, you can use the Priority number to make one contact 1st priority and another 2nd priority.

The use of the word Custody can be replaced via the system preference: Text to replace "Custody" with via Setup > System Preferences > Enrollment tab.
The Custody option will default to on for the first contact saved, and off for any subsequent contacts.
d. Scroll down to the Phone & Contact Details section of the window, where you will enter the contact’s phone numbers and other contact details.
i. In the blank row, select a Contact Type. Options include Alternate Phone, Cell Phone, Home Phone, Other, Work Phone, or Workplace. When Other is selected, you can type in your own type in the Contact Type field. In the Phone Number/Value field, enter the phone number.
ii. Set a Detail Priority by clicking the plus and minus signs to set a number. In the example shown, Cell Phone has been set to priority 1 meaning that will be the first method of contact.
iii. When Alternate Phone, Cell Phone, Home Phone, or Work Phone is selected, the phone number Options become available for selection. These are set up in Students > Address Fields > Contact Detail Flags tab. Select Unlisted if the phone number is unlisted. Select Blocked if the phone number is blocked. Select Callout if the phone number can be called.
iv. Press Enter to add the row. The newly added row will turn yellow to indicate changes have been made. A new blank row is available where you can enter more contact details. Note: You do not have to press Enter if just adding one phone number. The number will save upon clicking the Save button when finished. In the example shown below, both phone numbers will save when the Save button is clicked.
e. At the bottom of the window in the Contact Address section, select the contact’s address from the existing addresses that were set up for the student. If the contact does not have an address set up, click the No Address block.

f. When finished, you can click Cancel to cancel your contact entry and close the window or click the Save button to save the contact.
g. Once saved, you will see the added contact displayed.

i. The contact icons at the bottom of the Contact block or next to the contact in the Address block give a quick indication of whether the contact has custody, is the emergency contact, can pick up the student, and has notes.
The pink gavel indicates the contact has custody.
The yellow warning icon indicates the contact is an emergency contact.
The green car indicates the contact can pick up the student.
The red note icon indicates the contact has notes entered in the contact record.

8. Scroll down to the Enrollment Options section of the screen. The Withdraw from Applicants check box is automatically selected. The End Date field is auto-populated with today’s date. Modify the End Date if needed, and select the appropriate Drop Code.
9. Scroll down to review and update the student’s information. Required enrollment fields are marked with an asterisk. Fill in the required fields.
A validation check is in place to ensure the Enrollment Date entered is a day that school is in session per Setup > Attendance Calendar.
Along the right side of the screen, fields with Errors are listed. Either the information entered into these fields is not valid, or the fields are blank and they must be completed. Click a field in the list to be taken directly to that field in the form. Fields with errors are also highlighted in red on the form.
a. As you enter the student’s information, the fields will turn blue to indicate changes have been made.
10. Once the form requirements are completed, click Continue.
If needed, you have the option to Return To Search. However, if you return to the search screen, you will lose all entered data and will be starting from the beginning.
11. Complete any other required fields and click Save.
12. A Transfer Complete pop-up window is displayed. Click Go To Student to view the student’s record via Student Info, or click Transfer/Enroll Another Student to go back to the Add a Student screen to transfer or enroll another student.
If you do not have the profile permission Allow withdrawing students from other schools, you will not be able to complete enrollment of the student. A message will display indicating that you do not have permission. The student must be withdrawn from their current school before you can enroll the student into your school. Please see Transferring an Inactive Student for instructions on how to enroll a student once the student is withdrawn from his or her current school.
1. After reviewing the matching students, click the Enroll button next to the appropriate student.
2. Review and update the student’s primary residence (Physical Address).
Update and review the Options, as well.
A student must have a primary residence to continue if the district requires an address at the time of registration.
The Bus Pickup and Bus Dropoff sliders are options based on a system preference on the Enrollment tab: Use Bus Addresses accessable via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Enrollment tab.
Hover over Primary Residence with the mouse for more information: Only one primary residence can be marked per student.
a. Complete the Mailing Address section to define a separate physical and mailing address. If this does not apply, click the slider to disable.

3. When you’ve completed typing in the address, Focus will validate the address (if address validation is enabled for your district). If the address is not in the address catalog, you must select an Override Reason at the top of the screen, and click Override.
The option to Override an address is available based on the profile permission: Allow overriding zoned address restrictions via Users > Profiles > Students tab.
4. If you have entered a valid address, the Zoned Schools section will populate with the student’s zoned schools.
5. Add or update the Phone Number, which is located between the Mailing Address and Zoned Schools section.

6. Update or Add the Student’s contacts in the Contacts at this Address and Other Contacts sections. Click on either of the contact boxes to add a contact.

a. To edit a contact previously added, click on the contact block and makes desired edits. Once the Edit Contact pop-up window is open, you also have the option to Delete the contact.

b. A New Contact pop-up will display. From here, you can enter all contact information starting with full name, relationship to the student (from the pull-down), Email, and Notes.

c. You can also set different Options for the contact. In the image shown, the contact has been flagged as having Custody of the student, is to be contacted in case of Emergency, and will be the one who is likely to Pick Up the student from school. You also have the choice of other, and alerting other users of the contact using the New Contact Flag indicator. If another contact has the same options set, you can use the Priority number to make one contact 1st priority and another 2nd priority.

The use of the word Custody can be replaced via the system preference: Text to replace "Custody" with via Setup > System Preferences > Enrollment tab.
The Custody option will default to on for the first contact saved, and off for any subsequent contacts.
d. Scroll down to the Phone & Contact Details section of the window, where you will enter the contact’s phone numbers and other contact details.
i. In the blank row, select a Contact Type. Options include Alternate Phone, Cell Phone, Home Phone, Other, Work Phone, or Workplace. When Other is selected, you can type in your own type in the Contact Type field. In the Phone Number/Value field, enter the phone number.
ii. Set a Detail Priority by clicking the plus and minus signs to set a number. In the example shown, Cell Phone has been set to priority 1 meaning that will be the first method of contact.
iii. When Alternate Phone, Cell Phone, Home Phone, or Work Phone is selected, the phone number Options become available for selection. These are set up in Students > Address Fields > Contact Detail Flags tab. Select Unlisted if the phone number is unlisted. Select Blocked if the phone number is blocked. Select Callout if the phone number can be called.
iv. Press Enter to add the row. The newly added row will turn yellow to indicate changes have been made. A new blank row is available where you can enter more contact details. Note: You do not have to press Enter if just adding one phone number. The number will save upon clicking the Save button when finished. In the example shown below, both phone numbers will save when the Save button is clicked.
e. At the bottom of the window in the Contact Address section, select the contact’s address from the existing addresses that were set up for the student. If the contact does not have an address set up, click the No Address block.

f. When finished, you can click Cancel to cancel your contact entry and close the window or click the Save button to save the contact.
g. Once saved, you will see the added contact displayed.

i. The contact icons at the bottom of the Contact block or next to the contact in the Address block give a quick indication of whether the contact has custody, is the emergency contact, can pick up the student, and has notes.
The pink gavel indicates the contact has custody.
The yellow warning icon indicates the contact is an emergency contact.
The green car indicates the contact can pick up the student.
The red note icon indicates the contact has notes entered in the contact record.

7. Scroll down to the Enrollment Options section of the screen. The Withdraw from (Current School) check box is automatically selected. The End Date field is auto-populated with today’s date. Modify the End Date if needed, and select the appropriate Drop Code.
8. Scroll down to review and update the student’s information. Required enrollment fields are marked with an asterisk. Fill in the required fields.
A validation check is in place to ensure the Enrollment Date entered is a day that school is in session per Setup > Attendance Calendar.
Along the right side of the screen, fields with Errors are listed. Either the information entered into these fields is not valid, or the fields are blank and they must be completed. Click a field in the list to be taken directly to that field in the form. Fields with errors are also highlighted in red on the form.
a. As you enter the student’s information, the fields will turn blue to indicate changes have been made.
9. Click Continue to review and edit other student data.
10. Review and edit any other student data, then click Save to transfer the student to your school.
If needed, you have the option to Return To Search. However, if you return to the search screen, you will lose all entered data and will be starting from the beginning.
11. A Transfer Complete pop-up window is displayed. Click Go To Student to view the student’s record via Student Info, or click Transfer/Enroll Another Student to go back to the Add a Student screen to transfer or enroll another student.
Student information displays on the Add a Student screen in one, two, or three columns depending on the setting selected for Student Info Layout via Users > My Preferences.
Student results will display based on the system preference: When adding a student, order search results by. You can access and edit this preference via Setup > System Preferences > Enrollment tab.
The cursor automatically focuses on the First Name field allowing you to automatically begin typing the student’s first name to begin your search.
If applicable, you can also search for students using the Local ID (custom_53).
If the setting, Hide Address Form When Adding A New Student is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > Enrollment tab, the address fields will be hidden when adding a new student. Note: This preference supersedes the preference "Require Address when adding a new student." If both preferences are enabled, the address fields are hidden and are not required on Add a Student.
If you don’t have permission to View Hidden Students (Users > Profiles > Students tab) can see that the student exists and is enrolled preventing you from creating a duplicate student record. While the student is visible in the search, all student data is hidden. For more information on how to set up hidden students, see Hidden Student.

If the district has enabled the Hide fields from Add a Student from users that don't have edit permission setting via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences/Default School Preferences > Enrollment tab, depending on your editing permission set for specific student and address fields, you may not have access to address fields upon adding a student.
Click Toggle Columns to customize the columns displays in the Exact Matches and Partial Matches sections.
a. In the Toggle Columns pop-up window, clear the selected check boxes to hide columns you do not wish to display in the sections. Note: These columns will remain hidden until the check boxes are selected again.
b. Click the white X to close the pop-up window and apply changes.

To export data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.

Click Filters to breakdown data.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.
For more information, see Filters.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers that contain the black double arrows. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.