Documentation for Administrators

Import Student Files

Updated on

Districts who have the Document Management add-on module can mass upload files into student file upload fields using the Import Student Files screen. The file names must contain the student's Focus ID or Florida Student Number.

Mass Uploading Student Files

1. In the Setup menu, click Import Student Files.

Import Student Files

2. In the ID Name pull-down, select whether the file names contain each student's Focus ID or Florida Student Number.

3. Select the Custom Field that the files will be uploaded into.

Only student file upload fields and logging fields that contain a file upload field will be available for selection.

4. When a logging field is selected in the Custom Field pull-down, the Logging Field pull-down becomes enabled. Select the particular field the files will be uploaded to.

5. Click Choose Files and select the file(s) from your computer, or drag and drop the file(s) from your computer into the browser.

File sizes must be within the limit set in the system preference "File Size Limit." If no limit is set in the system preference, the file size limit is 512 MB.

Import Student Files

As the file(s) upload, Focus will indicate the percentage of completion.

The file(s) will be uploaded to the selected student field.

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