Documentation for Administrators

Mass Add Log Records

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The Mass Add Log Records screen is used to add log records for multiple students present at multiple schools. Log records can be added by individual student or by group. The By Student tab allows users to quickly add log records to individual students. For example, the By Student tab is useful when logging student visits to the health clinic. The By Group tab allows users to search for a group of students (such as by grade, specific section, or a student field) and add log records en masse. Changes to individual student records can also be made in the By Group tab.

If specific Student Fields have been set as Require Approval for your profile via Users > Profiles > Permission Type: Student Fields, upon mass adding log records pertaining to those fields, a change request is submitted and must be approved via Students > Change Requests.

Mass Adding Log Records By Student

1. In the Students menu, click Mass Add Log Records.

Mass Add Log Records

2. Click the By Student tab to add log records by an individual student.

Mass Add Log Records

3. Select the Logging Field to be updated from the pull-down, such as 504 Entry.

Mass Add Log Records

4. Previous log entries are listed in the table. As described, the screen displays the latest 200 records. Select the Show All Records check box to display all records.

Mass Add Log Records

5. To add log records for students at one or multiple schools, select the Schools from the pull-down.

Mass Add Log Records

6. To view existing records for the selected Logging Field and the selected Schools, click Search.

Mass Add Log Records

7. After reviewing existing records, use the first row in the table to add a log record for a student.

Mass Add Log Records

8. Begin by selecting the applicable Student from the pull-down.

7. Fill in the remaining logging fields. Note: The required fields vary based on the selection made from the Logging Field pull-down.

Mass Add Log Records

8. Press the Enter key when finished to save the log entry. When the line of data has saved, the line will turn yellow and the delete button (red minus sign) displays.

Mass Add Log Records

9. Click Save to save the added line(s) of data. The line will then turn blue.

Editing and Deleting Log Records By Student

1. In the Students menu, click Mass Add Log Records.

Mass Add Log Records

2. Click the By Student tab to add log records by an individual student.

Mass Add Log Records

3. Select the Logging Field to be updated from the pull-down, such as Attendance Summary.

Mass Add Log Records

4. Previous log entries are listed in the table. As described, the screen displays the latest 200 records. Select the Show All Records check box to display all records.

Mass Add Log Records

5. To add log records for students at one or multiple schools, select the Schools from the pull-down.

Mass Add Log Records

6. To view existing records for the selected Logging Field and the selected Schools, click Search.

Mass Add Log Records

7. Click the applicable pull-downs to change selections or click the text box and make edits as needed. All fields can be edited except the Student pull-down unless the record was recently added.

Mass Add Log Records

8. Once an edit is made, the field turns yellow. Click Save to save and apply edits made.

Mass Add Log Records

9. To delete a log record, click the delete button (red minus sign).

Mass Add Log Records

a. In the confirmation pop-up window, click OK. says

b. Deleted entries display grayed out. Click Save to complete the deletion.

Mass Add Log Records
Mass Adding Log Records By Group

1. In the Students menu, click Mass Add Log Records.

Mass Add Log Records

2. Click the By Group tab to add log records by a group of students.

Mass Add Log Records

3. The screen defaults to the Search Screen where you can conduct a student search.

Mass Add Log Records

4. In order to add log records to a group of students, a student search must first be conducted. Enter the search criteria to locate the group of students. Click More Search Options to search by specific student fields. Once you've entered the search criteria, click Search.

Mass Add Log Records

For more information on how to conduct a student search, see Searching for Students.

5. Select the Logging Field to be updated from the pull-down, such as Immunization Exemption.

Mass Add Log Records

6. Complete the required fields displayed with data to be added for each selected student. The selections made / data entered populates all applicable fields for the students, as shown in the image displayed. Note: The fields displayed here will vary depending on the logging field selected from the Logging Fields pull-down.

Mass Add Log Records

While you can follow the steps to add records for all selected students, you also have the option to enter or select data per student, as shown in the image below. Upon adding or changing data, the student is selected automatically.

Mass Add Log Records

7. Once data has been set at the top of the screen to update student data en masse, select the check boxes for the applicable students.


Select the check box in the header to select all listed students.

Mass Add Log Records

8. Once data has been entered/selected and applicable students have been selected, click the Save button to mass add log records.

Mass Add Log Records

9. Once the save button is clicked, Log Entries have been successfully assigned for selected Student(s), as indicated by the confirmation message displayed. You are returned to the Search Screen of Mass Add Log Records (By Group tab) where you can conduct a new student search to add records for a new set of students.

Mass Add Log Records
Additional Features

Click Import to import data from a CSV import file.

a. Locate the CSV file on your computer. Select the file, then click Open.


b. Select the correct column names from the pull-downs in the header. Then, click Import CSV.

The imported data is automatically added.

Use the Filter text box located at the top of each pull-down for a quick search. Begin typing the name or number of the desired field.

Mass Add Log Records

a. Select the Exact check box to display results that have an exact match only and hide partial matches to the entered text.

Mass Add Log Records

Click Check all and Clear for quick selections.

Mass Add Log Records

If the screen contains several pages of students, Page numbers will display along with Prev and Next buttons. Click these buttons to sift through pages. Click the Page text box to enter a page number. Press Enter to jump to that page.

To export data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section

To print data, click on the Printer icon.

Click Filters to further breakdown data.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

For more information see Filters.

Click on any of the headers to sort data. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image displayed, data has been sorted by clicking the Student header once.

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting students, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.

Click the floppy disk icon to export the listed data (in this case, students) to an Excel spreadsheet.

To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

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