Documentation for Administrators

Import Student Photos

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The Import Student Photos screen is used to upload student photos into Focus individually or grouped in a .zip file. Student photo uploads are year-specific. Students must have an active enrollment record for that year for the upload to be successful.

Setting Profile Permissions for Importing Student Photos

1. In the Users menu, click Profiles.

2. From the Permissions tab, select a Permission Type, a Role, and the Profiles from the provided pull-downs. Click Submit to access profile permissions.

3. Click the Setup tab.


4. Locate the Import sub-menu. In order to Import Student Photos, the Profile must have View and Edit permissions selected via the provided check boxes, as shown in the image below.

You must have View and Edit permission if you want to upload photos for students via the Use Webcam link.

If the Edit check box for Upload photos to all schools is not selected, and a batch of photos is uploaded that contains students from a school other than the school you are logged into via the school pull-down, an error will display: Error: No student at this school matches this ID. If the permission is enabled, you will able to upload a batch of photos that contains students from any school.

See the image below for an example of the error that displays.

If Overwrite Existing Student Photos on Upload is not selected, and you try to upload a batch of photos for students who already have a photo for that school year, an error message will display: Error: File already exists. When the permission is enabled by selecting the Edit check box, you will have the ability to upload a batch of photos that include students who already have a photo for that school year.

You must have permission to Overwrite Existing Student Photos on Upload to upload and replace existing photos for students via the Use Webcam link.

See the image below for an example of the error that displays.

5. Click the Save button when all changes have been made.

For more information about Profile permissions and settings, see the article titled, Profiles.

Importing Student Photos

A current symlink exists when uploading photos, which ensures that students maintain photos uploaded in previous years unless a new photo is uploaded in a more current year. Students will maintain the most current photos uploaded. A symlink also displays the school year the photo was uploaded when hovering over the student’s photo with the computer mouse via Students > Student Info.

1. In the Setup menu, click Import Student Photos.

Import Student Photos

Previously uploaded student photos are listed along the left side of the screen, as shown in the image below.

Import Student Photos

2. To delete existing files, click the delete button (minus sign in red circle).

Import Student Photos

a. You can also choose to delete multiple files at once. Select the check boxes next the File Name to indicate the files to be deleted; select the check box listed in the header to select all the files.

b. Once all files have been selected, click the Delete button at the bottom of the screen.

3. To filter through existing images, click Filter.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

For more information, see Filters.

4. To upload a file, click Choose Files and select the file from your computer. Alternatively, click and drag a file from your computer into the browser. For images to display correctly, the file names need to be the student ID numbers.

There is a 10 MB limit per image, and images should be in .jpg format. Re-uploading an image will overwrite the existing file if the Profile permission, Overwrite Existing Student Photos on Upload, is enabled. See the section, Setting Profile Permissions for Importing Student Photos for more information.

If no errors occur, you will see the the status: Uploaded in green, as displayed in the image below.

5. Click the Use Webcam link to take photos from your webcam.

The use of the webcam depends on profile permissions via Users > Profiles. For more information about permissions, see Setting Profile Permissions for Importing Student Photos.

a. Once Use Webcam is clicked, your webcam is opened. Using the pull-down, select the applicable student for whom the photo is being taken.

Import Student Photos

Use the Filter text box to quickly find the student. Start typing the student's first name, last name, or student ID to pull applicable students to the beginning of the list.

b. When ready to take the photo, click Take Photo.

Import Student Photos

c. Once taken, the photo displays in the bottom box where you have the option to save the photo. To keep the image taken and upload it as the student's photo, click Save Photo. To take another photo, click Take Photo; this will replace the last image taken.

Import Student Photos

When the photo is saved, a pop-up message displays: Image saved.

Uploaded photos display in the header when the students is selected from a student search, such as Students > Student Info and anywhere else in Focus where images may be present, such as Teachers' attendance seating charts or gradebooks.

Student Info
Uploading Photos via SFTP

You can import student photos through SFTP. If your school district uploads the student photos directly to your Uploaded Assets server via SFTP, you must run the built-in scheduled job called Symlink Photos via Setup > Scheduled Jobs, before the photos appear as expected for students.

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