Documentation for Administrators

FAST Report

Updated on

The FAST Report is designed to provide detailed insights into student progress in either ELA or Math. It lists active schools and shows the average Overall Scale Score and growth amounts for each Performance Measure (PM). Positive growth is highlighted in green, while negative growth is shown in red. Users can click on a specific school to view detailed student-level data, including individual Overall Scale Scores and growth.

By incorporating the FAST Report, educators and administrators can access data-driven insights on student progress, identify growth trends, and make informed decisions. This supports targeted interventions and promotes continuous improvement and accountability in both ELA and Math for schools and individual students.

The FAST Report does not return results for schools marked as Exclude from State Reporting via Setup >  School Info.

The FAST Report

1. In the Assessment menu, click FAST Report.

FAST Report

2. Select the Subject from the pull-down: ELA or Math.

FAST Report

3. Select the Schools from the pull-down that should be included in the report. The pull-down defaults to All schools.

4. Select the Show Growth check box to display the growth amounts for each school and student. When selected, the report will:

School Level:

Show the growth amounts next to the average Overall Scale Scores for each Performance Measure (PM).

Highlight positive growth in green and negative growth in red, making it easy to see trends at a glance.

Student Level:

When a user clicks on a specific school, it will list the students and show each student's growth based on their Overall Scale Scores.

Similar to the school level, positive growth will be displayed in green and negative growth in red.

If the Show Growth check box is unchecked, the report will only display the average Overall Scale Scores and Achievement Levels (if possible) without the growth amounts and their color-coded indicators.

Below is an example of the school driven report for ELA with growth included.

FAST Report

Below is an example of the school driven report for ELA without growth.

FAST Report

5. Click Pivot to toggle the view of the data between two different perspectives:

School-Centric View:

This is the default view, where the report lists all active schools and displays their average Overall Scale Scores for each Performance Measure (PM) along with the growth amounts.

The data is organized with schools as the primary category, making it easy to compare overall performance and growth across different schools.

Student-Centric View:

When Pivot is clicked, the report shifts to focus on individual student data.

This view lists students within each school, showing their individual Overall Scale Scores, Achievement Levels (if possible), and growth amounts.

It also allows you to drill down into detailed student performance, making it easier to identify specific student progress and needs.

Below is an example of the school-centric report before Pivot is clicked.

FAST Report

a. To Pivot to the student-centric view, click the corresponding button.

b. In the Pivot pop-up window, select the data to include in the report, such as Grade Level, Lunch Status, Race, ELL, ESE, etc. Score Type is hard-coded into the report; therefore, it cannot be unselected.

FAST Report

c. To rearrange the columns of student information as it will display in the report, click the four dot icon and drag the field to move it. In the example shown, ELL is being moved to the top.

FAST Report

d. When finished, click Done.

FAST Report

If clicking Pivot and adding data after the report has already been ran, you must click Submit to update the report.

Below is an example of the student-centric report with ELL and Grade Level added (from the Pivot table, as shown above).

FAST Report

6. Click Submit to run the report.

7. Click the School name to open a new school-specific student report that includes student ID, Student name, Grade Level, Lunch Status, Race, ELL, ESE, 504, L30, Affects School Grade, Tested Above Grade, Gain, Achievement Level, Growth, and Percentile Rank per school year.

a. Hover over the Legend for information about the Grade Levels and the applicable achievement levels.

FAST Report

b. Click the student ID or Student name to open a FAST report for the specific student.

The student FAST report displays the all the same information as listed above, as well as the Test Part names including the Test Part names and their corresponding Achievement Levels and Scale Scores by school year.

FAST Report

i. Hover over the Legend for information about the Grade Levels and the applicable achievement levels.

FAST Report

ii. Click the student ID number or Student name to open Student Info.

8. Click the white Xs to close each pop-up report and return to the main Fast Report.

Report Details

Achievement Level: This is designed to show the proficiency of a student based on their test scores. This can range from Level 1 (lowest proficiency) to Level 5 (highest proficiency). The report aims to highlight whether a student is meeting or exceeding the expected proficiency standards. Typically, Level 2 and above (Level 2+) are considered proficient or on grade level.

Percentile Rank: This indicates how a student's performance compares to others. For example, a student in the 75th percentile performed better than 75% of their peers.

Scale Score: This is the numerical score that represents a student's performance on the test. It is used to determine the achievement level and growth.

Tested Above Grade Level: This column indicates if a student took a test that is above their current grade level. Data is entered here when a student participates in assessments meant for higher grade levels than their own. This comes from the testing records that specify the grade level of the test taken compared to the student’s current grade level.

Gain: This column shows the improvement in a student’s scale score over a period of time, typically calculated between different Performance Measures (PMs) or school years. Gain is calculated by subtracting the previous scale score (e.g., PM3 of the previous year) from the current scale score (e.g., PM1 or PM2 of the current year). Positive numbers indicate improvement, while negative numbers indicate a decline.

FAST Report

L30: The L30 column identifies students in the lowest 30 percent of the student population based on prior year state assessment scores. It calculated the 30th percentile score, and all students with scores at or below this threshold were included in the report.

The data that was previously displayed in the L25 Report is now presented in the Lower 30% (L30) section of the FAST Report. Once the Survey 3 O-File is available, the report will automatically update to reflect the official L25 values.

  • Before the Survey 3 O-File: If the current years Survey 3 data is not yet available in the florida_demographic_ofile table, the FAST Report will show the L30 data by default.
  • After the Survey 3 O-File: When the O-File is entered, the report will update to display the official L25 data.
FAST Report

Affects School Grade: A check mark displays if the student is listed in the O-file for this school during survey periods 2 and 3.

Tested Above Grade: This column identifies students who have taken an assessment that is above their current grade level. This column helps identify students who may be performing at a higher level than their current grade by showing those who have been tested on content designed for a higher grade level.

FAST Report
Additional Features

Click Message to send messages to students in the report via Students > Communication.

If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

Click Filters to filter data and apply filter rules.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.

FAST Report

For more information, see Filters.

You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

FAST Report

Use the Filter text box located in select pull-down to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.

FAST Report

a. Select the Exact filter check box to filter the results based on the text entered exactly.

FAST Report

Click Check all to select all options in the pull-down. Click Clear to remove any selections made in the pull-down.

The Page Size defaults to 20 meaning that 20 lines of data are displayed. To change the number of data lines displayed, enter the Page Size desired, such as 10.

FAST Report
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