Documentation for Administrators

Scheduled Jobs

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The Scheduled Jobs screen displays created jobs, contains the ability to export and import jobs, and allows users to create new scheduled jobs. Once the jobs have run, users can view the Execution History for a history of all processed scheduled jobs.

Creating Scheduled Jobs

Profiles with View only permissions (Users > Profiles > Setup tab) have access to Jobs and Execution History, but are not able to Edit or Create Scheduled Jobs.

1. In the Setup menu, click Scheduled Jobs.

2. Select the scheduled job you need to create from the pull-down.

Scheduled Jobs

There are three types of jobs that appear on the Scheduled Jobs screen:

1. Integrations scheduled via the Managed Integrations Screens

2. Scheduled Imports setup via the Importer or Import Tools

3. Focus built-in Scheduled Jobs

3. Click Create Job.

The options for the scheduled job to be created are based on the built in jobs displayed in the pull-down and on the Jobs tab.

Clicking Create Job navigates to a new screen where the specifics of the job can be entered and/or selected.

Scheduled Jobs

Depending on the type of scheduled job, different fields may display. For example, the Rollover scheduled job includes fields for Enrollment date and Enrollment code. Enter and/or edit necessary fields as needed.

Scheduled Jobs

4. Select a Run Time from the provided pull-down. The hour, minutes, and AM/PM each have a separate pull-down.

Scheduled Jobs

5. Enter the Scheduled Timeframe Start Time and End Time to designate a time frame for which the job can be run.

6. Select the Weekdays that the job should run. To select a specific day, click the check box next to the desired day.

Scheduled Jobs

7. Scheduled Jobs default to Priority number 500. Higher numbers indicate higher priority, determining the execution order for simultaneous jobs. Click and edit the number as needed using the provided text box.

8. To determine how long the scheduled job’s history is stored on the Execution History tab, select the applicable length of time from the Store Execution History pull-down.

9. Enter a Start Date to determine when the job should start.

Scheduled Jobs

10. The End Date is also available on all scheduled jobs. If the scheduled job is needed over a specific period of time and should end on a certain date, enter the date in provided text box.

11. To send the results of a scheduled job to a specific person via email, enter the E-mail address in the provided text box. Note: You have the option to enter multiple email addresses here as long as the email addresses are separated by a comma, as shown in the image.

Scheduled Jobs

When the Scheduled Job email unsuccessful notifications ONLY setting is enabled, Focus will only send email notifications regarding scheduled jobs if the job was unsuccessful. This setting is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > General.

12. If you do not want to save the created scheduled job, click the Back button to return to the Jobs tab. However, if you would like to complete the creation of your scheduled job, click the Save button. Once data has been saved, Focus will navigate back to the Jobs tab automatically.

Scheduled Jobs

For detailed information about each of the scheduled jobs, see Scheduled Jobs Explained.

Reviewing Scheduled Jobs

1. In the Setup menu, click Scheduled Jobs.

Scheduled Jobs

2. The Scheduled Jobs screen defaults to the Jobs tab.

Scheduled Jobs

There are three types of jobs that appear on the Scheduled Jobs screen:

1. Integrations scheduled via the Managed Integrations Screens

2. Scheduled Imports setup via the Importer or Import Tools

3. Focus built-in Scheduled Jobs

All created, import, and export Jobs are listed on the Jobs tab.

The Job Title, the Job Time (the time the job runs), the Priority, the Weekdays (the days the job runs), the Start Date and End Date (if the job is set to run over a specific time period), and the Class are listed for each scheduled job.

3. Click Edit to edit an existing scheduled job. For more information on editing scheduled jobs, see Editing Scheduled Jobs.

Scheduled Jobs

4. Click the delete button (black minus sign) to delete a scheduled job.

Scheduled Jobs

a. In the confirmation window, click OK to delete the scheduled job. says

If any of the scheduled jobs are highlighted in red, there is an error with the job because it does not exist anymore.

For detailed information about each of the scheduled jobs, see Scheduled Jobs Explained.

5. Click the Execution History tab for detailed data pertaining to scheduled jobs that have already taken place.

Scheduled Jobs

The Execution History tab displays the Time the job ran, the title of the Job, the Duration (how long it took for the job to be completed), the Success status, and a View Output link for the results of the job.

If the job is currently running, the Success status displays as Running.

6. Define a date range via the From and To text boxes to pull execution history records. Once entered, click Search.

7. To review the results of the job performed, click View.

Scheduled Jobs

8. The screen defaults to the Show as HTML tab; therefore, the output will display as HTML. See the image below for an example of the Florida DOE Extracts and Verification Reports output.

Scheduled Jobs

9. To view the output as text, click the Show as text tab.

Scheduled Jobs

10. Upon completing your review of the scheduled job output, click Back to list to return to the Execution History tab.

Scheduled Jobs
Editing Scheduled Jobs

Profiles with View only permissions (Users > Profiles > Setup tab) have access to Jobs and Execution History, but are not able to Edit or Create Scheduled Jobs.

1. In the Setup menu, click Scheduled Jobs.

2. Click the Jobs tab to view created or imported jobs.

Scheduled Jobs

There are three types of jobs that appear on the Scheduled Jobs screen:

1. Integrations scheduled via the Managed Integrations Screens

2. Scheduled Imports setup via the Importer or Import Tools

3. Focus built-in Scheduled Jobs

4. Click Edit to edit an existing scheduled job.

Scheduled Jobs

5. Here you can edit the Run Time via the corresponding pull-downs.

Scheduled Jobs

6. Enter the Scheduled Timeframe Start Time and End Time to designate a time frame for which the job can be run.

Scheduled Jobs

7. To edit the Weekdays the job runs, clear the check box next to the day if already selected. To select a specific day that hasn't already been selected, click the check box next to the desired day.

8. Scheduled Jobs default to Priority number 500; however, you can change the Priority by entering the number in the text box provided. Scheduled Jobs priority is in descending order; therefore, a job with a priority of 500 would run before a job with a priority of 1.

9. To determine how long the scheduled job’s history is stored on the Execution History tab, select the applicable length of time from the Store Execution History pull-down.

10. Enter a Start Date to determine when the job should start.

Scheduled Jobs

11. The End Date is also available on all scheduled jobs. If the scheduled job is needed over a specific period of time and should end on a certain date, enter the date in provided text box.

Scheduled Jobs

12. To send the results of a scheduled job to a specific person via email, enter the E-mail address in the provided text box. Note: You have the option to enter multiple email addresses here as long as the email addresses are separated by a comma, as shown in the image.

Scheduled Jobs

When the Scheduled Job email unsuccessful notifications ONLY setting is enabled, Focus will only send email notifications regarding scheduled jobs if the job was unsuccessful. This setting is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > General.

The user’s username and the user’s IP address will display in the execution email. If the job ran at its scheduled time, the email will display: Scheduled; otherwise, the time displays. If the job ran while the user was logged out of the system, only the IP address will display in the email.

Depending on the type of scheduled job, different fields may display. For example, the Rollover scheduled job includes fields for Enrollment date and Enrollment code. Enter and/or edit necessary fields as needed.

Scheduled Jobs

13. When your review is complete, click Back to return to the Jobs tab without saving changes. However, if changes have been made, click Save. Once data has been saved, Focus will navigate back to the Jobs tab automatically.

Scheduled Jobs
Built-In Scheduled Jobs Explained

There are three types of jobs that appear on the Scheduled Jobs screen:

1. Integrations scheduled via the Managed Integrations Screens

2. Scheduled Imports setup via the Importer or Import Tools

3. Focus built-in Scheduled Jobs

For state specific scheduled jobs, see the state-titled sections below, such as Florida Scheduled Jobs, Texas Scheduled Jobs, etc.

Acelo Integration: This job is an integration that exports a district's' financial transactions to their internal accounts software.

Address Corrections: Replaces any compass directions and street suffixes in student addresses with the abbreviations. The job will also correct any leading or trailing spaces in the various student address fields. Recommended only if running Parse Address Job.

Alert when existing MTSS students enroll (SSS): This job will create a Portal alert when a student with inactive MTSS events enrolls in a new school (student has been dropped from their current school, and has an enrollment date and code entered for a new school). An "SSS event alert" will display for the profile defined in the "MTSS enrollment alert profile" setting in SSS > General. Clicking the Portal alert will open the Alerts screen, which will indicate that the student has inactive MTSS events for review.

Attendance Daily Triggers: Queues up attendance letters based on attendance triggers; can be daily or period alerts. Letters can be triggered by period or daily attendance, but letters are generated daily.

Attendance Scanner Absences (FPS): Enters absence records for all of the students in classes who use the attendance scanner. The records are updated with present records as the students log in. The scheduled job includes a School Year option in order for users to select the school year for which the job should run. The School Year defaults to default school year set in System Preferences. Requires the additional purchase of the Attendance Scanner CTE Add on Feature.

Attendance Summary Calculation: This job calculates a summary of the attendance_day and populates the following student enrollment fields: Days Enrolled, Days Present, Days Excused, and Days Unexcused.

Attendance Thresholds: This job refers to the attendance threshold rules that are set up in the Attendance Setup screen; the job will review attendance entered for students, and add detentions based on the attendance threshold rules. The detentions are added to the Detention List. This job also will generate communications based on the Communication Template selected on attendance threshold rules.  

Automated Emails: Sends out the emails associated with the Automated Cron Messages functionality located under the Setup Menu. Upon creating this job, users have the option to mark the job as failed when there is an error on one or more emails by selecting the "Mark job as failed when errors" check box.

Automatic Application of District Template Fees (FPS): If the school builds a new program after fee templates have been pushed out, the Scheduled Job will automatically assign the fee template.

Automatic Billing Invoices: This job generates Automated Billing Invoices (ABIs), which are POS Invoices that are created by setting up records in the Automatic Invoices module. When the scheduled job runs it will pull students that match the "Student Search Terms" on the automatic invoices screen, and if the student has not been invoiced for the interval set (Annual or Week, for example), an invoice will be created for the student. If the student already has an invoice for the matching interval, that student will be skipped.

Automatic Course Requests: Takes queued records from automatic_course_requests and creates schedule_requests records. Only used if the district uses the ACRs.

Automatic Updates: When configured, the job will update the instance of Focus to the latest revision. For example, if the environment is on revision 11.0.48 and the latest revision is 11.0.50, the job will update the site to 11.0.50. A confirmation email, if configured, will provide you with the results of the update. This job also includes the option called Install latest bug fix release?; When Yes is selected, the Automatic Updates scheduled job will only update to the latest (for example, if there are updates in 11.0.56, it will take those. However, it won't go to 11.0.57+).

Autopay Invoices: This job is responsible for automating the process of charging invoices that have been set up for automatic payment. When this job runs, it identifies invoices that are designated for autopay, typically based on predefined criteria such as products or services included in the invoice or specific fee templates (such as the Product List and Manage Fee Templates). Once identified, the job initiates the payment process for these invoices, ensuring that they are charged automatically according to the established schedule, without requiring manual intervention. Parents/Students are automatically charged when they have saved credit cards in their Wallet. If a card hasn't been saved or is invalid, the payment will not be processed and the outstanding balance will remain on the account. Note: It is recommended to set this job to run nightly to ensure that Auto Pay Invoices are automatically charged.

When an Auto Payment fails, the user's associated Card should be disabled for Auto Pay. This will help to prevent unnecessary retry attempts on invalid cards and help reduce possible charges to Users and the District for failed processing attempts. A secondary step in the Auto Pay Invoices scheduled job disables the Auto Pay check box on Cards that fail to process.

AutoWithdraw (FPS): This job automatically withdraws Adult Ed students after a set number of consecutive absences (5, 6, or 7) according to state rules. The scheduled job includes a "Funding End Date" option, which is automatically enabled through a migration. If a district unchecks this option, the funding end date will not be set on the schedule record.

Basic Skills Assessment (FPS):

Test Score Utilization:

  • The job uses CASAS or TABE scores depending on the Check Level on Basic Skills Assessment system preference (Setup > System Preferences > Scheduling).
  • It references CASAS, CASAS Goals, and TABE fields located under Students > Student Fields.

Logic for Levels:

  • When the System Preference is set to CASAS:
    • The job uses CASAS Goals scores and levels for Math and Reading.
    • TABE scores are used for Language.
  • When the System Preference is set to TABE:
    • The job uses TABE scores and levels for Language, Reading, and Math.

Default Behavior:

  • The Student Field defaults to TABE for all students. Districts must manually update to CASAS when a student's test preference changes via Student Info.

Codes for Florida DOE Compliance

The Basic Skills Assessment job applies the following logic to process new codes:

  • Test Shortname = HSQ: Sets code Q on the schedule.
  • Test Shortname = HSR: Sets code R on the schedule.
  • Test Shortname = HSS: Sets code S on the schedule.


The job includes Exemption H, requiring the Standardized Test to use the short name CJE. It will not set a new exemption if the student already has one of the following values: 'W,' 'Y,' 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' 'D,' 'F,' 'H'.

Supported Test Types

  • CASAS Levels (CL)
  • CASAS Goals Form (CF)

Scheduling System Preference:

  • The Use TABE language or reading to set Basic Skills setting (enabled via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Scheduling tab) allows districts to combine the Math requirement with Reading or Language based on the preference selected from the pull-down.
  • This preference works with Modify Programs to set minimum TABE scores for Math, Reading, and Language.

Logic Application:

  • When the job runs, it checks the Scheduling tab setting, the student's schedule record, and the TABE test scores to determine the appropriate value to set in the Basic Skills Exam (schedule.custom_31).

Four-Digit TABE Score Exclusion

If a TABE score exceeds 999 (4 digits), it is excluded as a passing score, even if it surpasses the minimum score listed in Modify Programs. This ensures consistency with program requirements.

Benefits Rates Update (ERP): This job is two parts:

1. Monitors retiree age progression for rate adjustments

2. Monitors change in zip code for rate adjustments

Calculate Adult Fees (FPS): This scheduled job sets the adult fee status first and second on the student schedule record as fees are being deferred in POS.

The scheduled job sets the schedule record to K when the schedule cost reporting code (CRC) is 371 or 372.

Calculate Attendance Minutes from Check In/Out: This scheduled job calculates the attendance present and absence minutes for each attendance period record, considering kiosk check-ins and check-outs. The cumulative attendance present and absence minutes are also calculated for the attendance day. Lunch minutes are deducted from the attendane minutes. This job runs for the entire district. This process can be run manually for specific schools in Attendance > Attendance Setup > Recalculate Minutes tab. For Missouri districts, attendance hours can be viewed in the Average Daily Attendance report.

Calculate Class Rank and GPA: This scheduled job allows the District to regularly run the Calculate Class Rank and GPAs for Course History. Users can select to Use each Schools System Preference to the Calculate Class Rank and GPA scheduled job, which allows users to set up the scheduled job using the selected school preference (Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences > Grading).

Class Size Averages (Florida State Reporting): This job calculates the average class sizes and populates the FLORIDA_CLASSSIZE_COUNTS table. If the user selects a date rather than selecting the Current Date check box, the user also has the option to Save Separate Records for Given Effective Date in the table.

Communication Queue: This jobs tracks and generates emails throughout the SIS and ERP systems. All emailing is centrally tracked and controlled by the running of this scheduled job. This scheduled job will be installed by default, and set to run every 15 minutes. The timing of this job should not be adjusted or the distribution of emails from Focus will be delayed to end-users.

  • All emailing will be tracked in this database table called communication_queue and no longer be tracked in letter_queue_text, as of v.12. Any customer custom report or process that leveraged the letter_queue_text should be updated to reference communication_queue.
  • Customers can insert into the communication_queue via query and the Communication Queue scheduled job will distribute the email the next time it is run.
  • The Communication Queue scheduled job cannot be initiated by clicking the Run Job button through the interface on non-production sites but can be started by leveraging the utility.
  • When the Reply functions are enabled in Communication, Focus allows users to reply to email communication directly from their email. This scheduled job populates users’ inboxes with responses that have been sent directly from emails.

This scheduled job also locates all scheduled messages being held in the queue and prepares them to be sent out. This job applies to all scheduled messages created by administrative users and teachers. Scheduled messages will not be sent out without the execution of the Communication Queue scheduled job. Each time the job is set to run, it will send out any messages scheduled for the time at or before the current time of processing. Scheduled messages are held in the Scheduled tab via Students > Communication > Scheduled tab. This scheduled job also sends all Attendance messages set up via Students > Communication > Settings tab > in the Attendance section. Emails are sent out when the message is scheduled; however, calls and text messages still respect the “Do Not Send Calls, SMS Messages or Push Notifications Before This Time” and the “Do Not Send Calls, SMS Messages or Push Notifications After This Time” system preferences set via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > General. Note: The Communication Queue job replaces the old Phone Communication Processing job present in version 11.

This scheduled job must be run in order to send push notifications.

Communication Status Update: If the phone numbers supplied by recipients is unreachable, there is a form published to that student/parent or user in order to collect their updated contact information. Once completed, the scheduled job collects data regarding the unsuccessful calls and publishes the form completed by the receipts containing updated contact information to the appropriate users. Note: The appropriate forms must be set up via Setup > Application Editor and the forms must be selected in System Preferences > Default School Preferences > General tab from the Call Out System Student Reenrollment Form and Call Out System Parent Reenrollment Form pull-downs.

Note: This scheduled job requires the purchase of the Communication / Call Out System add-on module.

Create Payment Plan Invoices (ERP): This job must be run in order to process the payment plans created via ERP > Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale > Payment Plans tab.

Create Process Assessments (Florida State Reporting): This job runs the current functionality found under Florida Reports > Process Assessments for the FCAT/FSA ELA and EOC Course Assessment Status functions. Users are able to select either FSA ELA or EOC Course Assessment Status. Enabling FSA ELA allows the user to update multiple cohorts. Enabling EOC Course Assessment Status allows the user to set the EOC Exam to process and set EOC Administration Start & End Date fields where the user can enter an Administration Date Range.

Daily Maintenance: Deletes cron job history for after a number of days. A Portal Alert notifies users when the required Daily Maintenance Scheduled Job is not configured. The alert, stating "Required Daily Maintenance Job is not set up," will appear for end-users who have profile access to Scheduled Jobs, ensuring that necessary configurations are not overlooked.

Database Object Report (ERP): This job is an extension of the abstract job class that monitors staff job position allocations for possible discrepancies and is used for reporting non-matching dates between the allocations and the positions.

Deactivate MTSS events for withdrawn students (SSS): This job will inactivate any active MTSS events when a student is withdrawn from their current school. The MTSS events will be moved to the Inactive Events tab in Manage Student.  

Delete Stale POS Invoices (ERP): This job flag invoices as deleted (gl_ap_invoice.deleted) if the invoices have no active allocations. This job only applies to Point of Sale invoices; therefore, invoices created from Accounts Receivable > Invoices or Internal Account Invoices will not be deleted even if they do not contain allocations.

District Assessments Re-scoring (Assessments): This job re-scores assessments that have been designated to be re-scored in District Assessments > Options tab. After running the job, it may take up to one hour for assessments in the queue to be re-scored.

District Assessment Dynamic Scheduling (Assessments): This job updates the student listing dynamically to add or remove the students based on the classes selected and the student schedules, within District Assessments. This job also will automatically select the "Use Text to Speech" option for students who have the "Computer Based Text-to-Speech" check box selected in the State/District Computer Based Test Accommodations (custom_200000222) student logging field in the student's record.

Document Management (for districts that have the Document Management add-on module): This job processes uploaded files so that users can search the files for specific text and can redact text on the Uploaded Files (students) screen and Uploaded Files (users) screen. The job is limited to 1,000 files per run, and prioritizes the newest files first.

Ed-Fi Data Sync: This job transfers data by sending all endpoints in order to successfully integrate with Ed-Fi. See  Ed-Fi Setup for more information, which must take place prior to running this job. It is best practice to schedule this job to run in the evenings/after peak hours.

Email Notifications: Queues up student notifications regarding Attendance, Billing Fees, Grades, Discipline, Assignments, and Events to send emails to parents/students. Works with the Parent Notification component for alerts.

Emergency Services Health Check: This job is run to confirm that the connection to InformaCast is set up correctly. The job will tell you if the lockdown and request assistance options should work for each school or if there are issues.

EOY Attendance Calculation (Florida State Reporting): This job maintains the same functionality as the Update Enrollment Attendance Fields option in EOY Processing via Florida Reports. When the job is run, the fl_days_present, fl_days_absent, and fl_days_absent_not_disc columns on the students enrollment records are updated. Note: This scheduled job only appears on Florida sites. Results can be verified via Run Query.

Field Trip Notifications (ERP): This job ensures users receive all Transportation related notifications including alerts and emails.

FLEID Export/Import (Florida State Reporting):

The Import process checks against the FLEID History table when determining which files to import. When a file is imported and the students are successfully matched, the FLEID numbers are automatically updated in Focus.

The Export process allows the user to set the Source Indicator (K-12 Students or WDIS Students), the School Years, and whether or not to Include inactive students. Users can select the source indicator which determines the files that should be downloaded.

This scheduled job includes exporting and importing staff records, as well as student records. There is an option titled Export Record Limit for the FLEID Export/Import scheduled job setup screen, which limits the amount of records sent in an export. Note: The option accepts positive integers greater than zero.

Users can also select the Don't Transmit/Import Staff check box to exclude staff from the export/import.

Note: The FLEID Export/Import job reflects FLEID changes where zeros are no longer accepted by the Department of Education (DOE). This change is reflected in the manual send process and applies to the scheduled job.

The FLEID scheduled job import process previously downloaded all files available,

Florida ARMS Student Field Tracker (Florida State Reporting): This scheduled job interacts with the Florida Reports student logging field that tracks changes to specific Florida Reports student fields including Student Name and Date of Birth. The DOE ARMS process records dates when these values are changed. The student fields include:

ESE - ESE Code (custom_890; logging field - primary code only)

ELL - ELL Code (custom_626; select)

LS - Lunch Status (custom_71; select)

ZDS - Zoned District & School (custom_821 & custom_822; selects)

DOP - DOP Code (custom_20009054; logging field - primary only)

Florida DOE Extracts and Verification Reports (Florida State Reporting): This job runs initial DOE extracts (PK-12 & WDIS) and/or also runs verification reports district-wide. Extracts are ran and the florida_*_initial tables are populated. Verification reports results will also display in the email for the scheduled job completion. The scheduled job also pushes HTML files as a link to school folders, if Push Verification Report Results to School Folder is selected and the School(s) are selected in the scheduled job creation.

The job updates the florida_verification & wdis_verification tables.

Florida Peer Nightly Import (Florida State Reporting): Before running the Florida Peer Nightly Import job, users should utilize the Import Peer Data screen, which allows users to test the importation of Peer data and ensure there will be no errors upon importing data. Once the steps have been completed on the Import Peer Data screen, run the Florida Peer Nightly Import job.

Florida Test ID Assignment: This scheduled job assigns FLTESTID score values for tests/parts with the FLTESTID score type assigned. The FLTestID value is a base36 number (0-Z) padded to 4 characters assigned on a per student basis for test/parts that have been assigned the FLTESTID score type. This scheduled job works in conjunction to the Assign LCPs job, which incorporates the FLTESTID process, updates the AEFL score type value for the tests used in the job, and updates the schedule fields Adult Educational Functioning Level Subject Area, Pre-Test ID, and Post-Test ID (1-3).

Frontline Leave (ERP): This job imports leave requests and substitute fulfillments (where applicable) into Focus via FTP from Frontline Absence Management. Information from Frontline is imported to Payroll > School/Department Payroll Entry > Leave tab.

The job will only process if it finds a valid file called /FromAesop/Frontline_Leave.csv on the SFTP server. As soon as the process runs, it renames that file to Leave_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.csv (where YYYYMMDDHHMMSS is the current date and time). Any subsequent running of that job will end with no action taken until Frontline puts a new file on the server.

You can reset this behavior by using an SFTP client to go out to the server and rename the file back to Frontline_Leave.csv. Multiple runs of the same datafile will simply overwrite the data on the server, unless the leave data has been paid by a run. It will not create any new leave where that leave already exists.

Users can select the Skip processing of substitutes check box to skip the processing of substitutes.

The scheduled job is dependent on the set up via ERP > Setup > Settings > Integrations tab.

Generate ERP Extracts (ERP): Generates the following extracts:

Smart Procure

Vendor Export

Ledger Export

Accounts Export

Journal Export

Generate PDFs from Receipts: This job saves a PDF of all receipts generated, store-generated receipts included. Each receipt/transaction is generated and can be printed in separate PDFs. This job can also be run for past dates.

Generate Test Score Report records based on report files: By default, the job runs M-F evenings and validates and updates all the files in the uploaded-assets/test_score_reports/ directory including all Test Score Reports, not just the Academic Progress Monitor Reports. If it finds new valid files (new since the last time the job was run), then it adds records to a db table, test_score_reports. If files were newly deleted, it removes the associated records from the same database table. If there are invalid files (the filename format is incorrect), they are simply ignored by the job. The Student/Parent Portal checks the test_score_reports table when displaying a download link, so if the links aren't displaying, either the job needs to be run (manually or automatically), or the filenames need to be investigated. Note: It is recommended that you empty the folder before putting in new reports to avoid having a mix of old and new report files in the same folder. See Publishing Test Scores and Reports to the Student/Parent Portal for detailed information about setting up test scores and progress reports.

Select from the following options from the Run for pull-down to determine how the job processes the test score report files in the directory.

1. All: Processes all test score reports and files (default method, slower).

2. Only Recently Modified Test Score Reports: Processes files with a different file hash than stored in the database.

3. Only Newly Uploaded Test Score Reports: Processes only reports that do not have a file hash yet.

Import Assessment Question Count (Assessments): This job determines how many questions (tagged with standards) are in Focus's item bank and Certica's Item bank when going to Assessments > Setup > Create Assessments > Click Activity > Find Items > Standards or Default Item Bank > Standards. The number changes depending on the item bank selected.

Import Assessments: This job ensures that all assessments are imported covering any issues that may arise due to server issues during the initial importation when the assessment is complete.

Import ICS File: This scheduled job allows districts to import calendar events from outside calendars. The scheduled job can be set to update a particular school's calendar or update all schools' calendars.

  • The district will need an .ics URL for the scheduled job. Google calendars have a link that can be copy/pasted into the field on the scheduled job. Another option is for the district to export their calendar nightly and create a URL for the location of the calendar and point to this location.
  • The scheduled job will insert, update, and delete calendar events that are imported from the URL, but it will not affect existing events created through Focus or events created by another Import ICS scheduled job.
  • The uid column in calendar_events will track the ics url, school, internal ics event id, and date, which is then used during the import to determine which events to change/delete.

Import Peer Data (Florida State Reporting): This job is linked to and can be tested using the Import Peer Data screen found under the Florida Reports menu. The job allows users to import the following tables:


Leave Balance Refresh: This job ensures that employee leave balances are updated regularly based on the latest accruals and deductions. This job includes the addition of a bucket_group_id column to the cron table, enabling proper tracking and execution of the job. This job is crucial for ensuring accurate leave balances, which are essential for payroll, reporting, and audits.

Load Data From Blackboard API: This job loads data from Blackboard to link user and course records to Focus.

Master Schedule Snapshots: This job creates schedule system backups automatically, which can then be used to restore the master schedule and student schedules in Master Schedule Snapshots.

Medical: This scheduled job creates events on the calendar for each Medication Order, as well as  update Pill Counts. It creates events for only the current day for orders based on the following data: When Admin Start, When Admin End, and Date of Order. If there is no event that matches the medication name, student, profile, times, or medication form, the job will create a new event for the student's enrolled dates at all the student's enrolled schools. In order for this scheduled job to run the following set up is required:

  1. This scheduled job can be created if your district has enabled the "Purchased Medical" Focus Setting, which can only be enabled by Focus via Setup > Site Administration. To enable and Purchase Medical, your district should contact the Project Coordinator or Account Executive.
  2. Ensure the Medical, Medication Administration, and Medication Order system fields have been set up correctly with the correct profile permissions via Students > Student Fields.
  3. Ensure the correct profiles have permission to the Medical student fields via Users > Profiles > Permission Type: Student Fields > Medical (System) section.
  4. In Users > Calendar > Setup > District Categories, set up  a Medical category is set up.
  5. In Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > General, set the "Medication Administrator Profile" and the "Medication Administration Category" created in Calendar.
  6. Use the new medical student fields as applicable in Students > Student Info.

MetLife Incoming (ERP): This scheduled job imports billing files from MetLife and applies changes to employee deductions. Users will fill out the standard scheduled job fields, and will in addition select the deduction code that the integration will use to identify MetLife Supplemental Life. Running the job one time without the file will create the necessary storage directories. The integration expects to see a file called MetLife.csv in [webroot]/uploaded-assets/metlife. If that file doesn’t exist, the job simply ends without further action. Once the job has completed without error, the MetLife.csv file will be moved to the [webroot]/uploaded-assets/metlife/received directory, and will be renamed to MetLife-X.csv, where X is the date/time stamp in the form of [year][month][day][hour][minutes][seconds]. Also, an email will be sent to the email entered for the scheduled job, showing the results of the import. The email will also include a list of any records that weren’t imported for any reason, and may include a possible explanation as to why they weren’t valid. Those notes may be blank or “Unknown” if the import was unable to come up with an explanation, and may require investigation.

Missing Class CRON Job: If any job is scheduled to run, and the class (aka the PHP objects in the code) has been deleted, removed, obliterated, etc., the Missing Class Cron Job file takes its place in order to avoid a fatal error. Upon execution, the output will report that the original job could not be completed.

NeoGov New Hires & NeoGov User Data: These job allow users to create a new employee integration, similar to Frontline. NeoGov User Data can be set up alongside the NeoGov New Hires job; the two function together.

Once set up and run, the history will show the results of the job and new people display in Human Resources > Employees. The job will not overwrite existing employees, so if it runs more than once, users will either have to change the SSNs in the file, or delete the employees from Focus.

There is a sub-folder inside the directory where NeoGov data is typically uploaded called userdata (if this folder doesn't exist, it will be created the first time the user data import job is run). The file has only three fields, and a sample appears like this:


37179|mgarcia01|[email protected]

The first line must be provided as shown above, as it references the actual fields in the users table. After the first line, quotation marks may be used to wrap the field data, but since user name and email addresses aren't likely to include the pipe character or new lines, quotation marks shouldn't be necessary.

Similarly to the new hires file, fields are separated by a pipe character, and there is one EIN per line. The import will only update values, it won't clear them out, and it won't create new user records. Therefore, if an empty value is provided for an email, for example, it won't clear that field out from the employee record. Also, the naming of the files themselves isn't important, as the job will process all files in that directory, just like the New Hires job. The only invalid name is neogov_retries.csv, as it is used for other operations. Multiple files may be added to that directory, and the job will process all of them.

Once a file or files is processed, all of the records are copied to neogov/done using the file name structure neogov_userdata_YYYYMMDDHHIISS.csv, which includes the time stamp of the job.

If an EIN comes up as invalid, it will add it to a new file within that neogov/userdata folder called neogov_retries.csv, and will retry the update again during the next run of the job. Once a successful update completes, that record will be removed from the retry file. This allows for when an employee may show up in AD for some reason before they show up as a NeoGov new hire. By allowing for retries, records are deferred until a valid employee record exists.

Note: The current version only allows for new hires. It doesn't account for transfers or rehires at the present time.

Nightly Immunization Compliance Job: Updates the immunization compliance records for all active students for current default school year. This should only be utilized in conjunction with the overall immunization compliance feature. Please ensure the applicable System Preferences have been reviewed and are set correctly before initiating this nightly process.

Ohio Extracts: This job generates Ohio state reporting extracts on a scheduled basis. The job can be set up to run for a specific School Year, Reporting Period, Data Set, and Extracts. When a Custom Title is entered, the custom title is appended to the end of the name of the scheduled job to differentiate between jobs if multiple are set up.

Outgoing MSIX FASTER Responses: This job is used to automatically create outgoing FASTER responses to MSIX for migrant students. The FASTER process will pull the created responses and send them when the FASTER process is executed. The scheduled job allows the user to identify a Qualifying Arrival Date (QAD) within [X] Years and allows the user to select the check box to Only pull students missing MSIX ID. You can select a MSIX School Year in order to determine which year should be selected when pulling Fed/State Migrant information (student logging field). Note: This job is only available for Florida clients.

Outstanding Student Invoices: The Outstanding Student Invoice Scheduled Job is designed to look at a students Transaction History for outstanding balance owed to the school. After the job runs, an icon will populate next to a students name identifying that they have an outstanding balance due. This job runs for Post Secondary and K-12 schools using Student Billing.

Parse Addresses: Parses student addresses to ensure each component is separated into a data field used to compare to address catalog.

When running the Parse Addresses job, only the selected years are updated; meanwhile, if updating parsed addresses through student demographics, the update will run for both the current school year and the next school year.

Once an address is parsed, it won't be re-parsed unless there's a recent update in the address record or the address catalog.

PCard Email Reminder (ERP): This job generates emails to be sent out to the P-Card Administrator once the Draft and Pending Approval P-Card requisitions become the selected number of days old. The days old and administrator is set via ERP > Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable > Misc Purchase Requests/Orders and Releasing Settings > Send Reminder Email for P-card Drafts and P-Card Administrator. In order for this functionality to take place, the "Default P-Card Draft Email Text" and the "Default P-Card Pending Approval Email" email must be set up in ERP > Setup > Clauses.

Pcard Imports (ERP): This job pulls the PCard transactions from the financial institution and loads them as PO drafts in Focus for invoice processing. When creating this scheduled job, users have the ability to set up a Fiscal Year, which will override the fiscal year on created requests.

Populate Graduation Requirements Summary: This job populates the grad_requirements_summary table based on graduation requirements, enabling users to generate district reports from this summary. Users can select grade levels for the scheduled job via a Grades pull-down; if no grade levels are selected, the job runs for all grades 9-12. It populates the Current column with the total of scheduled credits and ensures the Earned column reflects the credits earned by a passing score.

Portal Payments Automatched Cashout: This job automates the Cashout process for the Portal-enabled Cash Drawers used by the Store for collecting online payments. The cash drawer will automatically generate a cashout soon after the user-defined transaction batch settlement time.

POS Invoice Table Update: This job updates gl_pos_invoice_allocation and gl_pos_invoice in Billing Table. Note: This functionality is currently only applicable to Manatee County.

Power BI Postsecondary Receipt Report (FPS and Power BI): This scheduled job is for Power BI/Focus Analytics, which creates the table power_bi_receipts_report. When the finance data exists the table is populated. The following columns are created in the table:












strip_level1_title  [element title]



strip_levelx_title  [element title]

Process Assessments (Florida State Reporting): The built-in Process Assessments scheduled job allows customers to automate the running of the FSA and EOC Process Assessments housed under Florida Reports > Process Assessments > FSA ELA & EOC Course Assessment Status.

If the "Process Assessments - Do not output student listings after process completion" setting is enabled via Florida Reports > Florida Reports Setup > District Options tab, the scheduled job's execution history displays a count of updated students rather than listing each student.

Set an "Effective Date (ESOL Graduation Pathway/ESE Test Waiver)" to check for ESOL Graduation Pathway/ESE Test Waiver and update the FSA ELA graduation student fields accordingly.

Process Trial Balance Subscriptions (ERP): This job sends email alerts for trial balance if there are changes for closed periods.

Purge Old Files: For districts using the Document Management add-on module, this job deletes files that were uploaded to student upload fields that were set as Category B after the number of designated Retention Years has passed.

To prevent a student's files from being purged by the "Purge Old Files" scheduled job, the system field "Document Hold" can be used. The "Document Hold" field can be added to a student category, and given the appropriate view and edit profile permissions. When the "Document Hold" check box is selected for a student, the student's files will not be purged when the job runs.

Select the applicable "Retain By" radio button to choose between Upload Date and Withdraw Date. Upload Date keeps the original functionality. If you select the withdrawal date then any student whose withdrawal date meets the retention threshold set on the field will be purged when the job is ran.

Recalc DT Grades Fix: Re-computes stored running gradebook grades based on teacher gradebook. The Recalc DT Grades job will only update the current marking period when the setting "Select Current Quarters Selected Schools' is selected. This job also deletes DT and Dy grades for sections that do not have assignments.

Recalculate Daily Attendance: This job can be used to recalculate attendance on a scheduled basis instead of using the Recalculate Daily Attendance tab in Attendance Setup. When setting up the scheduled job, the school(s) are selected and the number of past days to consider are defined. 

Recalculate LCPs (FPS Module): Recalculate functioning levels and LCPs on demand. Current scheduled job sets the functioning levels and LCPs on a nightly basis, but if a test record is entered for a previous date, it does not go back and update the levels or LCPs. When the job is run it will wipe out the functioning level and LCPs for active and inactive schedule records based on the date range and re-assign using the current logic.

Refresh Choice Data: This job does not affect the functionality of the Refresh Choice Data functionality when run manually on the School Choice Reports; the data is only refreshed for records that have a “Waiting” status. When refreshing data using the scheduled job, users can select the statuses for the data you want refreshed. Users can also run the job for the current default year or the next year. An audit log will be created only if there is an actual update made to the choice record in the school_choice_application_status table.

Remove FEFP code from dismissed students (SSS): This job sets the ESE FEFP Code (student field custom_698, alias ese_code) and the Charter/McKay field that the district has set up in SSS > General to null when the student has the Service Type set to D-Dismiss and the dismissal date has been added for all active ESE exceptionalities in SSS.

Remove Scheduled Students from Waitlist: This job removes students from the Waitlist when scheduled into the class for which the students were waitlisted.

Retitle Sections: This job renames sections that were changed via Run Query. It is also recommended to run this job after enabling or disabling the system preference "Exclude Teachers Middle Names From Section Titles."

Rollover: Creates enrollment records for the next school year based on the Next School value found on the student enrollment record. Needs to be run after the Set Next School job if used.

If a student has a negative student ID and is being rolled into a non-Applicants school, the Rollover scheduled job will update the student ID to be positive.

Note: This job aligns with the school's system preference for "Rollover Second School Enrollment Records." When this preference is enabled, the rollover job will process both primary and second school enrollment records for each student, provided they have a suitable Rolling Retention value for the default school year. If this setting is disabled, the job will only consider primary enrollment records for rollover, maintaining the flexibility to cater to different school preferences.

SAP Alert: (FPS): The SAP Minimum Requirements report is generated based on the SAP Alert scheduled job, which uses the calculations made by the Student Academic Report in Billing > Student Academic Report.

Set Next School: Updates student_enrollment.next_school in active student_enrollment records. The system automatically sets the next school based on a match in the Address Catalog, considering the appropriate school year and availability of the next grade level. The grade level must be marked as "Used for Zoning" and "Students can roll into this grade level" in Setup > Grade Levels. When setting up this job, users can select the grade levels the job should run for. If addresses do not match addresses found in the Address Catalog, then the next school cannot be set. Requires the District to load Address Catalog.

The scheduled job ignores Address Catalog records with a null/blank zoned school if another qualifying record exists with a zoned school.

Note: This job will not override the next grade if it is set in the student's enrollment record.

Set Zoned School: Update student enrollment records by setting the zoned school and zoned district to the active student enrollment records based on the zoned school for the student's address. This job does not set the next school for rollover purposes. Requires the District to load Address Catalog.

When the student's address is zoned for two schools, the Set Next School and Set Zoned School scheduled jobs will choose the school with the grade level with the lowest sort order. For example, if a second grader's address is zoned for both Apple Elementary and Sunrise K-8, Apple Elementary will be favored if its second grade has a sort order of 1 while Sunrise K-8's has a sort order of 2.  

SSS Parent Portal Notifications: This job is used to send an email to the parent (contact priority of 1) if an SSS alert remains unread for 24 hours.

SQL Triggers: This job ensures the SQL Triggers created via Setup > Edit Rules & Workflow are enforced. Without the set up of this job, the SQL Triggers will not run.

Submit DMV Attendance via FTP: This job sends the FTE submitted to the applicable district while also submitting data to the DMV. The job results list all students transmitted by the job as well as a count.

Survey Site Maintenance: This job copies the 2FA user settings to the survey sites so users can create/update their production 2FA settings and have that extra security propagate to the survey sites. The following is copied:

  • The entire contents of the two_factor_auth table
  • The 'TwoFactorAuth::Required' and 'TwoFactorAuth::User_Access' profile permissions
  • The 2FA user preference (the preference that allows users to opt into 2FA even if it’s not a requirement)

Symlink Photos: The Symlink Photos scheduled job Symlinks Student and User Photos when uploaded from the server.

Synchronize Schedule of Services (SSS): This job pushes Schedule of Services data from SSS to the SIS fields “Time, With Non-Disabled,” “Time, Total Student Week,” and “IDEA Educational Environment” in the ESE tab of Student Info. 

Sync Recent Course Period Changes: This job syncs imported sections with the existing gradebooks already combined by period.

Transfer Blackboard API Data: This job transfers records from Focus to Blackboard.

Update Attended Hours (FPS): Define the School Year for the Update Attended Hours scheduled job. If the School Year field is left blank, the job will run for the current school year. When a School Year is defined, the title of the scheduled job is updated to include the year, e.g. Update Attended Hours for 2023. Multiple scheduled jobs can be set up and run for different school years. This job updates ATTENDED_HOURS value to the number of hours that the student attended on each section he/she is enrolled. This process can also be manually run in Attendance > Attendance Setup > Recalculate Hours tab.

Update Cost Factor From Matrix of Services (SSS): This job uses the Services Start Date for the IEP Event (Manage Student). Once the event is locked, Focus updates the McKay field (Matrix Cost Factor) and ESE FEFP Code fields throughout SIS from the Matrix of Services form. The job looks at the previous 30 days for matrix forms that have not had their data pushed to SIS.

Update Employee Agreements (ERP): This scheduled job must be set up and run to update the agreement and add new employees when users click the "Scan For New Employees” button which looks for new employees and assigns them the agreement automatically via ERP > Human Resources > Employment Agreement Maintenance > View/Create Agreements tab. Upon creating the scheduled job, you must select the agreement from the Document pull-down in order to specify which agreement should be updated. The scheduled job uses the Published Date instead of Deadline Date when determining eligible employees.

Update Student Financial Data: This scheduled job updates any changes to Student Names & Addresses from the Student Information System (SIS) to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, to ensure invoices will continue to reflect the students information correctly.

Update Teacher Certification: If the teacher certification information is being imported and the Focus process for in/out of fields is enabled, the built-in Scheduled Job titled, Update Teacher Certification should be enabled. This job will recalculate the Cert/ Licensure/ Qual Status on the Course Section based upon the newly imported information. It is important to schedule the Update Teacher Certification job to run after the data import of the HR information. Note: If the teacher meets certification requirements via a 3-digit group code on the CCD, then the scope is ignored unless the scope is "A," "L," or "T."

Void Overdue AR Invoices: This job voids/cancels invoices that are >= # days old (configurable) and are completely unpaid (no valid payments). Invoices with deferrals or partial payments will be ignored. Invoices that have been partially paid but then fully refunded will also be voided/canceled.

Florida Scheduled Jobs

Assign LCPs: The current purpose of this job is to link Adult Ed assessments to their applicable Schedule records through Pre/Post-Test IDs that are populated on the Schedule from the Test IDs (FLTESTID) found in a given student’s Test History. The Assign LCPs scheduled job currently does not actually assign any LCPs, as the AGE Literacy Completion Point data element has been removed by FLDOE.

The job is highly dependent on data found in both WDIS Appendix R & WDIS Appendix Q. It looks at a given student’s Schedule and Test History data to determine what values to assign in the below mentioned Test History & Schedule fields. The scheduled job is highly dependent on the previous two mentioned appendices, as the AGE Program Code and Course Number combinations are important when determining which assessment to use for obtaining values for the below two mentioned Test History fields.

The Assign LCPs scheduled job runs the ‘Florida Test ID Assignment’ as part of the Assign LCPs scheduled job, so if a district is running the Assign LCPs scheduled job, they do not need to run the ‘Florida Test ID Assignment’.

Assign LCPs FAQs

1. What fields are touched by the Assign LCPs scheduled job?

Test History fields touched by the job:

  • Adult Educational Functioning Level (TEST_HISTORY_SCORE_TYPES.SHORT_NAME) = 'AEFL' 

Schedule Fields touched by the job:

  • Exclude from LCP Job (schedule.EXCLUDE_LCP_JOB) 
    • Focus will ignore the record when the job is run if this is selected.
  • Adult Educational Functioning Level Subject Area 1 (schedule.FUNCTION_LEVEL_SUBJECT_AREA_1)
  • Pre-Test ID 1 (schedule.PRE_TEST_ID_1)
  •  Post-Test ID 1 (schedule.POST_TEST_ID_1)
  • Adult Educational Functioning Level Subject Area 2 (schedule.FUNCTION_LEVEL_SUBJECT_AREA_2)
  • Pre-Test ID 2 (schedule.PRE_TEST_ID_2)
  • Post-Test ID 2 (schedule.POST_TEST_ID_2)
  • Adult Educational Functioning Level Subject Area 3 (schedule.FUNCTION_LEVEL_SUBJECT_AREA_3)
  • Pre-Test ID 3 (schedule.PRE_TEST_ID_3)
  • Post-Test ID 3 (schedule.POST_TEST_ID_3)
    • The above 9 bullet points pertaining to the AEFL subject areas and Pre/Post Test-IDs are populated based on the Program Code and Subject Content for a given assessment (see below for specifics).
  • Adult Ed Functioning Level, Init (Listening ESOL/ELCATE) (schedule.FUNCTION_LEVEL_INIT_LISTEN)
  • Adult Ed Functioning Level, Final (Listening ESOL/ELCATE) (schedule.FUNCTION_LEVEL_FINAL_LISTEN)
  • Adult Ed Functioning Level, Init (Reading ESOL/ELCATE) (schedule.FUNCTION_LEVEL_INIT_READ)
  • Adult Ed Functioning Level, Final (Reading ESOL/ELCATE) (schedule.FUNCTION_LEVEL_FINAL_READ)
  • Adult Ed Functioning Level, Init (schedule.CUSTOM_38)
  • Adult Ed Functioning Level, Final (schedule.CUSTOM_39)
  • Completion Point Code 1 (schedule.custom_11)
  • Completion Point Code 2 (schedule.custom_12)
  • Completion Point Code 3 (schedule.custom_13)
  • Completion Point Code 4 (schedule.custom_14)
  • Completion Point Code 5 (schedule.custom_15)
  • Completion Point Code 6 (schedule.custom_16)
  • Post Test (schedule.custom_28)
  • Adult Test Name (schedule.adult_test)

2. Which assessments does the Assign LCPs scheduled job look at, and which Schedule and/or Test History records are touched depending on the assessment?

The Assign LCPs scheduled job includes the following assessment short_name[s] 

  • 'TAB', 'CAS', 'CLW', 'CAG', ‘CG2’ & ‘CST’
  • The job touches both the Schedule and Test History fields by assigning values to the above mentioned Schedule and Test History fields.

The Assign LCPs scheduled job will consider the 'GED' test; however, it will ONLY assign a Test ID (FLTESTID) for the 'GED' Test History record. This is done through the ‘Florida Test ID Assignment’ part of the job, and it’s important to note that nothing else will be automatically assigned for ‘GED’ assessments (on the Schedule nor the Test History record).

3. Does the Assign LCPs job place the Test ID (FLTESTID) on both the Schedule record and the Test History record?

Yes, the Assign LCPs scheduled job will set the FLTESTID on the Test History record, as well as assign it to the applicable Pre-Test ID/Post-Test ID column for the given Schedule record. 

Important Note: Again, if the test history record is a ‘GED’ assessment, the job will only assign the FLTESTID on the Test History record.

4. If any of the schedule fields that are touched by the Assign LCPs job are manually changed, will the scheduled job overwrite those fields where manual changes were made?

Yes, if a manual change is made to the schedule record, the Assign LCPs schedule job will overwrite the change when the job is run. To prevent any manual changes from being overwritten you can utilize the 'Exclude from LCP Job' schedule field. When this checkbox is selected the job will ignore that schedule record, leaving the schedule record alone, completely.

5. What do the following system preferences under Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Scheduling mean when running the Assign LCPs scheduled job?

  • 'Assign Functioning Levels CASAS'
    •  Use this for your CASAS tests 'CAS', 'CAG', 'CLW', ‘CST’ and ‘CG2’ assessments
  • 'Assign Functioning Levels TABE'
    • Use this for your ‘TAB’ assessments

This interval setting in System Preferences tells the Assign LCPs scheduled job how far back to look for a valid assessment for a schedule record. Depending on the selection made for each of the above, Focus will do the following. 

1. Subtract '1 Year', '6 Months' (whichever selection is made) from the schedule record's start date, 

2. Determine which applicable Test Administration date(s) are greater than or equal to the previously determined date to be considered for the associated schedule. It’s important to note that the schedule record still must fall within the Survey window to pull for a given survey.

6. What is the ‘Testing Window’ (enabled through district options) used for?

The ‘Testing Window’ that populates when enabling the ‘WDIS - Pull test data based on test date range instead of survey date range’ is used for assessments that the district wants to pull into the survey that

1. Do not fall within the Survey Window

2. Do not get attached to a schedule record 

Important Note: This ‘Testing Window’ only pertains to pulling tests into the extract in the above two mentioned scenarios. It does not affect how assessments are handled for the Assign LCPs scheduled job.

7. How does Focus increment Test IDs and how is the Test ID (FLTESTID) determined?

Focus increments the Test ID (FLTESTID) on the Test History record based off of the highest Test ID value found in the FL_FLTESTID_LOG background table. 

The FLTESTIDs are alphanumeric; each digit is a range from 0-Z (0-9 then A-Z; Base 36 numbers).

Focus will go through the numeric values first then alphanumeric. 4 digits of base 36 results in 46656 possible numbers for every student (almost impossible for a single student to test that many times; 32 years taking 4 test subjects for every day in a year). Each score is ordered by Test History administration date, administration id, part sort order, and subject code. 

If assessments are added after the process runs, then the new assessments will get the next increments, even if backdated. There isn't a particular range for Pre or Post-Tests; it's whatever the Assign LCPs process figures a given test, subject, and score is a Pre or Post -Test.

8. Should the Test ID numbers be consecutive?

Typically yes; however if Test History records are deleted from the system districts may begin to see gaps when looking at the Test History FLTESTIDs, as Focus increments based off of the highest Test ID value in the FL_FLTESTID_LOG background table, as mentioned above.

9. In the case that a Test History record is deleted from Test History, when the Assign LCPs scheduled job is re-ran, will the applicable schedule data be removed from the Schedule record?

Currently the ‘Remove Invalid Test ID’s From Schedules’ only removes Pre/Post-Test IDs from schedule records if the program number set on the Schedule is no longer valid, in accordance with AGE Student Course Schedule, edit 9G.

If a Test History record is deleted, it is the responsibility of the district to remove all of the associated data from the applicable Schedule record, as the Assign LCPs scheduled job will not remove this data automatically.

10. Is there a specific Standardized Tests setup that the Assign LCPs scheduled job is looking for in order to utilize a given test for updating the schedule records?

Yes, the given assessment must have the following Test History score types setup for an assessment to be considered 

  • ‘Adult Educational Functioning Level’ (AEFL) 
  • ‘Test ID’ (FLTESTID)

11. How does Focus determine which Adult Educational Functioning Level Subject Area (1-3), Pre-Test ID (1-3) and Post-Test ID (1-3) columns are populated for a given schedule record and how is this handled when it comes time to extract this data for survey time?

This is dependent on the program code and the test subject content for the given test. Please see below.

Important Note: When it comes time to extract this data for reporting purposes, if for example, Adult Educational Functioning Level 1 is blank, Focus will automatically shift over the data to avoid edit errors that state the AEFL Subject Area 1 cannot be blank. The same goes for if there is data in position 1 and 3, Focus will shift position 3 to be in position 2 to avoid the gap.

Adult Basic Education (ABE)


Mathematics (M): Placed in column ‘1’

Language (N): Placed in column '2'

Reading (R): Placed in column '3'

Adult English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)


Reading (R): Placed in column '1'

Listening (S): Placed in column '2'

General Education Development (GED) Preparation


Mathematics (M): Placed in column ‘1’

Language (N): Placed in column '2'

Reading (R): Placed in column '3'

Academic Skills Building (ASB)


Mathematics (M): Placed in column ‘1’

Reading (R): Placed in column '2’

12. How does Focus assign an AEFL to a given Test History record?

Focus ensures that there is a valid AGE Program Code on the student’s Schedule for the given Subject Content Code in Test HIstory, and assigns the AEFL to the Test History record if they align with what is present in Appendix R.

13. How does Focus determine what is used as a Pre-Test ID and what is used as a Post-Test ID?

In order for an assessment to be used as a Pre-Test ID or a Post-Test ID, the score must be a valid score when looking at WDIS Appendices R and Q. If the score is not valid, the assessment will be skipped when the job is determining valid assessments to be used for a given Pre-Test ID or Post-Test ID.

  • Pre-Test ID
  • The Pre-Test ID will come from the most recent assessment (closest to the Schedule start date) applicable to the program, as long as the test was taken prior to the scheduled start date of the course.
    • Focus will prioritize Test Administration date(s) prior to a given Schedule start date
    • If there are no available Test Administration date(s) that fall before the start of the class, Focus will then look for applicable Test Administration date(s) that are on or after ( > or = to) a given schedule start date
      • If there are multiple applicable Test Administrations that fall within this range, Focus will utilize the assessment with the lowest AEFL for the Pre-Test ID
        • If there is more than one assessment with the same AEFL but different scores, Focus will utilize the assessment with the lower score
  • Post-Test ID
    • The Post-Test ID will come from the highest scoring AEFL assessment, as long as the assessment was taken within the schedule’s date range, or within 7 days of withdrawing from the course (can't be an assessment taken on the course's start date).
      • If there is more than one assessment with the same AEFL but different scores, Focus will utilize the assessment with the higher score

14. How does a Test History record get linked to a schedule record?

A given assessment will be linked to a Schedule record based on the AGE Program Code and Course Number combination, as this will determine the applicable assessment(s) that are eligible for that particular AGE Program/Course combination.

The assessment must be applicable to the schedule record, and it must be in-range when reviewing the previously mentioned System Preferences.

15. Does the Assign LCPs job consider out of range (OOR) high and low scores?

Yes, currently Focus will consider the OOR high and low scores for the Assign LCPs scheduled job. In accordance with Appendix Q, Focus will only recognize the OOR low or high scores as OOR when they have their applicable 4-digit score present in Test History with the preceding ‘1’ (for OOR low) or ‘9’ (for OOR high) in front of the score in order to properly calculate the AEFL.

16. How is the 'Adult Test Name' populated on the student's schedule record?

The Assign LCPs scheduled job will update ‘Adult Test Name’ (schedule.adult_test) based on the Test History record that is being used as the Pre-Test for a given schedule record. There is an exception to this; however, it is highly unlikely this will occur due to the unlikelihood that a Pre-Test & Post-Test wouldn’t match.

Essentially, the Pre-Test ID assessment will be used to populate the ‘Adult Test Name’ schedule field; however, if for some reason the Post-Test ID is different than the Pre-Test ID the job will use the Post-Test ID to populate the ‘Adult Test Name’ schedule field.

17. If an incorrect AEFL is assigned to a Test History record, will re-running the Assign LCPs scheduled job overwrite that AEFL and replace it with a valid one?

The job will only recalculate the AEFL on the Test History record if the record has a Test Level, where the assessment is not already attached to another schedule record.

18. Do districts have the ability to exclude specific tests from the Assign LCPs scheduled job?

Yes, as of a December 2024 update districts can now select specific tests and/or test parts from the Assign LCPs scheduled job. This is done by ensuring that the district has applied the following to their site:

[FOCUS-45504] - Can be locally applied; otherwise, released in Focus Version 12.0.72.

[Revision 17815] - WDIS Automated Processes: Adding support for excluding specific tests & subjects from being processed, this ability will be available in a future SIS update. Also made some minor improvements to navigating the job results for larger districts.

19. If there is a Test History record that does not link back to a schedule record, will the Assign LCPs scheduled job still set the Florida Test ID (FLTESTID)?

Yes, this portion of the job is run prior to any of the specific Assign LCP logic so it will get set first.

20. Will a Florida Test ID (FLTESTID) get assigned to the Test HIstory record if all enrollments for the syear are marked as Second School?

No, we are looking for primary enrollments only.

Bulk Finance Import: The Bulk Finance Import job is designed to import financial data as part of the initial go-live migration, enabling a seamless transition from the legacy system to Focus. This job runs scheduled tasks to ensure ongoing synchronization with the legacy system during the migration period. While most scheduled tasks will no longer be necessary after go-live, a few exceptions may remain to handle specific scenarios or data requirements.

Class Size Averages (Florida State Reporting): This job calculates the average class sizes and populates the FLORIDA_CLASSSIZE_COUNTS table. If the user selects a date rather than selecting the Current Date check box, the user also has the option to Save Separate Records for Given Effective Date in the table.

Clean Up From Invoices: This job is designed to manage and maintain the accuracy of invoice records, particularly those related to form fees. This job is crucial for maintaining the proper accounting of fees, ensuring that errors or multiple charges do not clutter the financial records. The primary function of this job is to:

  • Delete or Adjust Incorrect Transactions: The job attempts to clean up or delete form invoice transactions that may have been incorrectly added to the system, ensuring that only valid transactions remain.
  • Prevent Duplication: It ensures that students are not charged multiple times for the same fee on the customer ledger, especially when discrepancies exist between the transaction history and the ledger.
  • Maintain Data Integrity: By running this cleanup, the system aims to correct any inconsistencies in fee allocation, ensuring that the customer ledger reflects accurate information regarding fees and payments.

Create Process Assessments (Florida State Reporting): This job runs the current functionality found under Florida Reports > Process Assessments for the FCAT/FSA ELA and EOC Course Assessment Status functions. Users are able to select either FSA ELA or EOC Course Assessment Status. Enabling FSA ELA allows the user to update multiple cohorts. Enabling EOC Course Assessment Status allows the user to set the EOC Exam to process and set EOC Administration Start & End Date fields where the user can enter an Administration Date Range.

Delete Blackboard Observer Data: This job addresses issues with observer links in Blackboard, specifically those associated with teachers or parents observing students. It ensures that obsolete observer-student links are removed from Blackboard when students become inactive or no longer have a valid connection to the teacher/parent.

  • Deleting Invalid Observer Links: The job identifies observer links that are no longer valid, such as those where a student has moved to another school or become inactive, and deletes those links. This ensures that the teacher/parent no longer sees the student in their Blackboard Parent Dashboard with the "Observing" status.
  • Checking Against Transfer Logs: The job revises Blackboard observer links by checking the transfer logs and ensures that only valid, active links remain. It removes any observer links that do not appear in the transfer log.
  • Fixes for Observed Students in Parent Dashboard: This job resolves issues where students who should no longer be associated with a teacher/parent (due to school transfers or inactivity) were still appearing as "Observed" in Blackboard. Running the job removes these students from the Parent Dashboard.
  • Handling Inactive Students: It identifies inactive students (e.g., students with dropped enrollment codes for more than 15 days) and removes the corresponding observer link in Blackboard. This prevents inactive students from remaining attached to advisors or teachers within the Blackboard system.

EOY Attendance Calculation (Florida State Reporting): This job maintains the same functionality as the Update Enrollment Attendance Fields option in EOY Processing via Florida Reports. When the job is run, the fl_days_present, fl_days_absent, and fl_days_absent_not_disc columns on the students enrollment records are updated. Note: This scheduled job only appears on Florida sites. Results can be verified via Run Query.

FLEID Export/Import (Florida State Reporting):

The Import process checks against the FLEID History table when determining which files to import. When a file is imported and the students are successfully matched, the FLEID numbers are automatically updated in Focus.

The Export process allows the user to set the Source Indicator (K-12 Students or WDIS Students), the School Years, and whether or not to Include inactive students. Users can select the source indicator which determines the files that should be downloaded.

This scheduled job includes exporting and importing staff records, as well as student records. There is an option titled Export Record Limit for the FLEID Export/Import scheduled job setup screen, which limits the amount of records sent in an export. Note: The option accepts positive integers greater than zero.

Users can also select the Don't Transmit/Import Staff check box to exclude staff from the export/import.

Note: The FLEID Export/Import job reflects FLEID changes where zeros are no longer accepted by the Department of Education (DOE). This change is reflected in the manual send process and applies to the scheduled job.

The FLEID scheduled job import process previously downloaded all files available,

Florida ARMS Student Field Tracker (Florida State Reporting): This scheduled job interacts with the Florida Reports student logging field that tracks changes to specific Florida Reports student fields including Student Name and Date of Birth. The DOE ARMS process records dates when these values are changed. The student fields include:

ESE - ESE Code (custom_890; logging field - primary code only)

ELL - ELL Code (custom_626; select)

LS - Lunch Status (custom_71; select)

ZDS - Zoned District & School (custom_821 & custom_822; selects)

DOP - DOP Code (custom_20009054; logging field - primary only)

Florida DOE Extracts and Verification Reports (Florida State Reporting): This job runs initial DOE extracts (PK-12 & WDIS) and/or also runs verification reports district-wide. Extracts are ran and the florida_*_initial tables are populated. Verification reports results will also display in the email for the scheduled job completion. The scheduled job also pushes HTML files as a link to school folders, if Push Verification Report Results to School Folder is selected and the School(s) are selected in the scheduled job creation.

The job updates the florida_verification & wdis_verification tables.

Florida Peer Nightly Import (Florida State Reporting): Before running the Florida Peer Nightly Import job, users should utilize the Import Peer Data screen, which allows users to test the importation of Peer data and ensure there will be no errors upon importing data. Once the steps have been completed on the Import Peer Data screen, run the Florida Peer Nightly Import job.

Florida Test ID Assignment: This scheduled job assigns FLTESTID score values for tests/parts with the FLTESTID score type assigned. The FLTestID value is a base36 number (0-Z) padded to 4 characters assigned on a per student basis for test/parts that have been assigned the FLTESTID score type. This scheduled job works in conjunction to the Assign LCPs job, which incorporates the FLTESTID process, updates the AEFL score type value for the tests used in the job, and updates the schedule fields Adult Educational Functioning Level Subject Area, Pre-Test ID, and Post-Test ID (1-3).

Frontline New Hires: This job automates the integration of new hires from the Frontline Position Control (PC) system into the Focus platform. Key functionalities include:

  • File Importation: The job pulls new hire data from an SFTP server based on SFTP credentials that are not hardcoded, ensuring flexibility and security.
  • Data Processing: The job imports the new hire data into a pre-created table in the database, handling various employee records such as job, position, and job allocations. However, salary slot creation is excluded to prevent incorrect wage assignments.
  • Field Handling: The job also manages fields like USES_MULTIPLE_JOBS, setting default values where applicable based on predefined logic.
  • Testing Workflow: During testing, the process involves adding employees using the same identifying details from the Frontline CSV file, and confirming that the employee records are properly imported without salary information.

Import Peer Data (Florida State Reporting): This job is linked to and can be tested using the Import Peer Data screen found under the Florida Reports menu. The job allows users to import the following tables:


Okta Users Sync: This job automates the process of creating Okta accounts for users or students who do not yet have one, based on the presence of an email address. Heres how it works:

  1. Creation of Custom Fields:
    • Custom fields are added to store the Okta ID for both students and users:
      • Students: custom_200000012 (email field)
      • Users: custom_00000001 (email field)
  2. Scheduled Job (Okta Users Sync):
    • The job searches for students and users in the system who have an email address but do not have an associated Okta account.
    • For each user or student found, the system creates an Okta account.
    • After the Okta account is created, the newly generated Okta ID is stored in the custom Okta ID fields for students and users.

Outgoing MSIX FASTER Responses: This job is used to automatically create outgoing FASTER responses to MSIX for migrant students. The FASTER process will pull the created responses and send them when the FASTER process is executed. The scheduled job allows the user to identify a Qualifying Arrival Date (QAD) within [X] Years and allows the user to select the check box to Only pull students missing MSIX ID. You can select a MSIX School Year in order to determine which year should be selected when pulling Fed/State Migrant information (student logging field). Note: This job is only available for Florida clients.

PCard Bank Import: This job automates the process of importing purchasing card (PCard) transactions from files provided by the bank into the financial system. Here's a breakdown of how it works:

  1. Scheduled Import of PCard Transactions:
    • The job processes PCard transaction files downloaded from Bank of America, which are stored in a designated directory (/var/www/html/uploaded-assets/export/files/pcards/).
    • Files are named based on the date they were downloaded, in the format Daily_Batch_File_[YYYYMMDD].txt, with some files split into smaller parts (A, B, C) for testing purposes.
  2. Fiscal Year (FY) Override:
    • A key improvement has been added to allow the selection of a specific fiscal year (FY) for the import.
    • This is particularly important during the fiscal year transition period (end of June), where transactions should be imported into the new fiscal year rather than the current one. The FY override ensures that even if the transactions occur at the end of one fiscal year, they are imported into the correct fiscal period.
  3. Bank Files and Security:
    • The files contain sensitive information (such as account numbers), so they are stored securely on the Focus server and not sent over email or other insecure channels.
    • Programmers can access the files directly on the server for testing or troubleshooting purposes.

Process Assessments (Florida State Reporting): The built-in Process Assessments scheduled job allows customers to automate the running of the FSA and EOC Process Assessments housed under Florida Reports > Process Assessments > FSA ELA & EOC Course Assessment Status.

If the "Process Assessments - Do not output student listings after process completion" setting is enabled via Florida Reports > Florida Reports Setup > District Options tab, the scheduled job's execution history displays a count of updated students rather than listing each student.

Set an "Effective Date (ESOL Graduation Pathway/ESE Test Waiver)" to check for ESOL Graduation Pathway/ESE Test Waiver and update the FSA ELA graduation student fields accordingly.

Submit LearnFare via FTP: This job automates the State Reporting feature to send attendance information to LearnFare via FTP. Students included in the output are logged in the Learnfare History student logging field.

Transfer Moodle API Data: This job is designed to address a specific issue related to synchronizing enrollment data between the SIS (Student Information System) and Moodle, a learning management system. Here's a breakdown of the job's functionality:

Trigger Enrollment Updates: If changes made in the Moodle setup aren't automatically triggering the transfer of enrollment data, this scheduled job ensures that whenever modifications are made in Moodle, the corresponding enrollment updates are sent to the Moodle API.

  1. Enrollment Synchronization:
    • The job transfers enrollment information from the SIS to Moodle and ensures students, teachers, and course enrollments are properly reflected in Moodle.
    • It verifies that the course start dates are synchronized with the marking period dates in the SIS, ensuring that courses are available to teachers and students before the academic period begins.
  2. Automated Data Transfer:
    • The job automates the transfer of data from the SIS to Moodle and vice versa, based on predefined parameters set during the Moodle API setup.
    • Data such as course sections, enrollments, and teacher assignments are synchronized, ensuring that Moodle reflects the latest information from the SIS.
  3. Custom API Configuration:
    • During the setup of the job, administrators configure the API to connect with the correct Moodle instance using OAuth2 for authentication.
    • The setup allows transferring both course data and enrollment information between the systems, ensuring seamless integration.
  4. Fiscal Year and Marking Period Alignment:
    • The job allows setting specific parameters such as course start dates relative to marking periods, ensuring that teachers and students have access to courses within the correct time frames.

WDIS Total Hours (FPS): This job updates the following schedule fields: CUSTOM_57 (Total Hours), CUSTOM_76 (Survey W Hours), CUSTOM_78 (Survey S Hours), CUSTOM_80 (Survey F Hours), ATT_HOURS_W (Survey W Attended Hours), ATT_HOURS_S (Survey S Attended Hours), and ATT_HOURS_F (Survey F Attended Hours).

Los Angeles Scheduled Jobs

CTE Consecutive Absences & CTE Pay Period 2 (FPS): The Pay Period 2 Students and Consecutive Absences scheduled jobs are intended to alert indicated users if a student is nearing the end of their first pay period letting them prepare the second pay if necessary, or if they have been marked absent a specified consecutive number of days. In the Consecutive Absences Alert the User(s) can be specified, as well as what absence Code(s) and # of Days that will trigger the alert. In Pay Period 2, Students Alert the User(s) can again be specified, as well as the Time Margin in percent of pay period 1 remaining to trigger the alert.

Next Unrequested Pay Period Students:

Online Course Req. Populate Student Field: This job copies Focus’s existing data that populates the Online Course Requirement field present to Grades > Report Cards and Grades > Graduation Requirements Report. Field options include No, Yes, and Exempt.

Ohio Scheduled Jobs

Ohio Attending IRN Assignment: This job sets the Attending Building IRN enrollment field for non-district students. Users can select the desired school year and which specific schools to run. When "Dry Run" is selected, no data will be updated by the job. The job will log all students who would have been changed had "Dry Run" not been selected.

Ohio Extracts: This job generates Ohio state reporting extracts on a scheduled basis. The job can be set up to run for a specific School Year, Reporting Period, Data Set, and Extracts. When a Custom Title is entered, the custom title is appended to the end of the name of the scheduled job to differentiate between jobs if multiple are set up.

Texas Scheduled Jobs

Bulk Finance Import: The Bulk Finance Import job is designed to import financial data as part of the initial go-live migration, enabling a seamless transition from the legacy system to Focus. This job runs scheduled tasks to ensure ongoing synchronization with the legacy system during the migration period. While most scheduled tasks will no longer be necessary after go-live, a few exceptions may remain to handle specific scenarios or data requirements.

Clean Up From Invoices: This job is designed to manage and maintain the accuracy of invoice records, particularly those related to form fees. This job is crucial for maintaining the proper accounting of fees, ensuring that errors or multiple charges do not clutter the financial records. The primary function of this job is to:

  • Delete or Adjust Incorrect Transactions: The job attempts to clean up or delete form invoice transactions that may have been incorrectly added to the system, ensuring that only valid transactions remain.
  • Prevent Duplication: It ensures that students are not charged multiple times for the same fee on the customer ledger, especially when discrepancies exist between the transaction history and the ledger.
  • Maintain Data Integrity: By running this cleanup, the system aims to correct any inconsistencies in fee allocation, ensuring that the customer ledger reflects accurate information regarding fees and payments.

Delete Blackboard Observer Data: This job addresses issues with observer links in Blackboard, specifically those associated with teachers or parents observing students. It ensures that obsolete observer-student links are removed from Blackboard when students become inactive or no longer have a valid connection to the teacher/parent.

  • Deleting Invalid Observer Links: The job identifies observer links that are no longer valid, such as those where a student has moved to another school or become inactive, and deletes those links. This ensures that the teacher/parent no longer sees the student in their Blackboard Parent Dashboard with the "Observing" status.
  • Checking Against Transfer Logs: The job revises Blackboard observer links by checking the transfer logs and ensures that only valid, active links remain. It removes any observer links that do not appear in the transfer log.
  • Fixes for Observed Students in Parent Dashboard: This job resolves issues where students who should no longer be associated with a teacher/parent (due to school transfers or inactivity) were still appearing as "Observed" in Blackboard. Running the job removes these students from the Parent Dashboard.
  • Handling Inactive Students: It identifies inactive students (e.g., students with dropped enrollment codes for more than 15 days) and removes the corresponding observer link in Blackboard. This prevents inactive students from remaining attached to advisors or teachers within the Blackboard system.

Frontline New Hires: This job automates the integration of new hires from the Frontline Position Control (PC) system into the Focus platform. Key functionalities include:

  • File Importation: The job pulls new hire data from an SFTP server based on SFTP credentials that are not hardcoded, ensuring flexibility and security.
  • Data Processing: The job imports the new hire data into a pre-created table in the database, handling various employee records such as job, position, and job allocations. However, salary slot creation is excluded to prevent incorrect wage assignments.
  • Field Handling: The job also manages fields like USES_MULTIPLE_JOBS, setting default values where applicable based on predefined logic.
  • Testing Workflow: During testing, the process involves adding employees using the same identifying details from the Frontline CSV file, and confirming that the employee records are properly imported without salary information.

Okta Users Sync: This job automates the process of creating Okta accounts for users or students who do not yet have one, based on the presence of an email address. Heres how it works:

  1. Creation of Custom Fields:
    • Custom fields are added to store the Okta ID for both students and users:
      • Students: custom_200000012 (email field)
      • Users: custom_00000001 (email field)
  2. Scheduled Job (Okta Users Sync):
    • The job searches for students and users in the system who have an email address but do not have an associated Okta account.
    • For each user or student found, the system creates an Okta account.
    • After the Okta account is created, the newly generated Okta ID is stored in the custom Okta ID fields for students and users.

PCard Bank Import: This job automates the process of importing purchasing card (PCard) transactions from files provided by the bank into the financial system. Here's a breakdown of how it works:

  1. Scheduled Import of PCard Transactions:
    • The job processes PCard transaction files downloaded from Bank of America, which are stored in a designated directory (/var/www/html/uploaded-assets/export/files/pcards/).
    • Files are named based on the date they were downloaded, in the format Daily_Batch_File_[YYYYMMDD].txt, with some files split into smaller parts (A, B, C) for testing purposes.
  2. Fiscal Year (FY) Override:
    • A key improvement has been added to allow the selection of a specific fiscal year (FY) for the import.
    • This is particularly important during the fiscal year transition period (end of June), where transactions should be imported into the new fiscal year rather than the current one. The FY override ensures that even if the transactions occur at the end of one fiscal year, they are imported into the correct fiscal period.
  3. Bank Files and Security:
    • The files contain sensitive information (such as account numbers), so they are stored securely on the Focus server and not sent over email or other insecure channels.
    • Programmers can access the files directly on the server for testing or troubleshooting purposes.

Transfer Moodle API Data: This job is designed to address a specific issue related to synchronizing enrollment data between the SIS (Student Information System) and Moodle, a learning management system. Here's a breakdown of the job's functionality:

Trigger Enrollment Updates: If changes made in the Moodle setup aren't automatically triggering the transfer of enrollment data, this scheduled job ensures that whenever modifications are made in Moodle, the corresponding enrollment updates are sent to the Moodle API.

  1. Enrollment Synchronization:
    • The job transfers enrollment information from the SIS to Moodle and ensures students, teachers, and course enrollments are properly reflected in Moodle.
    • It verifies that the course start dates are synchronized with the marking period dates in the SIS, ensuring that courses are available to teachers and students before the academic period begins.
  2. Automated Data Transfer:
    • The job automates the transfer of data from the SIS to Moodle and vice versa, based on predefined parameters set during the Moodle API setup.
    • Data such as course sections, enrollments, and teacher assignments are synchronized, ensuring that Moodle reflects the latest information from the SIS.
  3. Custom API Configuration:
    • During the setup of the job, administrators configure the API to connect with the correct Moodle instance using OAuth2 for authentication.
    • The setup allows transferring both course data and enrollment information between the systems, ensuring seamless integration.
  4. Fiscal Year and Marking Period Alignment:
    • The job allows setting specific parameters such as course start dates relative to marking periods, ensuring that teachers and students have access to courses within the correct time frames.
Utah Scheduled Jobs

SIF Data Sync: The Utah SIF Data Sync scheduled job processes and sends essential data from the school district to the state using the Schools Interoperability Framework (SIF). This job ensures that the required information is accurately transmitted, enabling the state to maintain up-to-date records for compliance and reporting purposes.

Before running the job, it is crucial to configure the SIF Setup:

  • Navigate to Setup > SIF Setup and ensure there is a record saved for the relevant school year.
  • The Version should be set to 2.4.
  • The synced fields for all resources or schools can be left blank.
  • The URL and Source ID are provided by the state and must be entered accordingly.

Once these settings are correctly configured, the scheduled job will transmit the district's data based on state requirements, maintaining seamless data exchange.

Additional Features

Data listed can be sorted by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image shown, results have been sorted by clicking the Priority header twice.

Scheduled Jobs

If the chart contains several pages of information, Page numbers will displays along with Prev and Next buttons. Click these buttons to sift through pages. Click the Page text box to enter a page number. Press Enter to jump to that page.

Scheduled Jobs

Click the Filters feature to further breakdown data.

Scheduled Jobs

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

For more information, see Filters.

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