Permissions to access certain modules and view and edit specific screens and fields can be assigned to users by profile. For example, you may have different profiles set up for system administrators, school administrators, school counselors, attendance clerks, case managers, school nurses, elementary teachers, secondary teachers, parents, students, and more. You may set up as many profiles as your district needs. Varying levels of permissions are set for each profile. A system administrator profile may have access to all screens, fields, and modules, while a school nurse profile may only have access to the screens, fields, and modules that are pertinent to the nurse’s job duties. When a user is assigned a profile, the user is given all the permissions set for that profile. Permissions can also be customized for specific users, which can be performed via User Permissions.
Adding a New Profile
A new profile can be added to the system by selecting the user role (admin, teacher, parent, student, or applicant/vendor) and giving the new profile a title.
1. From the Users menu, select Profiles.
2. On the Permissions tab of the Profiles screen, click the blue Edit Profiles link.
3. The Edit Profiles pop-up window is displayed. The existing user profiles are listed. The top row of the table is used to add a new user profile.
4. Select the profile Role:
- Admin: Administrator profiles have more permission options available than teacher, student, or parent profiles. For example, only Administrator profiles have permission options for viewing or editing Setup information. The Administrator role is usually selected for non-instructional staff. All non-teacher, non-parent, and non-student district and school-based profiles should be set up with an administrator role.
- Teacher: The Teacher profile role only allows teachers to view and edit data for the students in his or her classes.
- Parent: The Parent profile role only allows the parent access to school information related to his or her children.
- Student: The Student profile role only allows the student to view and edit his or her own data.
- Applicant/Vendor: This profile can be set up for districts using the Applicants/Job Postings module and Bid Requests (ERP). It would allow job applicants and potential vendors to sign into Focus and complete job applications or submit bids.
5. Enter a Title for the new profile.
6. Select the Super User check box for system administrator profiles that will have the ability to add other users and create and edit user profiles for other super users.
7. Press Enter to add the new user profile. The profile is added to the list and is auto-saved. Note: You will know the profile has saved when the line turns blue and a red minus sign (delete button) appears next to it.
For information on Copy From…(copying profiles), see the section Copying from an Existing Profile.
8. Click the X at the top-left corner of the Edit Profiles window to return back to the Profiles screen.
9. Profile permissions can now be set up for the profile. Please see the section Viewing and Editing Profile Permissions.
Viewing and Editing Profile Permissions
Permissions for one or multiple profiles can be viewed and edited at one time. This is useful if multiple profiles share similar permissions and you want to modify all of the selected profiles at once.
1. From the Users menu, select Profiles.
2. In the Permissions tab of the Profiles screen, select the type of permissions you want to view and edit in the Permission Type pull-down.
- Menu: Select this option to set up permissions for each of the screens and functions in Focus.
- Schedule Fields: When the system preference Use Individual Schedule Field Permissions is enabled in Setup > System Preferences > Scheduling tab, the Schedule Fields option is available in the Permission Type pull-down. Select the Schedule Fields option to set up permissions for each of the schedule fields. This can only be done for admin or teacher profiles.
- Final Grades Fields: When the system preference Use Individual Final Grades Field Permissions is enabled in Setup > System Preferences > Grading, the Final Grades Fields option is available in the Permission Type pull-down. Select the Final grades Fields option to set up permissions for each of the grades fields.
- Student Fields: Select this option to set up permissions for each of the student fields located in a student’s record.
- School Fields: Select this option to set up permissions for each of the school fields located in the school's record.
- Discipline Incident Fields: Select this option to set up permissions as they pertain to discipline incident fields.
- Referral Fields: Select this option to set up permissions as they pertain to referral fields.
- User Fields: Select this option to set up permissions for each of the user fields located in a user’s record.
- Employee Fields: Select this option when it pertains to the Employee Self Service (ESS) module to control which screens/fields are accessible to specific profiles (many of the Employee fields are the same as the User fields).
3. Select the user Role (Admin, Teacher, Parent, Student, Applicant/Vendor).
4. Select the Profile. One or multiple profiles can be selected.
5. Click Submit.
Viewing and Editing Menu Permissions
1. Select Menu from the Permission Type pull-down. Permissions are organized by menu. The menu titles are highlighted in blue.
a. Within each menu, the permissions are organized by menu sub-header. The menu sub-headers are highlighted in orange. For example, within the Setup section of the screen, permissions are organized into Portal, System Setup, School Setup, Rollover, School Choice, Import, and Edit Rules sub-sections. This makes it easy to locate the permissions on the screen, since they mimic the layout of the Setup menu.
2. Select the View check box next to a screen to give the profile users read-only access to that screen. Select the Edit check box next to a screen to give the profile users edit rights to that screen.
In order for the profile users to have edit rights, the View and Edit permissions must be selected. If the Edit check box is selected, but the View check box is left cleared, the profile users will not have the correct permissions. However, some Preferences only contain the View option; when selected the user will have access to use the screen/module.
3. Select the View or Edit check boxes in the orange sub-header to select all the View or Edit check boxes for permissions within the sub-header. You can then clear the selection of the View and/or Edit check boxes to clear any selections made already made.
4. Some permissions only have one check box in the View or Edit column. Select the check box to give the user permissions to use/view the function/information. In this example, selecting the Edit check box next to Edit Previous Year Enrollment allows users in this profile to edit enrollment from the previous year. Leave this check box blank if you do not want users in this profile to edit enrollment from previous years.
5. Some menu permissions have a Require Approval check box. When this check box is selected, users in this profile are allowed to edit this information, but the change is not made in the system until the specified user (with profile permissions) approves the change request in Students > Change Requests.
6. If you are viewing multiple profiles, a check mark indicates all selected profiles have the permission. If the check box is empty, none of the selected profiles have the permission. If the check box contains a hyphen, at least one of the selected profiles has the permission and at least one of the selected profiles does not have the permission.
7. The Save button at the top-right corner of the screen turns red once any changes are made. Click the Save button to save your changes.
Viewing and Editing Schedule Field Permissions
The system preference Use Individual Schedule Field Permissions must be enabled in Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Scheduling tab in order to set individual schedule field permissions. This can only be done for admin or teacher profiles. In the Menu Permissions, the View and Edit permissions for Student Schedule should also be set.
1. Select Schedule Fields from the Permission Type pull-down.
2. Select the View check box next to a field to give the user read-only access to that field. Select the Edit check box next to a field to give the user edit rights to that field.
In order for the profile users to have edit rights, the View and Edit permissions must be selected. If the Edit check box is selected, but the View check box is left cleared, the profile users will not have the correct permissions. However, some Preferences only contain the View option; when selected the user will have access to use the screen/module.
3. Select the View or Edit check boxes in the orange header to select all the View or Edit check boxes for the schedule fields. You can then clear the selection of the View and/or Edit check boxes to clear any selections made already made.
4. If you are viewing multiple profiles, a check mark indicates all selected profiles have the permission. If the check box is empty, none of the selected profiles have the permission. If the check box contains a hyphen, at least one of the selected profiles has the permission and at least one of the selected profiles does not have the permission.
5. The Save button at the top-right corner of the screen turns red once any changes are made. Click the Save button to save your changes.
Viewing and Editing Final Grades, Student, User, and Employee Field Permissions
The system preference Use Individual Final Grades Field Permissions must be enabled in Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Grading tab in order to set individual grading field permissions (Final Grades Fields). In the Menu Permissions, the View and Edit permissions for Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank should also be set.
1. Select Final Grades Fields, Student Fields, User Fields, or Employee Fields from the Permission Type pull-down.
Final Grades, Student, User, and Employee Fields permissions are organized by category (tab) in the student or user’s record. The categories are highlighted in orange.
2. Select the View check box next to a field to give the profile users read-only access to the field. Select the Edit check box next to a field to give the profile users edit rights to the field. Select the Require Approval check box to require an administrator to approve the change request in Students > Change Requests before the change is made in the system.
In order for the profile users to have edit rights, the View and Edit permissions must be selected. If the Edit check box is selected, but the View check box is left cleared, the profile users will not have the correct permissions.
3. For logging fields, each individual field is listed and has its own View, Edit, and Require Approval permissions. This allows you to give the profile view/edit access to only certain fields within the logging field.
4. Select the Create check box next to a logging field to allow the user to add rows to the logging field and edit all fields within the logging field. Select the Delete check box next to the logging field to allow the user to delete a row in a logging field.
5. Select the View, Edit, or Require Approval check boxes in the orange header to select all the View, Edit, or Require Approval check boxes for fields within the category. You can then clear the selection for any permissions you do not want the profile users to have.
If selections have already been made/saved, selecting the check boxes in the orang header will alter previously made selections.
6. Select the Create or Delete check boxes in the orange header to select all the Create or Delete check boxes for logging fields within the category. You can then clear the selection for any permissions you do not want the profile users to have.
7. If you are viewing multiple profiles, a check mark indicates all selected profiles have the permission. If the check box is empty, none of the selected profiles have the permission. If the check box contains a hyphen, at least one of the selected profiles has the permission and at least one of the selected profiles does not have the permission.
8. The Save button at the top-right corner of the screen turns red once any changes are made. Click the Save button to save your changes.
Viewing and Editing School Field Permissions
1. Select School Fields from the Permission Type pull-down.
School Fields permissions are organized by category (tab) in the school's record. The categories are highlighted in orange.
2. Select the View check box next to a field to give the profile users read-only access to the field. Select the Edit check box next to a field to give the profile users edit rights to the field.
In order for the profile users to have edit rights, the View and Edit permissions must be selected. If the Edit check box is selected, but the View check box is left cleared, the profile users will not have the correct permissions.
3. Select the View and/or Edit check boxes in the orange header to select all the View and/or Edit check boxes for fields within the category. You can then clear the selection for any permissions you do not want the profile users to have by clearing the check boxes listed in the orange header.
4. If you are viewing multiple profiles, a check mark indicates all selected profiles have the permission. If the check box is empty, none of the selected profiles have the permission. If the check box contains a hyphen, at least one of the selected profiles has the permission and at least one of the selected profiles does not have the permission.
5. The Save button at the top-right corner of the screen turns red once any changes are made. Click the Save button to save your changes.
Copying from an Existing Profile
Instead of setting permissions for a new profile from scratch, a new profile can be created by copying permissions from an existing profile. This is helpful if the new profile will have many of the same permissions as an existing profile. Once the permissions are copied, you can make adjustments to the new profile’s permissions as needed.
1. From the Users menu, select Profiles.
2. On the Permissions tab of the Profiles screen, click the blue Edit Profiles link.
3. In the Edit Profiles pop-up window, locate the profile you want to populate with permissions. Next to the profile, click the Copy From… button in the Copy From column.
4. In the Copy Profile pop-up window, select the profile from which you want to copy permissions. Then, click Copy.
5. The permissions are copied from the selected profile. You can now go into the populated profile and make any edits to permissions as needed.
6. Click the X at the top-left corner of the Edit Profiles window to return back to the Profiles screen.
Deleting a Profile
1. From the Users menu, select Profiles.
2. On the Permissions tab of the Profiles screen, click the blue Edit Profiles link.
3. Locate the profile in question via the pop-up screen. When located, click the red minus sign (delete button) to remove the profile.
If you try to delete a profile that already has users attached to it, a pop-up displays warning you that This profile is currently used by (26) user(s). If users are attached to the profile, the profile cannot be deleted. Click OK to return to the previous screen.
4. Clicking the delete button will open a confirmation pop-up window. Click OK to continue deleting the profile. You also have the option to Cancel by clicking the corresponding button.
Permissions Explained
Menu > Admin
Portal: Allows the profile to access the Portal via the Setup menu. Note: If View and Edit rights are not enabled, the profile will still have access to the Portal.
Portal: Allow Login: Allows the profile to log into the portal. If not enabled, the profiles selected will display as disabled and the linked users will not be able to log in.
Portal: Package: SIS: Allows the profile to access SIS and selected screens.
Portal: Package: Finance: Allows the profile to access ERP and selected screens.
Portal: Enable Terms and Conditions: Dependent upon the System Preference, Enable Terms and Conditions(Default School Preferences > General). If selected, the profile will have access to Terms & Conditions via User Info. This will display a Terms and Conditions pop-up that must be signed by users before accessing the Portal and the mobile app.
Portal: Require Two Factor Authentication: Requires the profile to provide additional authentication upon logging into Focus via the Google Authenticator application. This setting removes the option to disable or Enable Two Factor Authentication from the profile user preferences screens, such as My Preferences (Admin), Preferences (Teachers), and Preferences (Parents/Students).
Portal: Enable User Access to Two Factor Authentication: Allows the profile to enable and disable two factor authentication upon logging into Focus via the Google Authenticator application via the applicable preferences screen, such as My Preferences (Admin), Preferences (Teachers), and Preferences (Parents/Students). Note: If this permission is enabled, the Require Two Factor Authentication permission check box will automatically be cleared. Only one of the two permissions can be selected at a time.
Portal: Allow user to Request Emergency Assistance: Allows users to access and use the Request Emergency Assistance button on the mobile app, which triggers a special API process the district must already have set up with Informacast and Rapid SOS. Note: This permission is specific to Collier County.
Portal: Allow user to Request Emergency Lockdown: Allows users to access and use the Request Emergency Lockdown button on the mobile app, which triggers a special API process the district must already have set up with Informacast and Rapid SOS. Note: This permission is specific to Collier County.
Portal: Allow Informacast SOS Panic Button: Allows users to access and use the Panic button on the mobile app when "Request Emergency Assistance" is selected. When the button is pressed, the user's location can be determined by 911 services. Note: This permission is specific to Collier County.
Portal Editor: View and Edit permission allows the profile to customize the Portal page display, or dashboard, for different profiles. The dashboard is built using blocks that can contain programs (such as Alerts, Find a Student, Upcoming Events), graphs, and custom HTML. If only the View permission is enabled, the profile will not have access to this screen.
Automated Cron Messages: If View permission is enabled, the profile has the ability to send the output of a query and/or a static message to a user or group of users. Edit permission is not required.
System Preferences: If View and Edit permission is enabled, the profile has the ability to view and edit all system preferences. If View is enabled but not Edit, the profile may review preferences but may not make changes.
System Preferences: Configure Single Sign-On: Edit permission allows the profile to view and edit Single Sign-on settings.
Site Administration: Edit permission allows the profile to If enabled, the profile can update the site to a new version of Focus or update to the latest revision of a version, as well as update state reporting, and install particular branches to the site.
Letterhead Templates: Edit permission allows the profile to view and edit Letterhead Templates, which are used to create the header and footer templates for a school's documents, including report cards, transcripts, and letters that pertain to attendance, discipline, grades, billing, school trips, etc.
Address Catalog: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Address Catalog, which allows for imported addresses and zones to be set for the district's schools to validate that a student can attend a specific school based upon their residential address.
Gradebook Templates: If enabled, the profile can view and edit Gradebook Templates, which allows the district to set up templates that populate assignment categories and assignments into the Gradebook for specific schools and courses.
Gradebook Comment Codes: If enabled, the profile can view and edit Gradebook Comment Codes, which is used to set up comment codes for Gradebook assignments.
Grade Posting Averaging: If enabled, the profile can view and edit Grade Posting Averaging, which is used to set up grade posting schemes, which determine how quarter, semester, and full year final grades for a course are calculated.
School Fields: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit School Fields, which is used to set up the categories and school fields that display in School Info.
Translations: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit Translations, which is used to add translations for a variety of phrases used in Focus, such as course titles, standard titles, report card comments, and student fields, so that report cards can be printed in the student's primary language and screens throughout Focus are translated.
Languages: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Languages screen, which is used to configure and enable the languages used in the Translations module.
Application Editor: If enabled, the profile can view and edit applications via the Application Editor, which is used to set up enrollment forms for new students to enroll in the district or for existing students to update their information in Focus. Forms can also be built around any student field listed on a Form Record.
Application Editor: Application Courses: If enabled, the profile can access the Application Courses tab in Application Editor. This functionality is for postsecondary schools. The Application Courses tab is used to define the courses that applicants are able to apply to on the online application. Applicants can then select and prioritize the courses to which they want to apply.
Login History: The View permission allows the profile to run login history. View and Edit permission allows the profile to enter search criteria and view Login History, which tracks IP addresses and whether login attempts were successful.
Edit Rules & Workflow: The View permission allows the profile to view the Edit Rules & Workflow screen, which includes Validation, Linked Fields, Alert Icons, Execute SQL, and Workflow Triggers. The View and Edit permission allows the profile to view, edit, and create new rules and workflows.
Lockers/ Student Rooms: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Lockers screen, which is used to set up locker locations, set up lockers and locker combinations, and assign lockers to students. The permission is called Student Rooms for post-secondary schools.
Community App: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Community App, which is used to set up some of the features used in the Community App, including Facebook and Twitter feeds, login page customizations, and links to websites and documents.
Third Party Systems: If enabled, users with this permission can view and edit Third Party Systems, which is used to set up integrations between Focus and third-party applications, including OneNote Class, ALL in Learning, Canvas, and Schoology.
Third Party Systems: Send user as "admin": If enabled, users with this permission will be transmitted in the OneRoster API dialect with a role of Administrator in the /users endpoint. This allows the user to be sent as an administrator instead of the default teacher role, providing additional permissions within the third-party system.
Third Party Systems: Send user as “teacher": If enabled, users with this permission will be transmitted in the OneRoster API dialect with a role of Teacher in the /users endpoint.
Third Party Systems: Send user as “proctor": If enabled, users with this permission will be transmitted in the OneRoster API dialect with a role of Proctor in the /users endpoint.
Third Party Systems: Send user as “aide": If enabled, users with this permission will be transmitted in the OneRoster API dialect with a role of Aide in the /users endpoint.
Third Party Systems: Send user as “parent": If enabled, users with this permission will be transmitted in the OneRoster API dialect with a role of Parent in the /users endpoint.
Blackboard APIs: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Blackboard APIs screen in order to set up the Blackboard integration.
Blackboard Transfer Logs: If View is enabled, the profile can view records containing errors as a result of the Blackboard integration. If Edit is enabled, the profile can resend the records that were not previously successful in the transfer.
Ed-Fi Setup: If View and Edit is enabled, the profile can set up the integration between Focus and Ed-Fi. With View permission only, the profile can review integration already established but cannot make changes.
Ed-Fi Logs: If View or View and Edit permissions are enabled, the profile has the ability to select options and review the reports.
Moodle API Setup: If View or View and Edit permissions are enabled, the profile has the ability to set up integrations between Focus and Moodle.
Moodle API Import Log: If View or View and Edit permissions are enabled, the profile has the ability to review imported totals as a result of the Moodle integration.
Moodle API Error Log: If View or View and Edit permissions are enabled, the profile has the ability to review records containing errors as a result of the Moodle integration.
Form Builder: If View or View and Edit permissions are enabled, the profile has the ability to create electronic forms that are completed by users in Focus.
Form Builder: Edit Form Actions: If Edit is enabled, the profile has the ability to to view and use the Actions tab in the Form Builder.
Form Builder: View Voided Forms: If View is enabled, the profile has the ability to void forms and view forms that have been voided.
Approval Flow: If View and Edit permissions are enabled, the profile can track flow type, view and modify details of each approval flow. If only the View permission is enabled, the profile has the ability to view details of each approval flow but cannot edit.
District Info: If View and Edit permissions are enabled, the profile can view and edit District Info fields. If the View permission is enabled without Edit, the profile has view data but cannot edit any fields.
District Fields: If View and Edit permissions are enabled, the profile can view existing fields, add, modify, and delete categories and fields. If only the View permission is enabled, the profile can review district fields but cannot edit fields.
School Report: If View and Edit permissions are enabled, the profile can view the School Report, edit school fields individually or using Mass Update, and can save filtered versions of the report. If only the View permission is enabled, the profile can view the report and saved filtered versions of the report, but cannot edit school fields either individually or using Mass Update.
School Info: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit general information about the school, including the school address, phone number, school level, web address, etc. The category and fields that are displayed on this screen are set up in Setup > School Fields (as well as additional permissions).
Add a School: If enabled, the profile can view or view and add a new school to Focus. The school will then be available in the school pull-down at the top-right of the screen, and the process of setting up marking periods, calendars, periods, grade levels, etc. for the school can begin. The fields that display on the Add a School form are set up in Setup > School Fields (as well as additional permissions).
Copy School: If enabled, the profile can copy data from one school to an existing school or new school.
Marking Periods: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit marking periods for the school and define the marking period, grade posting, and course registration dates.
Attendance Calendar: If View and Edit permission is enabled, the profile can create calendars, as well as edit and delete calendars. With View permission only, the profile can view calendars but not make any changes.
Attendance Calendar: Edit Rotation Day: If enabled, the profile can populate rotation days in the attendance calendar.
Attendance Calendar: Edit Bell Schedule: If enabled, the profile can populate the bell schedule in the attendance calendar.
Periods: If View is enabled, the profile can view the Periods screen, which is used to set up the periods of the school day. If Edit is enabled, the profile can edit the Sort Order, Start Time, End Time, Length, Used for Attendance, and Required for Scheduling on periods. The profile can also add, edit, or modify bell schedules.
Periods: Delete & Add: If enabled, the profile can add periods to a bell schedule, delete periods from a bell schedule, and can modify the Title and Short Name for periods.
Grade Levels: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Grade Levels screen, which is used to set up the grade levels at the school. Options to roll from one grade level into another for the next school year are also set on this screen.
Rooms: If enabled, the profile can view and edit the Resource Scheduler/Rooms screen, which is used to set up the rooms in the school in order to validate the room number on the schedule (short name) and then pull the title (FISH number) for state reporting.
External Schools: If View and Edit is enabled, the profile can view, add, and edit external schools. If View is enabled and Edit is not, the profile can view external schools but not add or edit schools.
Hall Pass Setup: If View and Edit is enabled, the profile can view, add, edit, and delete the setup options for the Hall Pass module. If View is enabled and Edit is not, the profile can view the setup but cannot make changes.
Hall Pass Setup: District-Wide Categories: If enabled, the profile can select the "District-Wide" check box on a location category to make the location category available at all schools. The profile can also edit and delete district-wide location categories. If not enabled, the profile does not have access to the "District-Wide" check box, and cannot edit or delete location categories marked as "District-Wide."
Rollover: If enabled, the profile can run the Rollover, which involves two types of data: non-student information and student information. Rollover will move certain data from the current school year into the next school year.
Duplicate Marking Periods: If enabled, the profile can Duplicate Marking Periods, which is used duplicate the marking periods set up in the current school year into prior years so that historic data, such as Course History, can be imported into Focus. This is the only function of this screen.
School Choice Setup: If enabled, the profile can view and edit the School Choice Setup screen, which is used to set up the programs, transportation zones, and priority charts. The Choice/Magnet application and Special Placement Application (SPA) can also be customized.
School Choice Setup: Program Categories: If enabled, the profile can View or View and Edit program categories.
School Choice Setup: Programs: If enabled, the profile can View or View and Edit programs.
School Choice Setup: Program Continuity: If enabled, the profile can View or View and Edit program continuity.
School Choice Setup: Transportation Zones: If enabled, the profile can View or View and Edit transportation zones.
School Choice Setup: Former Zones: If enabled, the profile can View or View and Edit former zones.
School Choice Setup: Priority Charts: If enabled, the profile can View or View and Edit priority charts.
School Choice Setup: Priority Chart Rankings: If enabled, the profile can View or View and Edit priority chart rankings.
School Choice Setup: Customize Application - Magnet: If enabled, the profile can View or View and Edit magnet applications.
School Choice Setup: Customize Application - SPA: If enabled, the profile can View or View and Edit SPA applications.
School Choice Setup: Customize Application - Choice: If enabled, the profile can View or View and Edit choice applications.
School Choice Setup: Statuses: If enabled, the profile can View or View and Edit statuses.
School Choice Setup: Reasons: If enabled, the profile can View or View and Edit reasons.
Tours and Auditions: If enabled, the profile can view and edit the Tours and Auditions screen, which is used to enter and track the students who have completed tours and auditions that are mandatory to apply to a particular School Choice program.
Run Lottery: If View and Edit permission is enabled, the profile can run the lottery, which places students randomly into their selected choice program based on the priority ranking chart, taking into consideration the student's ranking of programs on the application. Utilizing this screen requires View and Edit permission.
School Choice Reports: If enabled, the profiles can view or view and edit students' application information, including whether deadlines and requirements have been met, and to view the students' application status, as well as the number of available seats in each program.
School Choice Reports: Magnet Student List: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit students’ application information of the Magnet Student List report on the corresponding tab.
School Choice Reports: SPA Student List: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit students’ application information of the SPA Student List report on the corresponding tab.
School Choice Reports: Choice Student List: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit students’ application information of the Choice Student List report on the corresponding tab.
School Choice Reports: Individual columns: Each column that displays on the Magnet, SPA, and Choice Student List reports is listed. If View is enabled, the profile can view the column on the report. If Edit is enabled (available for editable columns only), the profile can edit the column on the report.
School Choice Reports: Program Report: If enabled, the profile can view the report, which is a breakdown of available seats for each program at any given school.
Print Letters: If enabled, the profile can view and create and print acceptance letters, waitlist letters, etc., as it pertains to School Choice applications.
School Choice Application: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit information submitted by the parent or student on the Choice application, as well as submit applications on the student's behalf.
Magnet Application: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit information submitted by the parent or student on the Magnet application, as well as submit applications on the student's behalf.
Special Placement Application: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit information submitted by the parent or student on the special placement application, as well as submit applications on the student's behalf.
Import Student Photos: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Import Student Photos screen, which is used to upload student photos into Focus individually or grouped in a .zip file. In order to import student photos and/or use the webcam, the Profile must have View and Edit permissions.
Import Student Photos: Upload photos to all schools: If the permission is enabled, the profile will be able to upload a batch of photos that contains students from any school.
Import Student Photos: Overwrite Existing Student Photos on Upload: If the permission is enabled, the profile will have the ability to upload a batch of photos that include students who already have a photo for that school year.
Import Staff Photos: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Import Staff Photos screen, which is used to upload staff photos into Focus individually or grouped in a .zip file.
Import Staff Photos: Upload photos to all schools: If the permission is enabled, the profile will be able to upload a batch of photos that contains users from any school.
Import Staff Photos: Overwrite Existing Staff Photos on Upload: If the permission is enabled, the profile will have the ability to upload and overwrite existing photos for staff.
Import Student Files: Districts who have the Document Management add-on module can mass upload files into student file upload fields using the Import Student Files screen when the permission is enabled.
Import Staff Files: Districts who have the Document Management add-on module can mass upload files into user file upload fields using the Import Staff Files screen when the permission is enabled.
Manage Integrations: If enabled, the profile can view and edit the Manage Integrations screen, which is used to test, download, schedule, and send integration files for third party systems.
Scheduled Jobs: Profiles with View only permissions, have access to Jobs and Execution History, but will not be able to Edit or Create Scheduled Jobs. Profiles with View and Edit permissions have the ability to view, edit, and create scheduled jobs.
Match Students - Admin Panel: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Match Students screen, which is used to track schools as they match imported records with their own students records.
Match Students - School Panel: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Match Students screen, which is used to manually match their own remaining test data to students by updating the missing/incorrect IDs in the import file.
Import Tools: If enabled, the profile must have view and edit permission to access Import Tools, which is a set of tools designed to simplify the process of moving data from a school's previous software to Focus.
Importer: If enabled, the profile can view and edit the Importer screen, which contains the tools designed to simplify the process of moving data from the previous/current software to Focus.
Imports: Select the View check box to allow users to view information and create new import processes.
Imports: Import Tools: Select the View check box to allow users to conduct imports using the Import Tools tab.
Imports: Student Match Files: Select the View check box to allow users to utilize the Student Match Files tab and conduct student matching processes.
Imports: Reports: Select the View check box to allow users to view and run import Reports from the corresponding tab.
Imports: Settings: Select the View check box to allow users to view and enable specific Settings in order to determine how imports are organized and processed from the corresponding tab.
Portal Published Reports: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile has full access to add, modify, or delete report configurations, and upload files. If the profile has View only permission, the profile users can view the list of configured reports and their details, including uploaded files, but no changes can be made.
Run Query: If enabled, the profile can view and utilize Run Query via the interface from the Setup menu in order to run SQL. Note: Permissions changed here do not change permissions in the configuration file, which is user specific. For example, if a user has permission to SELECT, that permission will remain regardless of the permissions changed to their profiles. By default, permissions are not given to profiles. However, if a user already has specific permissions from the configuration file, that permission will remain intact.
Run Query: SELECT: If enabled, the profile can use the SELECT command, which retrieves rows from zero or more tables.
Run Query: EXPLAIN: If enabled, the profile can use the EXPLAIN command in Run Query, which displays the execution plan that the user generates for the supplied statement.
Run Query: SET: If enabled, the profile can use the SET operation in Run Query, which changes run-time configuration parameters.
Run Query: INSERT: If enabled, the profile can us the INSERT command in Run Query, which inserts new rows into a table.
Run Query: UPDATE: If enabled, the profile can us the UPDATE command in Run Query, which updates rows of a table.
Run Query: DELETE: If enabled, the profile can us the DELETE command in Run Query, which deletes rows of a table.
Run Query: TRUNCATE: If enabled, the profile can us the TRUNCATE command in Run Query, which quickly removes all rows from a set of tables. Note: This command has the same outcome as an unqualified DELETE on each table; however, since it does not scan the tables, it is done faster.
Run Query: DROP: If enabled, the profile can use the DROP TABLE statement, which is used to drop an existing table in a database.
Run Query: CREATE: If enabled, the profile can use the CREATE DATABASE statement, which is used to create a new SQL database.
Run Query: ALTER: If enabled, the profile can use the ALTER TABLE statement, which is used to add, delete, or modify columns in an existing table, or to add and drop various constraints on an existing table.
Run Query: BEGIN: If enabled, the profile can BEGIN the sequence of SQL commands.
Run Query: COMMIT: If enabled, the profile can COMMIT, which is used for storing changes performed by a transaction.
Run Query: ROLLBACK: If enabled, the profile can ROLLBACK, which is used for reverting changes performed by a transaction.
Work Order Requests: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can input requests for work needed which can be linked to a Fixed Assets, pull in products from the Warehouse, and more. The profile will also have access to the Drafts and Request History tab.
Work Order Requests: View All Users' Requests: If enabled, the profile can view all drafts and requests in Request History created by other users.
Work Order Requests: Edit Requests: If enabled, the profile can edit the allocation section for pick lists after they have been submitted.
Work Order Requests: Allow Negative Budgets: If enabled, the profile can use negative budgets in allocations to submit work orders.
Work Order Requests: Cancel Approved Requests: If enabled, the profile can cancel work order requests that have already been approved.
Profile permissions set here may vary or be overridden based on permissions set via Permission Type: Student Fields > Role: Admin; for more information on editing student fields, see Viewing and Editing Student, User, and Employee Field Permissions.
Student Info: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the student's record.
Student Info: Login As Students: If enabled, the profile has the ability to login as select students, which will navigate to the Student Portal.
Student Info: Unlock Student: If enabled, the profile can unlock a student's account that has been locked due to exceeded the maximum number of attempted logins.
Student Info: View Enrollment: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the students enrollment record for the current year.
Student Info: Edit Previous Year Enrollment: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit student enrollment records from previous years.
Student Info: Edit Previous Year Enrollment Other Schools: If enabled, the profile users have the ability to edit previous year enrollment records from other schools. If not enabled, users can only edit enrollment records that are associated with their school(s).
Student Info: View Addresses & Contacts: If enabled, the profile can view but not edit the students addresses and contacts.
Student Info: Edit Addresses: If enabled, the profile can edit the students addresses except the primary residence.
Student Info: Edit Primary Residence: If enabled, the profile can edit the students primary residence
Student Info: Edit Contacts: If enabled, the profile can edit the students contacts.
Student Info: Edit Inactive Students: If enabled, the profile can edit inactive student records for the current year; otherwise, only active student records are accessible for changes.
Student Info: Edit Student Photo: If enabled, the profile can edit the student's photo directly in the Student Info screen.
Student Info: Edit Previous Years Inactive Students: If enabled, the profile can edit inactive student records for previous years.
Student Info: Edit Linked Users: If enabled, the profile can edit linked users, such as parents or guardians.
Student Info: Edit Linked Students: If enabled, the profile can edit linked students, such as siblings or students who share an address.
Student Info: View Previous Year Inactive Students: If enabled, the profile can view inactive student records from previous years.
Student Info: View Second School Enrolled Students: If enabled, the profile can view all students in the selected school as well as students enrolled in the school as a second school. If disabled, the profile will be restricted from viewing second school enrolled students when searching for students, unless the profile has access to the selected second school of enrollment for the students.
Student Info: View Protected Students: If enabled, the profile will be able to view detailed student information of the protected students just as they always have. Profiles who do not have this permission will not be able to view select student data.
Student Info: View Hidden Students: If enabled, the profile will be able to view detailed student information of the hidden students just as they always have. Profiles who do not have this permission will not be able to view select student data. If a student is flagged as hidden, unless users have the profile permission to View Hidden Students, they will not see the student in student searches, reports, gradebook, attendance screens, etc.
Student Info: View Unredacted Files: If enabled, the profile can view student Social Security numbers in files, as well as keywords and phrases that have been redacted. Profile users without this permission will have Social Security numbers and keywords and phrases redacted.
Student Info: Manually Process Files: If enabled, the profile has access to the "Manually Process Files Now" button on the Uploaded Files screen for students. Clicking this button will process the files now, instead of having to run the Document Management scheduled job.
Student Info: View Inactive Student Restricted Information: If enabled, the profile has access to the Restricted fields in Student Info; Restricted fields are set up via Student Fields > Edit Field > Options > Restricted toggle.
Student Info: View Full SSN: If enabled, the profile can view the full Social Security number for students; otherwise, the first five numbers in student Social Security numbers are masked with asterisks.
Add a Student: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit Add a Student, which is used to enroll new students. Profiles that have permission to view but not edit permission can search for students and review student records for students that do not currently have an enrollment record for the school.
Add a Student: Allow creating new students: If enabled, the profile can enroll a brand new student.
Add a Student: Allow enrolling students without all required fields: If enabled, the profile can enroll a student without completing all required fields set up by the district.
Add a Student: Allow overriding zoned address restrictions: If enabled, the profile can enroll a student and override set up zoned address restrictions, which will then prompt the profile user to select an Override Reason, such as Controlled Open Enrollment.
Add a Student: Allow enrolling out-of-district students: If enabled, the profile will be prevented from enrolling students that were not enrolled in the district the previous or current year.
Add a Student: Allow withdrawing students from other schools: If enabled, the profile will be able to withdraw active students enrolled at another school in order to enroll the student in a different school.
Add a Student: Enroll in Applicants: If enabled, the profile can enroll students in the Applicants school when the new students address is not in the districts Address Catalog.
Bulk Enrollment: If View and Edit permissions are enabled, the profile can automatically schedule and automatically bill students using the Add a Student process in the Bulk Enrollment setup. If View is enabled, but the profile doesn't have editing permissions, the profile can run the Order History report but cannot start any new orders. This screen applies to post-secondary schools only.
Communication: Select the View check box to grant the profile users permission to the Communication screen.
Communication: Communication AI: Select the Edit check box to allow profile users to utilize the Magic Wand and the AI Assistant in the text editor. Note: This functionality requires the purchase of the Call Out System. If this add-on hasn't been purchased and enabled by your district, the SMS option doesn't display.
Communication: Send Messages: Select the Edit check box to allow profile users to send messages to students and users to whom they have access. Selecting Edit also allows profile users to be able to use templates when composing a new message. This permission also ensures users can add Templates to the students log from the student category when assigned via the Attach To Tab pull-down. Note: If a user has permission to Communication but does not have permission to Send Messages, users can still view the Compose tab and the Drafts tab in order to print messages.
Communication: Send From District: Select the Edit check box to enable the Send From District setting when composing messages, which allows users to send messages (and attachments) to recipients from the "district;" the message displays as if sent by the district not the user and will not display in the user's Sent folder.
Communication: Send From School: Select the Edit check box to enabled the Send From School setting when composing messages, which allows users to send messages (and attachments) to recipients from the "school;" the message displays as if sent by the school not the user and will not display in the user's Sent folder.
Communication: Send as Priority: Select the Edit check box to enable the Priority option on the Compose, Templates, Scheduled, and Drafts tabs. When activated, the message will be dispatched ahead of other messages, with the only exception being emergency calls. Enabling and utilizing the Priority option ensures that crucial communications are delivered promptly.
Communication: Include Profile in Messaging Search: Select the View check box so profile users can be messaged by other administrative users or teachers at their enrolled school(s). When left disabled, the profile users cannot be messaged, but they can still send messages if they permission to send messages.
Communication: Send to Students : Student: Select the Edit check box to give profile users the ability to send messages to students' primary email addresses and/or phone numbers as identified in the address block of Address & Contacts via Student Info. When enabled, this option displays as Students in the recipient type pull-down when creating a message.
Communication: Send to Students : Student Personal: Select the Edit check box to give profile users the ability to send messages to students' Personal Email addresses as identified in Student Info. When enabled, this option displays as Student Personal in the recipient type pull-down when creating a message.
Communication: Send to Students : Primary Contacts: Select the Edit check box to give profile users the ability to send messages to students' Personal Email addresses as identified in Student Info. When enabled, this option displays as Student Personal in the recipient type pull-down when creating a message.
Communication: Send to Students : All Contacts: Select the Edit check box to give profile users the ability to send messages to all users and/or persons in a student's addresses and contacts in Student Info. When enabled, this option displays as All Contacts in the recipient type pull-down when creating a message.
Communication: Send to Students : Once Per Family: Select the Edit check box to give profile users the ability to send messages to students' custodial contacts and/or contact with a Sort Order priority of 1. The Linked Students section in Student Info > Addresses & Contacts is also used to determine which students are in the same family. Within a sibling group, one student within the group who has at least one contact is selected randomly and all of their custodial contacts are messaged. If that student has two contacts with the same linked user, those two contacts are deduped into one, and the user can see the message when logging in, or through any attached notifications. When enabled, this option displays as Once Per Family in the recipient type pull-down when creating a message.
Communication: Send to Students : Teachers Of: Select the Edit check box to give profile users the ability to send messages to all the students' current teachers. When enabled, this option displays as Teachers Of in the recipient type pull-down when creating a message.
Communication: Send to Staff: Select the Edit check box to give profile users the ability to send messages to staff members from the Staff recipient pull-down from the Communication screen. If enabled, the message button will be active on various reports, such as Users > Advanced Report, Reports > District Reports when the Staff ID is included in the output, and the Teacher Completion reports for Attendance and Grades.
Communication: Push Notifications: Select the Edit check box to display the Push Notification check box on the Compose, Templates, Announcements, Scheduled, and Drafts tabs where profiles users can select to send push notifications to mobile app users. This permission displays when the system preference, "Send a mobile app push notification with every message by default when using Communication (if permission enabled)" is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > General tab.
Communication: Send Poll of Sign Up: Select Edit check box to allow profile users to create Polls and/or Sign Up sheets to send out to students and users as a way to gather information or volunteers from the corresponding tabs.
Communication: Send SMS: Select the Edit check box to allow profile users to create and send text messages with messages and announcements. Note: This functionality requires the purchase of the Call Out System. If this add-on hasn't been purchased and enabled by your district, the SMS option doesn't display.
Communication: Announcements: Select the View and Edit check boxes to enable the Announcements screen. Edit will allow profile users to create and post new announcements.
Communication: Announcements: Send Emails: Select the Edit check box to generate and attach emails to announcements.
Communication: Announcements: Send SMS: Select the Edit check box to generate and attach SMS (text messages) to announcements. Note: This functionality requires the purchase of the Call Out System. If this add-on hasn't been purchased and enabled by your district, the SMS option doesn't display.
Communication: Announcements: Send Calls: Select the Edit check box to generate and attach calls to announcements. Note: This functionality requires the purchase of the Call Out System. If this add-on hasn't been purchased and enabled by your district, the Call option doesn't display.
Communication: Announcements: Mobile App Public: Select the Edit check box to gives profile users the ability to use the "Public (Mobile App)" check box on the Announcements tab in order to make announcements visible to users in the mobile app who are not logged into Focus. Note: This feature is only applicable to customers utilizing the Community Mobile App.
Communication: Templates Created by Others: Select the View check box to allow users with this profile to view and use templates created by others, even if the templates are not shared. Select the Edit check box to enable users with this profile to edit and delete templates created by others, regardless of sharing status. Note: For users without this permission, options for modifying Profiles, the Attach to Tab, and Schools will remain disabled for templates they did not create. This restriction ensures that only authorized users can alter these specific settings on templates authored by others, supporting controlled access in template management.
Communication: Publish Templates: Select the Edit check box to allow profile users to publish templates to Profiles, Schools, and/or Attach to Tabs. When disabled, these fields will be hidden from the user. Users who have this permission enabled but don't have "Edit Templates Created By Others" permission, still have the ability to edit the publishing fields (Profiles, Schools, Attach to Tab) on templates created by other users.
Communication: Teacher Attendance Alerts: Select the Edit check box to allow profile users to create attendance alerts for teachers from the Settings tab. If enabled, users can set custom attendance reminders for teachers when attendance hasn't been recorded. Note: This functionality requires the purchase of the Call Out System. If this add-on hasn't been purchased and enabled by your district, the Teacher Attendance Alerts option doesn't display.
Communication: Attendance Messages: Select the Edit check box to set up attendance-based messages housed in the Settings tab, which allows users to generate messages based on the type of attendance, schools, and attendance codes. Note: This functionality requires the purchase of the Call Out System. If this add-on hasn't been purchased and enabled by your district, the Attendance Messages option doesn't display.
Communication: Integrations: Select the Edit check box to allow profile users to send template messages using files from the uploaded-assets folder on the server from the Settings tab.
Communication: Academic Record: Select the Edit check box to set the Academic Record Category on the message when sent to the letter log. Not: This functionality requires the purchase of Focus Document Management module.
Communication: Phone Calls: Select the Edit check box to allow profile users to send phone calls. When enabled, the Call tab displays when composing a message, template, or announcement. Note: This functionality requires the purchase of the Call Out System. If this add-on hasn't been purchased and enabled by your district, the Call option doesn't display.
Communication: Emergency Calls: Select the Edit check box to allow profile users to send emergency phone calls regardless of the enabled Blocked feature on the student/contact record and/or the system preferences enabled disallowing users from sending calls during specific time frames. Note: The system will still respect the Callout flag on the student/contact record.
Communication: Caller ID Phone Numbers: Select the Edit check box to allow profile users to add new phone numbers that will display as the Caller ID when phone messages are sent out. Note: The Phone Numbers enabled display as the Caller ID for phone messages only not for SMS text messages.
Communication: Flag Messages: Select the Edit check box to allow profile users to flag inappropriate messages in the Inbox tab and the Sent tab. The ability to flag messages also gives users the ability to add referrals (if they have permission to create referrals).
Communication: Assign Messages to Users: Select the Edit check box to allow profile users to click Assign to User in order to delegate drafts to other users who can then customize the message.
Mass Assign Student Info: If enabled, the profile can view or view and mass assign student information. If the profile has view only permission, changed data cannot be saved.
Mass Add Log Records: If enabled, the profile can view and edit the Mass Add Log Records screen, which is used to add log records for multiple students by an individual student or by a group.
Change Requests: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Change Requests screen, which displays pending change requests submitted by parents and other users that require approval by the school.
Change Requests: Approve/Deny Change Requests: If enabled, the profile can approve or deny change requests submitted by parents, users, and students.
Change Requests: Cancel Change Requests: If enabled, the profile can cancel change requests submitted by any user.
Change Requests: Cancel Other User's Change Requests: If enabled, the profile can cancel change requests submitted by other users.
Change Requests: View all Change Requests: If enabled, the profile can view all change requests submitted by any user.
Online Enrollments: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit Online Enrollments, which houses all information collected through re-enrollment requests and online applications. Re-enrollment requests may require approval or may havebeen automatically approved.
Online Enrollments: Unprocessed Forms: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Unprocessed Forms tab as well as Approve and Deny changes. If View is enabled, the profile will not be able to Approve or Deny changes on the Unprocessed Forms tab.
Online Enrollments: Unprocessed Applications: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Unprocessed Applications tab, Process applications, which leads to the Add a Student screen, and edit the Status and Comments fields. If View is enabled, profile users will only have access to view unprocessed applications and student info and will not be able to process applications or edit any of the fields.
Online Enrollments: Unsubmitted: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Unsubmitted tab.
Online Enrollments: Unsubmitted Applications: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Unsubmitted Applications tab.
Online Enrollments: Processed: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Processed tab as well as review changes.
Seating Charts: In order to create, view, and edit Room Layouts and Seating Charts, users must have View and Edit permission. Users who have only been assigned permission to View will only have access to the Shared Charts section.
ISP Page: If enabled, the profile can view and edit the ISP (Individualized Student Plan) Page. The ISP Page is only available for post-secondary students.
ISP Page: Which High School Diploma Program?: Select the Edit check box to allow profile users the ability to select a program from the corresponding pull-down.
ISP Page: Primary Career Pathway Interest: Select the Edit check box to allow profile users the ability to make a selections from the corresponding pull-down.
ISP Page: Secondary Career Pathway Interest: Select the Edit check box to allow profile users the ability to make a selections from the corresponding pull-down.
Magnet / Special Assignment: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Magnet / Special Assignment screen, which is used to view a student's current and previous magnet/choice or special placement application information. As on the School Choice Reports screen, the student's application status and other application information can be modified.
Magnet / Special Assignment: Magnet: If View is enabled, the profile users will have access to view the Magnet tab. If View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can access the Magnet tab and edit or add application information.
Magnet / Special Assignment: SPA: If View is enabled, the profile users will have access to view the SPA tab. If View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can access the SPA tab and edit or add application information.
Magnet / Special Assignment: Choice: If View is enabled, the profile users will have access to view the Choice tab. If View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can access the Choice tab and edit or add application information.
Communication Reports: Select the View check box to grant the profile users permission to the Communication Reports screen. Select the Edit check box to allow profile users to use the "Admin Flagged" feature in Communication Reports.
Communication Reports: View All Users: Select the View check box to allow profile users to view records of messages sent by other users, as selected from the User pull-down. The messages viewable is limited to the school(s) in which the profile users have access.
Title I Eligibility: Enabled the permission to allow profile users to utilize the Title I Eligibility screen, which is used to search for a student's zoned school, view the school's Title I status, and proceed with enrolling the student.
Hall Passes: If View is enabled, the profile can view active, requested, upcoming, and inactive student hall passes, as well as check in, check out, cancel, and end hall passes. If Edit is enabled, the profile can additionally add notes to student hall passes.
Hall Passes: Approve Hall Pass: If enabled, the profile can approve or deny hall passes that require approval.
Hall Passes: Create Hall Pass: If enabled, the profile can create student hall passes.
Hall Passes: Student Restrictions: If View is enabled, the profile can view the Student Restrictions tab in Students > Student Info > Hall Passes. If Edit is enabled, the profile can add and edit student restrictions in Students > Student Info > Hall Passes.
Hall Passes: Override Hall Pass Restrictions: If enabled, the profile can override hall pass restrictions and create the hall pass for the student.
Advanced Report: If enabled, the profile can view and run or view, run, and edit the Advanced Report, which is used to compile, view, and track specific student data.
Add / Drop Report: If enabled, the profile can view the Add / Drop Report, which is used to track students enrolled and students withdrawn during a set timeframe.
Hall Pass Trends: If enabled, the profile can view the Hall Pass Trends reports.
Student Form Records: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view Student Form Records, which is used to provide access to various student forms, such as medical forms or documentation from parent meetings.
Student Breakdown: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view Student Breakdown, which displays selected data from any one or two student fields in visual column graphs, pie charts, and lists. The Student Breakdown Report is designed to assist schools in tracking and analyzing their student data.
Print Student Information: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can Print Student Information, which is used to print information from specific Student Info categories for one or multiple students.
Print Letters & Send Email: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can create, view, print, and edit letters. If the profile has View only permission, users can view and print letters but cannot create or edit letters.
Print Letters & Send Email: Publish Letters: If enabled, the profile can publish letters using the Print Letters & Send Email module. If disabled, the profile will not be able to publish letters but can view and print letters.
Print Letters & Send Email: Email Letters: If enabled, the profile can email letters using the Print Letters & Send Email module. If disabled, the profile will not be able to email letters but can view and print letters.
Print Letters & Send Email: Edit Letters Created By Others: If enabled, the profile can edit letters even if they were created by other users.
Print Letters & Send Email: View All Letters: If enabled, the profile can view all letters created by all users; this permission is especially helpful if it is the only one enabled for the profile, which would allow the profile to view, print, and/or email any of the letters created by other users without editing capabilities.
Print Letters & Send Email: Migrate: If enabled, the profile can click Migrate Letters in order to migrate existing letters to Communication > Templates for future use.
Letter Queue: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Letter Queue, which is tied directly to the Workflow Triggers. Letters that are created by a workflow trigger are stored in the queue until a designated person prints or sends the letters.
Workflow Triggers: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can view and edit Workflow Triggers, which can be set up to send emails, portal alerts or generate letters in the Letter Queue.
Print Avery Labels: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can print Avery labels for select students.
Print ID Badges: If the Edit permission is enabled, the profile users will have the ability to change and save the badge settings. The settings will be grayed out if your user profile only has the View permission for this screen.
Audit Trail: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can run the audit trail, which allows users to search per student for any changes made to the student information.
Audit Trail: Student: If enabled, the profile users can view any changes made to the student record.
Audit Trail: Enrollment: If enabled, the profile users can view any changes made to the students' enrollment record.
Audit Trail: Report Card Grades: If enabled, the profile users can view any changes made to the students' report card grades, such as grade changes, posted grades, etc.
Audit Trail: Address: If enabled, the profile users can view any changes made to the students' address record, such as Street Name, etc.
Audit Trail: Contacts: If enabled, the profile users can view any changes made to the students' contacts records, such as phone numbers, etc.
Audit Trail: Referrals: If enabled, the profile users can view any changes made to the students' referral records including referral logging fields, including Reviewed by Admin, Time Of Day Incident Occurred, Location, etc.
Audit Trail: Attendance: If enabled, the profile users can view any changes made to the students' attendance records.
Audit Trail: School Choice: If enabled, the profile users can view submissions or changes to school choice records made from the School Choice Application, Magnet Application, Special Placement Application, Magnet/Special Assignment, School Choice Reports, and/or Run Lottery screens.
Audit Trail: Legacy: If enabled, the profile users can review other changes made to student data that was imported.
Audit Trail: Viewed: If enabled, the profile users can review student fields viewed by the selected user(s).
Invalid Address Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can run the Invalid Address Report, which verifies that students addresses is within the district, and/or the school zone where students are enrolled.
Birthday Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Birthday Report, which lists all of the upcoming birthdays, which can also be broken down by a specified Month.
Seating Chart Contact Tracing: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can use the Seating Chart Contact Tracing screen, which allows users to search for students who are having symptoms of Covid-19 in order to review all students seated near the student in question.
Student Fields: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit Student Fields, which is used to set up the categories and student fields that display in the student's record in Student Info. If View is enabled, the profile can only view categories and fields already established and cannot edit or add new categories or fields.
Address Fields: If Edit is enabled, the profile can view and edit Address Fields, which is is used to set up the relationships, contact detail flags, and contact flags that are available for selection in address and contact records in Students > Student Info > Addresses & Contacts tab.
Student Groups: Select the View check box to allow the profile users to view student groups and students in the accessible groups. Select the Edit check box to give profile users the ability to view, create, and edit student groups. This gives users access to the My Groups tab.
Student Groups: Assign Groups to Other Users: Select the Edit check box to give profile users the ability to assign student groups to other users. When assigned to other users, the profile users can determine which other users can use their student groups. This permission gives users access to the All Groups tab. If this permission isn't enabled, users will only have access to the All Groups tab if a student group has been assigned to the user.
Student Groups: Groups Created By Others: Select the View check box to give profile users the ability to view student groups created by other users. Select the Edit check box to give profile users the ability to view and edit student groups created by other users.
Enrollment Codes: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile has access to the Enrollment Codes screen, which enables districts to tailor Enrollment Codes to their individual needs. Profiles abilities to view, edit, and create enrollment codes for the various tabs depend on the individual profile permissions below.
Enrollment Codes: Enrollment Codes: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, edit, and create Enrollments Codes from the corresponding tab. If View is enabled, the profile user can only view enrollment codes.
Enrollment Codes: Re-enrollment Restriction Reasons: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, edit, and create Re-enrollment Restriction Reasons from the corresponding tab. If View is enabled, the profile user can only view restriction reasons.
Enrollment Codes: Application Statuses: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, edit, and create Application Statuses from the corresponding tab. If View is enabled, the profile user can only view application statuses.
Delete a Student: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view or view and utilize the Delete a Student screen, which allows administrative users to delete specific students or merge two students together, which is useful if two student IDs have been created for the same student.
Profile permissions set here may vary or be overridden based on permissions set via Permission Type: User Fields > Role: Admin; for more information on editing user fields, see Viewing and Editing Student, User, and Employee Field Permissions.
User Info: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit User Info, which allows users to search for users and view user records. The tabs and fields that are displayed on this screen are set up in Users > User Fields (as well as additional permissions).
User Info: Allow Login As Admin: If enabled, the profile can login as other administrative users.
User Info: Allow Login As Parent: If enabled, the profile can login as parent users.
User Info: Allow Login As Teacher: If enabled, the profile can login as teacher users.
User Info: Unlock User: If enabled, the profile can unlock a user's account that has been locked due to exceeded the maximum number of attempted logins.
User Info: Allow Deleting Users: If enabled, the profile can delete users using a trash can icon that displays when selected criteria is met.
User Info: Allow Editing of Admin Schools/Profiles: If enabled, the profile can edit established permissions (SIS/ERP Profiles and Schools) for administrative profiles via the Permissions tab.
User Info: Allow Editing of Teacher Schools/Profiles: If enabled, the profile can edit established permissions (SIS/ERP Profiles and Schools) for teacher profiles via the Permissions tab.
User Info: Allow Editing of Parent Schools/Profiles: If enabled, the profile can edit established permissions (SIS/ERP Profiles and Schools) for parent profiles via the Permissions tab.
User Info: Allow Editing User Photo: If enabled, the profile can edit the user's photo directly in the Student Info screen.
User Info: View Teacher Schedules: If enabled, the profile can view the Teacher Schedule tab via User Info.
User Info: View Full SSN: If enabled, the profile can view the full Social Security number for users; otherwise, the first five numbers in user Social Security numbers are masked with asterisks.
User Info: View Unredacted Files: If enabled, the profile can view user Social Security numbers in files, as well as keywords and phrases that have been redacted. Profile users without this permission will have Social Security numbers and keywords and phrases redacted.
User Info: Manually Process Files: If enabled, the profile has access to the "Manually Process Files Now" button on the Uploaded Files screen for users. Clicking this button will process the files now, instead of having to run the Document Management scheduled job.
Add a User: If enabled, the profile can view and edit the Add a User screen, which allows users to import users or adding new users manually.
Mass Assign User Info: If enabled, the profile can view or view and mass assign user information. If the profile has view only permission, changed data cannot be saved.
Mass Assign User Profiles: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can facilitate the mass addition of new profiles to groups of users, as well as individual users. Without Edit permission, no changes to user profiles can be added or edited.
Mass Add Log Records: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can add log records for multiple users.
My Preferences: If View or View and Edit is enabled, the profile can view and edit the My Preferences screen, which allows users to customize select Focus options. Everything from the heading colors to the way student lists are displayed can be selected.
Calendar: Select the View check box to give profile users the ability to access the Calendar and to create and manage a personal calendar in Focus.
Calendar: Can post public events: If enabled, the profile users can add public events that are shared with all staff, parents, and students at your school(s).
Calendar: Can create district categories: If enabled, the profile users can create district categories in the Setup of the Calendar.
Calendar: Can set availability to students: If enabled, the profile users can you can allow all students or students in designated student groups to directly request a conference with you.
Uploaded Files: If View or View and Edit is enabled, the profile users have the ability to view the files that have been uploaded for the user and the letters/messages that have been logged for the user that have been designated to be a part of the user's cumulative folder.
Advanced Report: If View or View and Edit is enabled, the profile can compile, view, and track specific user data, as well as create and edit existing reports.
User Form Records: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view User Form Records, which is used to provide access to various user forms, such as medical forms or documentation from parent meetings.
User Breakdown: If View or View and Edit is enabled, the profile can run the User Breakdown report, which displays selected data from any one or two User Fields in visual column graphs, pie charts, and lists.
Letter Queue: If enabled, the profile can view the Letter Queue, which is tied directly to the Workflow Triggers via Setup > Edit Rules & Workflow and Print Letters & Send Email. Letters that are created by a workflow trigger are stored in the queue until a designated user prints or sends the letters.
Print Letters & Send Email: In order to View and/or Edit Print Letters & Send Email, you must have the profile permission. In order to Publish Letters, Email Letters, or Edit Letters Created By Others, you must have permission to Edit. If the only permission enabled is View All Letters, you can view all letters created by all users, but letters cannot be edited. You can still print and/or email letters via the Print/Email button as well as create your own letters to be edited, printed, and/or emailed.
Print Letters & Send Email: Publish Letters: If enabled, the profile can publish letters using the Print Letters & Send Email module. If disabled, the profile will not be able to publish letters but can view and print letters.
Print Letters & Send Email: Email Letters: If enabled, the profile can email letters using the Print Letters & Send Email module. If disabled, the profile will not be able to email letters but can view and print letters.
Print Letters & Send Email: Edit Letters Created By Other Users: If enabled, the profile can edit letters even if they were created by other users.
Print Letters & Send Email: View All Letters: If enabled, the profile can view all letters created by all users; this permission is especially helpful if it is the only one enabled for the profile, which would allow the profile to view, print, and/or email any of the letters created by other users without editing capabilities.
Print Letters & Send Email: Edit Academic Record Category: If the district is utilizing the Document Management add-on module and this permission is enabled, profile users will have access to the Academic Record Category pull-down, which determines how the letter/email is stored in the user's cumulative folder.
Print Letters & Send Email: Migrate: If enabled, the profile can click Migrate Letters in order to migrate existing letters to Communication > Templates for future use.
Print Avery Labels: If View or View and Edit is enabled, the profile can create mailing labels as well as filing labels, either standard or custom, for select users.
Print ID Badges: The Edit permission must be enabled in order for profile users to change and save the badge settings. The settings will be grayed out if the profile only has the View permission for this screen.
Audit Trail: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Audit Trail screen, which allows users to search per user for any changes made to any of the user's records.
User Action Log: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the User Action Log, which provides an audit trail of actions performed by users in Focus.
Verify Parent Accounts: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Verify Parent Accounts screen, which allows administrators to easily review parent account setup requests.
Uploaded Files Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can search for files that have been uploaded to any user field with the type of File Upload.
Profiles: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the permissions given per profile, which determines the screens the profile has access to and what their capabilities are such as view only or view and edit. Profiles with view only permission cannot edit permissions, they can only view given permissions.
User Permissions: If enabled, the profile can View or View and Edit permission as it pertains to a specific user(s) as opposed to setting permissions by profile. In order to edit or set new permissions, the profile must have Edit permission.
Profile Permissions Audit Trail: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view Profile Permissions Audit Trail, which is used to track profile permission changes made over a specific timeframe, by specific users, for indicated profiles, etc.
Associate Students with Parents: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and link students to parents. If only the View permission is enabled, the profile users cannot link students to parents.
User Fields: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit User Fields, which is used to set up the categories and user fields that display in the user's record in User Info. If only View is enabled, the profile users cannot create or edit existing user fields.
Curriculum Guides: If enabled, the profile can view and edit Curriculum Guides (Web Pages), which allows administrative users to create web pages that can be shared with and used by teachers.
User Groups: Select the View check box to allow the profile users to view user groups and users in the accessible groups. Select the Edit check box to give profile users the ability to view, create, and edit user groups. This gives users access to the My Groups tab.
User Groups: Assign Groups to Other Users: Select the Edit check box to give profile users the ability to assign user groups to other users. When assigned to other users, the profile users can determine which other users can use their user groups. This permission gives users access to the All Groups tab. If this permission isn't enabled, users will only have access to the All Groups tab if a user group has been assigned to the user.
User Groups: Groups Created By Others: Select the View check box to give profile users the ability to view user groups created by other users. Select the Edit check box to give profile users the ability to view and edit user groups created by other users.
Take Attendance: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Take Attendance screen, which allows administrators to view, track, and take attendance for teachers. If the profile has view only permission, no changes can be made or saved to teachers attendance.
Take Attendance: Do not restrict to the prior days defined for teachers in system preferences attendance tab: If enabled, the profile users can modify attendance after records have been saved.
Reward Positive Behavior: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can award badges to students on behalf of a teacher. Profile users must have the Edit permission to this menu option in their profile in order to award badges to students.
Seating Charts: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can create a seating chart for each class section on behalf of the teacher, which includes students' names, students' pictures, desks, other furniture present in the classroom such as tables, the American flag, and more. In order to create, view, and edit Room Layouts and Seating Charts, profile users must have View and Edit permission. Profile users who have only been assigned permission to View, will only have access to the Shared Charts section.
Post Final Grades: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Post Final Grades screen, which allows administrators to view, track, and post grades for teachers. If the profile has view only permission, no grades can be entered or posted.
Post Standard Grades: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Post Standard Grades screen, which allows administrators to view, track, and post grades for teachers. If the profile has view only permission, no grades can be entered or posted.
Preferences: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Preferences screen, which allows administrators to view teacher preferences. If the profile has view only permission, no changes can be made or saved.
Gradebook: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can view teachers' gradebooks, enter grades, create and edit categories, create and edit assignments, and more. If the profile has View only permission, the profile users cannot enter grades or create and edit data.
Gradebook: Edit Template Category Color: If enabled, the profile users can edit the category color for a teacher Gradebook on the Gradebook Assignments screen.
Gradebook: Show Google Classroom: If enabled, the profile users can connect to and utilize Google Classroom from the Gradebook.
Gradebook Reports: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Gradebook Reports screen, which includes many features for administrators to review student grades displayed in various reports, such as Missing Grades, Failing Grades, etc. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view the reports but cannot enter grades or add comments.
Request Grade Changes: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can request that a report card grade be changed after the grade-posting window has closed on behalf of a teacher. If View is enabled, the profile users can view grade change requests submitted but cannot make any changes.
Next-Year Schedule Requests: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can enter course requests on a teacher's behalf in the Next-Year Schedule Requests (Teacher Programs) screen.
Reauthorization: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can reauthorize students in order to keep them in the current class, flag students when not registered, and mark students as program completers, etc. If View is enabled, the profile users view information but cannot select and apply Course Sections.
Web Pages: If enabled, the profile can review, edit, create, and delete teacher web pages created for parents and students, accessible via the Portal and in the Community App. If View is enabled, the profile users can view web pages but cannot perform any other functions.
Student Schedule: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Student Schedule, which is used to view the student schedule, export or print the schedule, lock sections on the schedule, add sections to the schedule manually or using the Auto-Schedule feature, delete or drop sections from the schedule, and edit section information. If the profile has view only permission, student data will not be editable and sections cannot be added to the schedule.
Student Schedule: Allow User to Delete Sections: If enabled, the profile users have the ability to delete sections from a student's schedule.
Student Schedule: Allow User to Overfill Sections: If enabled, the profile can schedule students into sections that are already full; i.e. overfill sections.
Student Schedule: Allow User to Overfill Rooms: If enabled, the profile users have the ability to add the course overriding the system preference, Dont Allow Over Fill by Room, enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Scheduling.
Student Schedule: Allow User to Schedule Same Section: If enabled, the profile users have the ability to add a section with the same Course and Section number to a students schedule in the same school year.
Student Schedule: Allow User to Override Course Sequence: If enabled, the profile users can add a course to a student's schedule that has a prerequisite that was not completed.
Student Schedule: Restricted Access: If enabled, the profile users will have the ability to schedule students into restricted sections as defined in the Restricted Periods pull-down via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Scheduling.
Student Requests: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can add course requests for students for the next school year. If View only is enabled, the profile users can Include Inactive, view Courses For All Grade Levels, mark requests Approved by Counselor, and mark them as Locked for Students, but cannot add or edit requests.
Mass Add Course: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and mass add course(s) to selected students schedules. If the profile has View only permission, the "Add Course(s) to Selected Students" button will not be available.
Mass Drop Course: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and mass drop course(s) from selected students schedules. If the profile has View only permission, the "Drop Course for Selected Students" button will not be available.
Mass Requests: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit Mass Requests, which is used to mass add course requests to a group of students. If the profile has View only permission, the "Add Request(s) to Selected Students" button doesn't display ensuring users can't add requests; however, view only users can still "Drop Request(s) to Selected Students."
Automatic Course Requests: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and run Automatic Course Requests, which allows the district and individual schools to automatically add course requests to a specific group of students.
Automatic Course Requests: Allow District Access: The ability to run district course requests is controlled by the View permission, which allows district or school users to run district course requests for the schools they have permissions to. The ability to add and edit district course requests is controlled by the Edit permission.
Automatic Course Requests: Allow All Schools Request Run Access: If enabled, the profile will have access to the School Requests tab. The ability to run district course requests for all schools is controlled by the View permission.
Course Progression: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can update schedule records and move students en masse upon failing a course, completing a course, or completing a program.
Waitlist: Select the View check box to allow users assigned to the selected profile to only view the waitlist but not edit the waitlist. Select the View and Edit check boxes to allow users assigned to the selected profile to view and edit the waitlist.
Waitlist: Allow User to Override Prerequisites: Select the Edit check box to allow students to be added to the waitlist even if they havent taken the prerequisites for the course established via Scheduling > Courses & Sections at the Course level.
Waitlist: Allow User to Send Email: Select the Edit check box to allow users assigned to the selected profile to send emails pertaining to the Waitlist.
Waitlist: Allow User to Send SMS: Select the Edit check box to allow users assigned to the selected profile to send SMS pertaining to the Waitlist.
Waitlist: Edit Removal Reasons: Select the Edit check box to allow users assigned to the selected profile to add and edit custom Removal Reasons from the Edit Custom Removal Reasons pop-up window.
Requests Reports: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view Requests Reports, which contains five reports: Requests by Course, Print Requests, Duplicate Requests, Students with too many Requests, and Students with too few Requests.
Requests Reports: Allow User to Dismiss Students on Requests Reports: If enabled, profile users can hide individual students on the report. This may be useful if certain students (such as juniors and seniors) do not need to have requests for all periods.
Builder Reports: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Builder Reports, which are used to determine the changes that need to be made to the master schedule based on student requests.
Loading Reports: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Loading Reports, which allows the scheduling team to review student requests that were scheduled or not scheduled.
Loading Report: Allow User to Dismiss Students on Loading Reports: If enabled, profile users can hide individual students on the report. This may be useful if certain students (such as juniors and seniors) do not need to have all periods scheduled to be considered fully scheduled.
Teacher Next-Year Schedule Request Completion: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Teacher Next-Year Schedule Request Completion report, which is used to view the teachers who have not entered requests for their students for the next school year. Users will have the option to enter course requests on the teacher's behalf if the profile users have permission to View and Edit Next-Year Schedule Requests from the Users tab in Profiles.
Reauthorization Completion: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Reauthorization Completion report, which allows administration to track the teachers who have or havent reauthorized their students for the next quarter. With permission to Reauthorization (Users tab), administrators can also aid teachers in deciding how students will be scheduled during the next billing period in order to help automate the billing process, as well as the scheduling process.
Scheduled Section Hours Errors: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the report, which displays all sections that do not have enough scheduled hours to meet the course hours.
Master Schedule Report: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can review the courses and sections that make up the school's master schedule, as well as edit course and section fields. If the profile has View only permission, the profile can review all courses and sections but cannot edit any fields.
Master Schedule Report: Allow Deleting Sections: If enabled, profile users have the ability to delete sections in the upcoming school year. The ability to delete sections is removed once the new school year has begun, according to the start date of the full year marking period in Setup > Marking Periods. Additionally, the scheduling system preference "Lock Master Schedule Report deletion as of date" can be used to set the date when the ability to delete sections will be removed.
Teacher Schedules Report: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view a list of teachers and their scheduled sections for each period of the school day, make changes to a teacher's schedule directly on the report, as well as pack sections. If the profile has View only permission, the user cannot make changes to the schedule or create packages.
Room Schedules Report: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can review the sections that are scheduled into each room at the school for each period of the school day and change the room and period for a section, if needed. If View only permission is enabled, the profile can review the sections scheduled for each room, but cannot make any changes to the room or period.
Schedule Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can review the report, which includes the number of requests, open seats, and total seats for each course and section, and lists students enrolled in each course and section.
Add / Drop Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view students who have had sections added or dropped from their schedule during the specified time frame.
Students with Inclusion: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can add inclusion sections to students, as well as update Schedule fields for each student for both the inclusion record and schedule record, including the Class Minutes Weekly.
Print Student Schedules: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can print one or more student schedules.
Print Teacher Schedules: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can print one or more teacher schedules.
Print Class Lists: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can print class lists.
Modify Programs: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can view and edit all programs that have been loaded during implementation or added manually from this screen or from Courses & Sections. If the profile has View only permission, the users can review all program data but cannot make any edits.
Course Catalog: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Course Catalog, which provides a comprehensive list of all the courses available to a district. If the profile has View only permission, the profile can view all course data but cannot make any edits.
Courses & Sections: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit Courses & Sections, which is used to set up the subjects/programs, courses, and sections offered at the school. If the profile has View only permission, the users can review all data but cannot make any changes.
Courses & Sections: Edit Subjects: If enabled, the profile can edit subjects in Courses & Sections.
Courses & Sections: Edit Courses: If enabled, the profile can edit courses in Courses & Sections.
Courses & Sections: Edit Sections: If enabled, the profile can edit sections in Courses & Sections.
Courses & Sections: Sections - Restricted Access: If enabled, the profile has the ability to create, view, and edit restricted sections as defined in the Restricted Periods pull-down via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Scheduling, but will not have access to any other sections. Note: If this permission is enabled, users cannot open the Course details pop-up window while viewing Section details or Move Sections to Another Course.
Courses & Sections: Edit Teacher History: If enabled, the profile can edit teacher history via the History tab in Courses & Sections.
Courses & Sections: History Logging Control: If enabled, the profile will have the option to exclude recording changes to a teacher on a section on the History record. If disabled, the profile will not have the option to exclude recording changes. The "Do not log history" option will be hidden in the pop-up window when the teacher is changed on Courses & Sections and the Master Schedule Report.
Courses & Sections: Edit Requests Subject: If enabled, the profile can edit the "Requests Subject" at the course level.
Courses & Sections: Edit Teacher Requestable: If enabled, the profile can edit the "Allow Teachers to Request This Course" field at the course level.
Classes for Sale: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, add, and edit classes that are available for purchase. If the profile has View only permission, the profile can view classes for sale but cannot add or edit data.
Classes for Sale: Optional Add-Ons: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, add, and edit add-ons that are available for purchase. If the profile has View only permission, the profile can view add-ons for sale but cannot add or edit data.
Classes for Sale: Edit Seat Caps: If enabled, the profile user can edit the "Total Seats" field of classes for sale.
Lock Schedules: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and lock or unlock schedules. If the profile can View only permission, the profile users will not have access to the Lock/Unlock Course(s) for Selected Students button.
Teams: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and add, edit, or delete a team. If the profile has View only permission, the profile users cannot add or edit teams.
Lunches: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and add, edit, or delete lunch schedules and lunch rules. If the profile has View only permission, the profile users can view data but cannot add or edit lunches.
Create Packages: If enabled, the profile can create packages; sections are packaged for the purpose of linking the sections together for scheduling.
Elementary Scheduler: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can create rosters for homeroom teachers and schedule students into their packages. If the profile has View only permission, the Optimize and Schedule Students buttons will not be available.
Team Scheduler: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can assign students to teams.
Run Scheduler: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and and run the scheduler, which uses the master schedule and student requests in order to schedule students with the highest percentage of filled requests. If the profile has View only permission, the profile users cannot run the scheduler.
Run Scheduler: Edit Scheduler Priorities: If enabled, the profile can use the Schedule Priorities tab to override priorities established by the scheduler.
Master Schedule Snapshots: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, edit, and create Master Schedule Snapshots, which allows users to restore the master schedule and student schedules from system backups or manually created backups during the scheduling process. If the profile has View only permission, the profiles can view snapshots by cannot create or edit snapshots.
Master Schedule Snapshots: Restore: If enabled, the profile can restore the master schedule and student schedules from system backups or manually created backups during the scheduling process. If disabled, the profile will not have access to the restore button.
Master Schedule Snapshots: Restore after first day of school: If enabled, the profile can restore the master schedule and student schedules after the first day of schools when student schedules are active. This permission should be used with caution.
Master Schedule Builder: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Master Schedule Builder, which is used to create the master schedule for the school based on a number of criteria, including the number of course requests, room sharing, teacher availability, and other rules. The profile must have view and edit permission to access this screen. If the profile has View only permission, the profile users can view all data but cannot make any changes or create new data.
Course Completion Codes: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, create, and edit course completion codes used on students' schedules. If the profile has View only permission, the profile users can view existing codes but cannot create or edit codes.
Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank: If View and/or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank, which displays student final grades, GPA, and ranking earned in a selected marking period, exam, and/or school year.
Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank: View Grade Details: If enabled, the Detailed Report is viewable to profile users.
Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank: View GPA: If enabled, the profile can view student GPAs. If disabled, the GPA section will not display for the selected profile.
Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank: View Weighted GPA: If enabled, the profile can view student weighted GPAs. If disabled, the GPA section will not display the weighted GPA for the selected profile.
Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank: View Gradebook Assignments & Grades: If enabled, the profile users can view details from the Gradebook as it relates to Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank.
Course History: If View and/or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit Course History, which displays the Grade Summary and the Detailed Report, which both includes the student's grades, GPA (if applicable), teachers, courses, credits, etc. in a selected marking period and/or school year.
Course History: View Grade Details: If enabled, the Detailed Report is viewable to profile users.
Course History: View GPA: If enabled, the profile can view student GPAs. If disabled, the GPA section will not display for the selected profile.
Course History: View Weighted GPA: If enabled, the profile can view student weighted GPAs. If disabled, the GPA section will not display the weighted GPA for the selected profile.
Course History: View Gradebook Assignments & Grades: If enabled, the profile users can view details from the Gradebook as it relates to Course History.
Course History: Restricted Access: If enabled, the profile users will be restricted from editing Course History records they did not manually add. Any record not added by the logged-in admin will be grayed out and read-only, preventing modifications.
Progression Plan: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Progression Plan screen, which displays a students progress by grade level to ensure they are meeting the suggested graduation requirements for the assigned plan necessary to graduate. If the profile has View only permission, no edits can be made to students' progression plan.
Report Cards: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and run Report Cards, which allows for previewing, printing, and publishing report cards for a select subset of students defined in the Student Search module.
Report Cards: Edit Template Settings: If disabled, the profile will only have access to the following options on the Report Cards screen: Choose how the report cards should be sorted and/or choose a letterhead template.
Report Cards: Email Report Cards: If enabled, the profile can email generated report cards.
Report Cards: Publish Report Cards: If enabled, the profile can publish generated report cards to student and parent portals.
District Report Cards & Transcripts: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can generate and publish report cards and transcripts at the district level. If the profile has the View only permission, the profile users can view the screen and all applicable tabs but cannot create or edit any data.
District Report Cards & Transcripts: Generate: If enabled, the profile can generate a zip file of PDF report cards/transcripts for one or multiple schools.
District Report Cards & Transcripts: History: If enabled, the profile can see the status and history of PDF generation.
District Report Cards & Transcripts: Publish: If enabled, the profile can publish report cards/transcripts for one or multiple schools to the Parent and/or Student Portal. If a school-based user has this permission, the user would only be able to publish for his or her school.
District Report Cards & Transcripts: Report Cards: If enabled, the profile can generate/publish report cards.
District Report Cards & Transcripts: Standard Report Cards: If enabled, the profile can generate/publish standard report cards.
District Report Cards & Transcripts: Transcripts: If enabled, the profile can generate/publish transcripts.
District Report Cards & Transcripts: IEP Progress Reporting: If enabled, the profile can publish IEP progress monitoring reports.
CTE Report Cards: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and run CTE Report Cards, which allows for previewing, printing, and publishing report cards for a select subset of students defined in the Student Search module.
Transcripts: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, edit, and generate transcripts. If the profile has View permissions only, transcript options may be predetermined via the district's ability to Save Settings as Default.
Approve Grade Changes: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Approve Grade Changes screen, which allows administrators to approve teacher requests to have report card grades changed after the grade-posting window has closed. If the profile has View only permission, the profile users can view grades changes but cannot approve or deny grade change requests.
Lesson Templates: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can create lesson templates, as well as preview, edit, and duplicate templates. If the profile has View only permission, users can preview templates but cannot create, edit, or duplicate templates.
Lesson Templates: School: If enabled, the profile users have access to the School tab and school-level lesson templates.
Lesson Templates: District: If enabled, the profile users have access to the District tab and district-level lesson templates.
Shared Courses: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile users have the ability to copy data from their own curriculum guides/web pages as well as share them with other users/teachers, or copy data from curriculum guides/web pages shared by other users.
Teacher Completion: If enabled, the profile can view the Teacher Completion report, which is used to view the teachers who have not yet posted final grades or standard grades for the marking period. If the profile users also have access to Users tab > Post Final Grades and Users tab > Post Standard Grades, the users will have access to posting grades on behalf of the teachers.
Lesson Planning Teacher Completion: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can access the Not Submitted tab to determine the teachers who have not submitted a lesson for any day during the week; users will also have access to the Not Reviewed tab, which displays lesson plans that have not been marked as Reviewed whenever new lessons are added to a lesson plan. Users also have access to the Reviewed tab to view lesson that have been marked as Reviewed.
Print Grades Verification Sheets: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and run Print Grades Verification Sheets, which is used to compare teachers' gradebook grades for a marking period to their posted final grades.
Honor Roll: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Honor Roll report, which displays students who have earned placement on the honor roll (A and B grades) for the marking period.
Grade Breakdown: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Grade Breakdown report, which is used to view how many and what percent of each letter grade has been assigned by the teacher or is currently in the Gradebook.
Missing Final Grades: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Missing Final Grades report, which displays students who have missing final grades for a specific marking period.
Student Final Grades: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Student Final Grades report, which is used to review the final grades posted for students for a specific marking period.
Print Progression Plans: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and Print Progression Plans for one or multiple students.
Teacher Gradebook Usage: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Teacher Gradebook Usage report, which allows administrators to review how teachers are using the Gradebook.
Graduation Requirements Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and print the Graduation Requirements Report, which provides an overview of student progress towards satisfying the graduation requirements set up in the student's assigned graduation program.
Calculate GPA: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Calculate GPA screen, which is used to generate a GPA and class rank for students at one or multiple schools. The GPA and class rank calculation will overwrite any existing records. If the profile has view permission only, the profile will not be able to select schools for which to calculate GPAs.
Pull Grades for Report Cards: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can run Pull Grades for Report Cards, which is used by the district or school to post final grades using grades in teacher gradebooks.
Pull Grades for Report Cards: Override Marking Period Restrictions: If enabled, the profile has access to the option "Override Marking Period End-Date Restrictions," which allows the user to pull grades without being limited by the marking period grade posting end date.
Pull Grades for Report Cards: Override Report Card Codes: If enabled, the profile has access to the field "Report Card Code," which allows the user to override the system preference "Report Card Code" when it is set to "Percent and letter grade," and pull grades using the letter grade only.
Average Pass/Fail Grades: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Average Pass/Fail Grades screen, which contains two tabs, Combine Semesters into Full Year and Split Full Year into Semesters.
Grading Scales & Comments: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Grading Scales & Comments screen, which is used to create the grading scales for the school, as well as set up the report card comments teachers can use to post short comments or pull-down comments for report cards. If the profile has View only permission, the profile users can view existing scales and comments but cannot create, edit, or delete data.
Graduation Requirements: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Graduation Requirements screen, which allows administrators to set graduation criteria for a student cohort by defining graduation subjects, setting up graduation programs, and assigning students to a specific graduation program. If the profile has View only permission, the profile user can view graduation requirements but cannot add or edit data. However, users can delete District Graduation Programs and Requirements.
Graduation Requirements: View District Tab: If enabled, the profile users have access to the District Graduation Programs and Requirements tab.
Progression Plan: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Progression Plan (Setup) screen, which is used to set up progression plans for programs at specific schools, or to set up district-wide progression plans. If the profile has View only permission, the profile users can view data but cannot add or edit data.
Honor Roll Setup: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can set up the criteria for earning honor roll for the school. Multiple types of honor roll can be set up with different criteria. If the profile has View only permission, the profile users can view data only.
Resource Browser: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can search for uploaded resources from other users' Web Pages.
Curriculum Components: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, add, and edit Curriculum Components, which allows administration to define the types of information that must be included on units and lessons in a course plan. If the profile has View only permission, the profile users can view and edit components but cannot add components.
Curriculum Guides: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit Curriculum Guides, which is used to create curriculum guides in order to assign them to specific courses. If the profile has View only permission, profile users can only view data.
Teacher Lesson Plans: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view Teacher Lesson Plans, which provides school and district staff the ability to review and provide feedback on teacher lesson plans.
Teacher Instruction Groups: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit Teacher Instruction Groups, which provides teachers an easy way to organize students into groups to rotate to various stations or activities for an allotted time. Administrators also have the ability to view and set up teacher instruction groups.
Lesson Plan/Curriculum Guide Detail Report: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Lesson Plan/Curriculum Guide Detail Report, which provides a list of all curriculum guides and teacher course plans in the system. From this report, users can preview and print curriculum guides or teacher course plans and edit certain content directly in the report.
Standard Grades Report Cards: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can generate report cards including the items in which to include on the Standard Grades Report Grades. If the profile has View only permission, the users will not be able to select which items to include on standard grades report cards.
Standard Grades Report Cards: Edit Template Settings: If enabled, the profile can view and edit the report card settings, and save the settings as the default for a letterhead template. When this permission is disabled, the profile cannot view and edit the report card settings, and can only select the letterhead template to use.
Standard Grades Report Cards: Publish Report Cards: If enabled, the profile users can publish generated report cards to the student and parent portals.
Test History: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit Test History, which allows for tracking students performance on various types of standardized tests.
Test History Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Test History Report, which tracks the name, date of administration, school year, grade level, and scores earned on every test logged in Focus.
View Standard Grades: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can add, edit, or delete standard grades from this screen, which is used to view the posted standard grades for a student in a particular marking period.
Standard Grades Summary: If View or View and Edit are enabled, profile users can view the report, which displays a report of students' standard grades for a selected course.
Failed Standards: If View or View and Edit are enabled, profile users can view the report, which displays a list of students who have failed at least one standard along with a summary of the student's posted standard grades for the selected marking period.
State Performance Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the State Performance Report, which allows administrators to analyze student performance on state and local standardized tests.
At Risk Students: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the At Risk Students report, which displays the State Performance Report for students who are considered at-risk by the state of Florida (students who scored a level 1 or 2 on both the Math and ELA FSA test in 8th grade).
Leading Indicator Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Leading Indicator Report, which is used to compare test data typically from a local assessment to a historic state assessment.
College Readiness Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the College Readiness Report, which provides college readiness data on selected students.
School Status Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the School Status Report, which is used to review student proficiency, learning gains, and changes in achievement levels on the most recent administration of a state assessment.
Test History Breakdown: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Test History Breakdown report, which provides a graphical view of student performance on a test over three years.
Assessment Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Assessment Report screen, and create and save custom assessment reports.
Assessment Report: Publish Reports: If enabled, the profile can share saved reports with other profiles and schools.
Assessment Report: Delete Other Users' Reports: If enabled, the profile can delete other users' saved reports.
FAST Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the FAST Report screen which includes detailed insights into student progress in either ELA or Math.
FAST Report: Lunch Status: Select the View check box to allow profile users to select and view Lunch Status details for students.
Standards: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, add, edit, and delete Standards, which is used to set up standards in Focus. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view standards but cannot add, edit, or delete data.
Assign Standards to Courses: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can assign the standards that were set up in the Standards screen to courses.
Post Default Standard Grades: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can Post Default Standard Grades, which is used to post standard grades en masse before teachers post standard grades.
Standardized Tests: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, add, edit, and delete from the Standardized Tests screen, which is used to set up the parameters of a district's standardized tests, including each test part and its corresponding score type. If the profile has View only permission, the users will not be able to add, edit, or delete score types.
EWS Indicators: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, add, edit, and delete EWS indicator criteria for use on the Assessment Report.
District Assessments: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can assign assessments to students. If the profile has View only permission, the users can search for and view activities but will not have access to assessments.
District Assessments: Show All Assessments: If enabled, the profile can access all district assessments.
District Assessments: Assign: If enabled, the profile has access to the Assign tab where users can assign assessments to students.
District Assessments: Bubble Sheets: If enabled, the profile has access to the Bubble Sheets tab where users can print bubble sheets for assessments.
District Assessments: Scaling: If enabled, the profile can access the Scaling tab, which allows users to set and review scales in place for assessment grades--scales appropriately impact grades within the designated ranges.
District Assessments: Reports: If enabled, the profile can access several assessment reports available to review student performance. There are Classroom Reports, Individual Reports, and District Reports.
District Assessments: Options: If enabled, the profile can access the Options tab, which allows administrators to push assessment scores to each student's Test History.
District Assessments: Re-score Assessment: If enabled, the profile can re-score assessments if an item has been changed or removed from the assessment.
District Assessments: Discard: If enabled, the profile has the ability to discard a student's attempt at the assessment.
District Assessments: Answer Key: If enabled, the profile has access to the Answer Key tab is used to set options for answer key only assessments.
District Assessments: Reopen Test: If enabled, the profile can access the Reopen Test column from the Assign tab. It will display a Reopen Test button for students who have completed the assessment, as long as the assessment timeframe is still open. When clicked, it will reopen the existing assessment for that student.
Create Assessments: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can set up assessments, or as it is also called on this screen, activities.
Create Assessments: Share Assessment: If enabled, the profile can share an activity (assessment) with other teachers, administrators, and specific users at the school.
Create Assessments: Hide Source Tab: If enabled, the profile will not see the Source tab on the Create Assessments screen.
Create Assessments: View Standards Item Bank: If enabled, the profile has access to the Standards bank. The Standards bank contains thousands of items that have already been set up and are ready to use on assessments.
Create Questions: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can create questions that can be included on assessments students will complete in Focus, printed assessments, or assessments with bubble sheets.
Create Questions: Share Question: If enabled, the profile can share an item with other administrators, teachers, and specific users at the school.
Bubble Sheets: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can mass upload bubble sheets without having to select the assessment.
FAS Tests: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit FAS Tests, which houses all tests created and published by all users via Focus's LMS (Learning Management System).
FAS Tests: View District Tests: If enabled, the profile can view and edit (depending on FAS Tests permission) district tests.
FAS Tests: Show Student Answers: If enabled, the profile can view and edit (depending on FAS Tests permission) the Show Student Answers tab.
FAS Tests: Show Analyze Test: If enabled, the profile can view and edit (depending on FAS Tests permission) the Show Analyze Test tab.
FAS Tests: Show District Report: If enabled, the profile can view and edit (depending on FAS Tests permission) the Show District Report tab.
FAS Tests: Show School Report: If enabled, the profile can view and edit (depending on FAS Tests permission) the Show School Report tab.
FAS Tests: Show Test Report: If enabled, the profile can view and edit (depending on FAS Tests permission) the Show Test Report tab.
View Test Assignments: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and delete test assignments for select tests.
Analyze Test: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Analyze Test screen, which is used to graph select tests statistics.
Create Test: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, create, and edit tests.
Create Test: Create District Tests: If enabled, the profile users can create a District Test available in the Options tab, which shares the test with all administrative users.
Create Adaptive Test: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, create, and edit adaptive tests.
Create Questions: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, edit, and create test questions.
Edit Passages: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, edit, and create passages for tests set up via the Create Questions screen.
Scan Bubble Sheets: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can Scan Bubble Sheets for test results.
Adaptive Test Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can run the Adaptive Test Report.
Standard Test Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can run the Standard Test Report.
Learners Proficient Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can run the Learners Proficient Report.
Incomplete Tests: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can run the Incomplete Tests report.
Administration: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Administration report, which allows users to review and evaluate attendance records by one or more attendance codes and make any changes. If the profile has View only permission, users can view the report but cannot edit attendance records.
Administration: Approve Excuse Notes: If View is enabled, the profile can assign and edit the excuse note approval status.
Late Check In / Early Release: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view a report of students checked in or out in the attendance mode or the logging field mode through the kiosk or mobile app, as well as manually checked in or check out. If the profile has View only permission, users can review the report but cannot manually check in or check out students or make any changes to attendance records.
Late Check In/Early Release: Approve Excuse Notes: If View is enabled, the profile can assign and edit the excuse note approval status.
Add Absences: If enabled, the profile can to add or change attendance for one or multiple students throughout the attendance module.
Attendance Chart: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Attendance Chart, which makes it possible to review and edit students attendance records. If the profile has View only permission, users can view the report but cannot edit attendance records.
Attendance Calendar: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view attendance data and edit attendance codes for scheduled periods. When View is enabled, users can also access the Attendance Calendar from both the Attendance Chart and the Absence Summary screens. If the profile has View only permission, users cannot edit attendance codes.
Attended Hours Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Attended Hours Report, which includes students' hours scheduled, hours attended, and hourly attendance percentage broken down by program and section, as well as a specified timeframe.
Absence Summary: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Absence Summary, which allows users to review school-wide attendance information over a specified date range. When viewing the Absence Summary per student, you can edit attendance records. If the profile has View only permission, users cannot add a Comment, or edit attendance data.
Absence Summary: Approve Excuse Notes: If enabled, Portal alerts will display for administrative users when excused attendance notes are added by other users, such as parents or teachers. This permission also gives profile users the ability to select the Note Status of the excuse note.
Perfect/Excessive Attendance: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Perfect/Excessive Attendance report, which includes three Attendance Reports on one screen: the Perfect Attendance Report, the Excessive Absences Report, and the Skip Report.
Absences by Course and Student: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Absences by Course and Student, which shows a total number of absences, sorted by either students or courses, and the calculated percentage of total absences per class days for the given timeframe.
Print Absence Summary: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can print absence summaries, which is data generated in the Absence Summary Report to be distributed as letters or as emails.
Average Daily Attendance: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Average Daily Attendance screen, which is used to examine daily attendance by date and to view the average number of students attending by day.
Average Attendance by Day: If View or View and Edit ate enabled, the profile can view the Average Attendance by Day report, which displays absence data within a timeframe on a day-by-day and grade-by-grade basis.
Teacher Completion: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Teacher Completion report, which allows administrators to track teachers attendance status on any day, and includes options to view the teachers who took attendance late. Profile users can edit teachers' attendance records as a result of this report if users have permission to Take Attendance from the Users tab.
Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can print verification sheets and sub rosters, which can be a great asset for auditing purposes and state reporting.
Check In/Check Out: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Check In/Check Out report, which displays the time in and time out stamps from the Attendance Scanner App.
No Show/Low Attendance: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the No Show/Low Attendance report, which displays students (active or inactive) who have no attended hours for their respective classes.
Attendance Bulletin: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Attendance Bulletin screen, which displays attendance data by the Report date and school.
Attendance Setup: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Attendance Setup screen, which is used to set up attendance codes for the school, assign substitute teachers to sections so they can take attendance, and recalculate daily attendance. If the profile has view only permission, the users will been able to view select data but will not be able to edit any data; the data displayed is based on the additional view settings below.
Attendance Setup: View Attendance Codes: If enabled, the profile can view the Codes tab, but cannot edit data.
Attendance Setup: Manage Attendance Codes: If enabled, the profile can view and edit attendance codes and attendance categories via the Codes tab.
Attendance Setup: View Substitutes: If enabled, the profile can view the Subs tab, but cannot edit data.
Attendance Setup: Manage Substitutes: If enabled, the profile can view and edit substitute data via the Subs tab.
Attendance Setup: Recalculate Daily Attendance: If enabled, the profile can view and edit the Recalculate Daily Attendance tab, which is used to recalculate the daily attendance code for select schools or all schools for select students.
Attendance Setup: Recalculate Minutes: If enabled, the profile can view and edit the Recalculate Minutes tab, which is used to recalculate the attendance present and absence minutes for each attendance period record, as well as the present and absence minutes for the attendance day.
Attendance Setup: Attendance Thresholds: If enabled, the profile can view and edit Attendance Thresholds, which is used to create rules to generate detentions and/or generate communications based on the number of instances of a specified attendance code met by students.
Attendance Setup: Reason Codes: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can use the Reasons tab to create, edit, and delete reasons that will display on the Late Check In / Early Release report for selection when manual entries are created for students. Note: Profile users must have View and Edit permission in order to view or edit reasons.
Attendance Setup: Recalculate Hours: If enabled, the profile can view and edit the Recalculate Hours tab (Focus Post Secondary only), which is used to updates the ATTENDED_HOURS value to the number of hours that the student attended on each section he/she is enrolled. Note: This function runs the Attendance Hours scheduled job.
Attendance Setup: View Hours Override: If enabled, the profile can view the Hours Override tab (Focus Post Secondary only) but cannot edit data.
Attendance Setup: Manage Hours Override: If enabled, the profile can view and edit the Hours Override tab (Focus Post Secondary only), which gives users the ability to override the daily class hours for a section.
Add Referral: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Add Referral screen, which is used to add a discipline referral for a student.
Add Referral: View Administrator Fields: This permission defaults to enabled when the profile has View and Edit permissions for Add Referral. When this permission is disabled, the Add Referral screen functions as it does for teachers, with the administrator fields removed.
Referrals: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Referrals screen, which is used to view referrals submitted by teachers or administrators. From this screen, administrators can process referrals, add victim entries, add action entries, merge referrals, duplicate referrals, view student documentation, print discipline letters, and delete referrals.
Referrals: View Referrals From Other Schools: If enabled, the profile can search for and view referrals for students enrolled in other schools.
Referrals: Edit Referrals From Other Schools: If enabled, the profile can search for, view, and edit referrals for students enrolled in other schools.
Referrals: View Referrals From All Years: If enabled, profile users can select to view referrals from All Years.
Referrals: View Referrals For Inactive Students: If enabled, profile users can select to view inactive students in the listed referrals using the Include Inactive check box.
Referrals: Allow Merge of Referrals: If enabled, the profile can merge referrals together.
Referrals: Send Back Referrals: If enabled, the profile can send referrals back to the user that submitted the referral for corrections, review, or reconsideration.
Referrals: Delete a Referral: If enabled, the profile can delete a referral by clicking the minus sign next to the referral in the referrals list or by clicking the Delete this referral button when viewing a referral.
Referrals: Print Letters: If enabled, the profile can select a discipline letter to generate and print.
Add a Discipline Incident: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Add a Discipline Incident screen, which is used to enter a discipline incident into the system instead of doing so from the discipline referral for SESIR codes.
Discipline Incidents: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, edit, delete, discipline incidents, as well as add referrals and unlink referrals from a discipline incident.
Discipline Incidents: View All Schools: If enabled, the profile users can select to View All Schools to include incidents in all schools in the report.
Discipline Incidents: Delete an Incident: If enabled, the profile users can delete discipline incidents.
Detention List: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit detentions created via the tardy tracking functionality, as well as other non-tardy detentions. The profile can view completed detentions and mark detentions as completed. If the profile has View only permission, the profile cannot mark detentions as completed.
Detention List: Add Detention: If enabled, the profile can click the "Add Detention" button to add a detention for a student.
Positive Behavior Awards: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and award badges to students via Positive Behaviors, which allows teachers and administrators to use positive reinforcement strategies to reward good student behavior. If the profile has View only permission, the profile users can view positive behaviors but cannot award or edit behaviors.
Students with Referrals: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view Students with Referrals, which displays students with a particular number of referrals in the selected timeframe.
Category Breakdown: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Category Breakdown report, which displays graphs based on fields on the Referral form.
Referral Log: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Referral Log, which summarizes the discipline history of a student and is used primarily for official meetings such as Manifestations or court hearings.
Positive Behaviors: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and set up the badges or badge types. If the profile has View only permission, the profile users cannot add, edit, or delete badges.
Positive Behaviors: Edit District-wide badges: If enabled, the District-Wide column displays so users can enable the badge to be used at all district schools.
Referral Fields: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can set up the fields that display on the referral form when adding a discipline referral for a student. If the profile has View only permission, users can view fields and categories but cannot view details or make edits.
Incident Fields: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, create, edit, and delete incident fields. If the profile has View only permission, users can view incident categories and fields but cannot view details or create, edit, or delete incident fields.
Referral Codes & Actions: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit Referral Codes & Actions, which allows the district to limit the actions that can be assigned for each discipline code. If the profile has View only permission, users can view codes and actions but cannot edit or delete data; users will alos have access to Teacher Codes with limited editing capabilities.
District Specific Forms: The forms listed vary depending on the forms created for use via Form Builder. Permission is set up in Form Builder and here on the Profiles screen. If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the form(s). If the profile has View only permission, the user's permission depends on permissions set up in Form Builder.
Forms: Delete: If enabled, the profile can delete submitted forms in the History tab of the form.
Forms: View all history: If enabled, the profile can view all forms submitted at their school using the "Show All" check box in the History tab of the form.
Forms: View all history direct links: If enabled, the profile can view and edit requests made by anyone via the direct link to the form.
Forms: Allow subs to approve own requests: If enabled, designated substitutes can approve their own submitted requests/forms.
Student Billing: If enabled, the profile can access and utilize Student Billing and the Sale tab where users can record the sale of an item to a student and print invoices as well as process payments.
Student Billing: Edit Invoices: If enabled, the profile can create, modify, and manage Invoices within the Student Billing module. This includes adding items to invoices, updating details, and ensuring accurate records for student charges.
Student Billing: Edit Payments: If enabled, the profile can record, modify, and manage Payments within the Student Billing module. This includes processing payments, adjusting payment details, and resolving discrepancies related to student transactions.
Student Billing: Add New Customers: If enabled, profile users can add new customers from the Sales tab using the Add New Customer (green plus sign) button.
Student Billing: Process Customer Credit: If enabled, the profile users can process Customer credit as a payment type.
Student Billing: Process Funding Source Credit: If enabled, the profile users can process Funding source credit as a payment type.
Student Billing: Process Waiver Payments: If enabled, the profile can apply waivers as payments towards balances in the Payments section of the Student Billing screen and/or the Point of Sale screen in ERP. Applying this Waiver Payment type will reverse the journals to offset the original invoice amount, aligning with the process for funding source deferral. This profile permission displays when the "Enable Waiver Payments" setting is enabled via Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable tab.
Student Billing: Process Credit Card: If enabled, the profile users can process credit cards as a payment type.
Student Billing: View All Users: If enabled, profile users can view transaction history for all users.
Student Billing: Reduce Deferrals on Sales Screen: If enabled, profile users can reduce deferrals on the Sales tab.
Student Billing: Modify Finalized Deferrals: If enabled, profile users can edit deferrals even after they have been finalized.
Student Billing: Void Transactions: If enabled, profile users can void transactions from the Transaction History tab.
Student Billing: Void Only Same-Day Transactions: If enabled, profile users can void same-day transactions only.
Student Billing: Manual Void Date: If enabled, profile users can enter any void date; when not enabled, the void date defaults to the current date.
Student Billing: Void Refunds: If enabled, profile users can void refunds.
Student Billing: Refund Transactions: If enabled, the profile users can grant refunds.
Student Billing: Delete Transactions: If enabled, the profile users can delete transactions and can click "Delete Invoices" from the student schedule.
Student Billing: Delete Only Own Transactions: If enabled, the profile users can delete only their own transactions. When enabled, users is restricted from deleting transactions created by other users.
Student Billing: Cancel Transactions: If enabled, the profile users can cancel transactions.
Student Billing: Allow Cash Refund: If enabled, the profile users can perform refunds for "Cash" payment types.
Student Billing: Allow Other Refund: If enabled, the profile users can perform refunds for "Other" payment types.
Student Billing: Allow Other (Credit Card) Refund: If enabled, the profile users can perform refunds for "Other (Credit Card)" payment types.
Student Billing: Allow Other (Check) Refund: If enabled, the profile users can perform refunds for "Other (Check)" payment types.
Student Billing: Allow Manual Payment Dates: If enabled, the profile users can enter any payment date needed; if disabled, payment dates default to the current date.
Student Billing: Allow Manual Refund Dates: If enabled, the profile users can enter any refund date needed; if disabled, refund dates default to the current date.
Student Billing: Allow Price Changes: If enabled, profile users can edit the Price of items.
Student Billing: Allow Revenue Refunds: If enabled, profile users can process "Revenue Refunds."
Student Billing: Migrate Transactions: If enabled, the profile has access to the Migrate Transactions tab where users can transfer invoices and/or non-POS receipts from one customer to another.
Student Billing: Payment Plans: If enabled, the profile can access the Payment Plans tab where users can create payment plans.
Student Billing: Expanded Customer Ledger: If enabled, profile users can view the Expanded Customer Ledger, which displays the Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Facility, Invoice Amount, Outstanding Balance, Transaction Number, Payment Date, Item, Course, Payment Amount, and Payment Method. If disabled, the profile users will only have access to the Simplified Ledger.
Mass Invoice Students: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can bill students for selected products from the Product List. If the profile has View only permission, users can view the screen but cannot click the Bill button in order to invoice students.
Product List: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, create, and edit internal products. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view internal products but cannot make edits.
Product List: District Products: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit District Products. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view district products but cannot make edits.
Billing Categories: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can create Billing Categories, which allows schools to establish their own chart of accounts.
Automatic Invoices: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can create and process Automatic Invoices from the School Invoices tab to configure an automated billing process. If the profile has View only permission, users cannot access School Invoices.
Automatic Invoices: Run All Schools: If enabled, the profile users can run a request for all schools or the current school. Without this permission, users can only run requests for the current school.
Automatic Invoices: District Invoices: If View and Edit are enabled, profile users can view, create, edit, and delete District Invoices. If the profile has View only permission, district invoices are viewable and can be run, but cannot be edited or created.
Invoice Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the report, which displays the invoices pertaining to the specified search criteria.
Receipt Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the report, which displays information pertaining to receipts generated via the Student Billing and the Purchase & Pay screens.
Receivables Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the report, which is used to view unpaid invoices. It can be pulled based on the facility, student, date range, and more.
Product List Inventory Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the report, which is used to view and manage detailed product inventory data. It enables users to track product quantities, school-specific data, and invoice dates.
Cashout Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the report, which is used to view all cashouts.
Cashout Report: View All Cashouts: If enabled, the profile can view all cashouts including those created by other users.
Funding Source Report: If enabled, the profile can view the report, which includes three different types of reports: Overview, General Report, and Invoice.
1098-T Report: If enabled, the profile can view the report, which is an Accounts Receivable tool used to review all processed 1098-Ts.
Expenditure/Revenue Report: If enabled, the profile users can view the report, which displays budget information and all committed, encumbered, and expended monies for all the Expense, Revenue, and Internal Accounts.
Automatic Payments Reports: If enabled, the profile users can access and review reports on invoices that have been paid automatically through the AutoPay feature.
Before/After Care Tax Statement: If enabled, the profile users can generate and view tax statements that include transactions for products or fees marked as 1098T eligible, making it easier to track tax-related payments for before/after care services.
Cashout: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can perform cashouts, which allows cashiers to reconcile transactions that have occurred using Point of Sale for Student Billing with actual monies in the cashiers drawer.
Cashout: Void Cashout: If enabled, profile users can void cashouts including cashouts displayed on the Cashout Report.
Store Setup: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can set up the categories of the courses, sections, and sessions that will be available for parents and students to purchase online.
Cost Tier Setup: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can define additional tiers so students are not limited to the three Cost Tiers (Resident, Non-resident and Free/Reduced Lunch, based on system preferences). If the profile has View only permission, the users can view and delete cost tiers and requirement queries but cannot add or edit data.
Warehouse Catalog: If enabled, profile users can access the Warehouse Catalog, which is used to set up and view Warehouse items, as well as generate the Catalog Report.
Warehouse Catalog: Manage Catalog: If enabled, the profile can add and edit catalog items in the Warehouse.
Inventory Adjustments: If enabled, the profile can access the Inventory Adjustments screen, which allows for the addition or removal of inventory from the Warehouse.
Cash Drawer Setup: If enabled, the profile can access the Cash Drawer Setup screen, which allows you to establish the titles and beginning balances for each drawer that will be utilized via Point of Sale.
Accounting Strips: If enabled, the profile users can access Accounting Strips, which allows users to set up users' permission to specific accounts, which can be broken down by elements and modules.
Manage Fee Templates: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can set up fees for use in multiple programs and/or courses. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view Fee Templates and Selected Template details but cannot make any edits.
Manage District Fee Templates: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view District Fee Templates and Selected Template details. The ability to create and edit are defined by the permissions below.
Manage District Fee Templates: Create District Templates: If enabled, profile users can create district templates.
Manage District Fee Templates: Update District Templates: If enabled, profile users can edit and delete district templates.
Manage Individual Fees: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can add or edit individual fees by program, course, or section. If the profile has View only permission, users can view fees but cannot edit fee templates.
Manage Limited Fees: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can create, edit, and delete annual fees, one time fees, and additional fees.
Manage Discounts: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile users can create a Discount Code with a specific percentage, description, start date, and end date to determine when the coupon can be applied at check out using Purchase & Pay, Student Billing > Sales, and ERP > Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale. If the profile has View only permission, users can view created discounts but cannot edit information. This permission displays when the system preference, "Enable Discounts in Purchase & Pay" is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > Billing tab.
Mass Invoice from Schedule: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can bill students en masse by course, section, etc. If the profile has View only permission, the users cannot click Bill in order to invoice students.
Mass Invoice from Product List: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can mass bill students for selected products from the Product List. If the profile has View only permission, the users cannot click Bill in order to invoice students.
Mass Delete Unpaid Invoices: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can mass delete unpaid invoices from this screen.
Mass Assign Payments: If enabled, the profile users can apply payments in bulk to student invoices, edit payment amounts and types, and process payments.
Quote Course: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can generate and print a quote based on a selected Course, Semester, Quarter, Progress Period, and more.
Fee Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view reports based on course fees, program fees, section fees, or general fees.
Print 1098-T's: If enabled, profile users can generate annual 1098-T forms and ensure applicable fees, tuition, and funding sources are indicated.
Funding Sources: If enabled, the profile can access the Create Invoice tab, the Receive Payment tab, and the Outside Disbursements tab, which allows users to view invoices, receive and reprint payments, and view Outside Disbursements. The ability to create and edit information depends on the permission listed below.
Funding Sources: Allow Waiving Deferrals: If enabled, the profile can click Waive Deferral to waives deferrals from the Receive Payment tab.
Funding Sources: Allow Canceling Multiple Invoice Lines: If enabled, the profile can click Cancel Invoice Lines to cancel multiple invoice lines at once from the Receive Payment tab.
Funding Sources: Allow Reducing Multiple Deferrals: If enabled, the profile can click Reduce Deferrals to reduce multiple deferrals at once from the Receive Payment tab.
Funding Sources: Create and Edit Funding Source Invoices: If enabled, the profile can access the Create Invoice tab in order to create and edit funding source invoices. This permission also gives users the ability to access the Outside Disbursements tab, which users to record instances of outside disbursements including the customer, funding sources, disbursement amount, and date.
Funding Sources: Allow Adding Outside Overage Checks: If enabled, the profile can access the Outside Overage Checks tab in order to record instances of outside overage checks including the customer, funding sources, and check information.
Funding Sources: View Funding Source Setup: If enabled, the profile can access the Funding Sources tab, which allows users to set up funding sources including names, vouchers, financial aid codes, accounting strips, and more.
Extended Day Credit: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can apply credit to all the students who had active schedule records in Before/ After Care programs during the time of the school closure, such as a hurricane day. If the profile has View only permission, users cannot disable the Dry run check box ensuring that these users cannot actually issue credit.
Purchased Add-Ons: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can review add-ons purchased by parents and/or students via Purchase & Pay.
FA Worksheet: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can create FA Worksheets for students, which provides a tool for financial aid administrators to map out student award amounts, determine the unmet financial need, and set estimated payments. If the profile has View only permission, users can view worksheets but cannot create or edit worksheets.
FA Worksheet: FISAP Income: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and modify student and parent income details displayed on the FA Worksheet, essential for completing FISAP (Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate) reporting requirements. If the profile has View only permission, users can view the FISAP income details but cannot make changes to the information.
Return to Title IV: If View and Edit are enabled, profile users can create, view, and edit Return to Title IV worksheet to assist Financial Aid users in calculating the amount to return to G5. If the profile has View only permission, users can view worksheets but cannot create or edit data.
Consecutive Absences: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Consecutive Absences report, which displays students who meet set up criteria in order to track students who have a specific number of consecutive absences.
Pay Period 2 Students: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the report, which is created based on the financial aid alerts set up and students' FA worksheets to inform users when a student is at the end of their first pay period according to the hours they have attended class or the hours they were scheduled to attended class.
SAP Minimum Requirements: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access the report, which pulls students who have fallen below the minimum requirements set for GPA, gradebook grades, attended percentage, course attended hours, payment period remaining percentage, etc.
Student Academic Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Student Academic Report, which provides information regarding students academic progress, such as program and course hours attended and the percentage of the program completed.
COE: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the COE report, which displays post secondary program statistics per program, such as Total Completers, Total Completers Employed in Position Related to Field of interest, Withdrawals, and more.
IPEDS: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) report, which provides schools with access to the data requested by DOE on enrollment, program completions, graduation rates, and financial aid.
Financial Aid Alerts: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can define specific alerts that impact students' financial aid, such as consecutive absences. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view established alerts but cannot add, edit, or delete data.
Student Screen: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view, add, or delete activities from a student's record. If the profile has View only permission, users can view existing activities but cannot add or delete activities.
Add Activity: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can add students to a selected activity. If the profile has View only permission, users cannot click Add Activity to Selected Students in order to perform any actions.
Student List: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can generate and view the report, which displays students who are ineligible to participate in activities.
Activities: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can set up Activities for after-school programs such as football, cheerleading, band, science club, service clubs, and other sports. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view existing Activities but cannot add, edit, or delete data.
Employee Self Service
Profile permissions set here may vary or be overridden based on permissions set via Permission Type: Employee Fields > Role: Admin; for more information on editing employee fields, see Viewing and Editing Student, User, and Employee Field Permissions or Profiles and Permissions for ESS.
My Information: If View permission is enabled, the profile can view My Information, which displays the employee's address, demographic, educational data, etc. If Edit permission is enabled, users can edit custom fields when said fields have been enabled for editing permission at the field level.
View/Edit Timecards: If View permission is enabled, the profile can view their timecards and request changes to their timecards.
Employee Requests: If View permission is enabled, the profile can request changes to their information such as Legal Name change, Address change, W4 Information change, as well as request Leave, and more.
Leave History: If View permission is enabled, the profile can review leave balances, earned leave, pending leave, leave history, and more.
Benefits: If View permission is enabled, the profile can review, update, and select from available benefit plans offered by the district.
View Pay History: If View permission is enabled, the profile can review a complete history of pay.
View Pay History: View/Print Pay Stubs: If enabled, the profile can view and print pay stubs.
Purchase & Pay: If View permission is enabled, the profile can search for and purchase items as well as make donations.
Purchase & Pay: Use Customer Credit When Available: If enabled, the profile users can use customer credit as a form of payment when purchasing items.
Purchase & Pay: Allow Same-Day Cancellation of Payment: If enabled, profile users can cancel same day transactions.
Customer Ledger: If View permission is enabled, the profile can review the Customer Ledger, which displays payment history including customer information, outstanding balances, and a list of all transactions.
Customer Ledger: Simple Customer Ledger: If enabled, the profile will only have access to view the Simple Customer Ledger, which includes the following columns: ransaction Date, Transaction Number, Invoice Number, Receipt Number, Transaction Type, Course, Charges, Credits, Deferred, and Balance. If disable, users will have acces to the expanded customer ledger, which includes more payment details.
Employee Tax Forms: If View permission is enabled, the profile can view the employees tax forms.
Employee Tax Forms: View/Print Employee Tax Forms: If enabled, the profile can view and print the employees tax forms.
Employee Agreements: If View permission is enabled, the profile can review and sign employment agreements created by the district.
Stipends: If View permission is enabled, the profile can view, create, and edit Stipends, which looks to the assigned jobs a user has in order to display options based on that information for billable hours that fall outside the scope of their typical job role.
Files: If View permission is enabled, the profile can view files uploaded by Human Resources as part of the employee's profile. If Edit permission is enabled, the users can edit the files uploaded.
Florida Reports
FASTER: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can utilize FASTER, which allows users to send student transcripts to other schools and colleges, as well as Bright Futures.
FASTER: Request SAT ACT Files: Click the Request SAT/ACT Files tab to request, track, and download SAT/ACT import files.
Print FTE Detail: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can download/print FTE details for a select subset of students defined in the Student Search module.
FTE Summary Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view FTE data filtered by school, FEFP, grade level, weighted FTE, etc.
FTE Null Students: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can utilize the FTE Null Students report to view students who have invalid data or attendance issues and are currently receiving no FTE.
Bonus FTE Student Detail: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can run the Bonus FTE Student Detail report, which displays Students who earn Bonus FTE based on passing scores from particular standardized tests.
Class Size Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access the Class Size Report, which helps users identify errors with FISH room numbers, class size/seats, assigned scheduling methods, and more.
Teachers In/Out of Field: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access the Teachers In/Out of Field report, which allows users to easily identify teachers who are out of field and need data corrected.
Teachers In/Out of Field: Show SSN On Report: If enabled, the profile can view teachers' social security numbers on the report.
Teachers In/Out of Field: Hide Reconcile Button: If enabled, the profile users will not have access to the Reconcile Certification Status button disabling said users from updating all certification-related fields for all course periods for the selected school(s).
FTE Summary Reports (Breakdown): If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access the FTE Summary Reports (Breakdown) screen, which allows users to run a variety of FTE summary reports based on the O-file or initial file for surveys 1-4.
FTE Summary Reports (Breakdown): Push to School Folder: If enabled, the profiel can click Push PDF to School Folder(s) in order to send the selected report to the appropriate School Folder (found on the Portal).
DOE Data Verification District Usage: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access the DOE Data Verification District Usage Report, which will return results for all schools that used the DOE Data Verification Reports for each survey period; the report also provides a snapshot of all schools in the district and their usage of the verification reports.
DOE Data Verification Reports: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the DOE Data Verification Reports, which is used to identify errors in data for correction.
DOE Data Verification Reports: CTE Student Course Schedule: If enabled, the profile can select and run the CTE Student Course Schedule verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: CTE Teacher Course: If enabled, the profile can select and run the CTE Teacher Course verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: Dropout Prevention Program: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Dropout Prevention Program verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: English Language Learners Information: If enabled, the profile can select and run the English Language Learners Information verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: Exceptional Student: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Exceptional Student verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: Fed/State Indicator: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Fed/State Indicator verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: Fed/State Compensatory Project Evaluation: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Fed/State Compensatory Project Evaluation verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: Prior School / Attendance: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Prior School / Attendance verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: SESIR: If enabled, the profile can select and run the SESIR verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: Student Additional Funding: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Student Additional Funding verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: Student Assessment: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Student Assessment verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: Student Course Schedule: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Student Course Schedule verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: Student Course Transcript: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Student Course Transcript verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: Student Demographic: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Student Demographic verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: Student Discipline: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Student Course Discipline verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: Student End of Year: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Student End of Year verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: Transportation: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Transportation verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: Teacher Course: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Teacher Course verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: Industry Certification: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Industry Certification verification report.
DOE Data Verification Reports: Hide Lunch Status: If enabled, the Lunch Status will be hidden from the applicable verification reports.
Staff Payroll Verification Reports: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the Staff Payroll Verification Reports, which is used to identify and correct staff payroll errors prior to submitting survey data to the state.
School Grade Scheduler Reports: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the School Grade Scheduler Reports, which help schools improve school grades by comparing students' test scores to courses the students are requesting and/or have scheduled.
Survey Accuracy Reports: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the Survey Accuracy Reports, which serves as a tool for reviewing student data as it pertains to specific state reporting surveys.
School Grade Accuracy Reports: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the School Grade Accuracy Reports, which serve as a tool for reviewing student data as it pertains to state reporting surveys.
McKay Payment Confirmation Reports: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the McKay Payment Confirmations Reports, which allow districts to review and compare data from DOE with data in Focus.
FES Payment Confirmation Reports: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the FES Payment Confirmation Reports, which are used to verify the FES (Family Empowerment Scholarship) data prior to sending the file to DOE.
Combined Student FTE Records (Claims): If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the Combined Student FTE Records (Claims) screen, which aids districts in determining if the correct students have been claimed for FTE.
WDIS Data Verification District Usage: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the WDIS Data Verification District Usage Report, which will return results for all schools that used the WDIS Data Verification Reports for each survey period.
WDIS Data Verification Reports: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the WDIS Data Verification Reports, which is used to identify errors in data for correction.
WDIS Data Verification Reports: Adult General Education: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Adult General Education verification report.
WDIS Data Verification Reports: AGE Test and Performance Record: If enabled, the profile can select and run the AGE Test and Performance Record verification report.
WDIS Data Verification Reports: CTE Student Course Schedule: If enabled, the profile can select and run the CTE Student Course Schedule verification report.
WDIS Data Verification Reports: Student Demographic Information: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Student Demographic Information verification report.
WDIS Data Verification Reports: Student End of Term Status: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Student End of Term Status verification report.
WDIS Data Verification Reports: Supplemental Information: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Supplemental Information verification report.
WDIS Data Verification Reports: Teacher Course: If enabled, the profile can select and run the Teacher Course verification report.
WDIS Accuracy Reports: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the WDIS Accuracy Reports, which contains Industry Certification reports similar to the K12 School Grade Accuracy Industry Certification reports.
Enrollment Discrepancies: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the Enrollment Discrepancies report, which helps to identify and correct enrollment errors that may affect data and state extracts, as well as the calculation of attendance.
Download DOE & Error Reports: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the Download DOE & Error Reports, which is a useful tool in that it allows districts to download the edit and verification reports associated with each file format for a specific survey.
Download DOE & Error Reports: Push to School Folder: If enabled, the profiel can click Push to School Folders in order to send the selected report to the appropriate School Folder (found on the Portal).
Generate DOE Extracts: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run DOE Extracts as well as download data for multiple surveys.
Generate Mckay Extracts: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can Generate McKay Extracts and downloading data for multiple surveys possible.
Generate FES Extracts: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can Generate FES Extracts and downloading data for multiple surveys possible.
Generate Survey R: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access, Generate Survey R data, and Send Survey R extracts to FLDOE. If the profile has View only permission, users cannot click Send Survey R to send extracts to FLDOE.
Generate WDIS Extracts: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can Generate WDIS Extracts and download data for multiple surveys possible.
Generate Staff Extracts: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can Generate Staff Extracts and download data for multiple surveys possible.
FLEID Processes: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access the FLEID Processes screen, which is used to send the FLEID file to the DOE.
DMV Attendance: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the DMV Attendance report, which lists enrolled and withdrawn students who fail the requirement of compulsory attendance.
DMV Attendance: Send to DMV: If enabled, the profile can click Submit to FTP in order to report students directly to the DMV.
LearnFare Attendance: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the LearnFare Attendance report, which lists enrolled students who fail the requirement of compulsory attendance.
LearnFare Attendance: Send to LearnFare: If enabled, the profile can click Submit to FTP in order to report students directly to LearnFare.
Bus Rosters: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the Bus Rosters report, which serves as a way to produce a list and printout of Bus Drivers and their students for attendance purposes during the FTE window.
Missing Children Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the Missing Children Report, which compares a file on NWRDC of missing children to students enrolled in the current school year and returns a file containing any matches from the original file.
Health Services Reports: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the Florida Health Services Reports, which were designed to help with reporting to the Department of Health.
Talented Twenty: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can utilize the report, which assist users in identifying the students who qualify for talented twenty.
EWS: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the EWS (Early Warning System) report, which allows users to quickly identify students that are struggling with attendance, suspensions, etc. and open the corresponding screens.
Students in Both Survey 2 and 3: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the Students in Both Survey 2 and 3 report, which is used to produce a printout or Excel spreadsheet (if required) of students that were sent to DOE in both surveys 2 and 3.
Cohort Reports: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access and run the Cohort Reports, which is used to Upload the DUPS and P4 cohort files from the DOE and review them in Focus.
P-EBT Data Collection: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access the P-EVT Data Collection screen, which can be utilized to provide SNAP benefits for students that received free or reduced price meals for the applicable school, were enrolled in innovative learning, and the student did not receive free or reduced meals at the school because the school was closed or operating with reduced attendance or hours for at least 5 consecutive days in the current school year.
K12 Extract Field Defaults: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can utilize the K12 Extract Field Defaults screen, which displays a list of fields in DOE format and identifies the table name and field number from which the field is extracted.
Survey - Production Discrepancies: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can utilize the Survey - Production Discrepancies screen, which displays students who contain data in Focus that differs from the data stored in the O-file for Surveys 2, 3, or 5.
WDIS Extract Field Defaults: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can utilize the WDIS Extract Field Defaults screen, which displays a list of fields in DOE format, which identifies the table name and field number from which the field is extracted.
View Background Tables: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can utilize these appendices in State Reporting to validate the district's data prior to the district sending the data to DOE at survey time.
FES Import Exceptions: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can utilize the FES Import Exceptions screen, which houses several different types of reports to aid districts in validating their FES student data.
Pre-ID Extracts: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can utilize the Pre-ID extracts, which are generated several times a year and are sent to the DOE to identify students who need test accommodations for state tests.
Process Assessments: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can utilize the Process Assessments feature, which is used to update students' pass dates and codes based on Test History records loaded.
Florida Reports Setup: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access the Florida Reports Setup screen, which is used to set options for reports and extracts in Florida Reports, including survey dates, Pre-ID extracts, local EOCs, term dates, and other district options.
School List Setup: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access the School List Setup screen, which allows users to customize specific pull-down menus in FASTER, such as the pull-downs associated with the Outgoing Transcripts tab.
Pre-ID Template Setup: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access the Pre-ID Template Setup screen, which allows the district to set up pre-ID templates to customize the pre-ID extract groups; setting up templates is optional, but is useful if schools in the district pull pre-ID extracts differently.
EOY Test Crosswalk Setup: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access the EOY Test Crosswalk Setup screen, which allows the district to add, edit, or delete the end of year tests and their associated valid courses. Focus references this table during EOY Processing.
EOY Processing: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access the End of the Year (EOY) Processing screen, which aids users in updating student data for the following school year, such as withdrawal codes, FEFP codes, etc.
Import Peer Data: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access the Import Peer Data screen, which allows users to test out the importation of PEER data before, during, and after scheduling the "Florida Peer Nightly import" scheduled job.
FES Enrollment/Scheduling Process: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can access the FES Enrollment/Scheduling Process screen, which takes the FES EO & FES UA Student Lists and creates enrollment and schedule records for these FES students.
Alerts: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Alerts screen, which includes viewing the alerts that have been generated for the specific user or their profile, clicking on alert links, and deleting alerts.
Alerts: Receive Emails: If enabled, the user will receive email notifications for alerts that have been generated for the specific user or their user profile. Only alerts that have been set up to send email notifications will be included.
Bulk PMP Triggers: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can add, edit, and delete triggers, which are used to generate PMPs for students who qualify based on the search criteria. If the profile has View only permission, the profile can view PMP triggers but cannot add, edit, or delete triggers.
Caseload & Services: If enabled, the profile can access the Caseload & Services screen. No further functionality is available unless the additional permissions below are enabled.
Caseload & Services: Caseload: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Caseload and Groups tabs. In the Caseload tab, the user can view students in their caseload, add and remove students from their caseload, and assign students to a group. If the profile also has the View permission to Manage Student, the user can click the student's name to open the Manage Student screen for that student. In the Groups tab, the user can view existing groups, and create, edit, and delete groups. If the profile has View only permission, the user can view the students in their caseload and click the student's name to open the Manage Student screen for that student in the Caseload tab (if the profile also has the View permission to Manage Student), as well as view the existing groups in the Groups tab.
Caseload & Services: Services: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can add a service to a student in the Caseload tab; view service records that have been submitted in the Service History tab; view, edit, and delete service drafts in the Drafts tab; and view service records that are awaiting approval in the Pending Signatures tab. If the profile also has the View permission to Manage Student, the user can click the student's name in the Service History, Drafts, Signature History, and Pending Signature tabs to open the Manage Student screen for that student. If the profile has View only permission, the user can only view service records that have been submitted in the Service History tab. If the profile also has the View permission to Manage Student, the user can click the student's name in the Service History tab to open the Manage Student screen for that student.
Caseload & Services: View All Users: If enabled, the profile can view the caseloads and services (on all applicable tabs) for all users at their school.
Caseload & Services: Bill Students: If enabled, the profile is able to view the Service Billing tab. When a service has an item from the Internal Accounts Product List attached to it in the SSS > Setup > Services tab, students can be billed for that service and an invoice printed.
Manage Student: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Manage Student screen, which provides access to all the SSS programs in use by the district for the student. Users can view and edit for the specific programs, events, and functions they have permissions to (see the note below). If the profile has View only permission, users can only view this screen, and view the programs and events they have the specific permissions to (see the note below).
NOTE: In addition to the View and Edit permission for Manage Student in Users > Profiles, profiles must also be given the appropriate system permissions (program-level view, initiate, deactivate/reactivate, delete, lock, unlock, add supplemental forms, delete supplemental forms, and parent signature "ready to sign") and event permissions (event-level view, edit, deactivate/reactivate, lock, unlock, and delete) in SSS > User Profile Permissions.
Manage Student: Post Progress Monitoring outside the Grade Posting Window: If enabled, the profile can post progress monitoring in the IEP Goals Progress Report outside of the grade posting window for the marking period.
Mass Lock Events: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can mass lock events by program. Users can only lock the events they have permissions to in SSS > User Profile Permissions. If the profile only has View permission, the profile can only view this screen.
Mass Print Events: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can print SSS event and step information for one or multiple students at one time.
Medical: Not currently used.
PMP Data Collection: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can record attendance for interventions and enter data points for Academic or Behavior PMPs. If the profile has View only permission, users can only view the attendance and data entered for students.
Reserve: Not currently used.
Task List: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Task List, which displays students who have been referred for evaluation. Once addressed, users have the ability to select the Dismissed check box. Users can also Undo tasks that have been dismissed. If the profile has View only permission, users can review the Task List but cannot select the Dismissed check box nor Undo dismissed events.
Task List: View All Users: If enabled, profile users can click View All Tasks to view tasks assigned to all users at the school.
View Mass Print Batches: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view batches that were generated from the Mass Print Events screen, download the PDFs, and delete batches.
View Mass Print Batches: View All Batches: If enabled, the profile can select to View All batches created by other users.
Event Reporting: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can generate reports for a specific event, for a specific form/step, and for specific fields on a form. Note: Users will only be able to view programs, events, steps/forms, and fields for which they have the profile permissions to view.
Progress Monitoring Completion Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the report of students with incomplete progress monitoring reports.
IEP Goals PR Completion: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can generate the report, which is used to view the progress periods that have not been reported on for students in the IEP Goals Progress Report.
General: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the General screen, which allows districts and school administrators with the profile permission to set preferences for how the SSS module functions. If the profile has View only permission, the users can review settings but cannot Save changes made.
Setup: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Setup screen, which is used to configure any programs to be used within the SSS module and configure how a program functions. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view data but cannot make any edits.
User Profile Permissions: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit User Profile Permissions, which allows users to assign profile permissions for user groups to view and interact with SSS events. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view permissions but cannot assign or edit permissions.
PMP Setup: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can customize the columns and column names that display on the Academic PMP and Behavior PMP. If the profile has View only permission, users can view customizations but cannot save changes.
Schedule of Services Setup: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can customize the headers, field titles, and field options used in the Schedule of Services step in the IEP event. If the profile has View only permission, users can view the customizations but cannot save changes.
Goals & Objectives Options: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can set up the goals and objectives that display as options in the IEP or Amended IEP pull-downs. If the profile has View only permission, the users view these goals and objectives but cannot add, edit, or delete information.
District Reports: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view District Reports, which allows users to see all created folders (with permission). View only profiles have access to view report data and Run the report but cannot edit. If enabled, the profile can view, create, edit, and delete district reports, which allows for the creation of custom reports using SQL queries.
Saved Reports: If View permission is enabled, the profile can view, run, and edit select fields, such as the title, and delete reports listed on the My Reports tab. If View and Edit permission is enabled, the profile can view and edit all reports, including reports created by other users, which includes the Profiles and Schools pull-down.
Saved Reports: Can Publish: If enabled, the profile can share a report with other profiles/schools.
SSRS Reports: If View and Edit are selected, profile users have the ability to access the screen as well as the Generate and History tabs. You must have View and Edit permission to use this screen. View only permission doesn't allow users to access any of the tabs.
SSRS Reports: Publish SSRS Reports to Portal: If enabled, profile users can publish reports to Student and Parent Portals from the Publishing tab.
SSRS Reports: Custom Report: Report Cards: If enabled, the profile users can access and create Report Cards.
SSRS Reports: Custom Report: Midterm Report Cards: If enabled, the profile users can access and create Midterm Report Cards.
SSRS Reports: Custom Report: Miscellaneous Reports: If enabled, the profile users can access and create Miscellaneous Reports.
SSRS Reports: Custom Report: Membership Reports: If enabled, the profile users can access and create Membership Reports.
SSRS Reports: Custom Report: Blank Forms: If enabled, the profile users can access and create Blank Forms.
SSRS Reports: Custom Report: Transcripts: If enabled, the profile users can access and create Transcripts.
Focus Analytics: If View or View and Edit are enabled, users can view and print reports.
Focus Analytics: Report - Edit Report Content: If enabled, the profile can click the Edit tab to make changes to existing reports.
Focus Analytics: Report - Access: If enabled, the profile can click the Access tab in order to determine which profiles should have access to the report.
Focus Analytics: Report - Tag: If enabled, the profile can click Tag in order to tag the report. The tags available for selection are dependent upon tags created in the Admin workspace > Tags tab.
Focus Analytics: Report - Duplicate: If enabled, the profile can click Duplicate in order to create a copy of the report.
Focus Analytics: Report - Delete: If enabled, the profile can delete the report.
Focus Analytics: Admin - Workspace: If enabled, the profile can access the Admin workspace, which stores reports. Having this permission also allows users to create new workspaces, manage the Admin workspace, manage users, and edit existing workspaces.
Focus Analytics: Admin - Tags: If enabled, the profile can access the Tags tab in the Admin workspace, which allows users to create, edit, and delete tags.
Focus Analytics: Admin - Refresh: If enabled, the profile can access the Refresh tab in the Admin workspace, which allows users to create manual refresh times for reports, view pending refreshes, and manage existing refresh schedules.
Focus Analytics: Admin - Refresh Setup: If enabled, the profile can access the Refresh setup tab in the Admin workspace, which allows users to create a new refresh for reports, view existing tables, aas well as delete and edit quires linked to the table.
Focus Analytics: Admin - Custom Filter: If enabled, the profile can access the Custom Filter tab in the Admin workspace, which allows users to create new filters and view and delete active filters.
Saved Reports: Can Delete Other Users Reports: If enabled, the profile can delete report created and shared by other users.
Menu > Teacher
Student Info: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the student's record.
Student Info: View Enrollment: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the students enrollment record for the current year.
Student Info: View Addresses & Contacts: If enabled, the profile can view but not edit the student's addresses and contacts.
Student Info: View Emergency Contacts: If enabled, the profile can view contacts flagged as Emergency in Addresses & Contacts.
Student Info: Edit Addresses: If enabled, the profile can edit the student's addresses except the primary residence.
Student Info: Edit Primary Residence: If enabled, the profile can edit the student's primary residence.
Student Info: Edit Contacts: If enabled, the profile can edit the student's contacts.
Student Info: Edit Inactive Students: If enabled, the profile can edit inactive student records for the current year; otherwise, only active student records are accessible for changes.
Student Info: Edit Previous Years Inactive Students: If enabled, the profile can edit inactive student records for previous years.
Student Info: View Protected Students: If enabled, the profile will be able to view detailed student information of the protected students just as they always have. Profiles who do not have this permission will not be able to view select student data.
Student Info: View Unredacted Files: If enabled, the profile can view student Social Security numbers in files, as well as keywords and phrases that have been redacted. Profile users without this permission will have Social Security numbers and keywords and phrases redacted.
Student Info: Manually Process Files: If enabled, the profile can manually process newly uploaded files on a per student basis. If there are unprocessed files for a Student, users with this access will have a button to Manually Process Files on the Students Uploaded Files screen. Otherwise, newly uploaded files will be placed in a queue and processed when the Document Management scheduled job is run.
Student Schedule: If enabled, the profile can view the Student Schedule as well as state fields and vocational/WDIS fields.
Communication: Select the View check box to grant teachers permission to the Communication screen.
Communication: Communication AI: Select the Edit check box to allow profile users to utilize the Magic Wand and the AI Assistant in the text editor. Note: This functionality requires the purchase of the Call Out System. If this add-on hasn't been purchased and enabled by your district, the SMS option doesn't display.
Communication: Send Messages: Select the Edit check box to allow teachers to send messages to students and users to whom they have access. Selecting Edit also allows teachers to use templates when composing a new message.
Communication: Include Profile in Messaging Search: Select the View check box so teachers can be messaged by administrative users or teachers at their enrolled school(s). When left disabled, the teachers cannot be messaged, but they can still send messages if they permission to send messages. Note: If the user has two profiles, and this permission is enabled for one profile, the user will be available for messaging.
Communication: Send to Students : Student: Select the Edit check box to give teachers the ability to send messages to students' primary email addresses and/or phone numbers as identified in the address block of Address & Contacts via Student Info. When enabled, this option displays as Students in the recipient type pull-down when creating a message.
Communication: Send to Students : Student Personal: Select the Edit check box to give teachers the ability to send messages to students' Personal Email addresses as identified in Student Info. When enabled, this option displays as Student Personal in the recipient type pull-down when creating a message.
Communication: Send to Students : Primary Contacts: Select the Edit check box to give teachers the ability to send messages to students' Personal Email addresses as identified in Student Info. When enabled, this option displays as Student Personal in the recipient type pull-down when creating a message.
Communication: Send to Students : All Contacts: Select the Edit check box to give teachers the ability to send messages to all users and/or persons in a student's addresses and contacts in Student Info. When enabled, this option displays as All Contacts in the recipient type pull-down when creating a message.
Communication: Send to Students : Once Per Family: Select the Edit check box to give teachers the ability to send messages to students' custodial contacts and/or contact with a Sort Order priority of 1. The Linked Students section in Student Info > Addresses & Contacts is also used to determine which students are in the same family. Within a sibling group, one student within the group who has at least one contact is selected randomly and all of their custodial contacts are messaged. If that student has two contacts with the same linked user, those two contacts are deduped into one, and the user can see the message when logging in, or through any attached notifications. When enabled, this option displays as Once Per Family in the recipient type pull-down when creating a message.
Communication: Send to Students : Teachers Of: Select the Edit check box to give teachers the ability to send messages to all the students' current teachers. When enabled, this option displays as Teachers Of in the recipient type pull-down when creating a message.
Communication: Class Announcements: Select the Edit check box to enable the Announcements tab, which allows teachers to create class announcements posted based on schedule sections.
Communication: Announcements: Send Emails: Select the Edit check box to generate and attach emails to announcements.
Communication: Announcements: Send SMS: Select the Edit check box to generate and attach SMS (text messages) to announcements. Note: This functionality requires the purchase of the Call Out System. If this add-on hasn't been purchased and enabled by your district, the SMS option doesn't display.
Communication: Announcements: Send Calls: Select the Edit check box to generate and attach calls to announcements. Note: This functionality requires the purchase of the Call Out System. If this add-on hasn't been purchased and enabled by your district, the Call option doesn't display.
Communication: Push Notifications: Select the Edit check box to display the Push Notification check box on the Compose, Templates, Scheduled, and Drafts tabs where profiles users can select to send push notifications to mobile app users.
Communication: Send SMS: Select the Edit check box to allow teachers to create and send text messages with messages, announcements, and templates. Note: This functionality requires the purchase of the Call Out System. If this add-on hasn't been purchased and enabled by your district, the SMS option doesn't display.
Communication: Phone Calls: Select the Edit check box to allow teachers to send phone calls with messages, announcements, or templates. Note: This functionality requires the purchase of the Call Out System. If this add-on hasn't been purchased and enabled by your district, the Call option doesn't display.
Communication: Flag Messages: Select the Edit check box to allow profile users to flag inappropriate messages in the Inbox tab and the Sent tab. The ability to flag messages also gives users the ability to add referrals (if they have permission to create referrals).
Student Requests: If enabled, the profile can approve the course requests that their current students have entered for the next school year; the Student Requests screen is used to view the students' course requests and approve or not approve them. Note: The district must first grant teachers permission to approve course requests.
Change Requests: If enabled, the profile can view or view and edit the Change Requests screen, which displays pending change requests submitted by parents and other users that require approval by the school.
Change Requests: Cancel Change Requests: If enabled, the profile can cancel change requests submitted by any user.
Change Requests: View all Change Requests: If enabled, the profile can view all change requests submitted by any user.
Student Reauthorization: If enabled, the profile can view student reauthorizations including Student Name, Student ID, Course Section, Estimated Course Completion, and more. However, teachers cannot make changes or create reauthorizations unless the Allow Teacher to make Reauthorizations permission is enabled.
Student Reauthorization: Allow Teacher to Make Reauthorizations: If enabled, the profile can reauthorize students in order to keep them in the current class, flag students when not registered, and mark students as program completers, etc.
Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank: If enabled, the profile can view Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank, which displays student final grades, GPA, and ranking earned in a selected marking period, exam, and/or school year.
Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank: View Grade Details: If enabled, the Detailed Report is viewable to profile users.
Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank: View GPA: If enabled, the profile can view student GPAs. If disabled, the GPA section will not display for the selected profile.
Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank: View Weighted GPA: If enabled, the profile can view student weighted GPAs. If disabled, the GPA section will not display the weighted GPA for the selected profile.
Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank: View Gradebook Assignments & Grades: If enabled, the profile users can view details from the Gradebook as it relates to Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank.
Course History: If enabled, the profile can view Course History, which displays the Grade Summary and the Detailed Report, which both includes the student's grades, GPA (if applicable), teachers, courses, credits, etc. in a selected marking period and/or school year.
Course History: View Grade Details: If enabled, the Detailed Report is viewable to profile users.
Course History: View GPA: If enabled, the profile can view student GPAs. If disabled, the GPA section will not display for the selected profile.
Course History: View Weighted GPA: If enabled, the profile can view student weighted GPAs. If disabled, the GPA section will not display the weighted GPA for the selected profile.
Course History: View Gradebook Assignments & Grades: If enabled, the profile users can view details from the Gradebook as it relates to Course History.
Progression Plan: If enabled, the profile can view the Progression Plan screen, which displays a students progress by grade level to ensure they are meeting the suggested graduation requirements for the assigned plan necessary to graduate.
Graduation Requirements Report: If enabled, the profile can view and print the Graduation Requirements Report, which provides an overview of student progress towards satisfying the graduation requirements set up in the student's assigned graduation program.
Mass Add Log Records: If enabled, the profile can view and edit the Mass Add Log Records screen, which is used to add log records for multiple students by an individual student or by a group.
Student Breakdown: If enabled, the profile can view Student Breakdown, which displays selected data from any one or two student fields in visual column graphs, pie charts, and lists. The Student Breakdown Report is designed to assist schools in tracking and analyzing their student data.
Print Avery Labels: If enabled, the profile can print Avery labels for select students.
Advanced Report: If enabled, the profile can compile, view, and track specific user data, as well as create and edit existing reports.
Test History: If enabled, the profile can view Test History, which allows for tracking students performance on various types of standardized tests.
Test History Report: If enabled, the profile can view the Test History Report, which tracks the name, date of administration, school year, grade level, and scores earned on every test logged in Focus.
Communication Reports: Select the View check box to grant the profile users permission to view the Communication Reports screen.
Groups: Select the View check box to allow the profile users to view student groups and students in the accessible groups. Select the Edit check box to give profile users the ability to view, create, and edit student groups. This gives users access to the My Groups tab.
Hall Passes: If View is enabled, the profile can view active, requested, upcoming, and inactive student hall passes, as well as check in, check out, cancel, and end hall passes. If Edit is enabled, the profile can additionally add notes to student hall passes.
Hall Passes: Approve Hall Pass: If enabled, the profile can approve or deny hall passes that require approval.
Hall Passes: Create Hall Pass: If enabled, the profile can create student hall passes.
Hall Passes: Student Restrictions: If View is enabled, the profile can view the Student Restrictions tab in Students > Demographics > Hall Passes. If Edit is enabled, the profile can add and edit student restrictions in Students > Demographics > Hall Passes.
Hall Passes: Override Hall Pass Restrictions: If enabled, the profile can override hall pass restrictions and create the hall pass for the student.
Next-Year Schedule Requests: If enabled, the profile can view and enter course requests for students.
Gradebook: If enabled, the profile can access the teacher Gradebook, which offers various ways to enter grades, configure the gradebook, add and edit assignment categories, add and edit assignments (customized details, rubrics, resources, standards, and additional settings), as well as generate gradebook reports.
Gradebook: Edit Template Category Color: If enabled, the profile can change the color of categories populated by templates upon using gradebook templates.
Gradebook: Show Google Classroom: If enabled, the profile can link their Google account to Google Classroom in order to organize classes, classwork, and hangout (virtual classes) via the Gradebook.
Reports: If enabled, the profile can access and run gradebook reports, such as Missing Grades, Failing Grades, Extra Credit Grades, Highlighted Grades, Excused Grades, Custom Grades, and more, where grades can be reviewed and edited as needed.
Request Grade Changes: If enabled, the profile can request changes to report card grades after the grade-posting window has closed.
Post Final Grades: If enabled, the profile can post final grades for exams, quarters, semesters, or years, as required per marking period.
Report Card Comments: If enabled, the profile can post report card comments for students from the Report Card Comments screen without posting grades.
Print Report Cards: If enabled, the profile can preview, print, and publish report cards for a select subset of students defined in the Student Search module.
Print Report Cards: Edit Template Settings: If the profile has profile permissions to Report Cards, but does not have permission to Edit Template Settings, the profile will only have access to the following options on the Report Cards screen: Choose how the report cards should be sorted from the Sort Report Cards pull-down, set an Effective Date, and/or select a Letterhead Template. If enabled, the profile can edit all template selections before generating report cards.
Print Report Cards: Email Report Cards: If enabled, the profile can email report cards to parents and students.
Posted Grades Verification Report: If enabled, the profile can review grades that have and have not been posted for their students and compare those grades with the Gradebook.
Post Standard Grades: If enabled, the profile can use the Post Standard Grades feature to post all necessary grades for students per marking period, such as Quarter 1, Progress Report 1, etc.
Standard Grades Report Cards: If enabled, the profile can generate report cards to either print or publish to student/parental portals.
Standard Grades Report Cards: Edit Benchmark Template Settings: If not enabled, the profile won't have permission to edit template settings and customize standard grade report cards, only the following options display: Sort Report Card, Letterhead Template, and Effective Date. If enabled, the profile can edit the template options used to generate standard grades report cards.
FAS Tests: If enabled, the profile can view information about the tests created as well as tests shared by other users.
FAS Tests: Show Student Answers: If enabled, the profile can view student answers on tests.
FAS Tests: Show Analyze Test: If enabled, the profile can analyze tests from various reports.
FAS Tests: Show District Report: If enabled, the profile can view the District Report, which displays the percentage of students who answered questions correctly including the district total.
FAS Tests: Show School Report: If enabled, the profile can use the School Report, which displays the percentage of students in the school who answered questions correctly.
FAS Tests: Show Test Report: If enabled, the profile can use The Test Report, which displays student performance on the test by standard.
Create Tests: If enabled, the profile can create and customize online or paper-based tests.
Create Questions: If enabled, the profile can create questions that can be included on assessments students will complete in Focus, printed assessments, or assessments with bubble sheets.
Edit Passages: If enabled, the profile can make edits to passages created on the Create Questions screen.
Scan Bubble Sheets: If enabled, the profile can scan bubble sheets for tests completed by students offline.
Create Questions: If enabled, the profile can create a variety of test questions, including multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, true/false, extended response, short response, and more.
Create Questions: Share Question: If enabled, the profile can share questions with other teachers and staff.
Create Assessments: If enabled, the profile can set up assessments, or as it is also called on this screen, activities.
Create Assessments: Share Assessment: If enabled, the profile can share an activity (assessment) they have created with other teachers, administrators, and specific users at the school.
Create Assessments: Hide Source Tab: If enabled, the profile will not see the Source tab on the Create Assessments screen.
Create Assessments: View Standards Item Bank: If enabled, the profile can access the Standards bank, which contains thousands of items that have already been set up and are ready to use on assessments.
District Assessments: If enabled, the profile can access assessments that have been marked by an administrator as a District Assessment.
District Assessments: Show All Assessments: If enabled, the profile can access all district assessments.
District Assessments: Assign: If enabled, the profile can assign school or district assessments to students from the Assign tab.
District Assessments: Bubble Sheets: If enabled, the profile can print bubble sheets for students who will taking the assessment outside of Focus from the Bubble Sheets tab.
District Assessments: Scaling: If enabled, the profile can access the Scaling tab, which allows users to set and review scales in place for assessment grades--scales appropriately impact grades within the designated ranges.
District Assessments: Reports: If enabled, the profile can access several assessment reports available to review student performance. There are Classroom Reports, Individual Reports, and District Reports.
District Assessments: Options: If enabled, the profile can access the Options tab, which allows administrators to push assessment scores to each student's Test History.
District Assessments: Re-score Assessment: If enabled, the profile can re-score assessments if an item has been changed or removed from the assessment.
District Assessments: Discard: If enabled, the profile has the ability to discard a student's attempt at the assessment.
District Assessments: Answer Key: If enabled, the profile has access to the Answer Key tab is used to set options for answer key only assessments.
District Assessments: Reopen Test: If enabled, the profile can access the Reopen Test column from the Assign tab. It will display a Reopen Test button for students who have completed the assessment, as long as the assessment timeframe is still open. When clicked, it will reopen the existing assessment for that student.
Teacher Assessments: If enabled, the profile can access assessments they have created, as opposed to assessments created by the district.
Teacher Assessments: Assign: If enabled, the profile has access to the Assign tab where users can assign assessments to students.
Teacher Assessments: Bubble Sheets: If enabled, the profile has access to the Bubble Sheets tab where users can print bubble sheets for assessments.
Teacher Assessments: Scaling: If enabled, the profile can access the Scaling tab, which allows users to set and review scales in place for assessment grades--scales appropriately impact grades within the designated ranges.
Teacher Assessments: Reports: If enabled, the profile can access several assessment reports available to review student performance.
Teacher Assessments: Options: If enabled, the profile can access the Options tab, which allows administrators to push assessment scores to each student's Test History.
Teacher Assessments: Answer Key: If enabled, the profile has access to the Answer Key tab is used to set options for answer key only assessments.
Lesson Planning
Lesson Planner: If enabled, the profile can create Units & Lessons linked to selected Web Pages, as well as view all units and lessons planned using a calendar view.
Lesson Plan Detail Report: if enabled, the profile can preview and print their own course plans as well as curriculum guides created by the school or district.
Instruction Groups: If enabled, the profile can organize students into groups to rotate to various stations or activities for an allotted time.
Curriculum Calendar: If enabled, the profile can utilize the Curriculum Calendar, which provides a calendar view of assignments, units, and lessons. Assignments and course plans can be accessed by clicking the links provided in the calendar.
View Lessons: If enabled, the profile can utilize the View Lessons screen, which displays a comprehensive view of the teachers course plans.
Take Attendance: if enabled, the profile can record attendance codes for the current date and previous dates, as set by the district.
Take Attendance: Allow entry of more hours than scheduled: If enabled, the teacher can record attendance where the hours attended goes above the number of hours scheduled. This is only applicable to schools using hourly attendance.
Sub Take Attendance: If enabled, the profile can record attendance codes for the current date and previous dates, as set by the district.
Seating Charts: If enabled, the profile can create a seating chart for each class section, take attendance, and award positive behaviors.
Attendance Chart: If enabled, the profile can review and edit students attendance records.
Absence Summary: If enabled, the profile can review attendance information over a specified date range.
Absence Summary: View Excuse Notes: If enabled, the profile can view attached excuse notes for students.
Print Absence Summary: If enabled, the profile can print the data generated in the Absence Summary Report to be distributed as letters or as emails.
Perfect/Excessive Attendance: If enabled, the profile can access three attendance reports: Perfect Attendance Report, Excessive Absences Report, and Skip Report.
Attendance Verification / Sub Rosters: If enabled, the profile has the ability to confirm, print, and verify (sign) attendance, which can be a great asset for auditing purposes and state reporting.
Check In/Check Out: If enabled, the profile can access the Check In/Check Out report, which displays the time in and time out stamps from the Attendance Scanner App.
Attended Hours Report: If enabled, the profile can review students' hours scheduled, hours attended and hourly attendance percentage broken down by program and section, as well as a specified timeframe.
No Show/Low Attendance: If enabled, the profile can access the No Show/Low Attendance screen, which displays students (active or inactive) who have no attended hours for their respective classes (the report Threshold defaults to 0 hours present).
Add Referral: If enabled, the profile can add a discipline referral for a student.
Referrals: If enabled, the profile can view submitted referrals.
Referrals: View Referrals From Other School: If enabled, the profile can search for and view referrals for students enrolled in other schools.
Referrals: View Referrals From All Years: If enabled, profile users can select to view referrals from All Years.
Referrals: View Referrals For Inactive Students: If enabled, profile users can select to view inactive students in the listed referrals using the Include Inactive check box.
Referrals: Duplicate Referral: If enabled, profile users can duplicate student referrals using the Duplicate button. Only referrals that have not been processed and were originated by the teacher can be duplicated.
Referrals: Print Letters: If enabled, the profile can select a discipline letter to generate and print.
Students with Referrals: If enabled, the profile can access the Students with Referrals report, which displays students with a particular number of referrals in the selected timeframe.
Category Breakdown: If enabled, the profile can view the Category Breakdown report, which displays graphs based on fields on the Referral form.
Detention List: If enabled, the profile can view the Detention List, which includes students assigned detentions through the tardy tracking functionality, as well as students who received non-tardy detentions.
Detention List: Add Detention: If enabled, the profile can add a detention for a student.
Detention List: Edit Detention List: If enabled, the profile can mark a detention as completed.
Reward Positive Behavior: If enabled, the profile can award badges to students and spend badges.
Configure Positive Behaviors: If enabled, the profile can set up badges to award to students for good behavior.
School Info
Portal: If enabled, the profile can access the Portal page, which is the key to navigation throughout Focus and throughout the Student Information System (SIS).
Portal: Allow Login: If enabled, the profile can log into the portal. If not enabled, the profiles selected will display as disabled and the linked users will not be able to log in.
Portal: Enable Terms and Conditions: Dependent upon the System Preference enabled by the district. If enabled, the profile will have access to Terms & Conditions via My Information. This will display a Terms and Conditions pop-up that must be signed by users before accessing the Portal and the mobile app.
Portal: Require Two Factor Authentication: Requires the profile to provide additional authentication upon logging into Focus via the Google Authenticator application.
Portal: Enable User Access to Two Factor Authentication: Allows the profile to enable and disable two factor authentication upon logging into Focus via the Google Authenticator application via the applicable preferences screen.
Portal: Allow user to Request Emergency Assistance: Allows users to access and use the Request Emergency Assistance button on the mobile app, which triggers a special API process the district must already have set up with Informacast and Rapid SOS. Note: This permission is specific to Collier County.
Portal: Allow user to Request Emergency Lockdown: Allows users to access and use the Request Emergency Lockdown button on the mobile app, which triggers a special API process the district must already have set up with Informacast and Rapid SOS. Note: This permission is specific to Collier County.
Portal: Allow Informacast SOS Panic Button: Allows users to access and use the Panic button on the mobile app when "Request Emergency Assistance" is selected. When the button is pressed, the user's location can be determined by 911 services. Note: This permission is specific to Collier County.
School Info: If enabled, the profile can access the School Info screen displays all the general information about the school, including the school address, phone number, school level, web address, etc.
Attendance Calendar: If enabled, the profile can access the Attendance Calendar, which displays your district and school's attendance calendars.
District Specific Forms: The forms listed vary depending on the forms created for use via Form Builder. Permission is set up in Form Builder and here on the Profiles screen. If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the form(s). If the profile has View only permission, the user's permission depends on permissions set up in Form Builder.
Forms: View all history: If enabled, the profile can view all forms submitted at their school using the "Show All" check box in the History tab of the form. Teachers can only access forms for students in their assigned sections.
Forms: View all history direct links: If enabled, the profile can view and edit forms submitted by anyone via the direct link to the form. Teachers can only access forms for students in their assigned sections.
My Information
My Profile: If enabled, the profile can access My Profile, which displays General information pertaining to the user, as well as the Teacher Schedule, Employee Summary, and more
My Profile: View Teacher Schedule: If enabled, the profile can view their Teacher Schedule, which displays their courses.
Preferences: If enabled, the profile can access the Preferences screen, which allows teachers to customize the look and feel of the software.
Calendar: If enabled, the profile can create and manage a personal calendar in Focus.
Print Class Lists: If enabled, the profile can print class lists that can be customized to include a variety of student information, such as demographic, contact, ESE, ELL, schedule, attendance, and grade information.
Web Pages: If enabled, the profile can create web pages that can be viewed by parents and students on the Portal, in the Community App, as well as the Calendar screen.
Lesson Planning: If enabled, the profile can create Units & Lessons linked to selected Web Pages, as well as view all units and lessons planned using a calendar view.
Lesson Templates: If enabled, the profile can create lesson templates which can be used to import data to the Lesson Planner or Web Pages upon creating Units and Lessons.
Lesson Templates: School: If enabled, the profile can view templates created by administrative users. The templates found on this tab are available to the schools selected from the School pull-down upon creating the template.
Lesson Templates: District: If enabled, the profile can view templates created by administrative users. The templates found on this tab are available to all schools in the district.
Shared Courses: If enabled, the profile can copy data from their own web pages (courses) as well as share them with other teachers, copy data from web pages (courses) shared by other teachers, or copy data from Curriculum Guides created by administrative users for teacher use.
Resource Browser: If enabled, the profile can search for and share the same resource on their web pages using the Resource Browser.
Leave Requests: See Employee Self Service > Employee Requests for information about Leave Requests.
Consecutive Absences: If enabled, the profile can access the Consecutive Absences report, which displays students who meet set up criteria in order to track students who have a specific number of consecutive absences.
Student Academic Report: If enabled, the profile can access the Student Academic Report, which provides information regarding students academic progress, such as program and course hours attended and the percentage of the program completed.
Applications: If enabled, the profile can start, view, submit, and edit job applications.
Job Postings: If enabled, the profile can review jobs available in the district and apply for said jobs through the job application process.
Performance Reports
State Performance Report: If enabled, the profile can view the State Performance Report, which allows users to analyze student performance on state and local standardized tests.
College Readiness Report: If enabled, the profile can view the College Readiness Report, which provides college readiness data on selected students.
Test History Breakdown: If enabled, the profile can view the Test History Breakdown report, which provides a graphical view of student performance on a test over three years.
Assessment Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Assessment Report screen, and create and save custom assessment reports.
Assessment Report: Publish Reports: If enabled, the profile can share saved reports with other profiles and schools.
Assessment Report: Delete Other Users' Reports: If enabled, the profile can delete other users' saved reports.
L25 Report: If enabled, the profile can view the L25 Report, which allows users to gain instant access to longitudinal data to identify patterns and trends to make education decisions as well as leading assessment data to make informed decisions about academic progress during the current school year for students considered in the Lowest 25 percent of the student population.
School Status Report: If enabled, the profile can view the School Status Report, which is used to review student proficiency, learning gains, and changes in achievement levels on the most recent administration of a state assessment.
Employee Self Service
Profile permissions set here may vary or be overridden based on permissions set via Permission Type: Employee Fields > Role: Admin; for more information on editing employee fields, see Viewing and Editing Student, User, and Employee Field Permissions or Profiles and Permissions for ESS.
My Information: If enabled, the profile can view My Information, which displays the employee's address, demographic, educational data, etc.
View/Edit Timecards: If enabled, the profile can view their timecards and request changes to their timecards.
Employee Requests: If enabled, the profile can request changes to their information such as Legal Name change, Address change, W4 Information change, as well as request Leave, and more.
Leave History: If enabled, the profile can review leave balances, earned leave, pending leave, leave history, and more.
Benefits: If enabled, the profile can review, update, and select from available benefit plans offered by the district.
View Pay History: If enabled, the profile can review a complete history of pay.
View Pay History: View/Print Pay Stubs: If enabled, the profile can view and print pay stubs.
Purchase & Pay: If enabled, the profile can search for and purchase items as well as make donations.
Purchase & Pay: Use Customer Credit When Available: If enabled, the profile users can use customer credit as a form of payment when purchasing items.
Purchase & Pay: Allow Same-Day Cancellation of Payment: If enabled, profile users can cancel same day transactions.
Customer Ledger: If enabled, the profile can review the Customer Ledger, which displays payment history including customer information, outstanding balances, and a list of all transactions.
Customer Ledger: Simple Customer Ledger: If enabled, the profile will only have access to view the Simple Customer Ledger, which includes the following columns: ransaction Date, Transaction Number, Invoice Number, Receipt Number, Transaction Type, Course, Charges, Credits, Deferred, and Balance. If disable, users will have acces to the expanded customer ledger, which includes more payment details.
Employee Tax Forms: If enabled, the profile can view the employees tax forms.
Employee Tax Forms: View/Print Employee Tax Forms: If enabled, the profile can view and print the employees tax forms.
Employee Agreements: If enabled, the profile can review and sign employment agreements created by the district.
Stipends: If enabled, the profile can view, create, and edit Stipends, which looks to the assigned jobs a user has in order to display options based on that information for billable hours that fall outside the scope of their typical job role.
Files: If enabled, the profile can view files uploaded by Human Resources as part of the employee's profile.
Florida Reports
EWS: If enabled, the profile can access and run the EWS (Early Warning System) report, which allows users to quickly identify students that are struggling with attendance, suspensions, etc. and open the corresponding screens.
Alerts: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Alerts screen, which includes viewing the alerts that have been generated for the specific user or their profile, clicking on alert links, and deleting alerts.
Alerts: Receive Emails: If enabled, the user will receive email notifications for alerts that have been generated for the specific user or their user profile. Only alerts that have been set up to send email notifications will be included.
Bulk PMP Triggers: If enabled, the profile can view PMP triggers, review the EWS report, and generate PMPs for select students.
Caseload & Services: If enabled, the profile can access the Caseload & Services screen. No further functionality is available unless the additional permissions below are enabled.
Caseload & Services: Caseload: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Caseload and Groups tabs. In the Caseload tab, the user can view students in their caseload, add and remove students from their caseload, and assign students to a group. If the profile also has the View permission to Manage Student, the user can click the student's name to open the Manage Student screen for that student. In the Groups tab, the user can view existing groups, and create, edit, and delete groups. If the profile has View only permission, the user can view the students in their caseload and click the student's name to open the Manage Student screen for that student in the Caseload tab (if the profile also has the View permission to Manage Student), as well as view the existing groups in the Groups tab.
Caseload & Services: Services: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can add a service to a student in the Caseload tab; view service records that have been submitted in the Service History tab; view, edit, and delete service drafts in the Drafts tab; and view service records that are awaiting approval in the Pending Signatures tab. If the profile also has the View permission to Manage Student, the user can click the student's name in the Service History, Drafts, Signature History, and Pending Signature tabs to open the Manage Student screen for that student. If the profile has View only permission, the user can only view service records that have been submitted in the Service History tab. If the profile also has the View permission to Manage Student, the user can click the student's name in the Service History tab to open the Manage Student screen for that student.
Caseload & Services: View All Users: If enabled, the profile can view the caseloads and services (on all applicable tabs) for all users at their school.
Caseload & Services: Bill Students: If enabled, the profile is able to view the Service Billing tab. When a service has an item from the Internal Accounts Product List attached to it in the SSS > Setup > Services tab, students can be billed for that service and an invoice printed.
Manage Student: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view and edit the Manage Student screen, which provides access to all the SSS programs in use by the district for the student. Users can view and edit for the specific programs, events, and functions they have permissions to (see the note below). If the profile has View only permission, users can only view this screen, and view the programs and events they have the specific permissions to (see the note below).
NOTE: In addition to the View and Edit permission for Manage Student in Users > Profiles, profiles must also be given the appropriate system permissions (program-level view, initiate, deactivate/reactivate, delete, lock, unlock, add supplemental forms, delete supplemental forms, and parent signature "ready to sign") and event permissions (event-level view, edit, deactivate/reactivate, lock, unlock, and delete) in SSS > User Profile Permissions.
Manage Student: Post Progress Monitoring outside the Grade Posting Window: If enabled, the profile can post progress monitoring in the IEP Goals Progress Report outside of the grade posting window for the marking period.
Mass Print Events: If enabled, the profile can print SSS event and step information for one or multiple students at one time.
Medical: Not currently used.
PMP Data Collection: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can record attendance for interventions and enter data points for Academic or Behavior PMPs. If the profile has View only permission, users can only view the attendance and data entered for students.
Reserve: Not currently used.
Task List: If View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the Task List, which displays students who have been referred for evaluation. Once addressed, users have the ability to select the Dismissed check box. Users can also Undo tasks that have been dismissed. If the profile has View only permission, users can review the Task List but cannot select the Dismissed check box nor Undo dismissed events.
Task List: View All Users: If enabled, profile users can click View All Tasks to view tasks assigned to all users at the school.
View Mass Print Batches: If enabled, the profile can view batches that were generated from the Mass Print Events screen, download the PDFs, and delete batches.
View Mass Print Batches: View All Batches: If enabled, the profile can select to View All batches created by other users.
Event Reporting: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can generate reports for a specific event, for a specific form/step, and for specific fields on a form. Note: Users will only be able to view programs, events, steps/forms, and fields for which they have the profile permissions to view.
Progress Monitoring Completion Report: If View or View and Edit are enabled, the profile can view the report of students with incomplete progress monitoring reports.
IEP Goals PR Completion: If enabled, the profile can generate the report, which is used to view the progress periods that have not been reported on for students in the IEP Goals Progress Report.
General: If enabled, the profile can view and edit the General screen, which allows districts and school administrators with the profile permission to set preferences for how the SSS module functions.
Setup: If enabled, the profile can view and edit the Setup screen, which is used to configure any programs to be used within the SSS module and configure how a program functions. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view data but cannot make any edits.
User Profile Permissions: If enabled, the profile can view and edit User Profile Permissions, which allows users to assign profile permissions for user groups to view and interact with SSS events.
PMP Setup: If enabled, the profile can customize the columns and column names that display on the Academic PMP and Behavior PMP.
Goals & Objectives Options: If enabled, the profile can set up the goals and objectives that display as options in the IEP or Amended IEP pull-downs.
District Reports: If enabled, the profile can view report data and run reports.
Focus Analytics: If enabled, the profile can view and print reports.
Saved Reports: If enabled, the profile can view, run, and edit select fields, such as the title, and delete reports listed on the My Reports tab.
Saved Reports: Can Publish: If enabled, the profile can share a report with other profiles/schools.
Saved Reports: Can Delete Other Users Reports: If enabled, the profile can delete report created and shared by other users.
SSRS Reports: If enabled, profile users have the ability to access the screen as well as the Generate and History tabs.
SSRS Reports: Edit SSRS Reports: If enabled, the profile can edit the data that makes up the reports.
SSRS Reports: Custom Report: Report Cards: If enabled, the profile users can access and create Report Cards.
SSRS Reports: Custom Report: Midterm Report Cards: If enabled, the profile users can access and create Midterm Report Cards.
SSRS Reports: Custom Report: Miscellaneous Reports: If enabled, the profile users can access and create Miscellaneous Reports.
SSRS Reports: Custom Report: Membership Reports: If enabled, the profile users can access and create Membership Reports.
SSRS Reports: Custom Report: Blank Forms: If enabled, the profile users can access and create Blank Forms.
SSRS Reports: Custom Report: Transcripts: If enabled, the profile users can access and create Transcripts.
Menu > Parent
School Info
Portal: If enabled, the profile can access the Portal page.
Portal: Allow Login: If enabled, the profile can log into the portal. If not enabled, the profiles selected will display as disabled and the linked users will not be able to log in.
Portal: Grades: Allow Parent to view Grades: If enabled, the profile can view student grades on the Grades tab of the student information section.
Portal: Enable Terms and Conditions: Dependent upon the System Preference, Enable Terms and Conditions(Default School Preferences > General). If enabled, the profile will have access to Terms & Conditions. This will display a Terms and Conditions pop-up that must be signed by users before accessing the Portal and the mobile app.
Portal: Require Two Factor Authentication: Requires the profile to provide additional authentication upon logging into Focus via the Google Authenticator application. This setting removes the option to disable or Enable Two Factor Authentication from the profile user preferences screens, such as Preferences (Parents/Students).
Portal: Enable User Access to Two Factor Authentication: If enabled, the profile can enable and disable two factor authentication upon logging into Focus via the Google Authenticator application via the applicable preferences screen, such as Preferences (Parents/Students). Note: If this permission is enabled, the Require Two Factor Authentication permission check box will automatically be cleared. Only one of the two permissions can be selected at a time.
Portal: Show Previous Year Inactive Students: If enabled, the profile can view inactive student records from previous years.
School Info: If enabled, the profile can view general information about the school, including the school address, phone number, school level, web address, etc.
My Child
Child Info: If enabled, the profile can view student records.
Child Info: Show Disclaimer: If enabled, the profile will see any disclaimer set up by the district that displays when parents edit or make change requests for student information. This permission displays when the system preference, "Disclaimer for editing Student Info" is enabled via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > General tab.
Child Info: View Enrollment: If enabled, the profile can view the student's enrollment record for the current year.
Child Info: View Address: If enabled, the profile can view the student's address information.
Child Info: View Protected Students: If enabled, the profile will be able to view detailed student information of the protected students just as they always have. Profiles who do not have this permission will not be able to view select student data.
Child Info: Edit Addresses: If enabled, the profile can edit the students addresses except the primary residence.
Child Info: Edit Primary Residence: If enabled, the profile can edit the students primary residence.
Child Info: Edit Contacts: If enabled, the profile can edit the students contacts.
Change Requests: If enabled, the profile can view the Change Requests screen, which displays pending change requests submitted by parents and other users that require approval by the school.
Change Requests: Cancel Change Requests: If enabled, the profile can cancel change requests submitted by any user.
Grade Changes: If enabled, the profile can view recent grades entered as well as grade change requests made by teachers.
Class Schedule: If enabled, the profile can view the student schedule, export, or print the schedule.
Class Schedule: View Teacher Photos: If enabled, the Teacher Photo column is displayed on the Class Schedule, which displays the teacher's photo for each section, if available in Focus.
Class Requests: If enabled, the profile can view requests made by students and administrative staff.
Grades: If enabled, the profile can view the student's final grades and GPA for all applicable marking periods, exams, course information, assignments, and more.
Grades: View Grade Details: If enabled, the Detailed Report is viewable to profile users.
Grades: View GPA: If enabled, the profile can view student GPAs. If disabled, the GPA section will not display for the selected profile.
Grades: View Weighted GPA: If enabled, the profile can view student weighted GPAs. If disabled, the GPA section will not display the weighted GPA for the selected profile.
Grades: Print Transcripts: If enabled, the profile can generate and print transcripts.
Progression Plan: If enabled, the profile can view the student's Progression Plan, which displays a students progress by grade level to ensure they are meeting the suggested graduation requirements for the assigned plan necessary to graduate.
Grad Reqs: If enabled, the profile can view and print the Graduation Requirements Report, which provides an overview of student progress towards satisfying the graduation requirements set up in the student's assigned graduation program.
Grad Reqs: Show Simplified: If enabled, the profile can click Show Simplified Report in order to hide additional data including GPA, Credits, and EOC information.
Test History: If enabled, the profile can view Test History, which allows for tracking students performance on various types of standardized tests.
Standard Grades: If enabled, the profile can view the student's standard grades.
Absences: If enabled, the profile can review attendance as it pertains to the selected student, as well as attach excuse notes (if enabled by the district).
Attendance: If enabled, the profile can review students attendance records.
Referrals: If enabled, the profile can view referrals submitted by teachers or administrators.
Referrals: Minor Infractions: If enabled, the profile can view referrals designated as a Minor Infraction.
School Choice: If enabled, the profile can view the status of the school choice, magnet, or special placement application that was submitted for the student.
School Choice: View Waitlist Status: If enabled, the profile can view the student's waitlisted status.
Hall Passes: If enabled, the profile can view their student's past, current, and future hall passes.
School Choice Application: If enabled, the profile can view and complete the application created by the district.
Magnet Application: If enabled, the profile can view and complete the application created by the district.
Special Placement Application: If enabled, the profile can view and complete the application created by the district.
Student Services: If enabled, the profile can review and electronically sign applicable forms.
My Information
My Profile: If enabled, the profile can view general information pertaining to the user, as well as Attached Students.
Communication: Select the View check box to grant parents permission to the Communication screen. In order for parents to receive messages, parents must have View permission to Communication.
Communication: Send Messages: Select the View check box to allow parents to send messages to teachers and users to whom they have access. Parents must have permission to Send Messages in order to send any messages or respond to received messages. If parents don't have permission to Send Messages, all received messages will be viewable via Communication > Inbox where replies can be sent. However, all other tabs will be hidden disallowing parents from composing and drafting messages.
Preferences: If enabled, the profile can customize the look and feel of the software.
Calendar: If enabled, the profile can create and manage a personal calendar in Focus.
Request Conference: If enabled, the profile can request a conference with a teacher.
Forms: The forms listed vary depending on the forms created for use via Form Builder. Permission is set up in Form Builder. If enabled, the profile can view the form(s).
Purchase & Pay: If enabled, the profile can search for and purchase items as well as make donations.
Purchase & Pay: Use Customer Credit When Available: If enabled, the profile users can use customer credit as a form of payment when purchasing items.
Purchase & Pay: Allow Same-Day Cancellation of Payment: If enabled, profile users can cancel same day transactions.
Purchase & Pay: Allow Cancellation of Invoices with Payments Made: If enabled, the profile can cancel invoices even after payment have been made against said invoice.
Wallet: If enabled, the profile can securely store credit card information within their Wallet, as well as enable cards for automatic payment. Once saved, cards can be applied to outstanding invoices and Purchase & Pay transactions.
Wallet: Auto Pay: If enabled, the profile can enable cards for automatic payment.
Customer Ledger: If enabled, the profile can review the Customer Ledger, which displays payment history including customer information, outstanding balances, and a list of all transactions.
Customer Ledger: Simple Customer Ledger: If enabled, the profile will only have access to view the Simple Customer Ledger, which includes the following columns: ransaction Date, Transaction Number, Invoice Number, Receipt Number, Transaction Type, Course, Charges, Credits, Deferred, and Balance. If disable, users will have acces to the expanded customer ledger, which includes more payment details.
Tax Statement: If enabled, the profile users can view tax statements that include transactions for products or fees marked as 1098T eligible, allowing parents to easily track tax-related payments for before and after care services through the Parent Portal.
Applications: If enabled, the profile can start, view, submit, and edit job applications.
Job Postings: If enabled, the profile can review jobs available in the district and apply for said jobs through the job application process.
Add a Student: If enabled, the profile can open the Add a Student screen to apply for enrollment of a new student or apply for re-enrollment for existing students.
Menu > Student
School Info
Portal: If enabled, the profile can access the Portal page.
Portal: Allow Login: If enabled, the profile can log into the portal. If not enabled, the profiles selected will display as disabled and the linked users will not be able to log in.
Portal: Grades: Allow Student to view Grades: If enabled, the profile can view student grades on the Grades tab of the student information section.
Portal: Enable Terms and Conditions: Dependent upon the System Preference, Enable Terms and Conditions(Default School Preferences > General). If enabled, the profile will have access to Terms & Conditions. This will display a Terms and Conditions pop-up that must be signed by users before accessing the Portal and the mobile app.
Portal: Require Two Factor Authentication: Requires the profile to provide additional authentication upon logging into Focus via the Google Authenticator application. This setting removes the option to disable or Enable Two Factor Authentication from the profile user preferences screens, such as Preferences.
Portal: Enable User Access to Two Factor Authentication: If enabled, the profile can enable and disable two factor authentication upon logging into Focus via the Google Authenticator application via the applicable preferences screen, such as Preferences. Note: If this permission is enabled, the Require Two Factor Authentication permission check box will automatically be cleared. Only one of the two permissions can be selected at a time.
Portal: Show Google Classroom: If enabled, the profile users can connect to and utilize Google Classroom from the Portal.
School Info: If enabled, the profile can view general information about the school, including the school address, phone number, school level, web address, etc.
My Information
My Information: If enabled, the profile can view their student record.
My Information: View Enrollment: If enabled, the profile can view their enrollment record for the current year.
My Information: View Address: If enabled, the profile can view their address information.
My Information: Edit Addresses: If enabled, the profile can view their address information.
My Information: Edit Primary Residence: If enabled, the profile can edit their primary residence.
My Information: Edit Contacts: If enabled, the profile can edit their contacts.
Communication: Select the View check box to grant students permission to the Communication screen. In order for studens to receive messages, students must have View permission to Communication.
Communication: Send Messages: Select the Edit check box to allow students to send messages to teachers and users to whom they have access. Students must have permission to Send Messages in order to send any messages or respond to received messages. If students don't have permission to Send Messages, all received messages will be viewable via Communication > Inbox where replies can be sent. However, all other tabs will be hidden disallowing students from composing and drafting messages.
Change Requests: If enabled, the profile can view the Change Requests screen, which displays pending change requests submitted by parents, students, and other users that require approval by the school.
Change Requests: Cancel Change Requests: If enabled, the profile can cancel change requests submitted by any user.
Preferences: If enabled, the profile can customize the look and feel of the software.
Calendar: If enabled, the profile can create and manage a personal calendar in Focus.
Request Conference: If enabled, the profile can request a conference with a teacher.
Class Schedule: If enabled, the profile can view their schedule, export, or print the schedule.
Class Schedule: View Teacher Photos: If enabled, the Teacher Photo column is displayed on the Class Schedule, which displays the teacher's photo for each section, if available in Focus.
Class Requests: If enabled, the profile can view their requests and requests made by other users.
Grades: If enabled, the profile can view their final grades and GPA for all applicable marking periods, exams, course information, assignments, and more.
Grades: View Grade Details: If enabled, the Detailed Report is viewable to profile users.
Grades: View GPA: If enabled, the profile can view their GPAs. If disabled, the GPA section will not display for the selected profile.
Grades: View Weighted GPA: If enabled, the profile can view their weighted GPAs. If disabled, the GPA section will not display the weighted GPA for the selected profile.
Grades: Print Transcripts: If enabled, the profile can generate and print transcripts.
Progression Plan: If enabled, the profile can view their Progression Plan, which displays their progress by grade level to ensure they are meeting the suggested graduation requirements for the assigned plan necessary to graduate.
Portfolio: If enabled, the profile has the ability to add Posts, create Pages in the Portfolio, and add Resources.
Grad Reqs: If enabled, the profile can view and print the Graduation Requirements Report, which provides an overview of their progress towards satisfying the graduation requirements set up in their assigned graduation program.
Grad Reqs: Show Simplified: If enabled, the profile can click Show Simplified Report in order to hide additional data including GPA, Credits, and EOC information.
Test History: If enabled, the profile can view Test History, which allows for tracking their performance on various types of standardized tests.
Test History Report: If enabled, the profile can view the Test History Report, which tracks the name, date of administration, school year, grade level, and scores earned on every test logged in Focus.
Standard Grades: If enabled, the profile can view their standard grades.
Absences: If enabled, the profile can review their attendance, as well as attach excuse notes (if enabled by the district).
Attendance: If enabled, the profile can review their attendance records.
Referrals: If enabled, the profile can view referrals submitted by teachers or administrators.
Referrals: Minor Infractions: If enabled, the profile can view referrals designated as a Minor Infraction.
ISP Page: If enabled, the profile can view the ISP (Individualized Student Plan) Page. The ISP Page is only available for post-secondary students.
School Choice: If enabled, the profile can view the status of the school choice, magnet, or special placement application.
School Choice: View Waitlist Status: If enabled, the profile can view their waitlisted status.
Hall Passes: If enabled, the profile can view their past, current, and future hall passes.
Hall Passes: Request Hall Pass: If enabled, the profile can request a hall pass.
School Choice Application: If enabled, the profile can view and complete the application created by the district.
Magnet Application: If enabled, the profile can view and complete the application created by the district.
Special Placement Application: If enabled, the profile can view and complete the application created by the district.
Forms: The forms listed vary depending on the forms created for use via Form Builder. Permission is set up in Form Builder. If enabled, the profile can view the form(s).
Purchase & Pay: If enabled, the profile can search for and purchase items as well as make donations.
Purchase & Pay: Use Customer Credit When Available: If enabled, the profile users can use customer credit as a form of payment when purchasing items.
Purchase & Pay: Allow Same-Day Cancellation of Payment: If enabled, profile users can cancel same day transactions.
Purchase & Pay: Allow Cancellation of Invoices with Payments Made: If enabled, the profile can cancel invoices even after payment have been made against said invoice.
Wallet: If enabled, the profile can securely store credit card information within their Wallet, as well as enable cards for automatic payment. Once saved, cards can be applied to outstanding invoices and Purchase & Pay transactions.
Customer Ledger: If enabled, the profile can review the Customer Ledger, which displays payment history including customer information, outstanding balances, and a list of all transactions.
Customer Ledger: Simple Customer Ledger: If enabled, the profile will only have access to view the Simple Customer Ledger, which includes the following columns: ransaction Date, Transaction Number, Invoice Number, Receipt Number, Transaction Type, Course, Charges, Credits, Deferred, and Balance. If disable, users will have acces to the expanded customer ledger, which includes more payment details.
Print 1098-Ts: If enabled, profile users can generate annual 1098-T forms and ensure applicable fees, tuition, and funding sources are indicated.
FA Worksheet: If enabled, the profile can map out their award amounts, determine their unmet financial need, and set estimated payments.
Return to Title IV: If enabled, the profile can determine the amount they are responsible to return to G5.
Menu > Applicant
School Info
Portal: If enabled, the profile can access the Portal.
Portal: Allow Login: If enabled, the profile can log into the portal. If not enabled, the profiles selected will display as disabled and the linked users will not be able to log in.
Portal: Package: SIS: If enabled, the profile can access SIS and selected screens.
Portal: Package: Finance: If enabled, the profile can access ERP and selected screens.
The Module Report
The Module Report lists the profiles that have permissions (View and/or Edit rights) to the selected Modules.
1. For a report on profile permissions sorted by module, from the Users menu, select Profiles. Then, select the Module Report tab.
2. Select the user Role (Admin, Teacher, Parent, Student, Applicant/Vendor).
3. Select the module(s) from the Module pull-down. The module(s) you are selecting here are set up just as they are on the Permissions tab when setting all profile permissions. Modules are ordered alphabetically by menu and screen title.
4. Click the Submit button to generate the report.
5. In the report, you will see the Title of the profile, the Module, and the Access Type (permission type): View/Edit.
Using the Profiles Report
1. For a report of users listed by profiles, from the Users menu, click on Profile. Then, select the Profile Report tab.
2. Select the Role you want to view: Admin, Teacher, Parent, Student, or Applicant/Vendor.
3. Select the Profiles for whom you would like to pull permission data.
4. Click Submit to generate the report.
5. The report is broken down by User, then Profile, User ID, and the EIN (Employee Identification Number) if applicable.
Click Message to send messages to users in the report via Students > Communication.
6. For more details regarding a specific user’s permissions click on Permission Details. You could also run the Permission Report; see the section on Using the Permission Report for more details.
7. Clicking on Permission Details generates the Permissions Report in a pop-up window broken down by Module, Permission, and Access Type (View/Edit).
8. Click the X at the top-left corner of the Permission Report window to return back to the Profile Report screen.
Using the Permission Report
1. For a combination of the Module and Profile Report, from the Users menu, select Profiles. Then, click on the Permission Report tab.
2. Select the Role you want to view: Admin, Teacher, Parent, Student, or Applicant/Vendor.
3. Select the Module from the corresponding pull-down to run the report based on specific modules in the system.
4. Select the Profiles for whom you would like to pull permission data.
5. Click Submit to generate the report.
Clicking Submit generates the User Permission Report.
This report is broken down by User, Profile, User ID, EIN (Employee Identification Number) if applicable, Permission, and Access Type (View/Edit).